Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gods giveth and most women piss it away ( South Systems Syndicate)

// Tatooine
// Cantina

Perhaps this is why they lack the equipment to aim. Some women piddle their life away in a slow incontinent dribble while squatting in the shadow of a man. Others are so busy trying to overshadow men they miss the mark.

Most manage to cover up their little messes like a Nexu scratching in a litter box, but a few always get caught with their pants down. For this reason, Colette Arceneau bestowed upon her daughter the wisdom her mother bestowed upon her, 'Never wear holey underwear.'

Being an enterprising young woman, Danger never wore underwear at all.

Neigh on seven years that Dangeruese took upon the responsibility of Arceneau Trade at her father's passing, making her the sole owner and overseer of the seventh generation Trading Company based off Tatooine. While officially she'd taken the reigns at the tender age of twenty-one, she'd already been expanding ATC long before her daddy done lay six foot down. Gun smuggling be in her blood by birthright as by rule, as evidenced by the decorated acquired exotic paraphernalia done tried and true by Lorell Raider ancestry. Under her keen guidance, Danger had more than made a name of herself, expanding ATC to include the bulk of her interests in profit, information, and new tech - and it only done proved to make more than the standard pretty credit she felt she more than deserved.

There was a shrewdness in her gaze, one that was well aware of her interests and assets, and when to use them to her exact advantage to come ahead of any business dealin' she gone done or would do. Which is why the recent acquisition of this cantina was no different, providing a platform to direct contact with the South Systems Syndicate as well as drawing the interest of the more... refined taste. She wasn't some small time girl no more, she was fishing for bigger prospects that would net a bigger payout. For that, certain tastes had to be catered to, and what better place than the favorite watering hole for many of galaxies finest, upstanding criminals and underworlders.

The cool clink of ice against the wall of a low ball glass resonated in the VIP room on the second floor of the cantina, where said owner of Arceneau Trade Company stood, clad in black corseted slink that hugged the voluptuous curves of an hourglass figure that would make any red-blooded man or sentient take a good long lingering look. From under the perusal of distinctive keen emerald orbs lay the prolific patrons of various sentients, all seeking some form of diversion within the speak-easy.

Her calling card had been accepted; otherwise there would be someone who'd be paying for it. In order to prosper, one had to make use of all of one's assets. Her daddy done did not raise no fool. Hot as the blazing Chaos it could be outside, but on the inside... well... a girl had to do what needed to get done.

Even it if was to chat up a Hutt over drinks.
Excon the Hutt was not in a very good mood. A large-sized speeder that he had been moving his huge body around on for the last few years had finally broke down. Well, usually he didn't have problems with his speeders breaking down. It always tended to happen when he himself weighed a ton, not including all the mercenaries and advisors that he'd have onboard his personal luxury speeder. The problem, ofcourse, was that his speeder simply broke down in the middle of nowhere in the desert of Tatooine. It took him nearly two hours to get himself a suitable replacement. Thus, it did not make any Hutt happy to wait in the twin suns of Tatooine for such a long time.

He merely slid off his rather smaller speeder as they arrived outside the cantina, and his personal mercenary bodyguards jumped off and encircled him. The mercenaries escorted him right up to the cantina door, in which they stopped and opened the door for him. Excon barely managed to fit through, his huge body sliding across the floor. He took the stairs, one of the things he hated the most in the Galaxy, and finally made his way to the 2nd VIP floor, where the stunningly beautiful head of the Arceneau Trade Company stood. "Ah! Danger Arceneau! Good to finally see you, my dear..." said the Hutt in Huttese. He slid towards her, ready to strike a deal between her company and the SSS.
Osos had been assigned to stay with Excon by the Boss, to keep an eye on the slug. He was proud when he recieved the task. That meant the boss trusted him. Osos didn't mind the heat, and actually enjoyed it, the twin suns warming his insectoid form. He walked into the cool air of the cantina, and ordered a drink, then walked over to the Hutt and the woman they were supposed to meet. His unblinking eyes scanned her form, antennae twitching, searching for anything out of the ordinary. The human female was beautiful, and wore a black dress that accented her figure. He just stood there though, one hand holding his drink, the other on his hand crafted (Verpine) Shattergun.
"The pleasure is all mine oh most honorable Excon," came the purred reply from the voluptuous redhead, turning to face him with a wide welcoming grin. Wide hips then began swaying left to right as she then sauntered over to the Hutt.

"Would you care for a drink?" she offered, crimson lips still parted wide. After the long delay, she knew that she had to make the hutt feel comfortable. The recycled air conditioner should do the trick, at least for what it was worth. A few less degrees in temperature would do her business negotiations wonders. She did her bit of research, ensuring that only the hutt's favorite snacks and delicacies had been shipped in through her contacts with Arceneau Trade. It was a pretty credit, but worth it.

She caught sight of the Verpine, and also offered a welcoming smile, "For you and your escort?"
Dang. It was quite a shame really, that Danger already had the job as the head of her family company. Otherwise, Excon could've definitely found her a more... fitting job. No matter. He had come here on a business offer, and he was determined to be focused. Excon gave a welcoming huge grin at the offer of refreshment. "Certainly! It would be most appreciated. As for my escort... don't bother." said the Hutt, and his translator droid translated it quickly into Galactic Standard. After all, Excon wasn't too fond of his 'personal escort' assigned by Lord Durok. His 'escort' always looked at him as if he were a slimy slug (which he was.). At this point in time, Excon the Hutt felt right at home. The air conditioning seemd pretty good, not too hot or too cold for him.
Osos's wings buzzed at the Hutt's comment, clearly displeased. He calmed himself down by imagining the slug's slime splattered on a starship's viewport. He decided to make Excon look like a bit of a fool, and spoke in response to the translation.

"It's OK, miss. I doubt you have any Magenge moss anyway. I would like some water though."
She knew that this was all a game; a game that had to be played perfectly. It was best not to undermine the Hutt's decision to ignore the Verpinr, but it also wouldn't do to let the request for water slide.

Times like these is when it was all about timing and an extra set of hands; Twi'lek slave girls hands that is.

Amora was a lively Lethan Twi'lek under her care, and while Danger personally took care of Excon's drink of choice, Amora subtly offered a glass if water to the Verpine.

" For you most honorable Excon," another stunning smile as she personally offered his drink. "I must say, I am honored that you so answered my humble request... I am confident by the end of this meeting we will both come to a most pleasurable and mutually profitable beneficial arrangement. ."

Cole Renfroe

// Tatooine
// Cantina
Cole had been observing the Hutt’s negations‘, from the Cantina floor, as well as working out other suppliers for the barging chip they would likely need in the Pii system. Cole subtly kept his eyes on the Hutt as he made his rounds securing small quantities of arms, spice and medical supplies should the Hutt to fail to get Danger and here trading company to join the SSS he would make a run at her to secure the rest of the cargo they would need. Cole conclude his dealing on the public area of the cantina and made his way to the 2nd VIP floor were the Hutt’s so called negations we taking place, to Cole it looked more like the Hutt was flirting and doing a horrible job at that.
Osos was standing behind the Hutt's line of sight,not that he needed to, with the slug busy flirting with the woman. He graciously accepted the water from Amora, downing it in one gulp. He then started talking to the beautiful Twi'lek, and went over to a table with her. He didn't forget to keep an eye on Excon though.
As much of a 'slug' that Excon the Hutt was, he could now tell another one of the SSS scums had entered the 2nd floor. Sure, he was employed by Durok and was a crime lord operating under the name of SSS solely because of his grand pay. If Durok dropped even a single credit from his monthly pay, he'd go right out of their scum organization, and probably start one on his own.
" For you most honorable Excon," came the voice of the beautiful woman as she gave him his drink. "I must say, I am honored that you so answered my humble request... I am confident by the end of this meeting we will both come to a most pleasurable and mutually profitable beneficial arrangement." Excon gave her a hearty laugh and nodded. "We sure will. Now, I've got only a time and a half even for a beautiful woman like you. I'm a busy Hutt. So, shall we get started on this deal?" asked Excon as he made himself comfortable on his spot.

Cole Renfroe

Cole posted up leaning against a wall and glanced over at Osos and the Twi'lek slave girl sitting at the table with him lucky bug Cole thought to himself as he took in surrounding, his instincts told him some was wrong here he just couldn’t spot it yet but his gut told some was out of place and his gut hadn’t been wrong yet.
@[member="Cole Renfroe"]

Cardin sat in the corner of the Cantina with a neutral gaze, looking around the room with practiced eyes. His job was two fold. To protect the Boss's backup plan and serve as a hidden guard for the Hutt. He didn't much like Hutts. No loyalty in em' besides to themselves.

The heavyset man wore his standard black hooded jacket and dark cargo trousers with combat boots. For this job he'd left his sword at home and instead had a few different pistol slugthrowers of various calibers concealed on him, all suppressed. His Bantha handled durasteel knife sat in its normal location just below the knee without inhibiting movement.

As he looked around the room he noticed something odd. A small group of three Humans and a Bith were eyeing his charge with vicious eyes in an isolated corner of the crowded, loud cantina. Out of sight of the rest of the party. He saw one of their hands move under the table and calmly stood from his seat, walking behind the Bith with a practiced calm. He shot the alien just below its very large head with a small slug thrower he'd concealed along his jacket's arm. Killing him instantly.

The second had his brain scrambled inside of his own skull as the small round bounced about, leaving a neat hole in the center of his forehead. The third had a similar fate though the round took his right eye before it did so. The fourth had begun to draw but his heart began to hemorrhage before he could.

It had all happened so quickly that no one had time to cry out as they were killed. The suppressor was also sophisticated enough and the round small enough for no nose to be heard by any outside of a four foot range. None were in a four foot range. He arranged the dead so it would look like they had simply passed out from drink or other narcotics. Due to the location it was extremely unlikely they would be noticed until closing, especially given the stench that seemed to fill to fill the air as the bar already smelled of blood, sweat, and piss.

He noted the small blaster carbine the Bith had dropped and made a happy mental note. He'd made a good judgement call.
He wrote a small note to the smuggler and pretended to drunkenly bump into him.

"Beg your pardon sir." He said as he passed him the note. Informing him of the small group that may have been about to fire on him. There was also a suggestion to interrupt the meeting and move it to a safer location. He left it to the smuggler as that was not his job or duty. He did what was instructed of him with deadly precision but felt it was more befitting of the smuggler to make such a decision.

Cole Renfroe

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Osos Ned'lx

Cole took note discreetly looked it over, and gave head jester to Osos that trouble was starting to brew, he trusted his gut and again he was proved right. Now a bigger question loomed in his mind the was wrong question had seeming been answered. Now the question was two fold who was behind it and was it a move against the SSS or one of the four members in the cantina outside of their work with the SSS.
@[member="Excon the Hutt"]
Well, having the entire cantina erupt into chaos was nothing new on Tatooine. It was a dangerous galaxy out there, and having someone struck down while trying to negotiate a deal was not uncommon for Danger.

She didn’t even blink an eye. Instead she gave a half turn, that full-figured body turning over towards a buffet table where they would be able to talk more intimately. “Of course most honorable one, time is money…” there came the stunning grin, “And I am to make us plenty of it” she said with full confidence.

Word has it that you are looking to spread out Excon… head beyond this pile of sand and into the colonies… maybe even the inner core,” she took a sip of her whiskey, the rare sphere of ice she’d paid a pretty credit for cooling the fire in her throat.

I won’t beat around the bush, Excon… I can help you get there, there was a keen glint in her eyes that said she was fully ready to back her words up. “I’ve seven generations worth of profit with Arceneau Trade in my family, and through that had made plenty of connections that can help you get what you need when you need it.there came the Cheshire cat grin, After all… very few can say no to my charms…
Excon nodded to the beautiful human female, not even caring that something seemed to be going on downstairs. He followed the pretty woman to the buffet table, where he again made himself comfortable. “Word has it that you are looking to spread out Excon… head beyond this pile of sand and into the colonies… maybe even the inner core,” said Danger as she took a sip of her drink. Excon gave a booming laugh. "I'd say that probably is the dream of every crime lord here on Tatooine, my dear." As Danger told him how she could help him achieve such thing, Excon just gave his most pleasant smile. Even the most stupid creature in the Galaxy would know that most people wouldn't spend seven generation of their family's fortune on helping some stranger out without some specific reason. "What do you want, my beautiful? Name it, and perhaps I shall strike a deal with such a pretty woman like you."
"Revenge." it was uncanny how her eyes glittered like emeralds as the word rolled out of her mouth with such heated emotion.

"Help me get my revenge on a competitor... and I'll help you with all the force of my Trade company" she brought the glass of whiskey to her lips and took another sip.

"Not that a girl doesn't mind profit.... that is always a plus. Expanding Arceneau Trade will do wonders for my business... however.... revenge is the first thing i seek." she flicked her gaze over at the Hutt.

"As well as your backing for any further expansions and acquisitions.... networking beyond the outer rim into the inner core. I want in the Big Leagues."
"Revenge." it truly was uncanny how her eyes glittered like emeralds as the woman told Excon why she would be supporting him.
Excon the Hutt let out a booming laughter. "Revenge? That is one thing I can very easily provide you with..."
He had over a few dozen mercenaries at his disposal that would immiediately come sign up for an assasination mission if he ever requested one.
"As well as your backing for any further expansions and acquisitions.... networking beyond the outer rim into the inner core. I want in the Big Leagues."
Excon nodded, still grinning. "Seems reasonable. I can get you all those things. Now, then.... How shall we expand this business of yours and get you into the Big Leagues? Maybe sign a contract with our syndicate or something?"
There came the cat ate the cream kind of grin over Danger's lips, "We can certainly seal our mutually beneficial business endevour with a contract..." She was no fool, she had this set up prior to to detail what she would offer and what she would like in return.

A snap of her fingers drew the Lethan Twi'lek by her side again, this time with a datapad. In it, would be the details of the contract... save whatever the Hutt would want to change. However, since he had agreed so readily, there would be no need to change it.

"I trust it is to your utmost satisfaction most honorable one."
"We can certainly seal our mutually beneficial business endevour with a contract..." said the woman. Excon nodded as the Lethan Twi'lek brought them a datapad, with the contract inside it. He quickly read over it, and nodded. "Alright, so lets make some things clear here. I need to know specifically what you can offer our syndicate, my dear, and more importantly, me. Trust me, you'll want a worthy crime lord like me to look into this kind of revenge of yours... I know from experience that our syndicate isn't too great on providing requested services. Well, please allow me to get to my main point. Like you've stated, you're willing to help me as long as I help you get your revenge and put you into the Big League.... Well, wouldn't it be much more sensible if I just told you what I want before either of us signed this contract?" stated Excon, his Huttese greedy eyes continuing to gaze over the datapad. He took a long unnecessary pause before he spoke again. "What I desire the most, as of now, is to find a represent our glorious SSS in none other than the Galactic Senate. I yearn for political power, my dear..."
She should have known that it wouldn't be all cut and dry. Then again, dealing with a Hutt never was. One had to be careful they didn't sign their soul away...

"Representation in the Galactic Senate..." she repeated slowly, her green gaze flickering over Excon in mild curiosity. That was a tall order. The Galactic Republic was not one to sully themselves with criminals. Then again, it had been centuries since the outer rim territories had any real interaction with the core worlds. There was talk afoot. Wheels and cogs moving. From what she heard in her network, the Galactic Republic had been spreading...

As had the Sith.

Her lips pursed lightly, her mind going a million klicks a minute. It wouldn't be easy, it would take more work from her than she'd been expecting to. However... a brow rose. It would do to have someone with power in the senate. There came the upward curve of her lips. Yes... this would do well. For her. For everyone really.

"Then if it is political power you so desire oh most honorable Excon," she lightly tapped his glass with hers, "Then I would do all in my power to get you such a lofty and deserving position." Indeed, with her driving the promotional campaign, it could just work. Just needed time.... And to connect with old resources.

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