Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Giver and Taker of Life (Alexandra)

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino frowned, eyes furrowed. That was a very odd turn of phrase. Especially given the fact that this was healing, and not say, telekinesis or some other skill. What did she mean by a far different challenge? It appeared he would have to wait to find out. He had to first finish his finger though.

So he focused on that, narrowing his awareness to that injury and continued knitting and pushing the cells together to reform. Slowly the cells rebuilt nod the gap continued to shrink. It still hurt though, perhaps moreso than it would otherwise given the fact he was forcing his body heal faster than it should. The fact that it didn't damage a body more was proof of the power of the Force.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She looked down at her hand as she placed them in eachother and for a moment she looked closely at Veino as he was finishing his hand and only when he was done would she suddenly do something without the slightest bit of hesitation. A sickening, breaking sound erupted from her hand as she then lay them out infront of her, a single finger on her left hand was altered. Its direction pointing in a completely wrong wait, pain seeping from her and from the broken finger as if she should be crippled by it though she seemed to not even speak on the pain or show it.

@Veino Garn
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino looked up quickly as he heard the bone crack, and he blanched, face going white, and then green. His eyes widened. She didn't have to do that. There were other ways to teach healing. Ones that did not require such drastic measures. He swallowed nervously. "You really didn't need to do that. I don't need more friends to hurt because of me."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She turned her head and rose a brow. "You assume i would do something i could never be able to fix incase you couldn't? You wound me my friend, it was a perfectly valid way of teaching you... sorry though, i didn't mean to make you sick." She looked at the finger and moved it in such a way that the pain spiked but it looked better and was set now as she lay her hand out on her leg. "Remember what i told you before, conserve your powers and focus on sustained power rather than speed."

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Another broken bone, another place, another friend he relied on, and one who relied on him, only Veino had let him down and he now slept beneath the Jensaarai enclave beneath a cairn. That was what flashed in front of Veino's eyes. Then her words slipped through his memories and he shook his head to clear it, focusing back in on her. Right. Don't focus on speed. Sustained power.

He took a deep breath, letting the memories drift away in the pool of the Force, and its stillness penetrate the fibers of his being, sharing its stillness with him. "How does one go about healing others? The same as one's self, but with the focus on the other being?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You must place yourself in their minds and bodies, when they are injured you must flow with the force through the cracks in their being, through the points in which their injury is shown. You must take their pain as your own, experience what cripples them, experience what makes them crawl and sprawl on the floor." She looked down at her hand and then at Veino. "Be calm my friend, i am a perfect example and test subject for you, it will allow you to be able to heal anyone, if you can do it to your friend."

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino gave a low, soft chuckle. That was the story of his life for the past while, and he usually tried to avoid that when possible. It made him lose sense of who he was, and there were times it had almost washed him away in the flood of emotions and being that the inhabitants of the galaxy felt. He shook his head in surprise, before realizing she probably had no idea what he was laughing about.

"Have I ever told you I'm an empath? What you described is how I feel all the time when surrounded by others unless I use mental barriers to protect myself." But perhaps that was the key. To bring healing to someone in any context, one needed to understand them at a deep level. To do so was to take a risk, even for non-empaths, to step out of one's shoes and into anothers.

He dropped his emotional barriers, and nearly fell over as all the emotions of everyone within a hundred kilometers washed through his mind, buffeting him and sending his self into the far recesses of his brain to avoid the deluge.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Veino, focus. I know you feel it all, i know thats what you can feel. But you need to focus on the minds that are closest, focus on the one mind that you are treating. I know its easier for those of us not empaths, but you being an empath makes it easier to do this as you can fell it on an easier and higher scale then i could ever do."

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino. That was his name. Not Javal. Or Y'tun. Or any of the other names and identities that had been flashing through his head. Focus on one person. Alexandra. He took another deep breath and slowly pushed them out of his head, finding Alexandra, and focusing in on her, trying to find the pain that was the broken bone. One thing about sentient beings, he'd learned, was that they carried a lot of pain in side them. A lot of it fairly significant. Trying to locate one specific one, and one minor as a broken finger, was not an easy thing to do. A needle in a haystack, to use an old expression.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"]

She once more found herself speaking. "Veino, remember, all pain in the body is the same, emotional and physical is all the same. What you need to know is that if you don't focus on the one wound then you will be lost in a sea of emotion and pains that -will- cripple you. Visualize the nerves of the body, follow them like a highway to the broken point, and then you will find the thread of pain you are looking for."
Veino could half-hear her. Focus on the nerves and follow them to the source. It was weird, because he was getting impressions of the ideas behind the words before actually hearing them. Deja vu. He gave a slight shake of his head and focused in on the nerves, finding the most pressing source of pain, and he followed it with his consciousness, as the sharp pain began to permeate his own body. He clenched his teeth and let it dissolve into the pool that was the Force.

There was the break in the bone. Nerves first. He prodded at them, working to allow them to decrease the pain in the process. Sweat began to bead up again, and he pulled back, focusing less on speed and simply on working steadily.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"]

"Good... Keep Fo-oow." She grinned as she said that, he would know by simply feeling it that she was doing that to make him break his focus, it was dangerous of course with him in direct contact with her body's life force. She needed him to stay focused though, and would to anything to test that focus, even if it did mean more harm for her, she would not allow her friend to have preferred training and would test him to the fullest.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino paid no attention to what she was saying now. His entire awareness was focused on the nerves, and then the tendons around the bone, and then the bone itself. Not so quickly though. Time crept by slower than a snail from his perception as he nudged each cell to heal and repair itself, rejoining with its neighbors, almost pushing his own self into the cells to give them some extra motivation, or even awareness. He had no idea if that was accurate, but it was what it felt like for him.

It still wasn't finished yet, but there was progress being made. He could sense that much.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"]

Alexandra moved her hand as she knew he would be getting tired, especially with what she asked him to do. "Veino, stop please, time to rest." Her voice was soft as she put the hand in her own and jumped a small amount from the residual pain. Then her hand would close over that one and the rest of the process was finished by her, until the bones were set and their bonds returned to normal. "Boy that hurt."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino slumped as he broke off the connection, sweat plastering his hair to his forehead, and nodded, "Yeah. I know. I felt it." He frowned and moved his own finger experimentally. "Still feel it actually." Not a whole lot, but more of a ghost of some pain. That was odd. Or maybe it wasn't. He had no idea. A quick shake of his hand and it drifted away to feeling normal again.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"That was good though, better than most anyone on their first try, and you did it on a friend too, which i expected to cause complications. Not to mention your abilities to hone in on me as an Empath are highly advanced, my abilities in empathy still leave me drained but then again im not a true Empath like you are."

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino leaned back and rest his head against the boulder, listening and nodding absent-mindedly. "That's all good to hear then. If you get a chance, you might want to try being an empath." He gave a low laugh. "Just kidding. Unless you like the feel of always being pounded by waves." Then another thought on something she had said struck him, and he sat back up, "Why would healing a friend cause complications?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"SAy i was impaled and slowly dying, all the while great pains coming from me..." In that moment a blast of memories came out from her and to Veino for the very purpose she was meaning. They were standing on Ossus now, smoke and fire everywhere. "When a friend is involved in the process they could let their feelings and emotions make them desperate, for example, if you had been the one to heal me in this situation..." She waved her hand and now she and a Jedi were facing off, she charged and then that burst of pain she was talking out as she looked down, the saber clean through her body before she fell back. "Could you heal me with a clear head?"

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino shuddered slightly as the memory and feeling flashed through his mind. He had actually had a similar experience on Togoria, and he still had those two scars along his cheekbones from that event. The thought of the claws slicing through his cheeks made him shudder again. That was the million dollar question. He frowned, considering, and then shrugged. "I don't know. Not sure I would be able to know until it happened."

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