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The Giaca Conclave [Interest Check]

Name: Giaca Conclave
Location: Giaca; Unknown Regions


With so much wide spread destruction in the galaxy, the Giaca Conclave seeks to reverse some of that in their own unique means. Through self 'improvement', bioengineering and utilizing Vongforming; the Giaca Conclave desire to terraform entire worlds to return them to their previously natural splendor. While not entirely anti-machine as the Vong are, they are still distrusting of fully utilizing machinery wholesale - thus much of their technology is bioengineered, grown and living.

The Giaca Conclave is separated into three entities.

  • The Conclave - The ruling governing body that oversees worlds conquered; ensuring that they are returned to their natural splendor.

  • The Swarm - The military arm of the Giaca Conclave which conquers new worlds.

  • The Combine - The 'biomancers' that engineer, grow and supply the Giaca Conclave with their technology, vessels and vehicles.

Force Users:

The Green Faith, also known more commonly as Druids, are the FU Organization of the Giaca Conclave and serve the Living Force (some members lean towards the light or dark side). They are lead by the Archdruid; once becoming a knight, they are allowed to specialize in one of three followings.

  • The Blade Singers - Focus on Lightsaber Combat
  • The Tree Singers - Focus on understanding the Living Force
  • The Lantern Bearers - Focus on Balancing between the two former specializations.

Masters of the Green Faith are awarded the title, Master of the Wild.

Primary Focus/Goals: Terraforming worlds

All in all, the Giaca Conclave is an Eco-Group focused on terraforming worlds.

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