Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Get-Together [GADF]

Kailani Fostu, commander of GA Task Force 24, entered the Squealing Monkey-Lizard, a cantina on the 5120th level of Coruscant. As it wasn't too far down, it didn't have as many criminals as one of the levels in the depths of the planet, further towards its natural surface.

The Squealing Monkey-Lizard was the usual place for GADF members to go have fun, find romance, or gamble away their paychecks. Of course, Kailani had never been a fan for gambling. He surveyed the relatively large cantina, and saw the bartender, Terava Stavkro, waving at him. Kailani came over to her and leaned on the bar table. "Hey Terava, nice to see you again. Have you seen any other Defense Force members here?" Kailani asked.

"Nobody as of yet, but I'm sure they'll be here soon," Terav said. "In the meantime, what would you like to drink?" She half-turned to face her wall of liquor and pointed to a shiny orange bottle. "This one right here is my personal favorite. Imported from Thyferra. Let's just say they found another use for one of bacta's main ingredients," she said with a smirk.

Kailani chuckled. "Interesting, but you know I'm not into liquor like that."

Terav smiled. "Typical, Fostu." She reached below the counter and brought up a pitcher filled with water. She then picked a tall glass from a cabinet attached to the low ceiling and poured some water into it.

Kailani took the glass from her when it was full and took a swig. "Well, nothing left to do but wait."

Terava laughed. "Don't worry. As long as your friends don't show up, the water's free."

"Comrades," Kailani corrected her hastily.

"Yeesh, alright. What am I then? Just a bartender?" Terava asked, mock sorrow creeping into her voice.

Kailani didn't answer.



Admiral Zahara Myneto sat at the corner of the Squealing Monkey-Lizard, a cantina he had frequented over the years during his time stationed on Coruscant. The din of laughter and camaraderie filled the air, and the sight of GADF officers entering the establishment brought a sense of familiarity amidst the sea of strangers.

It had been a long day of meetings, and the weight of each discussion still lingered in his mind. Meetings with the High Command of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, the Ministry of Defense, and even the Senators had consumed his hours. The burdens of command often demanded navigating through bureaucracy and politics, aspects he was less fond of compared to the thrill of space combat.

But amidst it all, what tugged at his heart most was the temporary absence of his beloved ship, the ANV Defiance. She was his home among the stars, and her presence had always grounded him in the face of adversity. However, duty had called for her to be sent to the Centax II Shipyards in orbit of Coruscant's moon for much-needed resupply and maintenance.

As he took a contemplative sip from his glass, Admiral Myneto couldn't help but marvel at the camaraderie that had developed among the officers frequenting the Squealing Monkey-Lizard. For all the politics and formality in his professional life, this place offered a respite where titles mattered less, and the bonds forged in the crucible of service were cherished.

None of the faces he saw were familiar, but that was no surprise. Coruscant was a vast melting pot of cultures and beings from all corners of the galaxy, and it was not uncommon to encounter strangers in places like the Squealing Monkey-Lizard. However, Admiral Zahara Myneto felt a sense of kinship with them all, knowing that they were connected by their dedication to the Galactic Alliance and the cause they all served.

As he continued to sit quietly in his corner, savoring the moment of solitude, the buzz of the cantina began to change. The lively chatter grew louder, and the atmosphere seemed to crackle with energy as more GADF officers made their way inside. Zahara recognized the determination in their eyes and the subtle camaraderie that united them despite their different ranks and backgrounds.

"To the Alliance" he mused quietly to himself.


Squeeling Monkey-Lizard
present day

Tags: Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto

Direct: OPEN

Flight Officer Vashja Io walked into the monkey lizard, her new Revenant Squadron badge displayed proudly above her name on her right arm. She liked this sort of place, it had always been a mystery why nuetralizers were programmed for enjoyment, but she never had any complaints about that particular gift from mother.

She went in and was immediately surrounded by Alliance defence personnel of all branches. Her threat analysis systems immediately started pinging low level warnings to her. She had expected that, it was likely that many of the people in here would be from forces that had seen what House Io could do first hand and might not take kindly to her walking freely amongst their peers, perhaps she had even shot down their collegues in her previous life. She silenced the notifications and carried on, it was the life she had chosen, she had to take the bad with the good.

"What'll it be, fly girl?" The barman offered her a drinks menu. The droid looked at it and saved it into her database for reference, "Let's go for this one please.. " she requested a particularly good quality corellian whiskey which stung a little at the credit chip even at the military discounted prices, but it tasted good and it in the absence of any actual friends, it would have to do as her celebration for the new assignment.

"To Revenant Squadron!" she toasted to the bar and took her drink before gesturing for a refill.

Open to both friendly and unfriendly interaction, as long as its nothing that derails the thread.
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Coruscant, 5120th level
The Squealing Monkey-Lizard

Tag: Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto Vashja Io Vashja Io

A trio of friends laughed out loud as they entered the bar together. Up in front was a Klatooinian male in an army special forces uniform, followed by a Sullustan in a similar uniform and both wore lieutenant insignia. Behind them was a Mandalorian in emerald and black armor. On the left side of the vest was the Alliance's military seal painted crimson, symbolizing her membership.

''You're kidding me! That actually happened?" Minerva chuckled before shaking her helm.

The Klatooinian named Gakot shrugged his shoulders.

"To be fair Cap, he was drunk but definitely sombered up when he saw his new Gamorran bride smirking at him. The poor sleemo ran for it."

More laughter followed as they navigated through the tables, heading for an empty spot at the bar itself. Minerva placed an arm around each of her comrades' shoulders.

"That was so funny. Irni you ever gotten into a mess like that?"

The Sullustan sniper shook her head with an amused smile.

"Nope, nothing like that."

Each taking a seat Minerva subsequently took her helmet and attached it to her right hip. To the bartender she called out, offering some credits.

"We‘ll have some Corellian ale please."

Once the drink request was received Minerva grinned at the two lieutenants. Irni and Gakot were her closest friends in the Alliance. They had fought and bled together for the past few years, coming to know one another in ways like only close siblings would know. Getting their glasses, Minevra nodded thanks to the bartender before raising a toast with Gakot and Irni.

"To the Talons!" They all said before downing their drinks simultaneously. Sighing Minerva ordered another round for them as they relaxed.
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"Bantha's Wild."

Curses in huttese were hurled at Colonel Stazi but the pathfinder's burn scarred face and predator glare ensured things went no further. He gathered his winnings and dealt another sabacc hand. Sol needed a mission. Every day he stayed on this world he got weaker. A stubby cigarra dangled from blue lips.

"Fresh victims," he grinned when more soldiers filtered in, "Game's Corellian Spike."

Sol ordered another antakarian fire dancer and rolled the dice. Double spikes. Despite this change in fortune, he still looked confident. A skull biting on a vibroknife was sewn into worn fatigues. It was the symbol for Alliance special forces.
Here came the rest of his comrades. Through the door came Pathfinders, pilots, and officers. But here, rank didn’t matter, and they were all united under the banner of the GA.

Kailani watched the door, greeting the GADF members as they entered. Then, one man caught his eye. Admiral Zahara Myneto. He would have quite the tactical mind.

Fostu stood up, thanked the bartender Terava, and walked over to the admiral’s table. “Excuse me, sir, could I interest you in a game of Tactica? It is a Chiss strategy board game.”

Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto
Teravin's tail was a black and red blur as it swished behind him, betraying the cool smile that he kept on a calm face. He could see that many of the pilots and soldiers had divided up into their own private groups and cliques. A part of him felt him sick at the sight. Such division was impossible on Veradune where one had two choices of seating. The bar or the long table. Still, there was another part of him that kept his tail swishing and wagging while his grin only widened to show a pearly white fang. It was the part of him that loved a challenge and the thought of making new acquaintances and friends. And if there was one lesson that home had taught him, it was that friends were best made after a trip away from the long table.

"Corellian Whiskey,"
he stated, tipping his hat to the bartender. As the head covering came back to rest easily on his skull, his fingers plucked a credit from the band which he tossed over in return for the drink. "Here's to new beginnings," he toasted, a golden eye peering over to the android that sat near him. Sipping at his own beverage, he couldn't help but wonder if she drank out of enjoyment or in an attempt to fit in with the bar's more biological inhabitants.

Vashja Io Vashja Io @anyone else who wanders up.

Wedge avoided the Revenant Squadron pilots.

He already knew them.

And one was a droid.

He didn't want to drink with a droid. Drink what? Motor oil?

He sat down across from the Pathfinder, leaning forward. Wedge had a reputation as a party animal. And his skills in the sky and in space were only matched by his skills at cards, lying, and cheating. He had no marks on his uniform, off-duty fatigues, it was fresh and clean. His hair was combed (and so was his mustache). Fresh shave, plucked eyebrows.

And his shiny Lieutenant Commander marks and his Revenant Squadron pin. Battle streamers and awards hung over his right chest.

He smirked at the Pathfinder.

"Deal me in, Trooper."

Wedge, a real Hotshot.
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
It felt like ages since she had been out on something like this. No... it were ages ago! The life aboard ANV Cadence was by no means a bad one. With the comrades of the First Expeditionary Fleet, and a commander and friend like Liedran Kathause and major Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , that life was constantly changing and between blood, sweat and tears, they often had a great time. Further more, Kathryn couldn't imagine herself a life outside an arms reach of a starfighter. Every now and then though, it was pretty good to be on solid ground, meeting people she couldn't meet in space, like her family for instance. Or for that matter hooking up with Outbound Flight and captain Atlas Drake Atlas Drake for an expeditionary mission down some uncharted jungle.

So, when she now entered the Squaling Monkey-Lizard - heck of a name, by the way - she did so with both great anticipation and a pinch of nervousness. Wearing a pair of black boots with heel made her lenght pop, while the rest of her outfit consisted of denim trousers getting somewhat wider from the knees down, a purple turtleneck top and a black, short and stylish leather jacket. Her hair rested in a short braid on her shoulder. Around her neck she wore a thin necklace with two pendants in it, one Alliance insignia and one of denonian heritage, to honor her homeworld.

Kath glanced around while walking down the few steps leading down from the main enterance hall, making a quick examination of tonights type of guests. A lot that she didn't know by face, but the Alliance wasn't a small organisation either and had quite a few branches. The bar was always a good place to begin the night at, she thought, and strolled over to it and gave the bartender a sweet friendly smile.

''Hi! Full house tonight, I see? A 'Cooler, please.'' she said while taking one of the free seats and just enjoying the music in the background paired with the laughter of pilots and officers on leave for a night.

LEVEL 5120
Wedge Draav Wedge Draav OPEN

Sol took a long drag of his cigarra and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"Sure thing, ace."

His metal arm dealt two cards face down.

"Nice ribbons," the duros smirked, "Real shiny."

There were no medals on Colonel Stazi's fatigues. Just a leering skull with a fearsome reputation. Horrible thermal scars left half his face a ruin. Shell shock lurked in wild crimson eyes.

"Got a name?"

Wedge's eyes flicked up to meet the Pathfinder's. He smirked, leaning back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other.

"Ace is right."

He smirked at the Pathfinder, knowing all too well what the Pathfinder could do, and what he had done to get that patch. But he was just the same as Wedge. Wedge wore his ribbons and his streamers, and he wore that patch. Wedge wore the Revenant squadron insignia just like he did.

"Wedge Draav."

The Wedge Draav, if he had his way of introducing himself moreoften. A few drinks in, and Wedge was a lot less uptight and a lot more full of himself.

Squeeling Monkey-Lizard
present day

Tags: Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto

Direct: Teravin Arosin Teravin Arosin


"Here's to new beginnings,"

Vashja heard the toast from the man in the had next to her "I'll drink to that!" she smiled and raised her glass too him before taking it back. It was then that she recognised the man as he raised his chin to drunk and the light found his face underneath. "Lieutenant Arosin, right?" she said with a smile "Want another? Looks like we are on the same drink" she gestured to the barman who obliged her again. It wasn't like she needed to buy food or worry about accommodation so why not splash out a little.

"You're Zorren aren't you? The eyes and the tail gave it away. I've never met one before but I'm familiar with most Alliance aligned species." Her eyes glanced around every so often as her threat sensors kept noting different emblems around the room that she had once considered enemies. Up close she looked almost human, but Teravin would be able to note mannerisms and behaviours that were just slightly too controlled for an organic.

She flipped up a quick reading of the amount of alcohol she had injested, whilst she couldnt get drunk, her programming had pathways that would mimic the effect of alcohol, slowing her processes and slurring her speech, she had this switched on right now so she didn't stick out more than she needed to, but the night was still young and she had plenty of drinking to do to get the real effects.

Open to both friendly and unfriendly interaction, as long as its nothing that derails the thread.
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
While glancing around the room, a face which she thought looked familiar caught her attention. One which she had met at Gilad Pallaeon Academy on Corellia, during her time as guest instructor there. Did they have a hard time keeping the young cadets in line? Definitely! Still, it had been one of the most rewarding assignments during her career so far, and one which she had truly enjoyed.

A deep red drink with a perfectly shaped big cube of ice were presented to her, decorated with a thin peel of citrus and a white napkin acting as a disposable coaster, and Kathryn slid over the credits for it along with a generous tip for the quick service and pretty looking drink. She knew that the drinks at this place were worth the price. A nod and a smile later, she made her way over to admiral Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto .

''Tired of looking after youngsters, sir? May I join you?'' Kathryn asked in a relaxed way, and gave the older man a friendly smile, but suddenly relised that the man might not recognise her back, upon which she offered a hand to shake. ''Kathryn Foster. I did some instructing at Gilad Pallaeon under your principalship.''
Kailani looked around the room, at all the Defense Force members drinking, talking, and having fun in general. It was time for Kailani to do the same. He pulled a small metallic board out of his backpack and set it on the table in front of him. He raised his voice to be heard over the chatter. "I offer a friendly bet of, say, twenty credits, to anyone who can beat me in tactica. Has anyone played? Or would you like to learn?"

He doubted that anyone this far into Lesser Space would have heard of tactica, but there had to be some type of game similar to it. It shouldn't take too long for people to learn, if they wanted to. Besides, they had all night and Kailani considered himself a good teacher.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Sol Stazi Sol Stazi Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Vashja Io Vashja Io Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto Teravin Arosin Teravin Arosin Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

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