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Private The Genteel Jedi


Geroux Estate, Commenor Countryside

The Geroux family knew how to host a swank-soiree.

Each season, they opened up their vast estate to all manner of posh party-goers. And spring time saw them hosting afternoon tea and garden parties on a regular basis. After all, they needed to ensure their high-standing in Commenor Society. The lawn had been mowed to perfection; the blooms had opened to the afternoon sun, scenting the air with a bit of natural perfume. They had set decorations out, along with ornate services of tea, refreshments, and tall flutes of pink-hued champagne.

Seva, the Geroux family scion, stood at the edge of the courtyard with a group of peers. She had a glass of pink champagne in a dainty gloved hand and surveyed the scene down the bride of her nose. Dressed in white, she'd chosen an airy dress that suited their outdoor setting. The young artistocrat, glanced sidelong at one of their companions—Gerard Bisset—and his wandering eyes. When he noticed her gaze, he flashed her a dashing and toothy smile.

“If you'll excuse me,” Seva announced politely, and backed away from the crowd.

The smile dropped from her fair countenance the moment she turned her back, and she made for a more secluded area of the garden, away from the din of the party. She'd smiled so much her face hurt. And she'd put up with a number of advances tonight, not all of them wanted. But her parents were of a mind to match her with another high-born. But in Seva's opinion, it was all a bit much. While she adored these parties, they were sometimes... tiresome.

Stepping close to a neatly manicured pond, she knelt to examine a flower—a lily. It was flashy and fragile, like she was. Like the flower, she was pretty to look at... but could she ever be anything more than that?

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
He felt stuffy.

In part it was the outfit, but mostly it was the place. Not that these people of Commenor didn't have a lovely home and a sincere desire to host a thrilling party. They certainly accomplished it all. It just, wasn't his scene. Of course he had been invited purely because he was a drifting nobleman from a little known world and apparently someone's mother was keen to marry her into a position of power. When they'd learned he was avisiting they had insisted he come to the party, especially after hearing his family was in charge of Oaken Dawn.

As yet he had not met Seva Geroux Seva Geroux , though he had spoken briefly to her parents again. In point of fact, the lady in question had been inundated with suitors and he hadn't wished to seem as such himself. There was a reason he wished to speak with her, but the opportunity had not arisen. At least not until he noticed her wandering off into a deeper part of the garden. He watched to see if anyone would follow, but none immediately did.

"Please. My humblest apologies but if you will excuse me there is someone I need to speak to," he said to the Commenori nobles he was apeaking to.

They deferred and turned to waiting friends which allowed him to head into the gardens after her. Undoubtedly someone else would follow, thinking to interject between him and Seva, but he moved quickly, using the Force to track her, and made it harder to be followed.

He found her knelt near a pond, delicately observing a striking flower. If nothing else she had impeccable taste in plants. The fact that she seemed as delicate as the flower which she observed. She was quite the beautiful lady, and she would make someone a lovely wife, but part of him wondered if that was even what she wanted. Often times it seemed they, the children of nobility, were forced into such roles whether they wished it or not. He had vowed not to develop an attachment of such a nature when he joined the Jedi unless someone sought after him and understood the risks.

But that wasn't the case here.

"That's a beautiful flower," he said, stepping into the clear light so she could see him plainly. "Is it a favorite of yours?"
Seva turned a glance over her shoulder at the sound of a voice. She wasn't altogether surprised that someone had followed her, but she blinked when she saw it was a stranger. The young woman remained in her spot, but rose to stand and watched as he stepped into the garden light.

This man fit in with the crowd her, to be sure, but there was something that set him apart – and Seva couldn't quite put her finger on it. Nevertheless, she offered him a polite nod and quickly affected a genial smile, so as not to appear sheepish for staring.

“Indeed it is,” she replied, glancing down at the lily once more. Right now, the flower was in full spectacular bloom, but soon it would wither. “They are beautifully fragrant this time of year.”

She was still trying to place the man's image in her head, attempting to match it to memories of names and faces. But even so, she came up empty-handed. It wasn't all that odd to meet new people at these parties, their invitations reached far and wide. And so, she stepped forward to satisfy her curiosity. Flute of champagne still pinched delicately in one hand, she extended the other—clad as it was in a white glove—to him in greeting.

“I do not believe we've met,” she started. “I'm Seva Geroux, it is a pleasure...”

She left an obvious pause for him to fill in the blank.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Barrien was accustomed to a certain way of doing things thanks to his upbringing. When she extended her hand, he politely took it and lifted it to kiss her fingers. This was how one treated a lady in deference on Oaken Dawn. Though he was certain he was older, this was her home and so he deferred to her as the one with power in the situation. It was only proper.

"Barrien Siegfried, Baron of House Siegfried of Oaken Dawn and Jedi Knight," he said as he lowered and released her hand.

It was a predicament he had put her in, approaching her without someome to introduce them, but they could introduce themselves and he already knew who she was. He also knew there were others coming to find them, likely thinking the worst of his intentions or trying to make sure he didn't get a leg up. They would be alright for a bit. Besides, he had no ill intentions towards her and he hadn't followed her as a suitor. They would find no conflict if they came to intervene in polite conversation.

Speaking of which, he had been staring at her long enough that he was beginning to feel awkward.

"Forgive me for following you, Lady Geroux. I wanted to speak to you in private regarding your Force sensitivity, and this seemed an opportune time. I hope that isn't too much of an intrusion? I know these events can be quite tiring."

Very tiring. He didn't know anyone at the event and though everyone was nice he knew how the political game worked and that much of this event wasnposturing for something. He suspected the entire reason for the event was to find a suitor for Seva that woukd benefit her family's position in Commenor society. That would be incredibly tiring if it were his family doing the same for him, but he was a bastard child so they didn't much care about him. Though, one could argue the same for Seva.

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Seva inclined her head to acknowledge his introduction. A Baron of House Siegfried, she understood that part quite well. However, Jedi Knight... that title was completely foreign. Was it something like being knighted by a queen? Then, she remembered hearing about those strange Jedi—the ones that wore robes and carried strange weapons. Though she was already growing skeptical, her face remained alight with a smile.

Her brows lofted when Baron Siegfried mentioned wanting to speak with her in private. Seva's heart raced. Then, her eyes narrowed slightly in his direction.

“Pardon?” Seva drew her gloved hand up to her chest. “Force sensitivity?” She repeated the words, her porcelain skin flushed with a soft pinkish hue. Just what was he trying to say? As Seva's head began to spin with the possibilities, she forgot all about the party and the charming guests in the courtyard.

“I apologize, Baron Siegfried,” she started, trying to save face. “But I am afraid I do not understand.”

Seva, without thinking, held her breath in—and hoped that this would not be some kind of blow to her glistening reputation. No, she could not afford to sully the family name.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Ahh, she doesn't know, he thought as he regarded her and listened to her question what he had said. It was common for people her age to know that they were gifted in such a way so he had assumed she knew. It wasn't uncommon for people to not know, but he had rarely come across those who were older and unaware. Most were aware but had chosen not to pursue it.

Some people doubted the Force altogether.

He paused for a moment and then lifted his hand towards the lack. The flowers and plants and even the fish within could be felt by those who wished it. He loved nature, and feeling them made him happy. Communing with the flowers allowed him the choice of a beautiful one which he deftly plucked free with the Force and brought it across to float in front of her. A twitch of a finger moved her hair to the side and the flower settled in near her ear, accentuating her clothing quite well.

"You could do that yourself if you wished to learn," he said, offering her a smile. "You may not know it but youbare sensitive to the Force. You could be taught to touch it if you wished. I could tell the moment I saw you that you had the talent for it."

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Seva watched as a lovely blossom floated before her, and she shifted an incredulous glance at Baron Siegfried. She felt the breeze—what she thought was the breeze—against her hair, and then flower settled, tucked behind her ear. She gave a tiny gasp. That wasn't the air, was it this... force that the Baron spoke of?

“Me?” she asked, breathless. Did her parents already know? Had they kept this information from her or were they just as clueless? The questions kept adding up. And these Jedi... they were a strange lot. Her family had never paid them much mind, they didn't buy any of that peculiar mysticism. “Are you saying that... that I'm strange?” Seva took a step back.

Her hands were shaking, the flute of champagne unsteady in her grasp.

“My parents would never permit me to learn,” she blurted out, and then added in a softer tone. “Even if I wanted to.” Her trembling fingers reached up to touch the flower behind her ear, as if she needed to know that it was real.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
A laugh was all he could muster about her comment on strangeness. Who in this galaxy they called home wasn't strange in some way or shape? He certainly couldn't call himself normal.

"Not strange, no," he said, shaking his head. "Gifted would be the right term. Those with the ability to do as I just did can do many things, both good and bad. Generally we, the Jedi, try to help others using our abilities to assist. There are many consulars, guardians, or other similar things."

She was skeptical, but she alsk believed her parents wouldn't approve. It seemed strange that they wouldn't want their daughter to have such a place in the galaxy, but then the people of Commenor seemed more concerned about themselves and less about others. At least her family and those at the party did. They were well off and seemed to think that meant the rest of the galaxy was beneath them and not their problem. He didn't care for that sort of thinking. It was callous.

"You are of an age in which you can make your own decisions, are you not? Why does what your parents want mean more than what you want?"

Challenging her beliefs wasn't likely the best thing to do, but she did need to make this decision for herself.

"I could train you in secret if you wish."

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Gifted? Well, that was certainly a better word.

Though she had very little idea what a consular or a guardian really did, she realized that there must be more to these...Jedi than she thought. She'd grown up with tales of their deeds, but weren't they little more than that? Now, she didn't know what to think.

However, the Baron Siegfried challenged her – wasn't she of age? Could she not simply make the decision for herself?

Stiffening, Seva considered him with slightly narrowed eyes. “Surely—as a noble—you must know that it is not that simple,” she said. “My actions reflect upon my family, I mustn't do anything to sully our reputation.”

Turning her nose up, she realized just how stuffy and stuck-up her words were. But his offer to train her in secret had not fallen on deaf ears. Glancing across the garden, she could already see her father's hawk-eyes looking in her direction. It would only be a matter of time before he either approached or sent a chaperon to join them.

Stepping closer to the Baron, she smiled – but whispered something under her breath.

“Tonight—meet me by the stables... midnight,” were the hushed words, her way of accepting his request. “Good day to you, Baron Siegfried,” she said cheerily in a voice loud enough for anyone listening to hear.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
"They do, certainly, but you must also choose your own path and the way of the Jedi is a noble one."

She was clearly not happy about being challenged in how she handled things. He hadn't really expected her to be thrilled. At the very least she seemed keen to accept his offer, for the moment. That was good. An untrained Force user could be dangerous to themselves and others. Really he wanted to train her so she could be a fofce for good in the galaxy rather than stuck forever in the local politics of Commenor. Surely she would rather travel the stars than be stuck on a single planet.

When she mentioned the midnight meeting he nodded, but said nothing of it. It was obvious she meant that only for his ears as she raised her voice and bid him a good day.

"And to you as well, Lady Geroux," he said, offering a bow before he turned to depart.

The rest of the day he prepared, changing out the stuffy noble clothing for something he far preferred, and that was his black betaplast armor, his forearm shield and his saber lance. Unlike most Jedi, he chose an unconventional form of lightsaber because it eas a style he was most familiar with. As for the coloration, well, he had always found black to not be flashy and since it wasnt ornate armor he didn't stand out so much. Especially at night.

He found the stables a little bit early. Getting there before her meant he could make sure the area was secure, but it also meant she wouldn't have to wait in the open at night, which was dangerous for an atteactive young lady. Once there, he waited in the shsdow of the building for her to arrive.

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Seva had returned to the party, where she smiled, sipped champagne, and engaged in idle chit-chat. But her mind wasn't in any of it. The young aristocrat couldn't shake the meeting with the tall man in black, the Baron Siegfried. And when it was finally time to retire, she did so without a word to anyone.

Sequestered in her room, she some time to think. She was privileged, sitting pretty on her high horse. She'd known nothing but foofarah and being spoiled – she was born this way. Now, as she sat atop a bedspread of delicate lace, thinking things she'd never dared to think before.

Once the hour was late and darkness had fallen across their estate, Seva dressed in tan pants, a bonny blouse with a bow that tied the high neck, tall boots, and a long black coat. It was indeed an ensemble suited for riding. But she had very little idea what tonight's training would entail.

Slipping out her balcony, Seva carefully set her feet upon the trellis and made her way down.

Then, she headed for the stables. It was well out of sight and earshot of the main house, surrounded by rolling green meadows. There was a vast arena, too. As she walked, she listened for any signs of the Baron. A few horses stirred in their stalls, snorting and whinnying.

“Shhh,” Seva hissed, holding up a finger... as if the animals knew any better. “Baron Siegfried?” she called in a hushed voice. “Are you there?”

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
I am.

The words would ring in her head, but only she would hear them. The horses hadn't spooked when he arrived, but he had been light of foot despite what he wore. Growing up running through the woods, plus his Echani heritage, had gifted him with skills that many did not possess. Moving quietly was one of them and he had honestly enjoyed the chance to practice the skill again. It wasn't often called for given he spent most of his time protecting people.

He stepped into the light and motioned fkr her to follow him out into the meadow. It was a rather peaceful place at times, this planet. Were it not for the technology he would have said it was very similar tk the world he knew. It was very different, however, thanks to said technology and its prominence on the galactic stage. So, too, did itnlack an Imperial presence.

He picked a spot in the wide meadow where they were far enough from anyone to talk confortably and they could also see the stars. There, he sat down.

"I'm glad you came and I think you will be as well," he said, motioning for her to join him. "Tell me, Seva, how much do you know of the Force?"

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
A tiny gasp escaped Seva, and she came to a halt when the Baron's voice spoke... into her head. Her eyes went wide and watched as he emerged from the shadows. He beckoned for her to follow, and she did, moving out into the meadow. The horses had not grazed this particular pasture as of late; the grass grew tall and the wild flowers were plentiful.

Once Baron Siegfried had chosen a spot to sit, Seva remained standing for a moment or two. A lady did not sit upon the grassy ground, not unless there was a picnic blanket spread upon it. But, she lowered herself down to sit upon her knees.

Then, he posed her a question. How much did she know of the Force?

She knew next to nothing about it. “It is what people like you—the Jedi—use. Isn't that so?” Seva's shoulders rose into a slight shrug. Still, it was a concept tough to grasp, hovering right beyond her understanding. “I do not know what it is...” she finally admitted.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Where he came from ladies did a lot of things differently. In fact, many of them were the ones who held the power. His cousin, for example, was head of the entire House when he left. She would have had no problem taking a seat on the grass to listen. But Seva was a different sort of lady than that. She was more sophisticated or refined. Perhaps both would have been the best way of describing it. Asking her to sit on the grass seemed out of her zone of comfort as she remained standing, but she did kneel eventually. Which was good because he hadn't brought anything for her to sit on.

The answer she gave explained a lot of her reaction when they had met.

"Yes, it is that," he agreed before waving a hand to their surroundings. "But the Force is also everything you see here. It is the essence of life within our galaxy. All beings are born or created of it and have it flowing through them, some just have a stronger connection to it. Inanimate objects like rocks, or metal do not have it, but can be affected by it. Each blade of grass can be felt in the Force once you've worked out your connection to it."

He reached out his hand and caused the grasses and flowers around them to rustle even though there wasn't a breeze to do so. Several of the flowers even bent towards her, as if asking her to touch them.

"Plants and animals have wills of their own, but only those with the Force can really discern them. Close your eyes and forget about everything but the flowers around you. Try to feel them without touching them."

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Despite not knowing anything especially useful about the force – at least she hadn't been completely wrong in her answer. That would have been mortifying. Her doe-eyes took in their surroundings with mild interest as Baron Siegfried mentioned that the force was everywhere.

She watched as the flowers leaned their stalks towards her, bent – literally – to the man's will. Her gaze lingered on the open palm of his hand for a moment. All of that, with but a small movement. Could she really be capable of such things?

Seva bit her lip when Barrien gave her instructions.

“I'll try,” she said, but perhaps for the first time since their meeting... her tone was uncertain. The young woman wasn't quite even sure how to feel something without reaching out to touch it.

Slowly, she let her eyes close and she attempted to do as he said. Forget about everything, bah! She drew a deep breath. What exactly am I supposed to be doing? Then another breath. This feels silly, I can't believe I am sitting here... meditating.

Seva finally quieted the thoughts, letting the whispers drift away. Until she was certain that someone was humming. The sway of the flowers and their petals reached out, little tendrils that she could somehow sense. Then, Seva's mind reeled at the sensation and her eyes snapped open.

The breaths came swiftly, like she'd just had the shock of her life. Her fair skin a shade or two paler.

“Did... did I?” she stammered. “I felt it.”

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
At first she struggled. She may not have realized it, but the face gave away a lot about what someone was thinking. He was adept at reading people, though he never knew why. The only guess he could make was that it had something to do with his Echani heritage. They were skilled fighters. Reading people was probably necessary to be a skilled fighter. Maybe he should spend a little time with them and learn from them a bit whst it meant to be Echani. He was the former Queens brother so surely they wouldn't shun him.

3ventually her face settled into a more relaxed expression. He kept his grasl on the Force close to home, only allowing himself to feel if ahe touched it. Interfering with her trial would make life all the harder for her. And he was rewarded when she grasped it, although it clearly came as a shock to her, given her reaction. He couldn't help but smile.

"Isn't it a wondrous feeling to feel so much life around you?" he asked, brushing his fingers against the petals of a flower. "Try it again, but this time don't let it surprise you, and instead use your connection to beckon the plants to tell you what they see."

Behind him, far enough away that he wouldn't be able to see it, was a deer that was grazing. He had felt it earlier when he was making the grasses and flowers move. If her connection was strong enough to commune with the plants, they would undoubtedly tell her it was there.

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
It was indeed wondrous— enough to leave Seva quite speechless, for once. Still reeling, she drew a few breaths before nodding that she would try again. Her brow twitched. It was with some disappointment that she found the strange state of 'being' in the force unattainable right away. Hadn't she just be there? But the young woman persisted, letting her mind grow quiet and her concentration expanding.

This time, she focused on the flowers.

It was almost like little whispers around her. There was a little flower close to her knee—a white daisy. A faint smile found her face as she sat, eyes closed. Then, she canted her head slightly to the side as if listening to something in the distance. What was that sound?

Now that her focus shifted to what was very much like a pulse, a beating heart, it alerted her to something else. It was an animal—peaceful, graceful, but tense with caution. It was a doe, nibbling in the meadow.

“There's a deer, isn't there?” she asked, her voice hushed.

And Seva remained in this state, ready to receive additional instructions if he had them. She noted, too, that she could hear the Baron's pulse in the force, steady in the surrounding darkness.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Again she struggled, but not as much as she had the first time. Most newcomers to the Force found it difficult to make that connection for quite some time, but they usually were able to do it at will within a few weeks if they practiced enough. He had no doubt that she would be able to make a strong connection to the Force whenever she needed to as long as she continued to practice even when they weren't training.

When she mentioned the deer he smiled and nodded, though with her eyes closed she wouldn't know he had done so. It was mostly him assuring himself that she did, indeed, have the gift.

"There is," he said, his voice soft in effort to not disturb her.

This was where he pushed the boundaries of what she could do. Her connection was tenuous, but he was certain that if she remained concentrated on the tasks given to her then she would be able to see them through. The harder the task was to complete, the stronger her connection to the Force would become. In addition, testing the limits of her abilities would allow him to determine what she was best suited to studying, which in turn meant that he would be better able to teach her. It was important to determine if she was well-rounded or if she was particularly suited to an aspect of the Force.

"See if you can call it over to you and get it to nuzzle your hand."

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux
Eyes still closed, she continued to sense the doe. Next to her, she heard Barrien's low tone and smiled as he confirmed. The corner of her mouth twitched momentarily, and she drew another breath to attempt the next task.

Now, just how would she call the deer?

It was impossible to do vocally, of course. Then, his instructions made more sense. Slowly, as though tip-toeing through the field, she let her presence reach out towards the animal. And the doe responded, stepping closer.

It was odd and exhilarating to feel life this way.

How would life had been different if she'd known about the force all along? The question disturbed the quiet in her mind, and her beckoning flow towards the doe ceased, and her connection to the force withered. Seva's eyes snapped open just in time to catch the flash of white of the deer's tail as it disappeared into the woods. The girl looked down at her empty palms as if something was missing.

In the wake of her failure, frustration set in, and she closed her palms into fists. “What am I mean to do with... this,” she gestured widely as if to show the living force around her. “What do you—Jedi—do, exactly?”

And she did not speak her last question, but the thought remained; what if I can't do it?

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Things were going well and then they weren't. He couldn't tell what had caused her to lose het control, but it must have been something outside of his control. They weren't about to be interupted as far as he could tell. Unless someone that was able to hide their presence was sneaking up on them, which he doubted because she wouldn't know that either. Regardless of the cause, she absolutely lost her connection and the deer went running off into the night, which was unfortunate.

When she opened her eyes and balled her fists he knew she was about to be a bit upset. Sure enough she let her emotions get the better of her and he said nothing of it. All he did was sit there and listen as she asked her questions. It sounded as if she was doubting the need for training.

"Jedi help people and preserve the peace," he said, sitting calmly. "That's what we are supposed to do, anyway. We help people solve difficult issues and we sometimes are forced to fight. Our connection to the Force helps with both."

Usually. Sometimes it seemed to make situations worse. He could recall times where he had been looked doen upon because of his abilities and where people hadn't trusted him as a result. It was a problem, but those who were well-equipped could get past the issue. That was the point of training Seva. If she knew what she was doing and was confident in her abilities she would be better able to handle situations that might arise as a result of her role in society.

"Guardians of society. Always a good name for us. And it's alright to get frustrated when you first start, but you have to be able to let the frustrations go and start again. For example, why don't you try lifting me from the ground? Size matters not, only will. Remember that."

Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

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