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Public The Frego Circuit: No Rush Track [Darkwire Swoop Race! Open to gamblers, audience, and ne'er-do-wells]





Darkwire is hosting an exciting event on Frego to get some high-intensity low-stakes (but high-profit) Swoop action. It's time to inject some levity into our often dreary Corporate Dystopia with some fun for everyone, whether you're a racer, a gambler, or a duplicitous audience member with ulterior motives and a secret agenda. We will have a handful of racers from the Darkwire faction saddling up in Swoop Bikes for the chance to win a Grand Prize in a test of true skill, determination, grit, sneakiness, and maybe a healthy dose of luck!
As always, this Darkwire thread is open up to our friends and interested parties to act as audience members, gamblers, or maybe something more subtle and sinister, but racers will be from our own faction and only they will be eligible for the Grand Prize. Despite this though, there may be some opportunities for individuals to potentially affect the outcome of the race through nefarious means, which Darkwire Staff will judge to keep it fair for our racers but to keep the story interesting!
At any rate, the No Rush track will be a series of sixteen turns with unique features, and will be finished once the racers cross the final turn. Racers will be permitted to arm themselves, so long as their weapon is a slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning instrument that cannot melt through a Swoop Bike or cause it to explode when coming into contact with any portion of a Swoop Bike. Ranged weaponry is prohibited, but tools which can physically affect another racer are permitted on a case by case basis; anything which can remotely cause the destruction or detonation of a Swoop Bike or its racer are strictly prohibited. Violators will be disintegrated* remotely.
*All racers signed waivers forfeiting their rights to life, liberty, and profits should they be found in violation of the contract regulating this Corporate Sponsored race, including the right not to be summarily disintegrated without proper legal due process, as implied by the right to "life". Corporate sponsors cannot be held liable for any damages or incidental molecular misconduct, by any entity representing the signatory, and hereby waives all responsibility for the atomic bonds here indicated and implied.
Out of Character, the rules are as follows:
  1. STARTING POSITION: At the beginning of the race, each racer will roll a die (number of sides determined by number of participants) at the beginning of their post to determine their initial starting position
    • (EXAMPLE: If a racer rolls a 1, they are in first position before the race begins; in the case that two racers roll the same number, whoever rolled first keeps their position, and the second racer must roll again until an open position is available to them).
  2. ROUNDS: A Round will be defined as the period between when all Racers have posted once, after which a member of Darkwire Staff (Myself, most likely, as the Darkwire Cultist) will make an NPC post to describe the outcomes of all actions taken, with the exception of any combat interactions between racers. Any combat will be handled by writers, and NPC post will only step in if there is a unresolved disagreement, or a racer has been absent without communication for longer than 48 hours.
  3. ADVANCING RANK: In the first post a Racer makes each round, they will advance two turns on the track automatically. Additional turns on the track can be earned by rolling to ADVANCE, which will serve as a contested roll between the rank immediately ahead of a racer, and immediately behind a racer. If a racer rolls higher than the racer ahead of them, they will gain two additional turns completed on the track, possibly putting them ahead. If a racer rolls lower than the racer behind them, the racer behind them will gain additional turns which may allow them to surpass them. If a racer rolls higher than a racer behind them, they may advance one additional turn. If a racer rolls the same as a racer behind or in front of them, this is a Tie and results in both racers advancing one additional turn. Victory will be achieved once the racer(s) with 16 accumulated turns crosses the final turn by the end of a Round. If there are multiple racers with 16 turns complete by the end of a round, they may make one Final Contested Roll between them to determine who crosses first; if this ends in a Tie, there will be multiple winners crowned.
    • (EXAMPLE: If a Racer is in Rank 3, and their roll to ADVANCE is a 15, while the Racer in Rank 2 rolls a 14 or lower, the Racer in Rank 3 will advance two additional turns. This may, or may not put them ahead of Rank 2, in which case they would advance to Rank 2 should they have more turns completed. If the racer in Rank 4 rolls a 16 or higher, however, it will grant the racer in Rank 4 additional turns that may allow them to pass whoever ends up in Rank 3 should they have more turns completed.)
  4. DETERMINATION POINTS: Each round an NPC post will be made that will grant a DETERMINATION point which a racer may expend to re-roll any roll for the rest of the race (though they may not have more than one DETERMINATION point, and may only earn one per round) to racers that have written particularly well in a given round. A re-roll will not replace the old roll if the old roll is higher.
    • Where racing is determined by dice roll, combat and battlefield effects will be handled by writers communicating with one another what hits they will take and how they respond. Depending on response and cooperation, an NPC post may award DETERMINATION points to appropriate writers for handling challenges well or writing an interesting story together.
    • It is encouraged that all writers in the thread (Racers and Non-Racers alike) suggest other writers (Racers) to be awarded these points for unique or interesting responses to challenges.
    • By the end of the race, the writer who earned the most DETERMINATION points but did not come in 1st will be given special recognition with an UNDERDOG PRIZE.
  5. EQUIPMENT: All equipment used by a racer should be clearly listed and linked wherever applicable, to include their Swoop Bike if it is a specific model. All equipment is subject to review by Darkwire Staff, and can be retroactively vetoed at any time should it prove problematic. In all cases where this may occur, you will be notified and communicated appropriately, so that an appeal can be made in case a misunderstanding is had.
  6. THE CASSUS AKOVIN STINKS RULE: Since I am a member of Darkwire Staff, to avoid conflicting interests and preferential treatment, Cassus Akovin will be exempt from earning DETERMINATION POINTS and his equipment will be vetted by other Darkwire Staff members while I am participating in the race.
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You've all been added to the roles requested thus far!

Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta the first post should be released sometime later tonight, or sometime tomorrow. Hopefully that is enough time, but I'm sure they may be some time before the first round is complete if you were interested in joining, so long as we can swiftly determine the exact number of entrants for the purposes of the dice game :p
RACERS! Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx , Xan Deesa Xan Deesa , Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket , Helena, Yula Perl Yula Perl

SPECTATORS! Daiya Daiya , Mliss Roo Mliss Roo , Len Vert Len Vert , Cazzun xataar Cazzun xataar , Gray Venasir Gray Venasir , Ar'tal Ktruok Ar'tal Ktruok , Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx

After some deliberation between Darkwire Staff and our Creative team, we've decided with the popularity in the sign ups for this thread we are going to be splitting it into two sections!

  • One thread will deal exclusively with the racers, so they can focus on their competitors and any effects on the track.​
  • The other thread will deal exclusively with the audience spectators and any gamblers or otherwise, and how they might effect the track.​

Both threads will feature an NPC post that details any effects that cross over between the two, and give a play by play summary of the race after every Round. Between these posts is the time you can petition for a writer to be rewarded for great writing and sportsmanship (For Determination Points), or if you are of a nefarious variety, conduct actions that may effect the results of the race (sabotage, misdirection, etc.), and these effects if applicable will be communicated to the racers in their thread!

A gambling den will be a prominent location in the audience thread, so please, spend your money on us ;)

Happy racing!

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