Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Forgemaster - Sithspawning and the like

The name should be familiar, as I've done at least two takes on the character idea before. Firrerreo is one of those special cases of a character who's base concept I love, but whenever I try to put it into effect I add some extra stuff and that extra stuff just doesn't ever click right. So, this is attempt number 3, but more baseline towards the core idea I had originally:

A Sith Alchemist who goes by Firrerreo, the name of their species, because names have power. Fun bit of information about the species is that they tend to go by the species name rather than give out their own name for that exact reason. Honestly was very surprised the name wasn't in use when I made the account. So, it's not his name. He goes by Firrerreo, and only Firrerreo. Nicknames and titles aren't allowed, because that suggests someone has power over him. Unless of course he's serving someone, which he'll go by Forgemaster (You get why.)

I'm looking for stories for him. Something to help kickstart my fickle muse and let me really get into the character and make this one work. I think it will, I like the idea and I haven't filled it with a bunch of craziness that'll detract from what I want. He makes monsters, he doesn't let people call him anything but Firrerreo, and he's Sith. With just those three bits it should work out well. So story ideas:

- Jedi, good guys, etc. He makes monsters out of people and animals, so getting into conflict with him about that is pretty on brand.

- Sith. He makes monsters. Which could be your army. He might either serve you, or just help you out because he believes that Sith united are stronger.

-idk something else. He's a blank slate, really. And that's a good thing for me cause it lets me really experiment and change things as I go.

Hit me up, you know how it works.
As the (UNOFFICIAL REPEACT STAFF UNOFFICAL) Student of Valkorion's broken force ghost, Damion might be somewhat interested in what the potential would be. Zakuul And Draconia Do need its army's bolstered a bit, and the Current Kaiser Of Draconia, and Monarch of Zakuul might refuse such an army, But Damion knows he will need all he can get, and when the time is right, will require service

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