Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fifth Sister

Fifth Sister


NAME: The Fifth Sister
FACTION: The Empire - Mirrorverse
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Dathomirian
AGE: Young
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.70 m
WEIGHT: 63kg
EYES: Crimson
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Darkside pallor with corruption bruising.

+ Zabrak Heritage - A second heart and a great resistance to physical pain.

+ Torture Technician: The Fifth Sister is well versed in illusions and excels in mindtricks, but her specialties lie in those of a mentalists. In manipulating and altering the Force to torment her quarry's minds during re-education.

- Hair-Trigger Temper - Flies into a rage at the slightest provocation.

- Force Drain Addict - a double edged sword. The more she consumes the Force from others during her re-education sessions, the more heady the high and fall to corruption.


Light blonde hair kept in a tight braid at the crown of her head. A pallor casts her tattoos in stark contrast to her pale skin. She has small vestigial horns that peek among her straight slicked back hair. Bright crimson eyes and a noticeable corruption of the Darkside in the form of mottled purple bruises around her eyes.

She wears her spidersilk armor like a second skin against her voluptuous figure, and normally wears dark muted colors of an inquisitor.


The individual known as the Fifth Sister serves as an Inquisitor of the Empire...

*Trying to find original bio from files >_<

Sith Inquisitor Ship.


Force Powers:
  • Telekinesis
  • Thought Shield
  • Crush Opposition
  • Force Choke
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Fear
  • Inflict Pain
  • Taint
  • Force Bubble | Protection Bubble | Force Barrier
  • Sith Battle Coordination

  • Force Clouding
  • Mind Trick ---> Force Illusions - Mentalist based.
  • Drain Knowledge
  • Force Subjugate
  • Memory walk
  • Mind Shard
  • Consume Essence
  • Dark Heal

Draven Carter

Imperial Agent (Mirrorverse)
[member="Fifth Sister"]

Fifth Sister said:
- Hair-Trigger Temper - Flies into a rage at the slightest provocation.


Don't forget to check and see if you accidentally saved your bio in your temp files. If anything else, just open up File Explorer or Computer and search for it by the title in the search bar.

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