Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fallout: Butcher Of Korriban

The rogue commander of the Silver fleet, Charzon Loulan, has been detained and held in secure isolation in the Voss Temple of the Silver Jedi. Diplomatic meetings have taken place across the galaxy to ensure fragile alliances are not lost, and new ones can be forged.

A volatile meeting with the Mandalorian Clans led by [member="Keira Ticon"] has left a sour taste in the mouth of Grandmaster Heavnshield and his closer allies as they try to right the wrongs caused by any means they can before all hope it lost.

Travelling to Korriban City, the heart of where the bombing occured, Thurion is joined by his wife Coci and also by Connor as they survey the aftermath, do what they can to help, and work out just what their next steps are to lay this tragedy to rest and move forward as an Order and establish their standing in the eyes of the galaxy...

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The Cost Of War

The City Ruins
Korriban, Horuset System
How long had it been since the Korriban bombing? To be honest, Connor had no idea. It felt like months but it just been weeks. Since that one incident that emerged from a trigger happy commander, it held led to numerous heated diplomatic discussions between suspicious Sith, volatile Mandalorians and peace-loving Commenors. And everything in between.

In total; one big headache.

Following the winding-down of such talks, the next piece to put in the jigsaw nearing compleition was to visit the bombsite of Korriban City itself. Medical aid and supplies had been en-route to Korriban days before the arrival of Connor and the Grandmaster and his wife.

There seemed to a blanket of mist and dust from the works lingering high in the air as the sun burnt down above it. The effects of the bombing were plain for all to see as relief workers and pockets of rescue teams and laborours continued their work. You could smell the burnig in the air. The molten metal; the fuel and ammunitions; the fire.

The death.

It was time to survey what had been done and see the effort in repairing and re-building broken lives and a wounded planet.

Following this visit, the trial of said commander, Charzon Loulan, would commence to put this whole incident to bed and enable the Order, and the galaxy, to start to move forward to remember the larger threat looming on the horizon.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Thurion had been wary on their way to the heart of the Sith; he'd remembered what [member="Velok the Younger"] had told him on Muskree, about how his people would be free to follow the temporary treaty or no. Not to leave out the Mandalorian Crusaders who had just hours ago pissed on their hospitality. Raising a hand to his forehead, this whole mess had left him with what felt like an incurable headache. In one instant the whole galaxy had turned on them, judging them based on one singular mistake that was not even made by one of their own. It told him of his willingness to see only the good in people, when in reality there was far less of it.

Now walking through the rubble and debris of Korriban City, he was able to put all that stuff behind him and focus on helping people; what Jedi were supposed to do, and not spend days and weeks in diplomatic talks. While undoubtedly horrifying to witness the aftermath of such terrible destruction and suffering, he also found the experience to be a refreshing change of scenery. He needed to see it with his own eyes, for the sake of his soul.

There were no robes in use today - best not to attract unwanted attention by dressing like a Jedi. There were sure to be survivors looking to blame the people sworn to protect them. All around them medical personnel and relief workers were already hard at work clearing the rubble and treating the wounded. It seemed a slow process, considering the event happened weeks ago. His hand squeezed Coci's tight.

"There are so many of them," he said. "So many who have lost so much..."

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was not with a hardened heart that she stood next to her husband with no emotion in her, nor the show of any emotion crossed her face, but total numbness as she looked over the destruction of the city. Not even shock at the sight, for she had seen this scene so many times over the years and it is just another one of those unfortunate events of the war against the evils of the galaxy. In fact, it had not been the result of a war in the true sense of it, but rather a continuation of the long story, the history of the Sith and Jedi. There had been other events in the past of people doing something similar, Corellian came to mind, Coruscant as well, this bombardment had not been the first nor would would it be the last, someone somewhere would take it upon themselves to move to action in such a way that would bring down condemnation of the galaxy. And rightly so.

Where they, the Silver Order, responsible for this? Not directly no, no order had been issued for this. But a woman operating under their banner had and so they are. There is no accounting for such things, the actions of Charzon or anyone else for that matter are out of their control, how could they possibly manage what people do? Jedi are good, but not that good .. contrary to popular belief Jedi are not all seeing or or knowing.

Yes, so many had lost so much, that now evident before them, and they are now forming part of the greater history of war and there will be more death to come for there will be more conflict not only on their horizon but across the galaxy. This is not the only pocket of conflict that will see destruction of a grand scale, that much she knew. However, all they can do is try and stop it where they can and when it arises once more. No Jedi robes she stood in either, not out of any concern for facing those that would want answers, but more out of respect for those now death. They had failed them and it is them and their families that the leadership of the Silver Order have to face, not the Mandalorians, or the rest, but fathers, and mothers, sister, brothers and children now without loved ones. Homes can be rebuilt .. lives can not.

"There are people here who will want answers .. so lets go and find them". She gripped tight Thurion's hand, to steady herself as well as him. All the diplomatic talks, all the answering to the galaxy at large means nothing now in the face of this.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]
Connor walked behind the couple, kicking over some rubble as he walked, and scooping down to pick up a block of metal to throw in a nearby skip. The bombing really had made a job of levelling the immediate area, and fanning outwards many of the buildings were damaged and partially standing. It looked like a rampage had spread through the streets, not from above.

"We have no answers," he said from behind. "None that anyone will want to hear. Look how we’ve given answers to both sides already, and nobody is happy."

He looked around the wasteland, not being able to see too far ahead in the distance or up above to the orange sky. It was warm, quite close, and he chewed on some fruits as he walked surveying the destruction.

"You know that whatever happens to Charzon, we’re going to be the bad guys for a long time. We can’t afford to give up our principles to make everyone happy."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
He found himself in a sort of daze as they wandered the broken streets of Korriban City, not really paying attention to what either Coci or Connor said. There was too much for his weary soul to take in, and he needed time processing it. A look of disbelief seemed etched into his face, with widened eyes and mouth slightly agape. The thought that they had played a part in causing this destruction was horrifying; even though no Silver Jedi had given the order or partaken in the bombing, it did not make them blameless.

As they turned the corner, there sat a pair of children on their knees amongst dust and debris doing everything in their power to dig something, or someone, out from beneath the rubble. It took but a second for Thurion to run over to them to help out, unzipping his leather jacket and tossing it aside before joining them on his hands and knees in the dirt. The children were either too shellshocked to notice the stranger helping them, or too preoccupied to care.

Thurion worked tirelessly to rid them of the larger pieces of rubble, until he'd removed one particular piece to uncover a lifeless hand sticking out from beneath the rest of the rubble. When the two children noticed they crawled over on all fours and fit their smaller hands into the larger one, whimpering as tears rolled down their cheeks. Thurion slumped to his knees, feeling just as unable to help as he had when watching the flames claim his brother all those years ago. As the children wept for the person buried beneath the rubble, so did he.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]
She too walked on through the rubble and dust. There was no words that could ever describe the scene before them all and more importantly, the loss and death felt through the force. The darkside held victory this day, and only strengthen because of this, she felt the sickening sense of it. Yet there was so much condemnation from those that held little right to it, what is that old saying? he who is without guilt cast the first stone. She wondered just how many that voiced their so called judgement over the Silvers had the right to do so. Not many...

This was not an invasion but war eternal against the evils of the galaxy, visited on them as they do to the sith from the begin of their existance. And it happens .. there are those that suffer for it. Peace and the fight for it comes at a deadly cost. As Thurion moved off toward some children, Coci did not follow but moved toward a small group she had spotted transporting all manner of this from debris, bodies and supplies.

She cared little about who would know of their arrival and had long since cared about what the sith would think, this was greater then them, greater then all of them and she would offer help in any form she was able to give. Coci noticed the supplies being off loaded from a ground vehicle, it was food and water and without hesitation she pulled up her sleeves and help deliver the much needed help. The people around her cared little about her or where she had come from, the only thing on their minds was getting the supplies to families that needed it.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

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