Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall of Soceras -- pm for invite

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

James let out a heavy sigh. A very heavy sigh. Denying him drink was like denying him air. It was going to hurt a lot.

"Well, at least let me 'ave some smokes," he grumbled, "if I ain't getting any spice or any drink, I at least need me Tatoowine Reds. Or there be serious problems, ye know. Serious problems."

Dealing with three kinds of substance abuse withdraw all at once would be too much for him and could even damage him physically. He could handle going without spice for a bit longer than tobacco or alcohol. He moved forward uneasily towards the messhall.

"Aye, I seem to be a carnival attraction to folks who cain't seem to know when to quit," James said sourly. He shook his head and sighed, "9 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, and 3 hours."

For an alcoholic it was incredibly accurate. He hadn't forgotten the Bombing, it was etched in his memory forever. He grabbed a tray, "What's happened? How be Gray and Kay and Ryn?"
[member="James Justice"]
yeah I'll make sure you have some smoke, cant cold Turkey ya on everything rather not see you dead from that friend

She moved beside him staying close so just in case he decided to fall over. Doors opened up to the mess hall with some of the crew eating on their break or some slimy having a drink and chatting

damn...didnt seem like young ago...

Trailing off she looked that time she had divorced and gotten married and had a kid of her own...became queen of another planet and soon after battle master

kay has stepped down as queen theres...been a lot happening within commenor and to her, gray i....we divorced and I dont know where he is...ryn as well I dont know where he is either I just know where lay is

She said as they were given a bantha steak some potatoes and gravy on the plate

almost to much has happened...let's sit and we can talk it over
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

"The galaxy turns with or without me," James said as he grabbed a sandwich off the mess hall's food line. The droid behind the counter gave him a disproving look. James gave it the finger back. He turned and shuffled to a table, listening to the list of victims to time. Everyone of his old gang was gone.

He set his tray down and followed it with a heavy sigh. "I guess I dunna what I expected."

He pulled a bit of bread off the corner of the sandwich, popping it in his mouth thoughtfully. "Gray were never the same after he lost is 'and. Broke 'im." He was hardly one to judge for people being broken. He chewed methodically. He knew better than to ask, to try and get involved, they were better off without him in their lives. "And--me kids? Ye know anything about 'em?"
[member="James Justice"]

She nodded, still saddened her to this day...all the words she was called...she sighed herself and closed her eyes as she took a minute to think then opened her eyes

they...are off in their own lives...those I knew I kept eyes on watched them carefully till i knew they were safe...I've bot kept track in awhile crazy my end

She took a bite of the potatoes and then thought for a minute

imahalyan was attacked by the droids...a hrd had framed the planet for murder of the droid council...
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

James swallowed the lump of bread in his mouth. It was for the better, he decided. They should move on. With the steady stream of credits he ensured that would keep them afloat, but away from him, it was better this way. He couldn't love them, his love was broken. He couldn't care for them, his care was marred by his selfishness. God alone knew even [member="Rashae"] was a child of his and he had tried to bed her before finding out they were related. It had been the nail in the coffin that convinced him, he couldn't be a father. He was by far too far gone.

He quirked a brow as she said things got crazy on her end, then she elaborated. He grabbed his sandwich in both hands, taking a bite from it. "They be droids ye can't exactly murder 'em."

He shook his head, chewing then swallowing. "I shoulda been there."

Its not like he could have done much, but Justice Shipping might've made a difference in the long run. Or in the very least, he could have made the victory more costly.
[member="James Justice"]

we pushed them back...ended up fighting the main man nearly lost my life but ya came to help

She placed a han don her stomach, right where the scar still remained upon her...she looked up to him and offered a small smile

I uh...know a group that would be perfect for you my sister runs it in fact needs sort of people like you
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

James set his sandwich on the plate and folded his hands. He knew that his kind, the criminal murderers, smugglers, pirates, assassins, and moral-less killers filled a niche in society's needs to do the unthinkable. James never thought to think since Leigh died if he wanted this life. And after that, he had no intention of stopping or looking back. He had a choice now; he could stop. He could be something else. Soceras was done for. As far as the rest of the galaxy knew, James Justice, womanizer and hedonistic criminal at large was dead. Never before had the man faced so many options.

"Who?" He asked, sealing his coffin. "Where? And how soon will I be doin' it?"

All that mattered now was getting back in the saddle to making the Thetans pay for what they did to Dal'Bor. Gaining allies and funds again was the first step.
[member="James Justice"]

She leaned forward, business mode on as she took a serious face

the dark hand, a group of misfits with different goals but one thing similar to it all....sith...a hate for Sith...for the sith empire

Her eyes shone, she had a hate for the Sith empire that burned bright

me and you can meet with the leader, my sister, and we can figure out what you can do and I'll insure your under me
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

James' thoughts turned to Arena at first. He didn't hate the sith as much as he did before they met. The redhead had changed his life before he shoved her away with his unfaithfulness. She was another name on his long list of people that were damaged because of his poor choices. She had loved him in spite of his drinking, smoking, and drugs--but that wasn't enough for him. Nothing ever was. He sighed.

"I could get behind that, to a degree," he picked his sandwich up, biting into it. He knew what he was about to say was something she couldn't agree with. They all had their lines that couldn't be crossed and that was ok. "The Sith ain't all bad. But if ye need a hand, I be the best at what I do."
[member="James Justice"]

I know...I've met many I consider friend and have converted one to what I follow...but as a whole their a threat

She finished her food, having idly ate and talked to James as she sat back

we should arrive to imahalyan in a few hours from their I'll contact my friend and we can get a meeting set up
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

"Good," he grunted, a flake of lettuce spraying from his mouth onto the messhall table. His mouth was beyond full. He chewed the food in his mouth for a few more moments before adding, "I ain't about to stop fightin' for what I believe in. But it gonna be different this time. It'll all be different."

How, he didn't know, but what James did understand was his past methods weren't working. Something had to give. There was no point in perpetuating the endless cycle of destruction, rebuilding, raising the stakes, and doing it all over again. Each time things became more dangerous. His mistakes were more costly. But one thing was for sure.

"No more gettin' the innocent caught in the cross fire."

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