Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Factions future (open to all members)


Dead Men End All Tales.
Okay, I think we need to have a talk. All of us who are still here, anyhow.

This faction's in a damn coma. Rayl has tried multiple times to get people doing stuff. I've tried multiple times. But I guess we really haven't had a genuine discussion about this.

I don't know whether or not we should really stay a major faction. As it is, we're stagnating. And frankly, I've had to kill some threads--good threads--because of diplomatic OOC headaches. Headaches that wouldn't be a problem if we were minor.

I know a few of you are already on the cusp of leaving, and others are wondering if this faction is still active. So, here's the place to put input on the matter. I'm gonna watch this thread closely, and after a week, I'll take the input given here, or the lack of it, into my decision.

Your cheerful despot,
Amarant/Veus/Theo?whatever the Feth my name is this week.
I voted.

Sad truth is that at this point the Black Suns are not a major faction regardless of what their status is on the boards. There are maybe five, six people tops, active at any one time and it doesn't look as though we are recruiting quickly or promoting a lot of interest.

I'm not blaming anyone. Ordan hasn't been the most active character but when dominions come up I take part in them to help move the chains for the faction. It's hard to call ourselves a major faction when without allies the chances of us winning an invasion against any faction that can boast even an average membership are slim to none though.
I voted with the wrong alt, but I think we should dial back. What kind of criminal Org would we be if we didn't stay in the shadows.

It could give us a chance to regroup and sort out what we want to do as a faction. I for one like killing people. We may just start pimping ourselves out to the highest bidder. Hired guns or thieves or secretly back senators in the GR and corrupt them with blackmail.

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