Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Enrichment Center Reminds You... [Rebels]

My, how things had changed since she was Benefactor. Geneviève's footsteps tread the shined floor of the RAV-010 Irreverent, the flagship of Admiral Xue's Red Fleet, and nearly the entire bridge crew was silent and attentive of her every movement. Some of them might have felt honored; some might have recalled the years they served under this woman.

It had been quite some time, indeed. Out the fore viewport, she could see the healthy green orb of Thyferra as well as the silhouette of what she was told was Home One--the first capital ship that had come into the Rebellion's possession. Those were glory days. She almost wished she could go back to those times; return to the Alliance. They were doing good and doing well even after she had departed their ranks, and it made her proud to know that this was only possible through her work.

Now she had the admiral's attention, though. She was a slightly younger woman with a rather specific Outer Rim accent, and someone she had been informed was a strong adherent to the principles outlined in the Little Black Book. Not only that, but she was attempting to follow in Lasedri's footsteps in more ways than one. Mitczik had spoken highly of 'Kras', even if he was not a fan of Gen's Selectivist 'crud'. "Admiral, it's a pleasure to meet you." She offered her hand to shake. "I hope to get acquainted with you after we finish what we've come here for."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Blane Nightfall"]
The First Benefactor. She finally got to meet her; touch her, even. Not in some creepy way, of course, but in a cordial handshake that one might cherish like they would a meeting with a celebrity. Not that this was all that different. But it was an important experience to Krasnaya, especially after all the stories from Mitczik. He always said they would get along. Xue would not argue with that, especially considering the fact that she had subscribed so deeply to the Selectivist theory. Tave was her hero in a way.

"Zdravstvuyt, Comrade Prime Minister," the admiral responded, taking the hand extended without betraying an eagerness. "Thank you for arriving on my ship, yeah. I hope you're pleased with the fleet. I am look forward to hosting you, yeah, for dinner." Right, dinner. Pleasantries could wait until that time.

"Your shuttle is prepared, so, yeah, it is time when you say." Xue, feeling far too awkward for the usually firm and confident military person she was, turned her attention to the bridge crew and gestured for everyone to get back to task. "Escort squadrons are ready for launch yet? Yeah, make it so."
The Rebel Alliance had always been intriguing to Miria, though not for the reasons one might expect. It wasn't their cause that drew her in, nor their methods of fighting. The militaristic side of things was far from her concern, and even with her interest in politics she didn't wish to delve too deeply into that facet of this particular resistance group. Those were topics that would no doubt undergo scrutiny later, when she was granted time by herself. No, what had her so interested was the simple fact that this ragtag bunch of freedom fighters, this people so determined to bring down the Sith and everything they stood for, were of her mother's own creation.

And now, it seemed, they were visiting. Or perhaps that wasn't an accurate word. Maybe returning would be more accurate, at least for Gen. After all, she had fought alongside a number of these individuals. However, this was an entirely new experience for her. There were thousands of details to take in and even more to consider, along with a wealth of new faces that she took to analyzing, determining just how they fit into the well-oiled machine that made up the Alliance. The silence that always accompanied her was this time that of the thoughtful sort, one carefully observant and finely tuned to the surrounding environment as a whole. One that watched.

What she noticed the most was the way her mother walked and talked to these strangers. Her demeanor seemed casual and yet alert at the same time, a paradox of expressions that she wasn't certain how to interpret. In contrast the Admiral seemed entirely professional, though she could sense a respect there for her mother that ran far deeper than her simply being the founder of the Rebellion. It was an interaction that she scrutinized carefully not once, but twice over after it had already drawn to a close. People were always so interesting, doubly so those Gen chose to associate herself with. It took a certain kind of person to be a Rebel.

Pale hands moved fluidly through the air, tracing invisible patterns only some were able to decipher, 'I like it here.'

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Blane Nightfall"]
Yuroic had been onboard the ship for awhile, he hadn't been a major part of the Rebel Alliance since he had joined. He considered training to be a more important as it would allow him to be a greater weapon for the rebels. He was wondering down a corridor when a presence in the Force peaked his interest. He attempted to locate the Force User but his powers were not that skillful. He lifted the hood over his helmet and wandered around the ship, he tried being stealthy. He wasn't sure if a Sith assassin had made it aboard the starship so there could be a threat. The Clumsy Assassin as he was commonly known as found the bridge.

He noticed three people talking and still couldn't focus which one was the Force User but he relaxed as he could see that no one else suspected that there was malice. He lifted his hood to remove his helmet and reveal his young face. He didn't attempt to interrupt the conversation as he looked out to space. He was still not use to the silence that space travel brought. He had lived on Nar Shaddaa for over half a decade.

He looked around after several moments lost in his very deep thoughts. He adjusted his armour and scratched his chin slowly.

[member="Miria Lasedri"] | [member="Krasnaya Xue"] | [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"Thank you, Comrade Xue." The faintest of smiles curled up her lip in recognition of the subtle-yet-glaring use of such modest title. The classes might someday be united, perhaps under the watch of the blond officer before her. One could dream, she supposed. "I'd be enthused if Miria could meet you when the time comes." My daughter. Not yet. Almost a year later and she still could not acknowledge it openly, despite the relationship being of utmost importance to her far, deep down. It was perhaps the type of love her father may have felt but could never express. How Gen had become just like her parents in all the ways she wished she were not.

Upon ending her brief meeting with Krasnaya, Lasedri would find Little Lasedri reporting her silent impressions of everything thus far, in that succinct and rather non-descriptive format that Mitczik used to complain about coming from Gen 'back in the day'. Had it truly been so long? Where was her old Mon Cal friend, anyway? She would be sorely disappointed if he did not show his wise face before she returned to Republic space. The Prime Minister signed back to her teen. "It is better than it was."

Her eyes shifted abruptly, their brown irises scanning rapidly the deck of the bridge. She had felt a sort of feeling she was not particularly used to, nor was she enthused to pick it up. It felt invasive to her; unwelcome. She had her secrets and then she had her bigger secrets. It was best to keep such things from so much as forming into rumors. Still, she knew there was another similarly 'gifted' as she, and it took only a couple seconds to pinpoint the source. Not that she dared give herself away by fumbling around the wake of this 'force' thing, but this guy was plainly obvious to most just judging by his attire. Another addition to the Rebellion that she would probably have been grateful for having around back in her Rebel years.

As noted, Gen did not wish to give away some big secrets, and she was not going to clue the entire bridge crew in on her 'gift'. It was more prudent, therefore, to simply invite this young man along. "I'm about to board my shuttle. I think you should come with me," she said to him as she walked on by. That was just Gen. Matter-of-fact.

Yes, where was Mitczik to provide her with such teasing observations?

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Miria Lasedri"]
Yuroic jumped when he heard the woman whisper to him. Not completely out of fright, there was a small amount of surprise too, he had been in his own bubble, dreaming about the days when he would explore the streets of Nar Shaddaa, he even went further back and had dreams of training to be a Jedi, he was striving to be the best Jedi he could. He wasn't aware of his surroundings as he probably ought to have been. So that explained his first response.


He shook his head then focused, he couldn't appear a complete fool to the rebels, they wouldn't trust him with anything then but he was a bit of a fool at times, especially when he was caught off guard. He attempted to recompose himself and looked at the woman in front of him, she seemed to be important around, he couldn't figure out why.

"I'm flattered but I'm not looking for that type of relationship." Thinking the woman was hitting on him, it wasn't till moments later that realisation decided to hit Yuroic hard in the face, like a wrecking ball. His face dropped as he realised what he had said to the woman.

"Sorry! I didn't you were a For..." He cut himself off, she was being oddly secretive about this and he was being his usual loud self. He nodded and gestured her to lead him to the shuttle.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] | [member="Miria Lasedri"]

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