Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The end of a lovely evening?


Location: Lifeday party on Alderaan
Objective: Enjoy the rest of a lovely evening
Wearing: This dress
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

"Being ladylike and a elegant has its uses sometimes, and don't get me wrong, I am proud of the life I lead, but it can be a burden can't it." she paused for a moment as Tiresh fed her chocolate soaked dough, Isla it from her hand gently before kissing the small bead of stray chocolate that had strayed down her fingers. She made a very satisfied noise as the tastes and textures swirled in her mouth. "Senator Kobitana, that is genius, why are you harvesting pearls when you could be selling that." she winked, having done her research on the woman's planet.

The watched the woman eat and giggle, her body bobbing up and down as she did. She was lovely, she was beautiful and delicate and, Isla had to admit, very sexy. Her personality had completely blown away the fact that she was not Islas usual physical type.

"Its a shame we didn't meet before the lifeday celebration at my home, it was great fun, so many people there and I filled it with different foods and drinks, just like this. There is a lake behind the castle that freezes too and you can skate on it, when you visit," she gave Tiresh a look that implied an invite was open. "I will have to take you out there. But we might need to wrap up warm, or we could just snuggle up under a fur together in front of a roaring fireplace." that made her blush a little as she imagined the two of them embracing romantically under a huge fur blanket.

She kept wondering whether she would end up with Tiresh tonight, "Can I ask, Tiresh?" she was suddenly nervous again "Have you ever been involved with a woman before? Romantically, I mean. This is all completely uncharted to me at the moment, and I love it, but it doesn't stop it confusing me a little."

She finished the last of her half of the donut, and sucked the sugar off of her fingers.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

She laughed loudly at Isla's reaction to her delicious creation. "Ah! I see you've done your homework!" She picked up the cup of hot chocolate and took a sip, then let her eyes drift around the park, enjoying the lights and watching the musicians as they played.

"Its a shame we didn't meet before the lifeday celebration at my home, it was great fun, so many people there and I filled it with different foods and drinks, just like this. There is a lake behind the castle that freezes too and you can skate on it, when you visit," she gave Tiresh a look that implied an invite was open. "I will have to take you out there. But we might need to wrap up warm, or we could just snuggle up under a fur together in front of a roaring fireplace." that made her blush a little as she imagined the two of them embracing romantically under a huge fur blanket.

Tiresh nodded, flashing her a smile, "I would have enjoyed that. I guess there's always next year? I would love to visit…" She looked up, rocking her head back and forth slightly as if she was suddenly unsure of something, "Not sure how well I would fair on the ice… but hey, at least it would be a laugh!" She then gave Isla a suggestive smirk at the mention of the fur and the fireplace. Oh wow, that actually sounds divine right now... especially out here in the frigid air.

Tiresh took another sip of the hot chocolate, then turned as Isla requested her attention. Her demeanor seemed to shift slightly, and she appeared a little nervous. This caused Tiresh to straighten her own posture and look intently at her as she began to speak,

"Have you ever been involved with a woman before? Romantically, I mean. This is all completely uncharted to me at the moment, and I love it, but it doesn't stop it confusing me a little."

The question was unexpected. Tiresh quickly turned and looked back out at the park, picking up the hot chocolate and taking a longer sip to help give her a moment to collect her thoughts on the matter. This is where things started to get complicated, because as much as she wished she could simply be Tiresh Kobitana, the Senator of Lujo… She was much more than that. She was Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez . And this question caused her to begin to blur the lines between to two, because while Tiresh was a fully developed persona, much of her was pulled from Kalie… it had to be. It's ideal to develop your personas off of what you know and your own personal experiences and history, it makes it believable and real… however, when getting intimately close to someone that she genuinely cared deeply about… It was hard to ignore the parts of Kalie that were not necessarily suppose to be a part of Tiresh. Because truly? She wanted to be honest and truthful with Isla…

...oh wow… how could she even take that statement seriously? How could she be truthful with Isla when, at her core, she was someone else entirely?

A flood of guilt suddenly washed over Tiresh. She wanted more than anything to be herself completely with Isla… to be open and honest with her…

But to risk everything? To jeopardize everything she had developed as Tiresh? Even worse… if Isla wanted to, she could expose her to the Alliance and the Senate… Kalie could go to prison... or even... be executed at a traitor… She could risk destroying the reputation of the SIA… even the SIA director would be at risk as she had sanctioned the undercover operation in order to help root out and expose corruption within the Senate…

Tiresh took another sip of hot chocolate, a look of deep concentration spread nervously across her features. No matter how much she wanted to… she could not afford to open up fully to Isla. It was a painful sting that she felt deeply, and she regretted that her life had grown so incredibly complicated.

Finally, she looked up at the top of the Gazebo, "Ummmm…" She said in a higher pitched tone that implied a level of insecurity, "I've always been affectionate… I'm a rather… physical person, you might say? It's how I show surprise, how I communicate support and encouragement…" That was 100 percent true, "So when I was younger, I did share a lot of physical affection with other girls… it was always friendly more than romantic, though." Also true, "…There was this one girl that was interested in me at my school… and we did blur the line a little bit with each-other… but It wasn't much past kissing." Again, true. "But honestly? I've always been more drawn to men. I always thought that I would get married… have some kids…"

She looked nervously over at Isla, unsure what she was thinking about any of what was being shared. So far, she had been able to be honest with Isla. What a relief. She just had to be careful about how she said things and what she omitted. She might not be directly answering Isla's question, but hopefully that would be ok. Kalie had definitely been intimate with women before, for the sake of important operations. Tiresh, on the other hand, had not. But again… it was complicated to try to fully separate the two in this moment.

"I have never felt these kind of feeling for a woman before in my entire life."


She reached over and grabbed onto Isla's hand tightly, more for herself as she needed some kind of reassurance from Isla. She then let out a nervous laugh as her cheeks turned red, realizing that she had just shown, yet again, how physical she truly was by needing her hand as a sign of support.

"So… I don't understand it, either. I hope it's ok? What are you feeling? I… I need to know what you're thinking." She gave Isla an apologetic smile, squeezing her hand tightly as she looked into her eyes for any hints to what she might be thinking.
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Location: Lifeday party on Alderaan
Objective: Enjoy the rest of a lovely evening
Wearing: This dress
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

She listened closely as Tiresh opened up a bit about her romantic past. The pause and thoughtful looks though, she couldn't help but think there was something else she didn't want to share. Isla had no right to pry, so she wouldn't but she was curious. She smiled, the woman was later twenties? Early thirties maybe? Of course she had a history, Isla would be foolish to think everyone kept themselves buttoned up like she did.

When Tiresh mentioned herself being particularly tactile, she couldn't help but have her shoulders clench in a suppressed giggle, no? really? Isla never would have guessed that the Senator was a physically friendly person. Isla didn't think she was herself, but felt like tonight she was rapidly coming round to the idea. Hearing her confess to never having these feelings for a woman before made her happy, a little worried the spice wine was doing the talking, but still she felt special.

As Tiresh held and squeezed her left hand across her body, Islas right hand found itself on Tiresh's knee and slowly stroking the pale exposed skin of her lower inner thigh.

"So… I don't understand it, either. I hope it's ok? What are you feeling? I… I need to know what you're thinking."

Isla smiled and bit her lip a little. "of course it is OK, and I am happy we get to experience this together." she looked slightly bashful but there was a certain playful and intimate look in her eyes as she spoke. "So that is a good question, what am I thinking? I am not sure really, these feelings are very intense and it feels strange but also not? Put it this way, there is a phrase, show, don't tell? Have you heard it? Well if I was to show you what I was thinking, I would be breaking several of my own promises to myself of self restraint." she looked Tiresh in the eye, desperate for her to understand what she meant without her having to come out and say in. "That being said, I wonder if it would be too much to invite you back to my room, just to hold each other, and kiss until the sun came up and I have to return to Ession?"

She pulled Tiresh in and gently kissed her again, her hand lingering on her inner thigh, not so high as to be sordid, but just high up enough that it signalled romantic intention.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Isla’s touch along her inner thigh sent delightful chills throughout her entire body as her nerves responded longingly to the intimate touch, causing her eyes to flutter and a look of unfiltered desire to wash over her face as she looked intently at Isla. She wanted to fully give herself to her, right there... however… she didn’t. They were still in a public park, after all.

The more that Isla spoke, the more Tiresh’s desire grew. She was able to clearly read through her words and discover the hidden intention that Isla was trying to communicate to her… Isla wanted to sleep with her… Isla wanted to be with her tonight. Tiresh had no doubt in her heart anymore. Butterfly’s filled her stomach at the euphoric revelation that they both… truly… felt the same way towards each other.

Tiresh wasn’t giggling or shy anymore… she was focused… drawn in... invested...

When Isla invited her back to her room, Tiresh breathed out slowly, as if trying to throttle herself back down a bit… Not yet… soon…

As Isla pulled her in and gently kissed her lips, Tiresh let out a sound of pure delight as she brought her right hand around Isla’s front and held onto the back of Isla’s head, pulling her into a kiss that was much more passionate. She opened her mouth wider as their lips pressed together. It was powerful… it was heated... passionate… Tiresh’s other hand found itself on top of Isla's which had been stroking her inner thigh. She pulled the hand higher gently.

She was lost in delight as she finally released some of the built up passion and tension that had been stirring underneath the surface. It felt amazing… It felt like they were floating… all the weights of the galaxy melting completely away.

After the passionate kiss, she pulled her lips away slowly... opening her eyes and looking lovingly into the face of this wonderful, compassionate, powerful woman.

“Perhaps you would feel more at liberty to show me what you are thinking… once we journey back to your accommodations. She said softly, batting her eyes cutely at Isla. She then pulled both herself and Isla up from the seat with her hands and stood there before her, a look of excitement mixed with anticipation could not be avoided as she smiled, biting her lower lip.

“You can do whatever you want with me until the sun comes up, Isla.”
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Location: Lifeday party on Alderaan
Objective: Enjoy the rest of a lovely evening
Wearing: This dress
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

The kiss took her breath away as Tiresh opened her mouth and the kissed more like lovers than flirtatious friends, Tiresh was an amazing kisser and Isla savoured every moment, her own arousal only growing as she felt her hand being pulled closer, gently squeezing her leg. This was real but it felt like a dream, Tiresh's intention was now clear, and that they had found the same feelings tonight made her blush.

Tiresh pulled away and spoke to her again, accepting her offer. Isla's heart was suddenly in knots, she had feared how she would feel if Tiresh said no, she had given no thought to the fear of , what if she says yes? Isla knew what she wanted, but you shouldn't always take what you wanted, should you? All she could do is nod, her body reacting while her head still spun.

Tiresh stood up and pulled her to her feet, leading on Isla got a feeling that she had not had since she was nineteen, the first time she had walked back to her then boyfriend's apartment and they had spent the night together, it was a mixture of excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and shyness. Isla was a bold and confident woman, but this was the one aspect of her life that caused her to turn back into that nervous girl.

"Tiresh, are you sure this is what you want?" she asked, not even sure if it was loud enough for the Senator to hear her over the music. Isla could see the hotel in the distance, she wondered how many steps she had to make her decision, every part of her wanted Tiresh wholly, but she knew deep down this would be a betrayal of herself. But it was her rule? Nobody else would hold her to it. She shook her head at herself, what if this was just a lustful one-night thing for Tiresh, and Isla would find herself discarded in the cold light of day. Could she handle the rejection more easily if she didn't break her own promise?

Isla needed to speak, it now felt like hours since she had said a word, but her heart pounded and words escaped her. "Have you got any..... she stopped herself realising exactly what she was about to ask her date, another woman, and she laughed loudly, the humour finally breaking her tension. It brought a warm smile to her face as she slowed Tiresh down for more kisses. "If tonight is all horribly awkward and I say something stupid, you will still want me tomorrow won't you?" she teased.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

As they walked together towards Isla's hotel, Tiresh felt euphoric. She could not believe that she had found her soulmate. She would never have shared that conclusion with Isla at this stage, especially considering the rather short amount of time they had known each other, for fear that Isla would suddenly view her as some sort of creepy stalker and run away as quickly as she could.

But still, how else could she reconcile this magnetic and powerful bond that they shared, that seemed to transcend all logic and reasoning? For Tiresh, who had ventured into various one night stands and flings throughout her life... had never been in love. She had never put nearly as much thought into a relationship as she was now with Isla, and for her, the physical intimacy that they were about to share together was simply a manifestation of a much deeper soul connection that the two women already had.

She thought she heard Isla say something as they walked, quickly turning her head towards her, “Did you say something?” Tiresh asked warmly, but then noticed some kind of wrestle and a sense of nervousness on the Grand Admiral’s face. The Senator blinked, wondering if she had missed something… maybe she had misinterpreted her cues? It could be possible… She had thought that the signals had been fairly clear. But maybe…

Tiresh leaned closer into Isla, looking up at her with a look of concern, “Isla? Is everything ok?” She hoped it was. She wanted more than anything to be with her tonight. But more than that… she wanted for Isla to want this as much as she did. The last thing she wanted to do was to pressure Isla into something that she was not comfortable with or that she would regret in the morning. Tiresh remembered from their earlier conversation that Isla had shared about waiting to have physical intimacy until she had found someone truly meaningful. She now began to wonder how long it had truly been for the Grand Admiral…

She also hoped that she was someone meaningful…

"Have you got any…..” she stopped herself realizing exactly what she was about to ask her date, another woman, and she laughed loudly, the humor finally breaking her tension.

Tiresh blinked for a moment, processing the unasked question. As the realization struck her of what Isla was about to ask her, she flung back her head as a loud and genuine laugh erupted out of her. She quickly covered her mouth with one hand in an attempt to mute the outburst. Tears started streaming down her cheeks as she slouched into Isla, her body shaking from the laughter as she buried her face into Isla’s arm. “Isla!” Is all she could mutter through the laughter.

Oh my force! It was just too much for her to take! And what resulted was the most authentic outburst of the night as the two girls laughed loudly together in each others arms, Isla trying to carry the weight if Tiresh as she reeled from the moment.

It brought a warm smile to her face as she slowed Tiresh down for more kisses. "If tonight is all horribly awkward and I say something stupid, you will still want me tomorrow won't you?" she teased.

Tiresh looked up at Isla, beaming and slightly flushed from the outburst... still giggling as Isla pulled her hand away from her mouth and started kissing her tenderly on the lips. She rested both palms softly against Islas cheeks, enjoying her tender and abundant kisses. She then pulled Islas face away with her hands, looking straight into Isla’s eyes with a playful yet content expression. She contemplated how she would respond to Isla’s inquiry for a moment before giving a quick nod as she decided that now was as good of a moment as any.

“I have something for you… It might help to answer your question…” She said as she pulled away a bit more to look inside her purse. She pulled out the small jewelry case and popped it open, pulling out the two snowflake necklaces and holding them up in front of her, giving Isla a slightly embraced expression as she hoping Isla would be ok with the gesture and that it wasn’t too much for their first time together.

“So I might have stopped and gotten us both…” She cleared her throat nervously as she snapped the two snowflakes apart and let one of them dangle in between her fingers while she unlocked the second. She then looked up as Isla. “… It’s just a little something special to help us remember this incredible evening. May I?” She waited for Isla to accept before reaching her hands around Isla’s neck, locking the necklace in place. Her hands then drifted down Isla’s neck, softly tracing the outline until her fingers reached the diamond-studded snowflake, which had found its resting place just above the top of Isla’s pretty dress. She smiled as she touched it, admiring its elegant look against the Grand Admiral’s gorgeous, perfect skin. “There.” She stated softly. Then she looked back up at Isla tenderly, “This is to remind you, that no matter what happens tomorrow… no matter what distance or time passes between us in our crazy lives… that there is a certain Senator who is awfully fond of you… who wants you… who misses you… who wishes deep down that our lives could be much more simple than they are…” She suddenly felt a wave of deep emotion draw itself to the surface as tears filled her eyes. She tried her best to blink them away, clearing her throat one more time as her cheeks flushed bright red from such a vulnerable statement. She laughed nervously, looking up into Isla’s eyes as her face fell into a look of love that went lightyears beyond mere physical attraction.

“I want you tomorrow already.” She confessed in a hushed tone, her hands now resting against Islas neck as she stroked her soft skin gently with her thumbs.
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Location: Lifeday party on Alderaan
Objective: Enjoy the rest of a lovely evening
Wearing: This dress
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

Isla blushed and shushed Tiresh sweetly as she laughed, clearly realising and understanding Isla's anatomical oversight she was laughing herself too, this was so nice and she loved feeling Tiresh touching her with every action, she certainly was tactile. "I'm sorry," she finally said after they came back under control. "I am just nervous, I didn't think this was me, but I have never wanted something so much. Its just, other than my mother and my seamstress, you will be the first sentient to see me undressed in..." she grinned with a slight embarrassment suddenly worried about adding excess pressure to a lovely situation. "I'll tell you tomorrow, but its been a while."

She paused as Tiresh reached down and retrieved something out, gift? This was unexpected, a theme for the night it appears? As she showed it to her and spoke, explaining what it meant and how she felt, Isla felt her own eye welling up and glistening with tears. "It is beautiful Tiresh, thank you, you didn't need to do something like this, but I am glad you did, I love it." touching her necklace gently with her hand and eyeing the other one as it hung between Tiresh's fingers. "Will you be wearing that for me too? That is the most lovely thing anyone has done for me." she went quiet as she felt Tiresh's thumbs on her neck and she enjoyed every moment of the skin to skin contact. This was absolutely the right decision to make tonight, whatever the future held, Isla could see no regrets. The two women stood silently looking into each others eyes, both mulling over the powerful connection between them, words were not necessary as they could enjoy the silence of each other.

The silence was only broken when Isla finally spoke. "come on, it isn't much further to my hotel room, I feel if we delay too much longer, that Starstorm woman will have some scandalous imagery for her next front page." she laughed as she gave Tiresh a very quick, sweet and affectionate kiss before dragging her to her hotel room. They were at the hotel now, they just had to endure the wait of an elevator to her floor and then whatever happened happened. Isla was still nervous, but the pure terror of the situation had been overtaken by her conviction that what she was doing was right.

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Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

"I'm sorry," she finally said after they came back under control. "I am just nervous, I didn't think this was me, but I have never wanted something so much. Its just, other than my mother and my seamstress, you will be the first sentient to see me undressed in..." she grinned with a slight embarrassment suddenly worried about adding excess pressure to a lovely situation. "I'll tell you tomorrow, but its been a while."

Tiresh looked up at Isla with a sudden clarity of understanding striking her as she realized how big of a deal this was for the Grand Admiral. She squeezed her hand, trying to provide some comfort. While there was a sense of additional weight added to the whole situation, there was also a sense of deep value and gratefulness that Tiresh felt, knowing that this meant so much to Isla. She realized even more so that Isla truly harbored strong feeling for her… so strong in fact that she was willing to move forward with Tiresh in ways that the Grand Admiral had been intentionally abstaining from… for a long time…

Tiresh felt deeply wanted… incredibly special… wholly desired.

Isla felt her own eyes welling up and glistening with tears. "It is beautiful Tiresh, thank you, you didn't need to do something like this, but I am glad you did, I love it." touching her necklace gently with her hand and eyeing the other one as it hung between Tiresh's fingers. "Will you be wearing that for me too? That is the most lovely thing anyone has done for me."

She smiled affectionately, "I was hoping that you would like for me to… yes." She snapped the necklace open and brought it around her neck, clipping it into place and letting it rest upon her own chest, looking down and touching it with a warm smile spread across her face. She then brought her eyes back up to Isla's, her hands following suit as they returned to stroking the Grand Admiral's neck softly and affectionately.

They stood there… Tiresh's hands warmly on her neck while Islas rested on the Senator's waist. The sun had traveled its course, returning the sky to darkness as the snow, now only lit by the dim street lights, continued to fall. The two love birds were silhouettes in an empty street. The music and bustle had faded some moments prior as the Life Day celebrators all made their way back home, having truly enjoyed the splendid occasion.

...But none more so than Tiresh and Isla.

Two powerful world change, committed wholly to reforming the galaxy into a better tomorrow, had found a long lost comfort that both of them had likely relegated to the history books, believing such romance and affection to be a highlight of someone else's future, surely not their own. But as the fates, or the force, or Ashla… or perhaps all three in a combined effort of sorts… had found it fit to decree that they should find each other tonight…

...Who could refute such perfect happenstance.

The two giggled like nervous school girls in the elevator, continuing to shower each other with affectionate kisses and touches, perfectly content to journey down this inevitable path that had been set before them. Tiresh let out a playful laugh as Isla pulled her towards her room. The Senator then wrapped her arms around the Grand Admiral's body from behind and showered her exposed back with abundant kisses as Isla inserted the key into the door and finally pulled it open. Isla turned and pulled Tiresh into the room with her hands around her waist as the Senator began to slip out of her dress with one hand and close the door behind them with another.

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Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

....the night was perfect...

Isla woke before her friend? the term didn't seem right any more as she say in front of the dressing table wearing nothing but her loose fitting kimono and reapplying her make up, she looked at herself in the mirror, her advanced genetics keep her complexion the same most of the time but she just felt the woman looking back at her looked different. And she smiled, it was good.

She had crept out of bed when the alarm inside her head had woken her and showered already, she had to leave so early it was unfair, the sun had barely risen outside and her date still slept. The dim light from the dressing table cast beautiful shadows over her sleeping body, mostly covered by the bedding they had shared together. Isla stroked her fingers gently down her own skin, imagining the touch of the beautiful woman who was now beginning to stir. She smiled to herself wondering just how experienced Tiresh was, she seemed to know what she was doing. She blushed and shook her head in the mirror at a couple of the comments she herself had made during the heat of the moment, but the laughter they shared made it all the more special. Maybe next time she needed to put a post-it on her dates forehead "women don't have..." there was a murmur as Tiresh continued to stir across the room and seemed awake.

Standing and walking back to the bed Isla let her untied Kimono casually drape over her body as she leaned down and gently kissed Tiresh on her forehead as she woke. "Good morning Senator, I tried not to wake you, but I needed to start getting ready." she pushed loose hairs behind her ears as she spoke. "last night was wonderful, did you sleep well?"

There was things that needed to be said before Isla left, but between wanting the beautiful woman to sleep longer and being nervous about the answers, Isla had waited.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

It was the best night of sleep that she had enjoyed in a while, albeit short in the sleep department as the two had truly taken full advantage of their short time together. Tiresh started to stir within the warm sheets, stretching her arms above her head before letting them wrap around the pillow behind her, squishing it into her cheek tightly as she let out a deep sigh, her eyes beginning to flutter softly as consciousness slowly beckoned her awake. Her supple frame teased itself out from the sheets, with nothing else to cover her save for a snowflake necklace which adorned her neck.

She pivoted her head to the side, looking to where Isla had been sleeping beside her with barely opened eyes, stretching a hand over and touching the now empty space. It was then that Islas lovely body overshadowed her as she planted a kiss on the drowsy senators forehead.

"Good morning Senator, I tried not to wake you, but I needed to start getting ready." she pushed loose hairs behind her ears as she spoke. "last night was wonderful, did you sleep well?"

Tiresh smiled with squinty, sleepy gaze before letting out an adorable yawn as she rubbed her eyes, blinking to try to clear her vision. “Mmhmm.” She muttered quietly, her smile returning as her finger raised and poked at the necklace that still hung around the Grand Admiral’s neck. Tiresh pulled herself up from the bed slowly until she was in a sitting position, tugging the sheet up across her chest with one arm as she pulled her own hair out of her eyes with her hand. “What time is it, Isla?” She asked groggily, looking nonchalantly out at the still darkened window. It seemed that the sun had not yet fully risen. “You have to go?” She asked, before pausing... then nodding with an understanding expression, knowing that she should probably not linger for too much longer herself. Her guard detail would likely be wanting to…

Tiresh blinked…

Her guard detail.

The Senators eyes shot open as she flung her arm wildly against the top of the bed-stand, her hand searching desperately for her data pad. “Oh no…” She muttered nervously as her hand finally found the device, pulling it in front of her as she turned it on to see a flood of notifications. “Oh force…” She frantically typed out a message, informing her escort that she was fine and would be rejoining them soon. The only reason they hadn’t knocked down the door in hot pursuit of her tracking signal was likely due to the fact that she was located within a hotel room near the Life Day carnival. She let out an exasperated sigh as she dropped the datapad on the bed, looking up at Isla… the weight of the world slowly encroaching upon them both, along with the onslaught of expectations and responsibilities. She gave Isla a knowing look and smiled. “What a wonderful night indeed, Grand Admiral.” She said, a hint of reality seeming to break into her tone as if it was an unwanted guest.

She took Islas hand in hers, looking down at it as she stroked it softly, not feeling a need to say anything else. She knew that she might not see her again for a while. It had been an absolutely delightful evening, and she would treasure it closely in her heart.

She wondered now what their relationship would look like moving forward...

She wondered if it could survive the harshness of reality.

She hoped it would.
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Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

Isla looked at the clock as she saw Tiresh's eyes struggling to focus as she woke up, "Its twenty to seven my sweet." she had barely spoken when the Senator seemed stricken with panic.

“Oh no…” She muttered nervously as her hand finally found the device, pulling it in front of her as she turned it on to see a flood of notifications. “Oh force…”

"Everything OK? Nothing I should worry about I hope?" Isla leaned over to her own pad and dialled the opacity of the window glass down, letting enough light in the room for them to see each other. The sun was still low in the sky, just cresting the nearby mountains. Tiresh was very beautiful and Isla looked at her soft skin, wishing they could just stay here and enjoy each other. She lifted the hand that Tiresh was holding and placed it on her hip, holding it close as she spoke.

"So, I have to be on Ession before tomorrow and will need to leave soon, but," she sighed "I suppose I need to know, now you are sober, and seeing with me in the cold light of day, is this just a one night thing? I feel like i know the answer, but whatever you decide I have no regrets about anything." she was being truthful, last night was special, and although she knew that she wanted she wanted to make things work with Tiresh, their their lives were both very different.

"I promise we will see each other again soon, I don't plan on any of this getting in the way of our other plans. There was that planet we talked about wasn't there? Near Alliance space, it will feel good to do something like that with you." She reached up and fiddled with the snowflake around her neck and gave Tiresh a look of love. It truly felt like the two women were meant for each other, was she her girlfriend now? Even the term felt strange, but also not.

"I think for now I would like to keep this between us if that is OK? I am not ashamed or embarrassed, I just need to get a couple of things straight in my head, there is certain things expected of me, and I need to know those things won't complicate things for us" she emphasised the final word, wanting to make sure that despite the potential hurdles on her mind, their new relationship was what she genuinely wanted.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

"Everything OK? Nothing I should worry about I hope?"

"Oh, no… no… I just failed to notify my escort of my whereabouts…" She shrugged sheepishly.

As the bit of light began to fill the room, Isla's lovely form was accented before her, covered lightly by a night gown. Tiresh mused upon the delight she had experienced from exploring the Grand Admirals beautiful and breathtaking body. Throughout the evening, Isla had carried a common theme of newness and wonder, accenting the fact that it truly had been a while since her last time of physical intimacy with someone. Tiresh had cherished her partners fresh sense of exploration and discovery, absolutely loving every single moment of it.

She wouldn't have changed a single thing.

She smiled warmly as Isla brought her hand up to her hip and pressed against it tenderly.

"So, I have to be on Ession before tomorrow and will need to leave soon, but," she sighed "I suppose I need to know, now you are sober, and seeing me in the cold light of day, is this just a one night thing? I feel like i know the answer, but whatever you decide I have no regrets about anything."

Tiresh winced slightly at the mention of her drinking, hoping she hadn't come off as too inebriated to her dear companion. Tiresh was somewhat surprised that Isla still seemed to harbor an impression that Tiresh had merely pursued Isla's affections for a lustful one night stand. Her expression saddened slightly as she was feeling a bit hurt that, after everything, her intentions were still in question. She knew how Isla had been waiting for someone special for a long time, and so the implication that Tiresh… knowing how much this meant to Isla… would still pursue the Grand Admiral with shallow intentions…

It made Tiresh feel dirty… misunderstood… sad.

She sighed quietly, looking up at Isla with burdened eyes, "Baby…" She strained as she brought her free hand up and touched the snowflake necklace around her own neck. She gave her a look that subtly asked Isla if she still truly doubted her intentions.

"I promise we will see each other again soon, I don't plan on any of this getting in the way of our other plans. There was that planet we talked about wasn't there? Near Alliance space, it will feel good to do something like that with you."

"Yes. I feel the same." She pulled the sheet a bit closer, "I would love for you to accompany me and our Alliance delegation to Kayri Three. I can contact you with more details as the time draws closer. The first fruits of our political partnership?" She offered a polite smile, still nursing the small wound inflicted from Isla's first question. She was not usually so easily hurt over something so small… but that is the way of things when your heart becomes deeply invested. If anything, it was further evidence of Tiresh's true feelings for her.

As Isla looked at her with a loving expression, It melted her heart, causing her to sigh and smile lovingly back at her. She needed to assume the best. Isla wasn't trying to question her integrity or intentions as much as she was simply wanting to honor Tiresh and make sure she wasn't assuming anything.

"I think for now I would like to keep this between us if that is OK? I am not ashamed or embarrassed, I just need to get a couple of things straight in my head, there is certain things expected of me, and I need to know those things won't complicate things for us"

Tiresh nodded knowingly, "Of coarse! I completely understand and agree. I think it would be wise for both of us to take some time to fully consider the optics of our relationship. We are both very public figures in our spheres, and public opinion can be brutal in their twisted interpretations of such things. The last thing I would want is for this to negatively impact you in any way… And I know you feel the same for me. If we need to keep it a secret…" She took both if Isla's hands into hers, holding them reassuringly in front of her, "Then so be it."

She could already see the headlines… "Senator sleeps her way into the Ashlan Crusade!"

Oh force….

Whatever they decided, it was not likely to be a simple or straight forward path ahead of them. But she was committed to the journey… for better or worse…


Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

Isla couldn't help but laugh at the situation "Galactic Alliance declares war after Ashlan military abducts senator, well, I suppose it would give me an excuse to visit Alliance space more often wouldn't it" she was glad she had her bio-chip. As disconcerting as it was sometimes, she knew her bodyguard droids were on station nearby knowing exactly where she was and would just appear at her side in a corridor as if they had been following her all along.[/COLOR]

As Isla asked to confirm what Tiresh wanted, she could see she had wounded the Senator, she had never intended that, she believed that the Senator wanted something more than a one night fling, but the pragmatist in her just felt the need for clarity, she smiled in a slight judgement of her own words. "I'm sorry, I never meant to imply you werent genuine with me, and you don't have to say anything, your reaction just confirms what I already knew in my heart."

Isla lifted Tiresh's hand of of her hips and put it on her chest over her heart with a smile. She was very glad the Senator agreed with the need for discretion at this time, Isla needed her private issues sorted before dealing with public issues. "Thank you for understanding, I don't intend the secrecy to be permanent, it will just allow us to enjoy each other first before everyone else sticking their noses in." she let out a little giggle as she thought, "and anyway, public opinion be damned, it's my Parents you need to worry about. They will be fine, I think" and she gave a thoughtful, look not really sure how they would think. "but they are quite traditional and are eager for me to provide them with grandchildren. And here I am hoping to introduce them to my, girlfriend?" The upward inflection on the last word was clearly intended as a question for Tiresh that Isla hoped would be answered.

A high priority alert pinged on her bio-chip, a reminder for her to get ready and join the waiting ship. Isla had a slight look on her face, that 'kalie' might recognise as her giving mental commands to her implant, she had not yet learned to do it as smoothly or discretely as she should <<Tell them that I am the minister of defence, I have an hour left and if I am late they can just wait>>.

She returned her focus back to Tirech and gently stroked the back of her hand that rested on her heart waiting for her answer.

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Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Isla couldn't help but laugh at the situation "Galactic Alliance declares war after Ashlan military abducts senator, well, I suppose it would give me an excuse to visit Alliance space more often wouldn't it"

Tiresh laughed, shaking her head at the thought. “All the wrong reasons to visit for sure!” As Isla brought her hand up against her chest, she smiled and nodded knowingly as they both seemed to be on a similar page. She was very grateful for that. As Isla mentioned her conservative parents, Tiresh clenched her teeth and widened her eyes, giving off an “oh shoot” kind of expression. “Oh yes... of course. And… as you’ve clearly discovered by now…” She peeked slyly under her sheet at her lower body, then looked back up at Isla with a playfully shocked expression before busting up laughing as she pulled the sheet back over herself and leaned forward, resting her head against Isla as she wiped a tear from her eye. It was a playful nod at some of the humorous exchanges the two had enjoyed throughout the night regarding Tiresh’s Anatomy.

At Isla’s inherent probe as to whether the Senator was, in fact, her girlfriend, Tiresh instantly raised her head up and grabbed onto Isla’s shoulder, pulling herself up Isla’s body slowly until their lips were just about to touch. She had a rather mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she gently bit Isla’s lower lip, breathing in sharply before finally speaking, “You’d better believe it, baby.” She whispered seductively as she pulled herself closer to gently shower Isla’s lips in soft, affectionate kisses, her other hand still pressed warmly against Isla’s heart. “I’m the girlfriend of the powerful and ravishing Grand Admiral of the Ashlan Crusade…” She brought her lips slowly to Isla’s ear as she spoke very enticingly, playfully bitting Isla’s ear lob. “And you’re the girlfriend of the…” She blinked for a moment as the words that she was about to utter in a very sexy voice suddenly provoked her to erupt in laughter instead, her face buried in Isla’s neck, “Eeeep!!” She gasped, “…The insatiable Senator of Lujo! Hahaha!”

She felt amazing at the clarification that had just been solidified for the two of them. They were an item! There was an instant impression of security that Tiresh experienced in that moment that felt truly euphoric and brought a greater sense of peace to the Senator.

She pulled herself back from Isla, guiding the Grand admirals hand up to her lips and kissing it affectionately as the inner spy noticed some subtle signs that suggested that Isla was interacting with her enhancements. Tiresh pulled the Grand Admiral's hand up higher and rested it against her cheek, tilting her head as she smiled, musing upon how much had changed within the last 24 hours. How was she so lucky as to be with Isla? To be her... girlfriend? To be an item? It was a pleasant daydream that had become reality. She wanted to pinch herself, to see if she was truly awake.

Once Isla’s full attention returned, she blinked slowly and affectionately at Isla, letting out a slight sigh, “I shouldn’t keep you…” she said with warm affection.
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Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

“Oh yes... of course. And… as you’ve clearly discovered by now…”

Isla pursed her lips and shook her head gently as Tiresh poked fun at her, "ha ha, let's make fun of the greenhorn is it? I suppose I could check again? Just in case? I suppose I could always take you rock climbing and just wait for you to catch your pretty dress on something?" she shrugged playfully and giggled.

This young woman was sexy, smart, beautiful and funny, Isla felt very blessed right now. As Tiresh grabbed her and placed herself in front of Isla, biting her lower lip, Isla had to fight the urge to just push her onto her back and ravish her again, the kisses did not help that urge at all. She was absolutely made up when Tiresh confirmed they were an item.

“…The insatiable Senator of Lujo! Hahaha!”

"insatiable really? I think I can work with that," and she slid her hand softly across her girlfriend's collar bone pushing the light sheet out of the way for a little more intimacy. "I am hoping you won't make me wait another nine and a half years before we get to be together again?" She stuck her tongue out playfully, a little embarrassed at how high the number was, but Isla had promised herself she would tell Tiresh the truth.

“I shouldn’t keep you…” she said with warm affection.

"I really wish you could, but you are right my sweet, I need to continue getting ready I before they come and drag me out of here". Isla slipped the kimono off completely, and stood up. She turned around and looked back over her shoulder at Tiresh still in bed, wiggling her bum at her, "enjoy the view before it gets whisked away to Ession. I will be counting down every single day until I get to have you in my arms again"

Walking across the room she opened her wardrobe and looked at her uniform, her heart felt heavy at the idea of putting it on again and heading back to her normal life. She was proud to wear this uniform, and as she delicately kissed the snowflake around her neck, she was happy that she would be adding this token of affection to her regalia.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

"ha ha, let's make fun of the greenhorn is it? I suppose I could check again? Just in case?”

Tiresh opened her mouth with a smirk as she wagged her head playfully, tempting Isla to make good on her offer. She loved their banter. As Isla slid the intrusive sheet away, she pressed her warm body up against Isla’s, savoring the touch as it was likely one of the last ones they would enjoy before the Grand Admiral had to depart.

"I am hoping you won't make me wait another nine and a half years before we get to be together again?" She stuck her tongue out playfully, a little embarrassed at how high the number was.

Tiresh could not help but let genuine shock flash across her face with a slight gasp. "Oh really??" Tiresh exclaimed as she realized how long it had truly been since the Grand Admiral's last intimate connection. "Baby!" She wrapped a hand around the back of Isla's head and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, opening her mouth and turning her head for the perfect fit. Tears started to stream down her eyes as they kissed, the full revelation of how deeply important and precious Isla's physical intimacy was to her had pierced her heart like an arrow. Tiresh felt so incredibly loved and valued... so much so that Isla had waited almost ten years for her. She wished now that she had been able to give such a powerful gift to this amazing woman as well. Tiresh pulled herself away, sniffing as she wiped the tears away from her eyes, looking deeply into Isla's eyes with a sense of wonder that she had chosen her. "Isla... I... I... I treasure you... so much... I'm so, so touched that you chose me..." She pulled her in for another shower of affectionate kisses. "What a gift..." she said in the midst of the kisses, "I choose you, baby.... I choose you.... only you..." In this moment, her love for Isla grew exponentially. There was a solidifying that occured in her heart and her soul that went to the very core of who she was... deeper than Tiresh... it was Kalie as well... it was all of her... This night would truly changed her life forever.

"I really wish you could, but you are right my sweet, I need to continue getting ready before they come and drag me out of here"

As Isla stood up and let her kimono slip to the floor, Tiresh leaned back into her pillow, her eyes remained locked on her cute butt as she walked away. As Isla started to wiggle it seductively at her, Tiresh quickly cupped her mouth with her hand and let out a delighted laugh at Isla’s playfulness.

"enjoy the view before it gets whisked away to Ession..."

“Oh I am baby…” She said enticingly as she pushed her head back into the pillow and watched Isla with a pure sense of contentment as she began to get dressed. Isla was hers… She still couldn’t believe it…

I will be counting down every single day until I get to have you in my arms again"

“I’ll miss you terribly Isla…” she confessed lovingly as she laid there, her fingers caressing her necklace.

She couldn’t remember ever being as happy and peaceful as she was, right now, in this moment.

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Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

"Isla... I... I... I treasure you... so much... I'm so, so touched that you chose me..." She pulled her in for another shower of affectionate kisses. "What a gift..." she said in the midst of the kisses, "I choose you, baby.... I choose you.... only you..."

Kissing and holding each other more, Isla's free hand wiped away Tiresh's tears. "I told you I wouldn't give myself to someone unless they were special, and they made me feel special, so thank you. You have given me such a wonderful feeling." she was beginning to choke up herself but really didn't want to cry, her last moments with Tiresh would be happy, that, and reapplying makeup would just steal more precious moments.

Now at her wardrobe she was beginning to dress, it took longer than it normally would, there was an overriding need to dawdle, just to savour the presence and the scent of her partner. She could smell her perfume on her skin, their last kissing having replenished it since her shower. A tear rolled down her cheek as she had her back to Tiresh, knowing how hard this was going to be, both to leave, and to know that despite every intention, this relationship could so easily fail.

“I’ll miss you terribly Isla…” she confessed lovingly as she laid there, her fingers caressing her necklace.
"mhm...." she said with her shoulders rocking slightly as she fought back the tears. "and I you, I hope Ashla allows for us to have what we want, I would never demand from her, but I feel like maybe I have earned a little happiness by now." what's a little blasphemy between lovers, she certainly innapropriately mentioned her goddess a couple of times last night, she grinned to herself. So many mixed emotions.

she buttoned up her uniform, gave her snowflake one more kiss and slid it into her top. "That will stay close to my heart, the perfect place I think. The room is booked until noon, so use it as long as you need. There is a spare day dress I can leave you if you like, it will be a bit long, but you can just call it a maxi if anyone dares to ask?"

She turned to look at her beautiful girlfriend, she had managed to stop crying, but it was clear that shebhad shed a few tears. "How do I look? Like some skank that borrowed her boyfriend's naval uniform?"


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

She buttoned up her uniform, gave her snowflake one more kiss and slid it into her top. "That will stay close to my heart, the perfect place I think. The room is booked until noon, so use it as long as you need. There is a spare day dress I can leave you if you like, it will be a bit long, but you can just call it a maxi if anyone dares to ask?"

Tiresh nodded from her pillow slowly, her gaze still fixed on the Grand Admiral. She wanted to imprint this woman permanently in her visual memory. “Thank you, that would be nice.” As Isla turned in her full uniform, Tiresh blinked in awe as she mused upon the intense contrast of power that stood before her as opposed to the lover who had intimately tossed with her in the sheets. What a stunning woman indeed.

…She had managed to stop crying, but it was clear that she had shed a few tears. "How do I look? Like some skank that borrowed her boyfriend's naval uniform?"

Tiresh picked herself up and leaned against her arm in the bed, taking in the full majesty of the woman who stood before her. “Far from it, my love…” She stated with awe and endearment, “…For I see the most powerful and commanding presence in all of the galaxy… The glorious Grand Admiral of the noble Ashlan Crusade… a woman who demands that the darkness submit to the majesty of Ashla, who is driven by a deep conviction and stands for the most noble of causes…” She slid her feet off the bed, pulling the sheet against her frame as her feet touched the ground, “A breathtaking beauty that will change the galaxy forever, leaving a commanding and honorable legacy for generations to come.”

She picked herself off the bed and walked gracefully up to the Grand Admiral, her hand gently wiping the tear streaks away until there was no sign of their presence remaining. She then gently placed her hand against Isla’s cheek, looking at her with humble eyes, “…and this beauty is mine? Can it be?” She fluttered her eyelashes with a rush of affection.

“Go…” She whispered, “…Go and shine brightly in the darkness, Isla.”

She smiled, “…And then return to me.”
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Location: Isla's hotel room
Objective: Say goodbye and head home
Wearing: Night Gown
Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

"Your words are so moving," Isla blushed as Tiresh showered his with praise "have you ever considered a career in public speaking?" she almost glowed with the sense of contentment in that she had found something exceptionally special in Tiresh.

Sliding her arms under Tiresh's she pulled her in close, "Thank you for a wonderful evening and night, my Senator, our next meeting will unfortunately be back to our professional lives won't it? But I will make sure to be wearing my charm, just so you know my heart belongs to you, whichever face I am wearing."

Isla Kissed Tiresh for the last time, how could she give her the perfect kiss to Say goodbye, one that had the tenderness of her love, the passion of her desire, and a declaration of her permanent affection? Maybe she shouldn't over think things and just enjoy these beautiful soft lips on hers. As her mouth parted for Tiresh and she murmured softly. The kiss lingered for a long time and would stay on her lips all the way back to Ession.

As she pulled away gently, she moved towards the door and opened it, letting the harsh light of the corridor in to the room "So, obviously I haven't done this much so don't really know what to say. I'll see you soon, and I will send you a message as soon as I reach Ession safely. I can't wait for you to come and see me on Lur."

Once they had said their goodbyes, Isla walked out into the corridor, immediately joined by two of her bodyguard droids that had been on station outside. Her whole other life came flooding back in to her faster than she was ready, all of the notifications that SAINT had kindly put on hold pinged on her data pad and on her biochip.

She read the first with her throat still choked up, am urgent demand for an audience from a high lord angry at his planet being passed up for military procurement.

"SAINT, if there is time, please plot our hyperspace route via an moon in an uninhabited system, I really need to blow something up.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

"Your words are so moving," Isla blushed as Tiresh showered his with praise "have you ever considered a career in public speaking?"

Tiresh smiled, “It had crossed my mind…” she mused sarcastically.

Sliding her arms under Tiresh's she pulled her in close, "Thank you for a wonderful evening and night, my Senator, our next meeting will unfortunately be back to our professional lives won't it? But I will make sure to be wearing my charm, just so you know my heart belongs to you, whichever face I am wearing."

As Isla pulled her close, Tiresh brought both hands gently against Islas face. Her eyes closed as their mouths opened for their last kiss, Tiresh breathing in deeply and letting herself get lost in the moment as she delighted herself with the intoxicating smell and taste of her lover one last time. She let out a pleasurable sigh, savoring every second of it. It was a truly wonderful kiss… one that left Tiresh in an almost dreamy daze. But as Isla's comment finally struck her about how her heart would belong to Tiresh no matter what face she was wearing, she found her cheeks flush red as she felt a rising sense of guilt again. Isla didn't know about the other faces and personas that she inhabited... namely Kalie, of coarse... the SIA agent... her core persona and source. As they continued to kiss, Tiresh determined that somehow... someway... when the time was right... she would share everything with Isla. Yes, it would be very risky, and she didn't know what Isla's response might be... but if this was real, she needed to be real. She needed to be vulnerable and honest, because she wanted this to last. She didn't want lies and hidden truths to mar what they could become.

If she truly wanted this more than anything, then she would need to risk everything.

And so, as their lips parted ways, Tiresh finally uttered something that was truly terrifying and risky...

"And my heart belongs to you, Isla... my entire heart... no matter what comes."

She opened her eyes slowly and looked after Isla as she ventured towards the door, touching her own lips with the tip of her finger as she cast a mesmerized look upon the woman. She smiled as Isla confessed to not knowing how to say goodbye... “I look forward to our next meeting, Grand Admiral.” She said with warm affection.

As the door closed behind Isla, Tiresh founder self alone in the room, the atmosphere now foreignly quiet. She looked back out the window as the sun was now arising majestically into the sky, casting wonderful colors in every direction. She smiled to herself, tapping her lips gently with her finger, musing deeply upon many different things… each one of them related to Isla in some capacity or another.

The Senator found herself skipping playfully back over to the bed and casting herself onto the soft sheets, letting out a squeal of excitement as she breathed in deeply and gathered the sheets into her hands, twisting herself up in them and then finally coming to a rest as she laid there face up, letting the sun warm her skin with her eyes closed and a simple smile washing affectionately across her face as she breathed out slowly. When she opened her eyes, Tiresh uttered two words to no-one and nothing in particular…

“Thank you…”

Whether it was the force, or Ashla, or fate that had brought them together… she didn’t know. But it didn’t matter. A tear traveled down her cheek as the little girl inside of her who had always dreamed of enjoying such a genuine and authentic love danced joyfully upon the surface of her subconscious, unbound and unhindered by the decades of being forced underneath a dull and corroded reality.

For the first time in a long time… Kalie had let that wide-eyed, free spirited girl out of the cage she had locked her away in. She had let herself believe that the spark which had lived within her had long since been extinguished from the darkness and trauma of her conflicted soul… but suddenly it was ablaze… the raging fire of her authentic self that she had intentionally neglected for over a decade… it had roared back to life, burning brighter than ever.

She didn’t know what it would mean, or how it would affect her moving forward, or what consequences might come of it… but she never wanted to put that girl back in that awful, dark cage again…

She wanted her to be free… to dance… to dream…

To believe…
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