Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dreamer And The Dreamt

Iminec had just begun to rise on the horizon, casting a faint yellow hue to the sky and the body of water ahead of her purple.

Asha stared long and hard at the delicate ripples which plagued the otherwise peaceful surface. In the depths finned creatures swam, oblivious to the worries of those who lingered on the harsh ground above.

How freeing it must be, to swim and glide and float and fly through the water so gracefully.

The ripples trailed in circles, becoming larger and larger until they faded into nothing. Sat upon the shore, the Hex Child could only wonder where their creator had gone. Why did they have to cease? One calm, one certainty, in a whirlwind of chaos.

Pushing her legs out in front of her, until her heels brushed the very surface of the water, the young girl found herself laying back on the bank and setting her gaze skyward. The last sprinkling of stars could just about be seen, if she squinted hard enough, while the moon remained in all its splendor... Goading the rising sun, threatening to take away its relevance.

It was impossible to look upon the sun, yet without it nothing else could come into vision. And that included the moon. She may have preferred the latter, but it would not glow without the suns light.

You could not have one without the other.

Asha winced to that thought.

Was that not how things had been for her and her Father? Had they not been as inseparable as the great orbs in the sky? [member="Jericho"] the bright sun, passing on all he had to make she the lightless moon glow and shine in her own right?

Her hand curled, fist beating against the ground just once. Loud enough that the thump resounded in her hearing, hard enough that her hand ached.

"Not anymore."

The bastard had forsaken her. Ignored her calls, her pleas, for help... All the screaming, all the calling out in the Force... Ignored. And then he had shunned her when she finally returned to him. Flung her aside as though she was nothing. As though they hadn't spent fifteen inseparable years together.

She swallowed, and dropped her gaze to the trees around her. The clearing had been a nice find so deep into the jungle, it had provided her with ample enough moonlight to keep an eye out for Mumuu, a crisp freshwater lake to re-hydrate and freshen up within, and even a smattering of fish she had somehow managed to spear.

Asha had not eaten quite so well in a long time.

Clouds began to form overhead, slowly yet noticeably, causing the girl to frown. Now was not the time to fall prey to rain, the jungle had proven treacherous enough to traverse without another danger to contend with.

The more she stared skyward, however, the more she could make of the clouds. Her imagination patched together the rest, and slowly yet surely a picture came to life before her, animated yet vague.

"Nonsense" Asha chided, directed at herself, "No more childsplay."

For she was no longer the child she had once been. No more did she explore the Galaxy through rose tinted glasses, hungry for more. Daring, uncaring... Fearless.

Oh, there was plenty in this Galaxy to fear.
Joon had only come to Kalee to see if Darth Ayra was there, as she knew it was a world she had been to before. Now she was missing, again, Joon was acting alone searching for her "Master" - when it seemed to suit - to continue her training, because right now she was getting nowhere fast.

She'd walked for a good hour or so, not phased by the weather or the natural surroundings around her. Pushing forward, with a map and rucksack from Duro, her choppy hair with crimson streaks had stuck to her brow with sweat from the walk and the humidity. She was going to give it another hour or so and then leave. The Apprentice wasn't going to walk around planets for days looking for someone who obviously didn't want to be found.

But for the last 10 minutes, Joon hadn't been walking. She'd been watching.

Watching a woman on the bank on a vastness of water.

Joon had been crouched down in the surrounding fauna just watching this woman who looked very...she wasn't sure of the a warrior? Tribal? A witch? She didn't know. She looked angry, thoughtful and strong. In physical and mental appearence, because she had that feeling she had around others of the Force, that...tingling.

While the Apprentice wasn't very social, she didn't have anything against many people, unless they were Republic or Jedi affiliates. This one, she couldn't tell. Maybe she knew Ayra? Maybe she was a test?

Exhaling and standing up, Joon stepped out from the foliage without causing a big fuss and held onto her belt with both hands, looking to the water, glancing to the girl, a little coy, as if waiting to be seen.

"Wow. What a view!"

She said a little louder, for the other girl to hear.

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
She sat upright and cursed under her breath.

"You didn't even ask... You just presumed" she spat to the heavens above, clenching her jaw in frustration. "Did it mean nothing? All those years..."

Her voice broke toward the end, and she hunched over with her head in her hands. She felt so confused. She loved her Father, truly she did, but if she couldn't rely on him then who? If he hadn't come during her darkest hour, then when would he? When it was already too late?

"I cried, I called, I screamed, and you never once came. Yet you're the one disappointed in me? For what?"

Her hands curled again, so tightly that her knuckles cracked.

"Force, I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you... I miss you..."

It was all so confusing.

Asha jumped.

From nowhere he had pounced, a small ginger ball of fluff that soared through the air and landed against her lap with a decidedly fierce "Mew!"


She set a hand over her heart and exhaled a shaky breath, trying her hardest not to tremble. The little kitty, courtesy of Sargon, was still extremely young... But he was proving to already have a fine future as a hunter. Her fingers moved through the fluffballs fur. Even so far away the Zabrak seemed to do wonders in soothing her mind.

He was the only one to help the day she had returned.

As Azrael curled into her lap, Asha took the moment to recollect her thoughts. Would [member="Jericho"] ever want to see her again? Did he see her as his child, or just some bastard from his past. Someone who meant nothing... The way her Mother had seen her, a simple burden?

That thought hurt.

Out of nowhere a voice broke through the glade, and Asha swiveled on the spot to see... A girl. Well, more a woman really. Of all the places in all the worlds, what in Chaos was she doing here? Apparently the jungle wasn't as large as she'd first believed.

Uncertainty rose within her. Was this a test? Had her Master sent this woman here to bring her back to the durasteel graveyard?

Panic rose within her and she scrambled back toward the bank, shaking her head. She didn't want to go back there. She didn't want to go back to that lifestyle. She had just discovered her freedom again, and there was no way he was taking it from her.

One hand lifted to the delicate band of metal just beneath her shirt, set around her throat.

Damn him.

"I won't go back" she said, eyes wide.

He couldn't make her.

Glancing out the corner of her eye, Joon saw the girl rise, stand and almost retreat. Muttering to herself too. What a strange person.

She turned fully to face her, unsure of what she had done to warrant such a cryptic greeting. A smile broke on her face at a private thought - was she this strange when that beast [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] had found her on Duro and tried to interact? Well good. He didn't deserve to be the one to help her. The liar. His time would come soon.

"You're a peculiar one. Dress sense and voice."

Joon wasn't the best at striking conversation, but she didn't care. She had her Master. She didn't need anyone else. Didn't she?

"Are you lost or something? Going back where?"

Not that she cared. She walked a little along the edge of the bank where she had come from, looking at the girl the closer she got and even noticing a little freaky creature beside her. How odd indeed! Joon looked down at the orange blob, then took in the girl, and chuckled.

"Not saying much, are you."

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
In the moment of silence which followed, Asha could hear only her heartbeat in her ears.

Had he somehow heard her? Was he planning an adequate punishment for his wayward slave? Was he... No. She had to screw her head back on, she had to think clearly. She had not spoken out against him this entire time, since leaving his presence. But she had crumbled at the first hurdle, when she saw Jericho. If he was monitoring her, he'd have seen that. He'd have recalled her already, surely?

Then again... This was the first place she'd landed since fleeing the Temple they had been building.

Suspicious eyes fell over the woman ahead of her again. She definitely had the taint of darkness, but... There was something more. Or, less... Something missing.

This one had been nowhere near the durasteel graveyard. The stench of that place, of the floating darkside nexus, was not so easily scrubbed. Asha knew that too painfully. So she hadn't seen him, at least not in person. Did that eradicate the chances of her working for him though?

But the next words out of this strangers mouth gave that thought pause.

Was she toying with Asha?

When she took steps toward the bank, toward Asha and Azrael, she could not help but protectively scoop the kitten back into her arms and take a step sideways. Distrust flared once again, but she inhaled slowly and tried to suppress the urge to run.

Fleeing from her Master never ended well. She had enough marks and spots which turned sore without any warning to last a lifetime. No, she would stand her ground. But she would not return with this woman to him.

"You won't take me back to him. I don't care what he's promised you, I don't care what threats he used. I won't go anywhere with you."

Her hand lifted back to the choker, fingering the metal which suddenly felt both hot and cold simultaneously. Force how she wanted to remove it.

The Master certainly had an effect on the Apprentice, with Joon now feeling like she was in the position of power, and looking at the strange girl with the judgemental look she had received from Ayra many moons before on Duro. She dropped her eyes to the item around her neck and saw her fingering it and her brow fell a little. She’d seen these things before, and all judgement slipped away.

Was she a slave? Some of those on Duro had restraints and the collars had taken heads clear from the shoulders in a burst of white light and red blood. The ones not strong enough to be warriors had become servants to those picked, like Joon, and the Imperial Moffs in charge. Joon had a sister restrained once and chained with a collar, and she saw what it did to weak people.

So this girl was weak, and Joon was strong.

She walked forward a few steps, holding out her hand.

"You’re a slave? Right? Where do you come from? You need help?”

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
Asha diligently kept her head high and glared toward the woman who seeped with judgement. She wanted to whack that expression clean from her face, but refrained. It would do her no good. The moment her gaze dropped to Asha's fumbling hand though the judgement seemed to vanish, causing her a suspicious moment of thought.

Was that a good sign, or a bad one? Was she really here to take her away? Was the absence of an expression simply the confirmation that she had the right girl, or was it shock that she held such a disgusting thing around her neck?

She took a sharp step back as the woman neared her, resisting the urge to snarl like a cornered animal. It would be just like her Master to send someone to toy with her. To act like they cared before snapping chains around her wrists and carting her back there...

Asha shuddered, her stomach turned, and she felt ready to hurl. She did not want to go back there.

She wouldn't.

"Stay away from me" she tried to hiss, only it came out more like a whimper. "Stop toying with me, you know where. Tell him I won't do what he says. Tell him I'm not going to return."

Joon let her hand drop, and scoffed.


She threw the insult banded around her facility to the girl, and looked her up and down and made it clear she was fully of pity and disgust. She didn't care for some strange woman, she was weak anyway. She had her own destiny to fulfil.

So the Apprentice pulled the strap on her bag, kicked a few stones over to the strange girl, and turned to follow the bank, and the river, to the lip of the clearing they were on from the foliage around them.

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
She stared for a moment. The word meant nothing to her, it wasn't a familiar insult, but the way in which it had been spat at her spoke volumes. For a moment she looked upon herself from an outsiders perspective... Lone girl out in the jungle, paranoid, pushing away any semblance of help or conversation.

No wonder the woman seemed annoyed enough to be walking away.

Did that mean she really wasn't with him? Or was it yet another part of the test? She was through with all these mind games. Through with all these tests.


Asha took one slight step toward the woman, hating herself for doing so. Hating herself for being such a coward.

"I'm sorry... I thought..."

What did she think? There was no way to justify her behaviour.

"I thought you were somebody else."

Joon stopped, rolled her eyes and turned to the slave, one hand resting on her backpack strap over her shoulder, the other hanging loose. She wasn’t impressed.

"I said I wasn’t here for you. You failed to listen. Rule one of survival – listen."

She shifted her stance.

"You are a slave, yes? What are you doing here? And who is he?”

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
"I... I'm not a slave" she quickly said, though she knew that this stranger had seen too much already... So much that she wouldn't believe her. "Not really. I... He..."

She exhaled a long hard breath. Force help her if this was one of his tricks, she'd be in for it if he'd heard her.

"I needed somewhere to think. To breathe. I'm not a slave, but he..." She touched the metal. Too soon, she couldn't talk about it. Much too soon. "He's a monster" she whispered, maybe if she could barely hear her own words he couldn't either.

Asha really didn't want to think about him. Him or his damned durasteel graveyard. Him or his cruel ways.

But he had treated her well when she behaved... No. No, that did not absolve anything. He had taken her, he had broken her. She wasn't Asha anymore, just a hazy replacement.

"I'm not anybody's slave." More firmly this time. More sure. Besides he'd let her go, hadn't he? Sent her off into the Galaxy without any real task. Maybe he'd had a change of heart?

Yeah right, then why the collar you idjit...

With a sigh, Joon made it clear her patience was wearing thin, and she enjoyed his role reversal. She enjoyed being the one in command; in control. It felt good. She wasn’t going to be the butt of everyone’s mockery and false pity forever.

"Well you are a slave with a collar on, and I’m surprised it’s not taken your head off already if you’re running away. He must like you."

She sauntered a little closer again, turning to peer over at the collar without getting TOO close.

"Never seen one like that before, but no amount of scratching will get it off, my little womp-rat." Joon shrugged. "I take it you made the mistake of forgetting your place in a chain of command, and now you’re on the run? What happened."

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
"I'm not running" she said, eyes wide. Oh Force no, she had tried that once before... Or had it been twice? Force, why couldn't she recall? The very first time had been just after waking up on the graveyard. That was when she found out its true nature, she'd fled his presence the moment she'd found him there in the bridge, and all it had earned her was imprisonment among the dead.

He had so dutifully rescued her, though. He could have left her there where she had fallen, trapped within the corpses. She hadn't been quite so happy to see anybody ever as she had in that moment. But it hadn't lasted long. Then the slip up, oh kriff why had she scoffed... No, it was then that she'd relinquished all hold on herself. It had been easier to simply obey than go through that hellish pain again.

Only she had run again. Or at least, hidden. Then tried to flee. Her hand lifted just an inch, to the unseen rope around her neck. She could still feel it now, the tendrils of the Force biting into her throat and pushing all semblance of air from her. She had almost died that day. Part of her wished she had... It was just a taste of what would come.

"He..." her mouth was dry, and she licked her lips. "He let me go."

Probably to taunt her more, so he had fuel against her when he recalled her. And he would, she had come to realize. She was not safe, not at all. No matter where she went or who she saw she would be a living target. She looked at the woman suspiciously again... Was she certain she wasn't one of his?

That was it? That was all she had to say? Joon looked around, as if there was an audience, and then back to the slave girl.

"Is that it?" She laughed a little. "That’s it? I can tell why he let you go."

She turned her body into the girl.

"If you’re not going to speak to me, then crawl back into your hole because we don’t have time for people like you on our worlds in our galaxy."

Our worlds? There was no real OUR to it, but Joon was craving this power and confidence, and she was feeding from the slavers anxiety.

She waved her hand, like batting away a child. "Go."

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
How long had it been since she could speak freely?

How many years had it been drilled into her to speak when spoken to, and even then as little as possible. As articulately as she could? It was surprising that she hadn't slipped up a Master at any point in their conversation.

Conversation... Ha! That would be suggesting it was two sided. And the look on this stranger's face hinted that it wasn't.

"I'm not allow-- I shouldn't... Couldn't..."

Pull yourself together, Asha. Breathe, and speak. It's not difficult. You used to love chattering away...

She ran her fingers through Azrael's fur and took a deep breath.

"This was MY Galaxy" she finally said, eyes dancing with a fiery passion they'd previously been lacking. "I flew from one end of it to the other, then back again. I saw so many wonders, learned so many things, met so many people... I had stories to tell, dreams to live. And he took that from me. He took it all."

Where was the sweet summer child now? What had become of Asha Hex? She had died with the others in the tavern. And died again amidst the corpses of the graveyard.

"So don't sit there and speak to me like I'm nothing. Because I'm not."

Her head swam just a little, she felt sick. Sick to her core. She dropped to her knees, heaving... though nothing came up. No, she had to fight this. She wasn't nothing, no matter how hard he'd tried to convince her otherwise. No matter all the times he'd degraded her, broken away at her humanity. She was Asha Hex. She was somebody.

She was.

Joon recoiled a little as Asha collapsed and heaved – what was that about? She hadn’t pushed herself at all, and proved she was weak. Joon had been sick before after hours of running and combat training, but it had just come up and out and she had moved on; never letting it force her to her knees.

"You’re nothing, girl! Look at you! On your knees and you can’t even control your own body, let alone your emotions!"

She bolted forward a little and placed her boot on Asha’s side and pushed her over sideways and crouched forward, leering over the slave.

"It’s not your galaxy anymore! You don’t get a right in this galaxy by being weak, and you lost your right to dream and see the wonders when you had that collar snapped around your neck!"

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
She didn't stand up, as her body quivered on the spot. Memories pierced each moment, her mind abuzz with blood and bodies and pain. More than that, the words, his duplicitous nature, the way he would seem so caring after he'd brought her crashing to her knees asphyxiated.

Even her name had sounded like a curse when he spoke it, and she hated that he knew it. Hated that she hadn't lied up a different one. But in the moment she hadn't been thinking about deceiving him, she'd been thinking about survival. Pure base primal survival.

Here was different though. Here all she could think about was what had been forged within her. The knowledge that she was, indeed, worthless. Nothing. Just a thing to serve. To break and remold. It wasn't even worth fighting anymore.

Not even her own Father saw her as a person anymore. The way he had so cruelly glanced her over like an item at auction. The way he had shook his head and simply said No before tossing her aside and leaving her there in the dirt.

She hated this woman for reopening all of the wounds she'd tried her best to seal up the day he had released her. Hated her more for being right.

Yet when the time came, and the stranger pressed her boot into her side and knocked her over none of that anger flared into life. She felt empty and hollow, as though her body could not sustain her own weight. As if she was not in control of it. So long having her every move decided for her. Could she even remember what it was to take control over herself?

"I was just trying to help" she whispered, over and over. "He was hurt... I was just trying to help..."

That had been her downfall. Damn the would be medic in her. Damn it to Chaos and back.

The Apprentice shook her head, even though the slave couldn’t see, and went forward again for another shove with the foot. She wasn’t kicking, just making it very difficult to regain balance and maintain dignity on her hands and knees.

"Stop talking to yourself, and talk to me! Stop wallowing in the past and make a choice – live or die! That’s it!"

Joon’s voice carried a granite tone to it, unwavering emotion and a clear message – live or die. She didn’t care for anyone but herself and Ayra, and this slave was just another little test in the path to finding her calling as a Sith, and if she stood in the way of her, then she would knock her down.

"I swear I’ll cut your heart out right now for fun if I have to. You don’t deserve to live."

Unwavering, unbalanced and totally corrupted.

[member="Asha Nyerie"]
Knocked back down before she could even fully comprehend rising again.

What did this woman want from her? To talk? Why did she want a stranger she didn't know, someone she deemed a slave beneath her boot, to speak? She had spent so long knowing that her place was on her knees, no words spoken unless requested, for so very long.

Speak. What of? What did Asha possibly have to talk about? Her eyes closed tighter but she resisted the urge to curl into a ball like she so desperately wished she could.

There had to be something. Anything. That or death. Comply or die.

Her life had become one big cycle of servitude or failure. Failure meant death. Or worse.

"I very much like my heart where it is" she whispered, a little louder than before, turning her gaze over to the strange woman. Drunk with power. Not at all in control like he had been, no matter how hard she tried to make it seem as though she was.

"How long have you been a slave for?" she spat back, trying to lift herself up just a little. "How long have you been following the commands of a Master, waiting til you can rise up and take their place?"

Stupid, stupid girl. Did she want to get herself killed?

Joon felt a surge of excitement filter through her veins, the DNA that made her was spiking and fuelling her with strength. She leaned forward, backpack sliding off her arm, and grabbed the slave by the underarms and pulled her up, face to face with her.

The girl would see Joon’s tattoo under her eye, the choppy hair and the glint of fire in her eyes.

"I am no slave, and never will be. I am Justiciara Noctare, Apprentice of Darth Ayra and servant to the Empire, soon to become a Sith Warrior and end the cowardly Jedi Knights one at a time."

She gave the girl a shake.

"Who are YOU, slave girl."

[member="Asha Nyerie"]

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