Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Devil's Reject


A hooded figure stalked the lower parts of Nar Shaddaa's sprawling underbelly, forcefully pushing past many groups of ruffians and hooligans. One of the scum had enough balls to try to insult and throw a punch at the hulking cloak of a creature, and was answered in kind with a crippling blow to the midsection that sent him sprawling across the dirty durasteel ground with blood streaming from his mouth. The others were on the verge of engaging the cloaked man when he took the initiative, and began to rightly pummel all five of them with punches and kicks that were vastly swifter than the thug's drug-diminished brains could comprehend. In just forty seconds, all the thugs were sprawled on the ground, soaking in their own blood and excrement that had found its way out of their bowels as all muscle control was lost to that specific region. The hooded figure only gave a slight sneer before turning away from the heap of people and continued on his brisk pace through the scum and decay of the quickly crowding street. He continued on this trek for at least a good forty or forty-five meters through the labyrinth before finally reaching a destination worthy of his time. A well-known, and rather raunchy night club known for its mixture of decent alcohol and debaucherous woman. Both of those suited the hooded man just fine, and without hesitation he strode into the noise and chaos of the night club.

Inside he found the place to be rather packed and quickly scouted out a free spot for him to relax in, and perhaps receive some of this club's well known satisfactory woman for the evening. On his way to the empty booth, his eyes glanced back and forth across the courtyard, his force-enhanced vision catching some rather steamy business being conducted under the table for a few male patrons by the female host, but chose to ignore it and continue to the booth. Once there, he slid in with considerable swiftness, plopping down on the worn leather and relaxing back onto the backrest, swinging both of his legs up and onto the table, crossing them non-chalantly as he waited for someone to either service him, or get him a damn drink. The music increased in tempo and bass, making the man's very bones vibrate in sync with the music, and gave him a sense of oneness with the chaos being produced to every club-goer, and he quickly threw back his hood, revealing a devilish visage of blood red skin, and a pair of black horns erupting from his forehead. Doviculous smiled slightly and closed his eyes, deciding to take a quick nap before going on a quest for some booty.
Well-Known Member
Jhar moaned in his sleep. His injuries were still healing, and he was stricken to the bed, much to his displeasure. Immediately after his failure on Naboo (to no fault of his own), he had been assigned to Nar Shadaa. To be honest, it was one of the many planets that the Noghri detested, with not a scrap of forest. Jhar constantly mocked the holographic trees, whenever he had felt strong enough to rise from what felt like a grave. In his epic battles with Sith Lords, his body has been wracked with havoc. Now he needed a respirator to breath comfortably, and he had to convert his lightsaber into a sabercane to walk without injuring himself further. He was sickened by the whole situation. Of course, a black-clad suit of armor never boded well with civilians if that same wearer was walking on a cane and had to suck air through a tube. To hide himself from further unneeded damage, a little brown cloak covered his assailant armor.

Eventually the struggling Noghri decided that he was not going to sleep this night, and thus collected his strength for a little midnight walk to ease his troubled head (still recovering from a concussion). He hobbled down the streets, unassuming; drawing no attention to himself. Larger aliens bumped into him, pushed him aside, and cursed at him occasionally, but after a few days on Nar Shadaa and your trying to recover from injuries, it is really best to simply let them vent, least you need to make a bloody trial behind you, as it were.

Of course though, as fate would have it, it seemed that little Jhar was not quite alone on this planet. It wasn't unusual to sense another dark presence nearby (after all, this is Nar Shadaa), but somehow Jhar felt that this one was slightly familiar; a vague connection between the two in some way that may or may not have been direct. He then stumbled upon a pile of... people. How amusing. Jhar thought. He stood past them, as if he had never been there at all.

He eventually found his way into a nightclub. He hesitated a moment. Did he really want to go in there? He shrugged. Due to his concussion he probably wouldn't remember this night anyhow, so... why not? He waddled his way in to a full house, with blaring music that hurt his head, and lights that practically burned his eyes. And the people! It was becoming very claustrophobic with the amount of desperate people around him that made his current guise seem absolutely filthy rich! He forced them away, trying to see beyond the ocean of heads, trying to make out who it was he might be looking for. After a while though things were frustrating, and went to sit by someone, seeing no available seat, he used his brute strength to throw an attendant out of a chair. It caused nearly no impact on the environment, and the man was simply trampled, hardly able to cause a fuss over his stolen seat. He grasped the half empty bottle. Hm, and his beverage apparently. He thought to himself before a quick swig, like he had been there from square one. That's when he noticed it, the Devorian next to him. Hmm, he ought to be familiar to me, but I don't remember how?

"Come here often, friend?" He pointed 'his' bottle towards him before yet another swig. If he knew him as he felt he did, he certainly didn't remember if he was the conversational type.


Doviculous was beginning to really enjoy his nap until the intrusion of a noise differing from the noise and chaos of the electronic music blaring over the speakers. He felt a disturbance in the force, and snapped to consciousness and instantly went for his lightsaber, until he noticed that all that was near him was a rather unorthodox man seated across from him wearing what appeared to be a large brown cloak, hiding his features and whatever he was wearing underneath. The man took a drink of the bottle he held in his hand before turning towards Doviculous and asking in a very deep, and alien voice, "Come here often, friend?" Doviculous straightened up, and tried to discern whether he had met or not met this being before in his lifetime, but all that managed to come up was a big fat blank, but if the mere presence of this man roused him from his slumber, then he might just be worth Doviculous' time. He unhooked the hilt of his lightsaber and subtly placed it on the table to gauge the man's reaction before saying, "I don't know, what about you? Friend?" He curled his lips back in a vicious grin filled with many razor-sharp teeth, which combined with the darkness and the occasional flash of the club gave Doviculous the appearance of a straight-up Daemon.
Well-Known Member
"To be honest I don't know either, still recovering." He said pointing to his head. He tried to wrack his head for memory, but couldn't seem to find any. He noticed the blade right away, but considering the people that Jhar usually knew, it was really no surprise. A conversation starter perhaps, but nothing of a surprise. But to show figuratively that he was not defenseless as he might appear, he placed his cane on the table before him in the same manner he did with his lightsaber. "I don't know what it is but... I feel like I know you somehow, from somewhere. Your lightsa- your weapon. It isn't commonly used by ordinary people, and unfortunately I can not discern you from friend or foe from simply a color basis. Are you friend or foe?" He realized what a silly question it might have seemed to an outside observer. A seemingly older man asking a demonic devil weather or not he was a friend. What kind of friends could a person such as that have if they are roused to ask such a question to something that is inheritantly evil in the ignorant eyes of strangers?


Doviculous stifled a chuckle and rehooked his saber to his belt as he eyed the man more curiously now. "Friend or Foe, ehh? Well that all depends my hooded friend. Depends on your definition of friend or foe. Usually most people who get in the way are my foes, those who hamper on my mood or are just plain annoying as all hell. They get crushed under the heel of my boot, but my friends... my friends are the ones who I can respect, those who harbor power in either material goods, especially woman, or in the Dark side of the Force." He smirked again as he wettened his lips with his prehensile tongue before continuing, "Which one do you provide?" He managed to dodge the man's question with an inquiry of his own, which would determine the outcome of this encounter, whether it be for the better or for the worse.
Well-Known Member
"I serve Lord Vader, if that means anything to you; and I've made quite the collection of scars as of recent, the Empire and their rulers have been... unkind to me to say the least." He began to ignore his drink and removed his hood. His black eyes delved into the devils, his steel skin framed by his new metallic mouth. But this was the least of his features, black seeping through the skin in cracks around his eyes, giving the appearance that his eyes were in truth some sort of disease that began to eat his flesh from the inside. His head harbored a grizzly gash from his sky-high fall, ripped and then cauterized from molten shrapnel. One side of his face was visibly swollen, forcing part of his mouth open to reveal his reptilian teeth, of a near yellow hue. He was a sickly beast now, and this was but a glimpse of the pain he had endured. If one were to look at his naked body, they would see on the surface not just scars, and large gashes followed by heinous bruises, oh no. It was beneath the skin that they could see, where his muscles seemed to fuse and contort within, and if one could see further they would see his bones at one time had been charred, and his insides had been blistered. Many of these wounds of course had healed some, both in time, and from the assistance of the force. His one hand once again lowered his hood.

"You may not have felt me come, or the darkness I harbor within, for the ugly truth is- I am weak, not in body for this can be healed. I am weak in a deeper manner, and I survived my battles only through will alone, a will I do not seem to grasp over fate." He looked glumly into his glass, while a growing feriosity took hold of the assassin's mind, at the apparent weakness he held within, but yet relied so heavily upon to continue living.

"I don't even know why I tell you this." He snarled.


Doviculous nodded solemnly and rested both elbows on top of the table, cupping his hands together while resting his chin on his knuckles. Yes, this alien, this horribly scarred and marred individual was indeed the Devaronian's friend, and Doviculous lowered his guard slightly in the man's company. "Well met fellow Disciple, I did not expect to see one of the Clan in this exact spot, but it pleases me to know that I am not truly alone on this world of durasteel and noise." He grinned savagely and continued, "So, where'd you get those big bad boo boos, ehh? End up on the wrong side of a woman with her panties running red? Or was it in glorious battle against a now slain enemy?" He frowned slightly as he said these next words, "Or did you allow yourself to be defeated and barely escaped with your life?" He'd pull his lips back slightly, obviously portraying his immense displeasure at such a notion of being defeated by someone else.
Well-Known Member
"It is an unfortunate truth that I deal with myself, it is too much shame for me to share. But yes, to answer your question, I escaped with my life. But you must keep in mind I am not as strong as I sense you to be, I am weak. Without a Master I remain nearly untrained, learning my power only from the times I am pressed into a corner, or on my own entirely. But keep this in mind as well, I may have fled, but it was to fight again. In my mind the defeats I have suffered were but only battles in a long, long war. If you must know I have killed "lords" before, along with no-name Jedi, but these Sith I faced were like nothing I had ever encountered. The first Lord I knew was powerful, but the last one... the last one was unlike anything I had ever heard of. He was insane, and was far darker than either one of us, or any I have ever encountered, and he smelled of a race I believed to be long dead. This Sith I encountered, space and time knelt to him! Appearing anywhere he wanted, causing a rip, a wound in the force, and it was no illusion. Why did he want to kill me? Because our order just happened to bear his name.... Disciple."

He was looking back at the Devaronian, shaking in visible anger. He was very nearly ranting loud enough to be heard over the noise of the cantina.

"I speak too loudly Devaronian, do not remind me of my failure. I've had enough of it these past few weeks, far more than any should have to endure. Whom have you killed in glory?" His question was sincere, while in his marred head he fumed. He fiddled with his glass, tempted to crush it for crushings sake.


Doviculous would grumble a tad under his breath before stretching, his muscles having grown a bit stiff over the past few hours. "Well, I've killed many fledgling Knights in my time since joining the Disciples, but sadly my kill count has been rather lack luster... but with what I hear on the recent events in the Galaxy, I don't have to wait long before I can sink my blade into the flesh of my enemies." He said with a joyful trill in his voice, himself a bit giddy to be truthful and leaned over the table to look Jhar right in the eye. "But it's awfully boring when you hunt all alone, I propose a partnership between us both. The more the merrier they say, am I right?"
Well-Known Member
The alien smiled behind his Iron mouth piece. A partnership. Jhar honostly thought the devil would eat him out for his failures as of recent, and here he was offering a partnership? Perhaps he was not as transperant as he thought, or perhaps more sinisterly he had another motive in mind. He liked the idea, travelling under an Apprentice of Vader, a powerful Weapon as strong as any Sith Knight. He did not like the idea however, of Master and Apprentice so much, but he reminded himself that even for all of Darth Vader's power he had always been subservient to a patron of his own. He remembered that it was through the teachings of another experienced in the force that Vader reached greater potential. However, from the wording of the alien, he suspected that he had not proposed such a thing for him. This man before him was not a teacher, but rather a destroyer, a weapon, as he should be. But perhaps by tagging along, Jhar could learn a thing or two from this stronger fellow.

"It's a deal, but first I must ask a question." He took a small breath before continuing. "Is there a reason why you ask this of me? What is your alterior motive. You have the bearings of a Sith, and those like them are schemers. Heed me no attention to this question if I have misjudged you in this respect, but I see no reason why an Apprentice of Vader such as yourself would want a weak Disciple like me to tag along. What have you in store for me devil?"
The nearby clubbers start to disperse at the sound of a ship landing nearby, the main doors opens making it a ramp for anyone to exit. Out of the ship comes a man in pristine battle armor covered with dark tattered robes, the figures head was covered by a tattered hood as well, only to reveal a helmet hiding the figure's entire body. He starts walking slowly to the entrance, pushing people out of the way, he enters and notices something different. He then prepares his saber just in case although he has not mastered his saber arts, it still could do some good for him. He goes over the the bar and sits down only remain in silence.


Doviculous was about to answer his fellow Disciple, when he felt a disturbance in the forced and held up a hand to signal Jhar to hold on a moment as he strained his senses outward. Whatever it was, it had entered the club that Doviculous and Jhar were in. "I fear we may have company, and not of the friendly sorts. I can't pinpoint it or get a accurate reading on whatever it is, so I'm going to scout around the bar and get a handle on the situation..." He said in a very serious tone of voice, all snarky and joking comments aside as he slide out of the booth and blended in with the crowds as best as a blood red, horned creature could. He circled the bar area, his eyes glancing back and forth from each person he came across, his senses probing outward to prod and pick at the minds of the clubbers, trying to figure out what the hell was giving him such a bad mood.
Well-Known Member
"It would appear that we are indeed no longer alone, and I fret you would not need to look long." He pointed across from them to a very tall, and Jhar supposed he appeared menacing, being. Immediately, the Noghri turned into a hunter, vanishing from sight while he hobbled and weaved through the crowd. The presence that came from the figure was indeed powerful, however, all of it felt... untrained. How was that possible? He ignored it. He had faced several powerful beings and he could very easily discern that this was not one of them. He began to close in on the apparantly Sith, without a trace of his former force signature. To be a silent kill, and to be impressive to his Devil friend, he pulled out his Noghri Knife. Normally, all one would see when he pulled this blade out was a small glint in the night. However, in a Nightclub, not even that could be noticed. Despite his targets apperantly untrained nature, in light of recent track record this would look quite well to his superiors; killing a force sensitive before even getting a chance to counter attack. He did wonder though how Doviculous would handle the situation.


Doviculous slowly unsheathed the hilt of his saber, and crept over to where he felt the anomaly, his muscles straining as he prepared himself for anything. He finally saw the man in question who had triggered this little hunt, and he snarled slightly when he finally got a good look at the man, or well... the helmet the man was wearing, and despite the overwhelming odor of liquor, sweat, body odor, and sex, Doviculous could distinctly smell a certain... off-putting smell that came from this man. It was so vastly far from the normal, that it enraged Doviculous that such a thing could be in this place, and he vigorously fought off the urge to just activate his saber and go gung-ho on everything in front of him. No, he was better than that, he was no animal, he was a weapon of the Dark Side! Doviculous finally strode up behind the man, stopping at a good 2-3 meters, before mentally saying 'Screw it' and activated his lightsaber, the crimson blade exploding to life, sending many clubbers away just by the mere sight of it. "So, what's up my ominously masked friend? Looks like you walked into the wrong god damn Club..."
Xhinx remain seated in silence then to momentarily speak "Mes aras abid tsis ir nu zinot zo nuo j'us tariam j'us kais kia girdeti zhol? {We are both Sith, and I have a proposition for you. Would you like to hear it?}"


Doviculous snarled, disgust pure and clear plastered on his vicious features, his eyes burning with a hatred of one born to hell. "What kind of... proposition?" He kept his lightsaber active, now moving it slightly for its blade to aim directly at the man.
Xhinx replies not caring about the lightsaber, still staring at his crossed hands. "antai aras xauti savimi ir nesti savimi kia nun ir j'us valia but su kaienas iv tu'iea savas. {There are certain... holocrons, find them and bring them to me, and you will be rewarded with something of your own desires.}"

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