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The Definition of Power [Subjugation of Korriban | Garoth Do'Urden]

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
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Sand everywhere, the sun scourging hot, wind that rips the flesh right off your body. All accurate descriptions of the planet Korriban. It was no wonder that most Sith Lords preferred the comfort of their palaces on planets like Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Empire. Garoth did not mind that though, it only made it easier for his schemes. Oh there were still Sith Masters at the academy, who else would teach the new and aspiring acolytes the basics of being a Sith? But they were far too busy prancing about and sharing their supposed wisdom. Most ambitious Sith leave the planet the moment they get a small resemblance of power.

These facts all made Garoth return to the desert planet, for he had not forgotten the true power and future of the Sith Empire. And it was not located somewhere in the Unknown Regions, some forgotten artifact of the past. No, it resided here, with the Academy. The future of the Sith Empire lies inside of the acolytes being trained here. And the man who controls the Academy, would control the Empire.. so to speak.

Of course, most students would be taken away by ambitious Masters, used for petty schemes. But if Garoth could grab the power on this planet? He could bring the most promising acolytes under his wing and then? Then even the sky would not be a true limit.

Even still, he would have to tread lightly. A head-on confrontation would not serve his purposes and would certainly prove his undoing. As such he had come up with a daring plan. An elaborate scheme of the sorts, which would place him into power, while also dethroning the current de-facto leaders..

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
So, Korriban was about to see new leadership? Very interesting to say the least, it was rather surprising that the Emperor was allowing such an unproven whelp take up such a mantel. Though Krag though of Garoth as weak and unproven, he felt that something was out of place with this whole plan. This Garoth was unproven, yes, but Krag could feel something amiss. Dranok must have been stupid not to feel the same thing, but what could Krag expect from a man who had to be handed the title of Emperor? Dranok was weak, just as unproven to Krag as Garoth was. It would not surprise the Graug Knight if this man, sitting in the shuttle with him, would use the power he attained from Korriban to forge an army of his own one day. There was an old Graug saying "Don't put an unbroken infant where there should be a loyal man", perhaps it was time for Dranok to heed such sayings. Unless, of course, the Emperor was unaware of the man's plans

Krag snorted, turning his sights to Garoth "What is your plan for this?" Krag asked, his good eye drifting over to his four Horde Guard beside him
Aboard the Dzu'ari
High Orbit, Korriban

So he had come. Word gets around when one makes plans for the subjugation of Korriban, a world sacred to the Sith. It boasted the largest academy of the Order, the very lifeblood of he entire Empire's Force order. A smile crept across the face of the Emperor, his fingers tapping together as he sighed, his gaze sliding across the multiple viewscreens of the command room. Throne rooms weren't his thing, if anything, he would be somewhere on a ship. Mobility and firepower were assets to behold. Maybe he should give this little Knight a taste of power and see how he handled it, a sharp tool was always useful.

His fingers tapped together. "Commander, deploy the 501st Legion." Only time would tell if this was the right decision. "Give them orders to give Knight Do'Urden temporary command." Oh Dranok would know how things went. Stormtrooper helmets fielded cameras and mics, allowing him to see exactly what he wanted to see from up here in orbit. However, should this Knight get any of his soldiers killed or cause too much damage, he would have him punished in the blink of an eye.

One chance and one chance only.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Garoth's shuttle had just been given clearance to land, as such he decided to check his equipment one last time. Vigilance, his Sith Sword, sat obediently in its sheet waiting until it would be unleashed into the world. There was no sense in checking the edge of the sword, it never dulled and he had tried it often. Once he just started slamming stones with it, not a single dent had appeared. The Sword simply refused to lose its edge, but Garoth did not mind it, one less detail to pay attention to. His lightsaber hung on his belt, unused most of the time. He had always preferred the honest cold steel over the saber of red light.

But he was a Sith Knight and the saber was the trademark of that position. As such he had decided to use it more often, for getting used to something could mean death. Oh he could still draw upon the Force through the Sword if necessary, but he would rather not for the time being. Fighting this battle with only his own power would prove interesting indeed.

"What is your plan for this?"

The Graug had proved to be a worthy fellow Knight and warrior in general during the few battles they fought together. But Garoth could sense its doubts about his abilities, no worries soon the Graug would understand what real power means. Krag had brought with him his honor guard, four of the strongest and meanest looking bastards Garoth had ever laid eyes upon. But they would do the trick, at least if Krag could restrain their and his own natural blood lust until he told them otherwise.

"Patience, Lord Krag. All will soon be made clear."

Besides Krag, his honor guard and himself, there was one other person on the ship. @[member="Tycho Shorn"], one of the few people he could call a friend. The man was excellent with a sword and his Force Abilities were above par, especially for a Sith Apprentice. In the end it would not matter that much though, if everything went according to plan? Then this battle would not be fought with swords, sabers or the Force. No it would be fought with words only. Oh there would be a couple of deaths, the Port would have to be secured and be cleansed of the Mercenaries who supposedly protected it and some Sith would have to be disposed off. But in the end? It should be an easy transition.

"I hope your tongue is as sharp as ever, Tycho. For we will need all the wit you have to succeed in my.. plan."

@[member="Krag"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Krag liked this Sith more and more every time they met, he called Krag lord even though they shared the same rank. It was something uncommon, probably unheard of, in the Sith for one to so such respect for one of the same rank. Krag saw no trouble in it though, in fact, he was more pleased than ever that someone was recognizing his greatness of the lessers.

"Patience is not a strong suit of the Graug." Krag answered with a snort

@[member="Garoth Do'Urden"]
"Oh, you do have a plan. Wonderful," Tycho smiled disarmingly, green eyes calm and blonde hair as impeccable as ever. He wore his usual corellian sand panther leather trappings, the finery of a nobleman, yes, but he was not displeased with the title. It was part of who he was. "Here I was thinking it would be another impetuous, 'just do it' coup."

The Tapani nobleman rested a lazy hand upon the hilt of his sword, an unusual weapon in this day and age, but by all means still functional. "Shall we then?"

@[member="Garoth Do'Urden"]
@[member="Garoth Do'Urden"] | @[member="Krag"] | @[member="Tycho Shorn"]

Hannibal lingered in the back of the shuttle. He was but a simple, cyborg mercenary in the presence of a whole gaggle of Sith. Not the lame, outcast, cultist Sith he ran into when working for the Confederates either. These Sith were the real deal: Imperial Sith. Hannibal had heard the rumors, but he had never encountered one up close. From what he understood, Sith were a volatile sort, liken to fly off the handle and start decapitating children at the faintest slight. Or something like that, anyway. He supposed they would make due with adults if children weren't around. Whatever the case was, Hannibal wasn't overly keen to test the waters and find out. These guys had laser-swords and he was in an enclosed space.

There was also the gigantic one that looked like it was made out of fire to worry about. Suffice to say, Hannibal wasn't keen on talking to any of them, lest he put his well-being at risk. He remained in the back, fiddling with his rifle and making sure it was up to snuff.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
A plan.. oh yes, he had one. It involved landing on that planet, pretend like you own the place and hope no one would ask any questions. This whole endeavor was highly uncharacteristically, for the proud Knight never went into a situation without a plan, a back-up plan and a contingency plan for the back-up plan. Until now, at least, this time he had had some trouble with coming up with a good strategy.

Oh the rudimentary parts where there. They would have to capture the port and cleanse it of the mercenaries the High Overseer had hired. Then move on to the Academy and meet up with a few of his contacts, they should help them subdue the few acolytes and knights that were loyal to the High Overseer. Their final destination was the Citadel, rumor had it that the ancient Sith Lord Darth Krayt had built it during the high days of the One Sith. The High Overseer should be located somewhere in the tower, probably on the top level, cliche villain and all.

How they would accomplish all of that with a Graug Sith Knight, his four Graug guards, a Bladeborn Sith Apprentice and a Mercenary Cyborg? Only the Force would know, at least he had been able to get a couple of his own mercenary troops stationed on the Port. This should make it easier a bit easier to capture, while avoiding unnecessary civilian casualties. For the Emperor might accept an Usurper, but not if he gained his power through massacring Imperial citizens? Who knows how he would react. Not even thinking about the problems an unruly population could mean for his rule.

But Garoth did not show his worry to his companions instead he just laughed at Tycho's remark.

"Of course, Tycho. You know me. When did I ever not have some elaborate plan or strategy? And we should be arriving shortly Lord Krag. Your famous patience will endure for a few seconds more, I am sure of that."

He suddenly felt a trickle of worry filling him. At first he was unable to determine the source, but after a moment he realized it came from the silent cyborg mercenary. Reading his mind was easy enough, the guy was worried being surrounded by Sith. Garoth repressed a chuckle and reached out with his mind to the man.

"You really should keep your mind in check when dealing with Sith. You know how we can get.. decapitating children or adults for that matter.."

He kept his face perfectly clear though while conveying his message to the mercenary. It was just then that the pilot decided to tell that that they had landed. Sighing softly Garoth stood up and opened the ship's door.

"Well, ladies. It seems like we have arrived, if you are having second thoughts, stay in the shuttle. Things might get a little bit messy outside of it."

Then he left the shuttle without looking back to see if the rest of his companions would follow him.

@[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Krag"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"]
Broken out of his trance and usual pre-mission ritual by a sudden mental communication, Hannibal's head shot up and looked wildly around for the source. Right. Even though he didn't see anyone staring directly at him, he had a good enough gut to tell him it came from the guy filing his pay check. Evil as these guys were, maybe baby-slaying wasn't the modus operandi of every Sith. Damn if it wasn't most of them, though. Might've been coincidental, but not too recently there were rumors that those Sithlings who had sacked the crap out of Coruscant had literally drained the life out of a bunch of younglings. Everyone had different tastes when it came to killing children, he supposed.

Deigning to maintain his low profile and keep his surface thoughts and feelings to a minimum going forward, Hannibal made himself comfortable as he waited for the ship to land. Regularly, he would have been chatting idly with the other passengers, but these guys were still beyond his league. After a while, he felt the shuttle begin to descend and then subsequently land. Nothing to keep them staying aboard now. Obviously this was going to get violent at some point or another, otherwise there wouldn't be need for Hannibal's presence. Killing was kind of his one job at the moment- unless it was civilians.
Blinking rapidly at the harsh glare of Korriban's sun, Tycho emerged from the shuttle along with the other Sith and the large extremely
Rage-filled cragmoloid and the many-eyed mercenary. His hand rested idly on the hilt of his sword and he seemed content to look and
Eye the terrain without making any immediate moves. He was, as ever, calm, in comparison to the other Sith. It was likely a side
Effect of his noble upbringing. His blonde hair rippled in a dry breeze. Humidity on Korriban did not exist. A planet full of many things, all...

More so now that Garoth was here to subjugate the Academy. Shorn smiled slightly as the hot sand crunched beneath their
Endeavoring heels. This would be an interesting day, however things played out.

Despite the rather headlong nature of their pursuit, Tycho trusted that Garoth had at last some idea of what to do. Otherwise
Red would be added to the sands today. A lot of red. And he didn't plan on having any of it come from his own veins. Though
All things were possible in the end, he supposed. Tycho squinted, peering into the not-so distant distance. Well, he supposed
Now they should start moving. He kept his sword sheathed and followed after Garoth. Their feet crunched upon the hot sands
On this desolate world. Shorn readjusted his grip on the hilt. He did have this urge to see how exactly the apprentices fared
Killing other apprentices. The Bladeborn had trained him quite well, after all.

Kalius Aegrus

The searing hot sun beat down upon the blue-striped form of Jay. His new armor fit snugly and the command didn't hurt either. The Commander only followed the
Emperor's orders. A new job had its perks and benefits. Many of which falling upon his shoulders as the new commander of the 501st legion, the best he had.
Many of the selections of the newly restored legion were broken, shipped out of the training detachment. Only a small portion of the original group remained.
People scattered away from the blue-striped soldiers as they tromped through town, their rifles held high and their heads even higher.
Learning from ancient tradition wasn't easy. Fearless, elite, smart, and tough were all definitions of the 501st. They had no bounds but he vastness of space.
Easier said than done, they trooped through the streets. Their faces covered with plastoid, their hearts concealed by steel.
Something was bound to spark. Something to give them a meaning, to catch their Emperor's eye with their service.

Catching his eye, a hooded group stood aloof nearby a shuttle, no doubt ill-intent in their souls. The Commander figured they were the contacts.
Respectfully approaching them, he asked. "Is there a Garoth Do'Urden here?" Cocking his gaze from side to side, surveying the group.
Underneath his helmet, he could feel the eyes of more than three dozen Stormtroopers burning into his back. His choices were their fate.
Maybe he wasn't right for this job, maybe he wasn't strong enough. But the Emperor made promoted him to this position, maybe there was something more.
Beliefs, training, and ideology were instilled into the soul of a stormtrooper. Bred from day one to be a servant of their Emperor, a sharp tool for him.
Letting even one mistake pass him was unacceptable, his Empire deserved better. The deserved the best, order and peace were to come soon.
Everywhere around the galaxy, eternal order would be founded. Molded together by their hands and that of their Lord.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
One nice thing about this curse of his was that he no longer had the irritation of his scales that followed the entering of a overly cold or overly hot climate. Everyday this curse seemed to feel less like a curse and more like a gift, but that was the point now wasn't it? The curse wasn't supposed to be the powers or physical appearance that came with it, those were simply tools to further corrupt the cursed individual. No, the true curse would show its ugly head when Krag had reached the apex of his power and he suddenly realized that he was falling apart at his seams. Still, though Krag was fully aware of his predicament, he was fairly certain that he would find a way to overpower the curse and free himself.

Thinking into that was for another time though, for now he needed to focus on the mission at hand. He squinted his good eye as the raging sand storm and scorching sun blinded his good eye and caused him to need to cover it. As he looked out over the ocean of sand, Krag saw an approaching platoon of stormtroopers whose leader quickly came up and spoke "Is there a Garoth Do'Urden here?"

There was no respect in his words, no greetings to those who were superior to him. Krag had come to not expect such treatment from other Sith who outranked him or were on his same level, but the Apprentices and non-force users of the Empire were a different matter entirely "How dare you approach us, without properly acknowledging us!" Krag boomed as his Horde Guard took their places on either side of him.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Garoth just stepped out of the shuttle when he noticed the imperial storm troopers walking up to them. It was a most concerning development indeed, but they would have to go through with it regardless. He could already see his mercenary troops silently setting themselves up behind the Imperial Troops, they would inflict heavy damage on his sign.
Without a second thought Garoth took one step further and put his hands up and said while at the same time touching the mind of his own companions.

"Is there a Garoth Do'Urden here?"

"How dare you approach us, without properly acknowledging us!"

"Gentlemen, do we really need to resort this. Lord Krag, I assume the commander had no ill will towards you. Now, Commander, I am Garoth Do'Urden. How can I be of service?"

"My friends, mercs are already on stand-by. If this turns ugly just take cover and kill the lot of them."

Garoth wondered how the Emperor had found out about his plans, he would have to go through all his contacts to find the spy.

@Krag @TJ-1467 Jay @[member="Tycho Shorn"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]

Kalius Aegrus

A snarl curled Jay's lips back. If his helmet wasn't on, he would have spat on this hulking thing before him. Though a small lingering trace of fear permeated the back of his mind, another rose to the front. The 501st were the personal enforcers of the Emperor's will, nobody but he told them what to do. Rather than risk casualties by a rampaging Sith, he merely dropped the rifle in his left hand and rendered a salute just as another Knight approached bearing the name of Garoth Do'Urden.

"I am TJ-1467 Jay, Commander of the 501st Legion. The Emperor has dispatched me and a portion of my men to assist you."

His salute dropped. "We await your orders."

@[member="Garoth Do'Urden"] @Krag @Tycho Shorn @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]
Ascending from the lower levels of the academy, Arcturus moved out of the main hall to the plaza which overlooked the Valley of the Dark Lords. His gaze shifted, looking at the Dark Honor Guards who patrolled the grounds. Play it cool, he told himself, confidence was always a dead give away. And there was nothing worse then trying to hide things in a building full of force sensitives. Yet the plot was unfolding before him, and a the pieces were set and being played, he decided to help make a move rather to be caught or killed unwittingly in the cross fire.

Looking down at his comm unit, which had been switched to an encrypted line, he waited. "Whats taking so long?" He whispered to himself in frustration. Garoth, his contact had given him a time and instructions and while some of the details were vague, Arcturus's did not have much patience when it came to the assault of a major Sith academy especially when it being directed by other Sith. This was nothing more than a Coup he knew, but in the end he decided it was better to be on the winning side. Again he noted the guards, he had earlier broke into their quarters and learned their schedules and when shift changes were.

Glancing down at his comm device again, the Sith apprentice decided to walk back into the main hall before attracting suspicion. He reached out with the force... Then stopped. His hand dropped down instinctively to his lightsaber. In the force he could feel something had changed, or rather something was wrong. No doubt the power shift had begun, he knew Garoth would not make some head on assault. Glancing around Arcturus made a mental note of the number people in the hall, what weapons they had, and what they were doing.

"Any time now." He said again to himself.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Garoth could almost feel the lingering sensation of worry emanating from his contact in the Sith Academy. Especially for this moment he had made sure he would recognize his particular signature and it had paid off. The Knight reached out towards the fragile mind of the ambitious Apprentice and relayed a message: "Patience, young one. We have arrived at the Port. This will barely be a nuisance, still it is entirely possible a mercenary escapes from our cleansing. If so, make sure he reaches no one." The young apprentice would know what to do and if not? Well then there would be one less incapable Sith to worry about. Then he refocused his attention to the matters at hand, namely the dozens of soldiers he just got thrown into his lap. It seemed the Emperor favored him indeed, moreover it made his job here a hell of a lot easier. @[member="Arcturus Procyon"]

But first he would need to stop the incoming massacre of his new shiny clone legion. So Garoth gestured towards the assembled Mercenary troops to resume their covert positions and then regarded the clones. There were a couple of dozens of them and they seemed to be in good shape. He hoped they were able to fight and did not have the crappy aim of the majority of storm troopers.

Nodding to @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"] he accepted his salute and said with a smile: "Yes, I think I could use you and your men. @[member="Tycho Shorn"] I want you to go with the commander and secure the perimeter. The loyal troops that I have planted between the Mercenaries will help Lord @[member="Krag"] , @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] and your truly to dispose of them. The thing is I will need both the Legion and you Tycho to pick off the stragglers and secure the gates. We do not want the Academy and the Citadel to know of our little battlefield here. Now any questions? No? Move out then."

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Krag nodded, taking the lead ahead of the rest of the pack. Things in the Empire were getting more and more complex since the day that Dranok took over as the Emperor of the nation. Was it his fault? Perhaps not, but the fact that he appeared weak to so many was going to lead to yet another coup and Krag had not yet decided who he would join with. It wasn't the fact that he wanted power, no it was too early for that, but a fact of who would serve him the best to shoot to the top. At the moment, Garoth would serve as a good influence at the academy that he could use to his advantage and thus was his current priority. Plus, turning down a mission to kill weak mercenary scum was not in Krag's character in the slightest.

The beast marched forever forward, his good eye studying the base they were about to assault. If Garoth was anything, ambitious was certainly one of the words used to describe him. The complex was not just a starport but a fortress in every sense of the word that came to mind. The port itself lay upon a large cliff to the North of Krag's position and he could spot several anti-air craft batteries scattered around the cliff side. Krag continued to analyze the opposition, spotting a road the snaked its way through the rocks and down to the burning sand below. The defenses did not stop there, however, as the sandy ground was occupied by several building and checkpoints. Most of them seemed of Imperial origin and Krag could easily identify that there was a row of barracks buildings to the Northwest, a dinning hall directly across from them, a supply cache to the Northeast, a communications array to the far East and several miscellaneous buildings scattered about. Around this fully operational military base was a 2.5 meter high pre-fabricated wall made of durasteel that stretched for 200 meters in either direction before taking a sudden turn and meeting with the cliff wall to box in the base. Posted every 30 meters, along the wall, was a watchtower manned by a single mercenary operating a E-web blaster cannon. As far as the Graug could tell, the only way in or out was through a checkpoint manned by four guards and a E-web cannon.

Turning to face his horde guard he motioned for them to take position on a small hill beside their position. Then, looking a Garoth and the rest of the team, growled "This base is heavily defended, wait until my sons grab their attention and then rush for the checkpoint." Krag may have been a brute, but he was a High General in the Graug army.

Quietly, Krag turned back to the base and sneered. Outreaching his hand, Krag sent a small flurry of ash sailing towards a nearby watchtower. The plum of cinders was searing hot, so much so that it could burn through skin and bone. Without a sound the ash flew into the faces of the two guards posted and turned their lungs to blackened shrivels as they gasped in the burning smoke and cinder. With no gurgles, cries or screams, the two men fell dead to the durasteel floor of the tower as Krag called the ash out of the bodies and sent it hurling towards the checkpoint. The guards, who were not wearing any standard masks whatsoever, quickly began to fall dead from the ash and Krag sent a telepathic message to his Horde Guard to begin the attack. Without warning, an explosive arrow from his horde guard shot forward and struck a nearby tower before exploding. The explosion rocked the wall as gunfire erupted from the hill and down onto the base. It was time to move.
Tycho smiled amicably, "Your will be done, Knight Do'Urden." Turning, Shorn glanced @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"] up and down. "Noble Tycho Shorn and the 501st. Hand in hand. Well, if this isn't foreshadowing I don't know what is," he said cheerily.

Hand on his sword, Shorn moved off with the Legion commander, talking as he went pointing to various positions on the soon-to-be battle ground as they prepared to siege the Academy. For the sieging forces, only two scenarios presented viable threats. The first would be if they lost too many soldiers on an assault. The second would be if they left part of their sieging fortifications open to a sally from the defendants. A sally could destroy their line and allow for flanking maneuvers. But with a goodly portion of the infamous 501st present, Tycho was not too concerned about either.

"Set up overwatch positions there, there and there."

Motioning casually, he pointed to several points of natural ground superiority where the land formed into jutting rocks or mounds. These would be good places for E-web overwatch positions. Immediately, the 501st began to leap into motion. Sniper teams in desert camo disappeared into the sand. E-web crews set up their formidable anti-personnel and anti-vehicle weapons. Shorn motioned to those bearing T-21 Light Repeaters and the required powerpacks.

"I want the heavy gunners at fixed positions. We'll encircle the Academy, but not too tightly. We'll wait for them to come to us when they run for their lives."

Tycho did all of this with the air of someone planning a ball.
Hannibal was not in the mood for any charging. Not because he lost his taste for violence, but because he had a rather distinct fear of directly assaulting what appeared to be a heavily defended choke point. There were other ways he could be of service, such as finding a nicely elevated position and taking potshots at panicking enemies with a sniper rifle. With that little display of ash from Krag (that both impressed and terrified Oryen), the sudden eruption of explosions and suppressing fire along the rest of the wall, and a horde of charging Stormtroopers would make Hannibal a rather innocuous threat.

That said, Hannibal did indeed excuse himself to a position along the canyon walls. He checked the sights on his sniper, made a few adjustments, and then got comfortable. Before long, one of the guards that had taken up position near the AA emplacements was shot through the heart, the steady crack of a disruptor rifle being the only thing to herald his demise. Hannibal quickly moved to the next target, a mechanic that had just turned around to see why a guard had just fallen over in such a manner. There was little time for him to ponder before he was, likewise, smacked with a blaster bolt and subsequently killed.

Hannibal continued his grim work in silence, neutralizing panicking mercenaries that failed to recognize the merits of staying behind cover.
Young one. Those words again, and Arcturus hated them, he had been around the block more than once yet every knight and master in this Empire seemed to reference him as the 'young one'. Garoth had chosen not to used a secure communication channel, whether it was because telepathy was more secure then encrypted communicators. This combined with young one comment left him more flustered then anything, but orders were orders, and now he had to ensure that no one who escaped Garoth's tactical assault and sounded an alarm inside the temple. "Roger that." Arcturus said over the comm.

Moving down another hallway he came upon another large door which lead into a large security room. At this hour security was light, and there were only a handful of guards on duty. Better to ensure that if someone does escape Garoth's assault that they could not sound an alarm altogether. As he passed into the security room he noticed several holo-displays and monitors. The apprentice could tell by the guards relaxed state they knew nothing was up. Quickly Arcturus analyzed each guard, three in total, each one was equipped with a small blaster carbine and an electrostaff. Arcturus started to walk over to one, his hand resting against his lightsaber. The guard turned to face him.

"Is there a Probl-" The guard was cut short as a red lightsaber was thrust through the man's skull. He never saw the attacking coming, and Arcturus quickly turned to the other two guards as the first fell. One of the guards quickly tried to sound the alarm, but a quick force push from Arcturus sent the man flying back from the console he was at. As Arcturus turned to face the third guard, he found that the man was much quicker in reading his weapon. The guard swung his electrostaff wide at Arcturus's mid section, and only at the last second did Arcturus block it with his lightsaber. With a great deal of strength Arcturus batted the staff away, and cut the man down with a slash across the chest with his own weapon. He turned back to the last guard who had got back on his feet, and was now pulling out his blaster. If a shot was fired no doubt an alarm would sound. Arcturus reached into the force and focused on the final guard, and with all the dexterity and strength he could muster, threw his lightsaber at the guard. With the sound of sizzling flesh and body armor, the lighsaber pierced through the guard's heart killing him instantly.
"That should make thing easier." Arcturus said moving to retrieve his lightsaber.

@[member="Garoth Do'Urden"]

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