Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Day of Five Kings

There was light buzz in the air as Harris and Alexander ascended the steps to the Great Hall of Dressel. The building itself was remarkable, a pillared structure with high ceilings and massive doors, but then again, the larger than life nature of this building fit the larger then life plans of the men who know treaded optimistically through it's halls. Harris marveled at the architecture as he and Alexander were funneled in the general direction of the assembly room. Upon entering the room, he stared into the large empty area, noting the risen platform and formal tables all around, a smirk grew on his face.

"This will do." He smiled and raised his hand, motioning forwards and a group of men in blue tunics and formal military-style jackets and caps quickly moved in.

The delegates were starting to trickle into the Assembly as the time drew nearer. After weeks of preparation, William and Alexander had finally put their dream into action and began drafting a new kind of pact. A group that worked like an alliance, but with a shared foreign representative elected by the leaders of the different autonomous groups. It was a natural choice that he who headed the initiative would be the first ceremonial 'Emperor'. Alexander and Harris sat in a hallway opposite of the Assembly, talking quietly near the large back doors to the room.

"And are all the delegates almost here?" Alexander asked William, Glancing subtlety at clock on the far wall.

"Yes sir, assuming they are not already here getting lost in this labyrinth." Harris shifted slightly. There was a moment of silence as seemed to be thinking on something. "Your Imperial Highness, what happens if some of the signatory decide not to present representatives such as they agreed? After all, this initiative is a unique one. Do you harbor any anxieties that maybe a party has gotten cold feet?"

"It's possible, but I don't think so. If it becomes an issue, we will address it."

Harris sat for a moment, the answer seemed nonchalant, and that didn't sit quite right with him, but Alex and him were close and he trusted his judgment. That being said, once the formalities were dropped, Will wouldn't wait long to tell Alex 'He told him so'. Harris shook his head lightly and forced a smile.

"I think we should meet our guests, Sir." He straightened his posture and made a movement towards the door, stopping just shy to fix the buttons on his navy blue suit. Alexander approached behind him and motioned with his hand which prompted the two guards to pull open the doors. Alexander and William stood in the doorway looking into the room as it hushed suddenly, save for a couple mumbling bureaucrats making some last minute negotiations. The two stepped into the room and Alexander greeted them energetically, quickly restoring the energy to the room.

OOC: This thread is social. At some point, the coronations will begin and members of the Grand Council should step up, until then , Have Fun!

The Articles of Confederation

The Catharians made their biggest contribution to the festivities, by not only funding the entirety of the Federal Military with their plentiful coffers, to the erection of the first Federal Embassy on the surface of the recently conquered world of Bogo-Rai. The Catharians had come to show that the would-be Emperor had friends in high places after agreeing to the trade deal with the Catharian Hegemony. Even though the Catharians in known space have come to be dismissive of the budding civilisation, those living directly in Chiss Space or shortly beyond have come to know the Catharians as ruthless conquerors with their subjugation of Bogo-Rai and now Thearterra from the ailing Chiss Ascendancy. However on Dressel the Autocrat herself, along with the departing contingent of Catharian Army Troopers and its escort of the 'Sons of Xzeench' and the newest Space Marine chapter, the "Sons of Dressel" have come to present themselves to celebrate this newfound alliance.

The black-armored vessels of the Catharian Hegemony glowed above the main city-square where most of the festivities have been taking place since early this morning. Each ship was a archaic looking vessel, Three Enlarged Star-Destroyer sized Harrower Class Dreadnoughts were of the main attraction to the people on the ground. However, sitting among these Black-Hulled vessels was Xzaien's Flagship. The 'Cathay Rahtai' a absolutely massive Old-Republic Interdictor Cruiser sized up to compete even with the likes of the latest Republic Battle-Cruisers. Painted blood red, with only a single detailing feature. The emblem of the Catharian Hegemony emblazoned proudly on its hull. A artificer dragon, clutching a world in its talons.


"Catharian Shock Trooper"

Meanwhile, a large contingent of troop-transport vessels made their landing on the recently cleared parade grounds. As the people shouted and cheered, making merry as their new Sovereign Protectors departed their vessels. The very first to reveal themselves was the Elite Catharian Shocktroops, the 22nd Catharian Fusiliers. They marched out of their massive landing craft, shoulder to shoulder in a twenty man wide, thirty men deep. Each of them wore bright white armor, painted in red and black, mimicking their Autocrat's distinctive features. Each of them was reminiscent of a Galactic Civil War era Storm Trooper with their armor decor, and general image. Of course, the sex of whoever was in that marching band of Shock-Troopers was totally hidden to unskilled eyes. Their armor concealed that notion, making them a faceless, and strong ally. They marched past, with the crowds barely able to keep behind the erected barriers the local law enforcement attempted to put up. With them giving out shouts of praise and virtuous glory to come.


"Catharian Army Trooper Infantryman"

After the last of the Shock Troopers filed out, out came the vaunted Catharian Army Troopers. Troops of near legendary status, renowned throughout Chiss Space for their bravery, and discipline. They were slightly less armored than their Shock-Trooper Counter parts, but were clearly intended to be mobile infantry with light-weight equipment. Synthread uniforms, beneath durasteel armor and a encompassing helmet. Which concealed their eyes but left their lower jaws exposed. They'd be smiling, ready to go ahead.


Lastly, came the Catharian Space Marines. With the recent Chapter dedicated to the inhabitants of Dressel. The Space Marine legion known as the "Sons of Dressel" an all male Legion of six-thousand Marines clad in yellow armor. At their head, stood a yellow-haired Chapter Master clad in semi-gilded armor. Magnificent in its craftsmanship and splendor. Glistening and shimmering in the late after-noon sun. In his hands, clutched tightly with the fury of the blessed, was a prototype Marine Weapon, known as the "Lightning Hammer". Each Space Marine was clad in a bulky yellow armor, each customized to its wearers needs. Short Range support, Long Range missile, and Heavy-Gunner equipment. Each of them bore the sigil of a Fist located on their left pauldron, with the symbol of the ancient symbol of Dressel emblazoned on their left shoulders. However, on their chests they bore the emblem of the Catharian Hegemony written proudly on their left breast. In their hands, were the weapons of Cathay. Weapons of light and fire. Proudly held in their hands.

Lastly, a Blood Red shuttle was seen landing. Presumably filled with Xzaien's personal body-guards. As the ramp lowered, Xzaien stepped forth. Her flowing red robe flapping in the wind. She was a Cathar, obviously. Her face was written in this political smile that appeared to fill those around her with a genuine sense of patriotism. She was obviously clad in some sort of fine red robe which concealed most of her body. Flanked to her left. Stood a flowing dark-figure which seemed to eminate black smoke through its flesh. This was the abomination of the force refugees from Bogo-Rai were speaking of. A perverted caricature of Revan himself. To her right, stood the Chapter Master of the Sons of Xzeench. Clad in black, with red accents. On his helmet stood a massive plume which nodded terribly... She began her walk toward the central building to meet with the would-be Emperor.

null3 null3 absolutely haaaaaaated them. It was all a facade of smiling faces and warm handshakes, she knew the dark side of it...but when she was chosen to represent the silver jedi as a delegate of her planet...well it would be even more rude to flat at say no. That and the fact of the matter stardust could handle herself without a single issue at all.

Her entrance was not fancy at all, in fact a nabooian designed ship simply made a touch down at the landing pad, the ramp extended and off stardust went. No guards, just her and her armor of mandalorian design, her helmet rest on her side in its netting as she walked forward towards the central building and slowly up the steps. She stopped as she heard the crowd cheer and looked out to see a massive military parade. Chuckling she shook he headed and continued on

Azel Moran

A fourth figure - a large male human, muscular and somewhat gone to seed - accompanied Xzaien Xzaien , the Revan phantasm, and the Chapter Master at a bit of a distance. He wore sharp black talismans in his beard, a hammer on his belt, and unremarkable black clothes.

As soon as convenient, he split off to a comfortable promenade where he could watch the military metalwork on display, and eat hors d'oeuvres. Azel Moran, the arch smith of Jurgoran Forge on Cathay, was not one for politics. Or conquest, or what most Dark Lords would call ambition. Azel had signed on with the Hegemony to make things. He would continue to make things. In fact, as he traded appreciative oohs and aahs with fellow viewers and stuffed his face with canapes, he pulled out a sketchbook and got to work.

null3 null3 Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
What had started as an appointment to be the leader of the Imperial Knights within the Fel Empire, had turned into something greater. At the time of her appointment, Jairdain had also been the advisor of the royal family on Commenor and had become friends with them. It had seemed like the fire of both governments had burned out, but Harris asked for her presence again.

Even if the Fel Empire was almost nothing more than ashes, he was also a friend. So the Jedi Master answered his call. Something she did not know was why he had called her. While she could have gotten that answer any time she wanted, she sometimes desired surprise in her life. Today was one of those days.

Not wearing what had been the armor of the Knights, she wore what she felt comfortable it. This wasn't the only outfit she had with her though. If there was a need for something formal, there were a few outfits to pick from. As she walked off her ship, she had the feeling she would be changing before the day was over.

Maybe it was the Force that spoke to her and the sense of anticipation from the people around her. Sensing where Harris was, she would head in that direction. Only a few steps off of her ship, she sensed a much closer and another familiar presence.

"Star! How are you, my old friend?"

When they had last met it was on Myrkr and the only thing that allowed Jairdain to know who she was speaking to then was her companion wolf. At the thought of him, Sage poked his head out of a pocket and looked at the queen.

"He says hello again too. What are you doing here? Do you know what is going on?"

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Azel Moran null3 null3 Xzaien Xzaien
Harris and Alexander walked side by side into the room, greeting the scarce delegates who had already arrived. He hated this part of politics, the fake smiling and hand shakes of all these representatives who were all secretly squabbling for their own vain power. Most of these individuals were corrupt, and the idea that most of them truly weren't passionate about their work made left Harris with a lingering sick feeling in the gut of his stomach. Why do something if you didn't care? He didn't know, and he had an interest, but that would be for another time.

After some time, Harris and Alexander broke off from the delegates. Alexander seemed cautiously enthusiastic, lowly starting off while strolling, "I have a good feeling about this. I believe that we may have a solid foundation for a strong pact." Alexander slowed and turned to Harris who had fallen behind, and now sat with a poorly-hidden look of disgust, "What is it?"

"I'm not entirely happy with our company. I would prefer that positions of power only go to those I get a good feeling from, and out of the people in this room, I've yet to find one. They all seem to be stuffy, bloated bureaucrats. And I don't doubt that most of them are horribly crooked. Can you honestly say that out of those that you've met, any one of them have wowed you?" Harris froze, glaring at Alexander for an answer.

William was right, and to be fair, that wasn't uncommon. Although Alexander would never admit it, Harris was the de-facto leader of this organization. Sure his legal power didn't extend much outside of the Fel sector of the Confederation, but his opinion was highly valued. Whether it was out of fear from the strength of Harris' loyal men, or genuine trust in an old friend, what Harris said usually went. "They have potential. That being said, out of those in this room, not one has intrigued me. But I am under the impression that our most, 'promising' delegates have yet to arrive."

Just as Alexander finished, and aid approached whispered in his ear. Alexander paused and looked confused for a moment. A light grin crept across his face and he looked at Harris.

"We should head to the window, apparently one of our delegates is making quite the entrance." Harris and Alexander turned towards the glass, approaching curiously along with some of the delegates. Below in the streets, columns of troops clad in the armor of the catharians marched towards the building in what appeared to be a parade.

Harris was off-put. He'd seen this before during his coup on Osseriton. Something about this inflated militarism and over-the-top display was strange, but he had to admit, it was quite the impression. Harris looked on before suddenly being distracted, he felt a strange presence, one that was oddly familiar. "Jair?" Harris quietly mumbled. There was a split-second smile that he caught forming on his face. He quickly excused himself and made his way to the other side of the room where two men of his upper staff, clad in their blue formal-wear met him. After a short explanation, them and a few other officers followed in as Harris followed the pull until it became stronger and stronger.

The sliding door silently slid open and Harris casually stepped into it and froze, it really was his old friend. He smiled and let out a light chuckle, "Why, hello there!"

Jairdain Jairdain Azel Moran Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Xzaien Xzaien
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The columns of Infantry and Space Marines stopped at the very steps of the Confederation's Assembly building. Where the columns of Shock Troopers, Army Troopers, and Space Marines suddenly toward toward eachother. Creating this: "Second Layer" for Xzaien's entourage to walk unmolested. They soon parted way at the center. Allowing for this great gap to open up directly before the door to the Assembly Building. Xzaien walked as she inspected her followers. Her flowing red robe, and ceremonial shoulder guards accentuated Xzaien's presence even though she stood at least a full head shorter than Azel Moran. Xzaien herself was physically unimposing and appeared to be a weak, near pointless combatant to engage in single combat. All that stood out, was her black and white facial markings, and nearly white blond hair tied up in a neatly made bun.


"The Sons of Xzeench Chapter Master"

She stepped forward, trailed by two members of the Telepathica Corps of the Catharian Hegemony. Clad in similarly colored Red Armor as Xzaien, the tops of their heads were exposed. Horribly disfigured by whatever Catharian Experiment which made them as deadly as they were. Their faces were concealed by emotionless encompassing helmets, which allowed the cables which stuck from their head to drape neatly over their shoulders. To her side, stood the aforementioned "Sons of Xzeench" Chapter Master. A Legendary figure in the eyes of the Hegemon's People. The man himself wore no helmet, as it was neatly held upon his waist and braced with his heavily armored forearm. The Chapter Master was a full torso and head taller than Xzaien, and had the features of a relatively battle-hardened man of war judging by his mildly scarred face. He had this glum expression on his face as he used his Lightning Hammer as a sort of "walking stick" while trailing a few feet behind Xzaien.

Xzaien walked up the marble stairs, and was promptly saluted by the resident Federal Guardsman who were clad in their ceremonial armor. Xzaien simply returned the salute with a hardly visible wave of her hand. Of course, she had her own thoughts about the situation. She was no Queen to her people, and yet they nearly worshipped her. It was likely that she wasn't going to become a literal Queen, but instead make a ceremonial position for an Elected Official on Cathay to garner public support of a figurehead. Meanwhile, she peered forward at the heavy-hardwood doors that was the main Entrance. She stepped up the stairs, and watched as a few of the Local Guardsmen pulled open the door for her with their white-gloved hands. She pranced inside and saw the crowds of Bureaucrats, corrupt officials, and Diplomats from all the other Galactic Powers that be. This was the workings of a no-good democracy that in her mind was full of ineffectiveness, governmental bloat, and inefficiency. She stepped forward slowly as many suited individuals turned their heads to greet the new arrival. Of course, the wisest among them walked over to Xzaien, greeting her and shaking her hand while expressing short-term deals and alliances with the smaller factions at play. Xzaien merely played along as she was approached by a Average Sized man wearing the Uniform of a Catharian Viceroy. Why, it was Viceroy Ventius Goerthal.

"Autocrat, it is a pleasure to see you here. I've been answering the calls of Diplomacy. These Confederates sure do know how to create a good Alliance. I've told them that you are coming, I am sure the resident Emperor will be able to greet you in time."

"You do know I tire of diplomacy, as well as introducing myself to a man who simply proclaimed himself Emperor without a proper clause to establish the fact."

Xzaien walked with him toward the refreshments. Eyeballed all the way by Two Jedi Councilors who were likely sent as mediators in case open conflict broke out within the halls.

"I agree madam. Perhaps we should bring up our savages problem? Perhaps they may have a more peaceful means of incorporating them into Cathay besides forced resettlment."

"Of course. I do view them as equal to my own. Perhaps it could be possible to have fresh eyes to gaze upon this issue."

"That will be done. In other words, the recruited workers on Bogo-Rai have repaired most of the planets infrastructure. It seems the demense of the Catharian Hegemony has shown is superiority again over the backward Chiss. I have already put three-million to work repairing the damage."


Xzaien walked with Goerthal. Eyeballing the cocktail lounge and open refreshments. But of course, she wanted to meet with this Emperor in person to gauge what kind of person he was. However, an Aura of deep cold seemed to literally eminate from Xzaien's mere presence, and her words. A daemonic echo which seemed to shake the air. Not to mention her Force Creation of Revan which silently walked at her side. Surely, Harris would feel the eminence of the Dark-Side permeate his Meeting Area, which slowly approached. The doors behind null3 null3 opened, and if he would turn he would be presented with the chilling image of Xzaien standing before him alongside her hulking Space Marine guard. She spoke.

"Salutations, Emperor. It is good that I happened by. I have much to discuss in the later discussions. I am glad to meet you in person for the first time dear friend."

Jairdain Jairdain Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


Savik watched the skies above as three Resurgent Class Battlecruiser sleekly exited hyperspace, themselves a part of the military parade that the Grand Imperial Confederation had assembled of their various member states. Although the Catharians had done a well job in establishing the grounds for the parade, Savik had intended to do better.​
He simply stood from where he was sitting, near the building where his coronation was to take place and raised his right hand. Upon receiving the signal, the three vessels began a barrage of fireworks which were followed by dozens of troop transports landing on the ground, their forces coming out as if they had successfully queued a Confederate enemy. They danced, they laughed and they sang. It was good for the people to know that the people who protected them were compassionate and understanding people.​
After, Savik then began his short trek up the stairs to meet the Emperor and his fellow royals, leaving the crowd in thundering applause​

OOC: Due to the fact that my account is broken and that I still have zero access to Alexander II's Character, I'm going to have to break this up into two parts. This part will be in response to Xzaien Xzaien from the perspective of Alexander II...

Alexander II:

Alexander turned quickly to meet Xzaien and the marine. He quickly scanned her and the marine, deciding there was no threat, he grinned.

"Salutations, Emperor. It is good that I happened by. I have much to discuss in the later discussions. I am glad to meet you in person for the first time dear friend."

Alexander nodded lightly. "As am I. I don't know how much time we will have tonight to discuss in private tonight, but that doesn't detract from the fact that I'm also glad to meet you." He paused for a moment, "May I have the honor of knowing your name and title? I do apologize, but I have been quite busy, and it seems to have slipped my mind."

Alexander straightened his posture and he glanced over in the moment of silence, making eye contact with some officers of the Federal Joint Command across the room. He glanced at them and then back at Xzaien. He didn't mean to seem as though he was uncomfortable, but with a bulking soldier in massive armor approaches you unannounced, it is soothing to see you have backup should the need arise.



Boredom had to be the first thing that came to mind as Savik enters the lavishly decorated building. It wasn't everyday that he was crowned King of a planet however, something seemed off. Perhaps he was expecting more? Or maybe even less? He couldn't be sure. However, one thing was certain, he felt at the height of his power.

The force flower strongly in him and with a simple wave of his hand, a glass of Whiskey, something he had taste for since the days of the Corporate Protectorate, found itself in his hands. And as he indulged, he couldn't help but wonder where it all went wrong.

But that was when he noriced his Catharian counterpart speaking with his cousin and as swiftly as possible walked near them, behind him and dragging along were the remainder of the Hadzuka Squadron, the Protectorate's famed Dark Troopers, the ones who had been trained in Sith Combat.

"Cousin! How are you" he rudely interjected. The Autrat he knew too well, and even though he hadn't met her personally, the Chiss had a lot of stories to tell.

"Alexander, and don't tell me Autrat of the Hegomany, Xzaien Xzaien . A pleasure to meet you at last. I've never seen someone whom could leash the Ascendency in mere weeks" he teased. Ah the life of a politician, he had to love it
Whether it was good or bad, Jairdain chose not to make any sort of grand entrance. Something she did not do was hide her presence in the Force. That was something that could easily be picked up and felt. While she called herself a Jedi Master, her true alignment was far closer to neutral.

She had walked both sides of the Force in her life and followed her own path now. It didn't matter to her what other people were as long as they didn't attempt to fight her. Here she sensed both light and dark. This was typical of this kind of gathering and didn't surprise her.

What others did as they arrived she wasn't watching. All she did was wait. In a way, she was patience personified. Spending time in meditation and practicing the mental arts plus being blind probably helped.

Feeling the approach of Harris, she turned as he opened the door to find her. Giving him a smile, she opened her arms if he wanted a less than professional greeting.

"How have you been, Harris? It has been a while."

Today wasn't the day to go over everything each of them had been up to. If the chance came up, they should go have drinks and catch up on times.

null3 null3
Xzaien's eyes flicked toward where the Emperor looked and then back to him. Of course she knew that making a assertive sort of first-impression was the way forward in politics such as this scale. Surely, Xzaien knew how most felt about her mere prescence. A somewhat, odd individual reeking forth an all permeating aura of evil. Of course, Xzaien attempted to hide this fact though through her mind she leaked out dark-side energy which clouded the area around her in this veil.

If fear was to be felt, at least a few of the lesser-minded beings in the room would have felt it. Alongside of the stories that have been told. The bombardment of Bogo-Rai, the Executions, and the destruction of Thearterra came to mind first and foremost. A perpetrator of crimes no one in this room knew about at all. The question was raised surely, "Was she to be Trusted." She then spoke in a response to Alexander's probing.

"I am known as Xzaien. I do not hold a title of royalty such as yourself. My people merely call me the "Autocrat" or "Guider" in the tongue of the Cathar. I'm most glad to finally meet you dear Emperor, surely this relationship would blossom into something more than just professional titles."

She was suddenly interrupted by Fel speaking after she had finished her sentence. She eyed him wild mild apprehension and slight dislike as his first impression was in her eyes. Less than favorable.

"Ah, the Protectorate spook I heard so much about. A pleasure to meet you despite our clear differances and relations. I haven't forgotten the day your Protectorate showed up out of nowhere to challenge me. Though the Bryn Adul were a fantastic enemy to fight, surely now we haven't change in our goals forthwith."

Xzaien's eyes peered past Fel, a hint of distinct hatred could be felt in the room through Xzaien's aura. Though the ghost of Revan next to her remained speechless. It watched his every move with trained eyes. Meanwhile, the group of Dark Troopers surrounded Xzaien. Illiciting a audible sigh from the Cathar herself.

"Surely a group of goons doesn't need to make such an impression. Surely, the information you gleaned from the Chiss was correct. And, If I may mention. The Directorate spy ring on Cathay told me lots about your people. Well, before I had them executed for espionage. Highly unfortunate dear friend... It saddens me to know the state of the galaxy at large. It is a pleasure to meet you. Surely this could evolve into cordial relations?

Savik Fel Savik Fel null3 null3
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"I've been okay. Things have been rough since the Fel Collapse, but Alexander, myself and the General-Staff have established ourselves pretty good here. We are doing great things, and I'm glad you came. If you wouldn't mind following me to the hall, we should be starting pretty soon."

Harris started forwards at a decent pace, motioning for Jairdain Jairdain to follow. Before long, the corridors opened up into a large hall with multiple risen platforms and an articulate stained glass window at the far side. The room was majestic in appearance and Harris was still wowed by it's beauty. He approached Alexander who was talking with Xzaien Xzaien and smiled as she finished.

"Your Imperial Highness, Meet Jairdain, one of the Regents who are being coordinated today. She was once my teacher, and she served long as the head of the Imperial Knights."

"I know who she is, but thank you William." Alexander looked back to Xzaien, "And, I would really appreciate to have a deeper relationship then just politics and titles. Afterall, it is an honor to be crowned Emperor, and if this pact is to continue, we must form a bond of loyalty among each other. Whether we always agree or not, it is important that we can trust and rely on each other."

Alexander glanced at Harris who was eying Xzaien, there was a moment of silence before Alexander began the introduction. "Ms. Autocrat, This is William Harris, he is my personal Premier and was elected as Chief of the Federal military. He has had a long career in both politics and the Military, and I do believe that he will see us come to greatness."

Harris smirked lightly and reached out his hand to shake, "Pleasure to meet you."
While Jairdain had been an original member of the Fel Empire, even before Harris had been involved, she hadn't really had much opportunity to represent them. The two of them had been to a few functions and on an adventure or two, but then things had just fallen apart. Such was the case of many things Jairdain had been part of through her life.

Falling into a familiar step with Harris, he guided her to Alexander and provided an unneeded introduction. Giving the Emperor a formal bow, even if he didn't want one. Turning just slightly, she also bowed to Xzaien but not quite as deep as she had Alexander.

Jairdain might be physically blind, but she could see through the Force. This brought her a far greater understanding of those around her. Not shrinking away from the Cathar, she smiled slightly.

"I am Jairdain Ismet. Nice to see you again, Alexander and it is a pleasure to meet you, Xzaien."

Unless the other woman reached out to shake hands, she would not extend hers. She had the feeling the move would not be appreciated.

null3 null3 Xzaien Xzaien Savik Fel Savik Fel Azel Moran Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

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