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The Death Watch Crusade

Some Mandalorians are Mercenaries or Bounty Hunters. Others, seek to serve a higher purpose. We, the Death Watch, are that higher purpose. Mandalorian Crusaders, Forgemasters, Freelancers, Shipmasters, and more will find themselves welcome here.

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The Crusade's Hierarchy [ Neo-Crusader Ranks and Influence. ]

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"So many new recruits. Different species, different armors, different languages—and not enough time to learn our ways. Cassus first suggested that the similar uniforms—like the Legend of Rohlan—could help get control of a force that has grown beyond control."
Mandalore the Ultimate.

RECRUIT(S): Drawn from the Populace of Conquered Peoples, or Hordes of Volunteers, Mandalorian Recruits are indoctrinated in the Ways of the Mandalore; becoming either Hunter or Prey. Should they survive the ordeal and their gruesome training regimen, these Recruits would take their first steps down the Crusader’s Path and be truly inducted into the Organization’s ranks. From there, they would be issued a set of Mandalorian-styled armour and given a proverbial hoard of weapons that befitted their station.
  • Armour Colour: N/A.
  • Commands:
    • N/A.
  • Possessions: N/A.
  • Specializations: N/A.
CRUSADER(S): Compared to the Rank and File Soldiers of many Interstellar Militaries that populate the Galaxy, the Crusaders were the Organizational Baseline within the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. With similar uniforms and weapons, there was little to distinguish one Crusader from another, save for their capabilities on the battlefield. Their possessions were minimal and commanded nothing but the bonds of camaraderie and respect from their fellow Warriors.
  • Armour Colour: Blue (Primary.)
  • Commands:
    • N/A.
  • Possessions: Armour, Rifle, Sidearm, Knife, and Beskad (Non-Beskar,) Etc.
  • Specializations: Shock Trooper, Starfighter Pilot, Etc.
VETERAN(S): Rising above their martial kindred, by either their accumulated experience or martial prowess, Mandalorian Veterans fill a vital role within the Organization’s Hierarchy. They were the Petty Warlords, who wrangled their lesser Warrior-kin, seeking to keep them in line by whatever means necessary. Their Warbands ranged in various sizes, from simple Fire-teams of Four to an entire Group of Twenty Crusaders. They possessed little more than their lesser kin and were assigned a Single Transport to ferry their Brethren across the Stars.
  • Armour Colour: Blue (Primary,) Edged with Silver.
  • Commands:
    • One Cohort: Four to Twenty Crusaders with One Transport,
    • Or, One Starfighter Squadron.
  • Possessions: See Crusader Possessions with Additional Beskar Items.
  • Specializations: Shock Trooper Leader, Starfighter Commander, Etc.
RALLY MASTER(S): Cloaked in a visually striking Crimson Cuirass, the Rally Masters were notable figures of authority within the Mandalorian Hierarchy. They were the closest thing that the Mandalorians had in comparison to Officers and were expected to be better than the myriad Crusaders they commanded. Some were expected to act as Commanders on the battlefield, whilst others served in a more supportive and administrative capacity. Those who didn’t serve on the Frontlines were relegated to indoctrinating new Recruits to the Neo-Crusader way or overseeing the War Forges established through the entirety of their Sphere of Influence.
  • Armour Colour: Red / Crimson (Primary.)
  • Commands:
    • Two to Four Cohorts, Comprising Four to Twenty Crusaders each.
    • Or, One Capital Ship and Starfighter Complement.
  • Possessions: See Crusader Possessions with Additional Beskar Items, Etc.
  • Specializations: Shipmaster, Quartermaster, Etc.
FIELD MARSHAL(S): Amongst a highly militant and martial culture, Mandalorian Field Marshals were Unparalleled Warriors, who easily distinguished themselves from their kindred with their prowess in battle and garish armour. Those who bore this distinguished Rank held the authority that was Second only to the Mandalore themselves. This meant that their Commands - issued from either the Frontlines or from aboard a Battleship - were to be followed to the letter, lest the act of insubordination is punished.
  • Armour Colour: Yellow/ Gold (Primary.)
  • Commands:
    • Warband: Multiple Rally Masters and their Subordinate Cohort(s.)
    • Or, One Fleet of Capital Ships and Starfighter Complements.
  • Possessions: See Crusader Possessions with Additional Beskar Items, Etc.
  • Specializations: Fleetmaster, Etc.
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