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Ashlan Crusade

A gathering of religious fanatics, political extremists, mercenary bands, exiled armies, and others united under the goal of liberating their homeworlds occupied by the various Sith states.

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The Crusader's Handbook: A Traveler's Guide to Ashlan Space

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The Crusader's Handbook
A Traveler's Guide to Ashlan Space

Welcome to the Ashlan Crusade! This comprehensive guide will help you explore the lore of the Crusade, as well as act as a method of finding your own place within Ashlan Space. Here you will find information about our beliefs, ranks, and much more. If you have any further questions, feel free to stop by our Discord and we'll get you sorted out!


A major thanks to Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson for writing a large part of the lore, the NIO and EE for the inspiration to make this guide, and Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for the headers and dividers used within.​
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Character Creation Guide

Just joined the Crusade, but unsure of where your character will fit? This guide should help get you started! Below is a list of potential angles for you to approach your character's story within the Crusade. Keep in mind, these are only guidelines and ideas. There's a lot of ways to get involved in the Ashlan story, even beyond this list. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Faction Roles


House of Lords

Every nation needs a system of governance; individuals able to maintain the homefront while the brave crusaders continue their holy mission. The House of Lords fulfills this role, managing government affairs on a planetary level. When gathered, they seek to work with the Crusade’s leadership to maintain peace and stability within the Ashlan sphere of influence as a whole. They are, in many ways, the backbone of the homefront, representing the people in these days of turmoil among the stars.


Ministry of Intelligence

Politics are not always conducted in the light of day. Sometimes, subtlety is required to maintain stability and safety. Sometimes, one must take up the cloak and dagger to ensure the Crusade remains whole. Such is the wheelhouse of the Ministry of Intelligence. The Crusade relies on these individuals to gather intelligence and eliminate threats both foreign and domestic, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection. If espionage and subterfuge are for you, then join the Ministry of Intelligence.


The WorkForce

Over the course of the Crusade’s inception and growth, there have been those willing to throw their wealth and knowledge behind the cause, leading to the formation of the state-run company known as The WorkForce. These individuals are entrepreneurs, scientists, inventors, and investors that see a golden opportunity in the revitalization of former Sith Space. They are the source of much of the Crusade’s technological growth, as well as the spearhead in the stabilization and terraforming of otherwise broken planets. Beyond this, they work endlessly to find new technology, both to protect the people, and to aid the Crusade in their tireless quest to defeat the Bogan.


Armed Forces

The military of the Crusade is currently a motley crew, made up of various groups that have coalesced for a singular purpose. This does not mean that they are not without a standing army, however. With the Crusade’s numbers swelling in recent months, new infrastructure was established to further implement a proper standing army, providing the Crusade with a truly professional fighting force, ready to face whatever threats the galaxy may throw at them.


Ashlan Navy

The Grand Fleet of Ashla has been gaining a name for itself, both in times of war and peace. Under the Grand Admiral’s command, the Ashlan navy has been both the hammer and the shield, providing support to the rest of the Crusade’s forces, as well as leading the charge on the humanitarian front. It is by their efforts that the Crusade is able to keep their Space healthy and whole, and by their prowess upon the field of battle that ensures victory among the stars.



The Crusade would be nothing without the unwavering support of the people, and has sought to continue finding ways to put that support to use. Many have joined the frontlines of the fight against the Bogan by forming planetary militias. These groups have been further assisted by a variety of individuals that have come to the Crusade in the name of fortune and glory. Mercenary companies have joined the fold as well, bolstering the forces of the Ashlan people during this age of Chaos. They are the home guard, the scouts, and the freedom fighters, seeking any opportunity to strike against the former oppressors of the Tingel Arm.


Knightly Orders of Ashla

The Knightly Orders of Ashla are the blazing sword of the Crusade, cutting through the darkness with the searing light of justice. A coalition of various Force Orders, both Jedi and otherwise, the Knightly Orders have come together to lead the charge against the forces of the Bogan. Join an existing Knightly Order, or form your own!



The Ashlan Crusade is one bound by faith, and as such, there is a large infrastructure set in place to accommodate the needs of the faithful. The Holy Ashlan Papacy has taken it upon themselves to fulfill this role by centralizing the Ashlan faith and providing guidance to many throughout the galaxy. They are the epicenter of devotion; a movement utterly dedicated to the Crusade’s goals. They are healers, missionaries, and priests bent on helping to spread the word of Ashla.


The Holy Jury

No matter how devout the populace, there are always those that seek to corrupt the innocent and weaken the resolve of the Crusade. It is in these moments that the Holy Jury is called upon to deal with such agents of darkness. They are the seekers of truth, and the protectors of the faith. It is they who are tasked with rooting out the Bogan wherever it may rear its ugly head, and making sure that the sanctity of the faithful is safe and secure. If your desire is to track down and eliminate the forces of the darkness both on and off the battlefield, this is the place to make that happen.


Subfaction: The Petrite Order

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but in the case of the Petrite Order, “friend” is a generous term. A Sith order made up of heretics among their own, the Petrite Order seeks to find a way to work with the Jedi, rather than against them. Through tenuous diplomacy, the Petrite Order has managed to maintain a ceasefire with the Crusade; at least, until the rest of the problematic Sith have been removed from the galaxy. They operate on the fringes of Ashlan society, often working completely independent from the rest of the Crusade. The outcome of this ceasefire is yet to be seen, but until then, they assist in the elimination of the continued existential threat that is their Sith brethren.


Subfaction: The Midas Web

No matter how effective the regime, there will always be those that lurk in the shadows, hoping to exploit others for their own benefit. After the Sith forces crumbled in the Tingel Arm, the criminal underbelly of the region began to seize the opportunity to expand their own business, slowly coming together into the criminal collective known as The Midas Web. Lead by the enigmatic figure The Spider, their reach has started to be felt across Ashlan Space, posing a new threat to the crusaders that wish to maintain peace and order within their borders.


Opposition: Sith Cultists

Every nation has its dissidents, and the Crusade is no different. The victories against the Sith have freed many, but in the darkest corners of Ashlan Space, the secret voice of the Bogan remains, attempting to corrupt from within. Whispers of Sith cults and Dark Side radicalists have spread, and remnants of the previous regime lurk in the shadows, awaiting a moment to strike back at the enemies of the Sith.


Possible Character Backgrounds


Ashlan believers

The Ashlan religion has existed for thousands of years, but it has never been as centralized as it is today. The various sects within the belief have found each other unified under one banner. These range from priests, to warriors, to common believers. Many are happy to see their faith validated by the Crusade, and are seeking to do their part to ensure that Ashla’s will is done.


Grayson loyalists

The fall of the Grayson Imperium left a sour taste in the mouths of many individuals. These individuals see the Galactic Alliance as an illegitimate government, formed out of an unjustified coup d'etat. As Cedric once again placed himself on the galactic stage, many of these loyalists emerged from the woodwork, eager to throw their weight behind the new Grayson regime. A multitude of Essonians, loyal to Cedric and waiting to retake their planet, have made their way here as well, hoping to assist their people in reclaiming their homeland.


Sith victims & Tingel Arm natives

The reign of the Sith scarred many worlds across the Tingel Arm and beyond, leaving countless to seek justice for the atrocities committed by their former Sith masters. Some simply seek refuge from the Chaos of the galaxy, and are hoping to find safety and solace within Ashlan borders.


Political & religious idealists

The Crusade is a movement of faith and devotion, both to the will of Ashla, and to Ashlan rule. There are many reasons for such devotion within the Ashlan ranks. Whether one is a religious zealot, or a jaded politician eager for a movement that implements action over words, the Crusade has provided hope for many that are looking for results within the Tingel Arm, and by extension, the galaxy as a whole.


Fellow exiles

In these days of Chaos, many have been searching for fame, protection, wealth, and safety where it is available. There are many among the ranks of the Crusade that don’t fit the blueprint of a crusader, but rather are simply trying to find their place within the galaxy. New frontiers create room for new opportunity, and a chance to prove one’s own worth.



Common Species in the Crusade

The Ashlan Crusade is, by nature, a diverse group. Members hail from a wide range of planets from the furthest reaches of the galaxy, each united by faith and purpose. That being said, there are always those that are in greater numbers within a nation, and the Crusade is no different. Below is a list of different species that one may find in larger numbers within the Crusade, both well-known and obscure. Want to try something other than a human? Check this list out and see if anything catches your eye.


Valkyrja: When the Crusade first entered the Netherworld, they found themselves confronted by the Valkyrja. These strange, otherworldly entities were met with suspicion at first, but they were eventually found to be incredible allies. Though they live in another plane, many have still found their way into the Crusade in some form or another, helping the crusaders wherever they can. They often are the ones that help guide the dead crusaders to the next world, ensuring that they find their peace.

Children of Ashla: As the Valkyrja grew closer to the Crusade, they found themselves troubled by the idea of turning dead crusaders into their own kind. In an effort to allow Ashla to keep the souls of her followers, the Valkyrja created a new species to allow Ashlan followers to have another existence after death. In many ways, they are the heralds of Ashla’s embrace, and are often seen as angelic entities to those within the Crusade.

Codru-Ji: Archangel Manufactorum has been working closely with the Ashlan Crusade since its inception, building many of the ships that make up the Grand Fleet. This has led to a large surge in Codru-Ji numbers within Ashlan Space in recent years, as many of them wished to strengthen the already-present bonds they had with the Crusade. They can now be found in many aspects of Ashlan society, from the Grand Navy, to the Jury, to the Knightly Orders and beyond.

Mirialan: One of the most spiritual peoples within Ashlan Space, the Mirialans were natural allies to their now-leaders within the Crusade. These near-humans have a long, deep history with both the Jedi and the Force as a whole, and have welcomed the Crusade with open arms. They can be found in all aspects of Ashlan society, from the clergy, to the military, to the corporate sector and beyond.

Kobok: Since the earliest days of the Crusade, the Kobok were on the front lines, fighting side by side their crusader brethren as early as the third attack on Ziost. These tall, lanky insectoids have 360 degree vision, and possess multiple poisonous spines. These features (combined with their long martial history) make them ideal soldiers and assassins.

Trianii: The Trianii have always been a deeply spiritual people, making them an obvious addition to the Crusade. Though they are known for their fierce independence, the Trianii found themselves to be kindred spirits to the Ashlans, with many of their number joining the Ashlan faith through the years. Trianii often use their agility, heightened senses, and prehensile tails to great effect, making them prime candidates for the Holy Jury and the Ministry of Intelligence.

Bosph: Hailing from the original home of the Ashlan government, the Bosph are another species that have been with the Crusade since the beginning. Having been led by Force-users for thousands of years made the transition to a theocratic government an easy choice. Their long history of mixing spirituality and politics place them in many different levels of both the clergy and government, and their so-called “sickhealers” have become both field medics and mentors of the healing arts.

Ventooinan: Not all groups are natural allies, and in the Crusade’s case, the Ventooinans certainly fell into this category. They eventually found their place within the Ashlan diaspora. They are now found at many levels of production, mining raw materials and working in factories. The WorkForce has taken up residence on their homeworld, using their skills to the utmost extent.

Bothans: Many didn’t expect the Bothans to find a home in the Crusade, yet they have appeared to have taken a liking to the Ashlan government. This can likely be attributed to their work with the Ryn on Ession, as the two species have embarked on a joint venture to create one of the most extensive spy networks in the known galaxy. Their skills in espionage and subterfuge have led many of them to join the ranks of the Ministry of Intelligence, and their efforts have helped the Crusade stay one step ahead of their enemies.

Ryn: A nomadic people, the Ryn have called many planets home through the years. One group found themselves on Ession, finding the ecumenopolis to be a fascinating place. As the planet was rebuilt, they came back in droves, offering assistance wherever they could. Like the Bothans, many of the Ryn found their way into the Ministry of Intelligence, helping the Crusade establish their vast network. They are a very artistic people, as well as capable warriors.

Tiss’shar: Every nation has corporate entities operating within their borders, and the Tiss’shar fulfill this role quite nicely. Known for their business savvy and calculating minds, the Tiss’shar have become a major economic power within Crusade Space. They are incredibly precise individuals, making them some of the best shooters within the Crusade’s powerbase. As such, this has brought many of them into the ranks of the Ashlan military, particularly within various spec ops units.

Snivvian: The Snivvians have had a difficult history, having been hunted and enslaved for many years. Under the Crusade’s leadership, they have finally found safety from the threats of the greater galaxy. They are incredibly talented individuals, able to produce great works of art. These artistic works can be seen in Ashlan architecture and media, and even in the form of propaganda pieces. Many have even found jobs within ForceTech, the R&D division of the WorkForce, putting their creativity to even greater use.

Hiitian: The Hiitians are an avian species with a keen eye for space travel, having become effective pirates many years ago. Since then, their focus has slowly shifted, eventually turning them to exploration further from home. The Ashlan Crusade has provided them with the means of facilitating that exploration, causing many of them to join the ranks of both the Grand Army and Grand Navy. They have joined the military ranks in droves, hoping to see new worlds and experience more than they could have on their own.

Kamarian: Despite being a more recent addition to the Crusade, the Kamarians have become some of the most devoted of the species within Ashlan Space. This is largely due to their liberation from the dark clutches of the Brotherhood of the Maw, who sought to keep the Kamarians under their thumb for as long as possible. They are still recovering from years of slavery and experimentation, but their society has finally begun to be rebuilt. They are a largely primitive people when compared to much of the galaxy, but they have found a place within the Crusade all the same.

Lurrian: Genetic research and manipulation is not unique to the Lurrians, but it is something that they certainly excel in. These short, furry aliens have lived a largely solitary life on their homeworld, turning inward in an effort to learn the secrets of genetics. Their experiments have since become a field of study for many, bringing scientists from across the galaxy to their doorstep. When the Crusade came knocking, the Lurrians saw a great opportunity to expand their work. They now contribute to much of the scientific discovery within Ashlan Space, becoming instrumental in the rebuilding of the Tingel Arm.

Felucian: The Felucians are largely a peaceful, agrarian species, content with a simple life as farmers and ranchers. As they joined the Crusade, many Felucians became valued for these talents, and an offer was eventually made. They would help other worlds rebuild their own agricultural infrastructure in tandem with the Crusade’s terraforming efforts, a proposal that they happily accepted. The Felucians are now a staple in the Crusade’s mission to repair the region, and are often seen conducting works of outreach.

Swokes Swokes: The Swokes Swokes aren’t a species that one would consider an obvious friend to the Crusade, and that assumption would be correct. Their aggression and pursuit of prestige don’t always allow their interests to align with those of their new Ashlan leadership. Instead of trying to change this, the Crusade offered them a simple way to get what they want; by joining the Ashlan military. Their ferocity and ability to regenerate make them excellent soldiers, and the Swokes Swokes were more than happy to oblige. They are one of the more fringe species in the Crusade, though they have remained satisfied with the opportunity to prove themselves in battle.

Quermian: Talks to bring the Quermians into the fold were ongoing for quite some time. They are a peaceful people, wishing to focus on philosophy and diplomacy more than violence. This has made them an excellent fit for many government positions, as well as members of the clergy. Many are very attuned to the Force as well, and they often find themselves within the ranks of the Knightly Orders of Ashla. Their knack for reading body language makes them ideal ambassadors and missionaries, and many have been dispatched across the galaxy to help spread the influence of the Ashlan Crusade.

Whiphid: Whiphids have become well-known for their skills as bounty hunters and bodyguards, making them ideal fighters for the Crusade. Their tribal system has led them to remain a scattered people, but as the Ashlan leadership began pushing their agenda on Toola, the Whiphid tribes slowly began to work together, finding a new strength operating under unified leadership. They are now often seen in the Ashlan military and the Holy Jury. Some of them have even found their way to the various Knightly Orders, bringing a new kind of strength into their ranks.

Xexto: With the Quermians came the Xexto, as the Crusade had brokered a treaty between the two species in an effort to avoid war. Since then, they have been actively working in tandem with both the Quermians and the Crusade to expand the details of the treaty, allowing both species to operate as one within Ashlan Space. Despite their shared DNA, the Xexto are quite different from their Quermian counterparts. As very active thrillseekers, the Xexto have largely found themselves looking for opportunities offworld, with many of them becoming fighter pilots for the Grand Navy.

Zygerrian: To change the culture of a species in a deeply fundamental way can be problematic at best, and violent at worst. In the case of the Zygerrians, the latter seemed to apply. The Zygerrian slave trade has been a problem in the Tingel Arm for many, many years, and it was something that the Crusade sought to remedy. As the Ashlan forces liberated the planet, so to did they liberate the slaves held by the Zygerrian masters. This was met with a mixed result, though over time, the Zygerrians have begun to adjust to their new way of life. Many of them wished to apply their skills to new fields, largely taking well to law enforcement. Several have even found their way into the ranks of the Jury, using their talents to hunt down the Sith that once held sway over their home.

Voss: The Voss had suffered quite intensely under the rule of the Sith, seeing their long-since enemies the Gormak uplifted to a place of power. This turned the Voss into a subservient class, though their will to survive proved too strong for their Gormak oppressors. The resistance forces were soon joined by Jedi from across the galaxy, and with the hosts of the Light came the Crusade. Together, the Gormak were pushed off-world, and the Voss mystics were restored to their rightful place as leaders of the planet. The Voss, ever-grateful to the Crusade and their allies, have become some of the Crusade's strongest supporters, with many joining the ranks of the military, government, and clergy.

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Ashlan Cultural Summary



The Ashlan faith is a relatively ancient concept that has only recently enjoyed a mass revival. Initially an ideology adopted by Jedi Lords during the dark ages of the Republic, Ashlan thought is the Jedi belief of the Light Side being the Force in its natural form taken to its logical extreme. Rather than subscribing to the generally accepted belief that the Force is split between two aspects, Light and Dark, Ashla and Bogan, the Ashlans believe the Force is only the Light, and without interference of sentient beings, the Dark Side would not exist.

The generally accepted view is that the balance is the Ashla working naturally, untouched by the will of sentient beings. It is only when intelligent creatures with a connection to the Force interfere with that balance that the Dark Side comes to fruition. It is through acts of hatred and thoughtless passion that the Ashla is abused and twisted by the hands of mortals, the result being a mutated and cancerous thing referred to as the Bogan. The Ashla, willing to intermingle with mortals, is thus betrayed by those mortals, and so in its agony seeks to corrupt others and spread that pain in hopes of relieving its own for a time, which is ultimately a fruitless endeavor that damns the mortals as well as the Force itself.

Views on the exact nature of the Ashla/The Force are more or less in line with Jedi traditions, though a bit more fleshed out for better consumption by non-force users. Essentially upon death, one becomes one with the Force, part of a greater godlike being that helps to guide mortality through its own means. Thus as the Bogan spreads, so too is the afterlife further corrupted, turning a veritable heaven into a hell that reflects the state of the mortal galaxy. It is the belief of the Ashlans that the reason why the veil between life and death has been severed is because the Ashla is nearly fully corrupted by the Bogan, and that is why people may pass between reality and the Netherworld freely, as the portals between the two are spots where the veil has evaporated entirely.

The Ashlan priests generally agree that they currently live in the end times. In the worst case scenario, the Bogan's corruption of the Ashla becomes complete, reality and the immaterial collide and become one, and all mortal souls will be forced to suffer for eternity in an unending hell of their own making. Each act of slaughter, sacrifice, and destruction born of hatred feeds this corruption, as does each soul that pledges itself to the Bogan. The alternative, what the Ashlans pray for, is the destruction of the Bogan. It is believed that if the Bogan's influence in the mortal realm can be exterminated, the ailments of mortality will go with it. Death and disease will become a thing of the past, hunger long forgotten, and peace the natural state. The wars for resources will come to an end as the Ashla, unburdened now that it is not locked in eternal war with its diseased self, can be utilized to bring about heaven across the galaxy. Enlightenment will finally truly be achieved, and an ascendance of all beings into a form of godhood thereafter.

With these beliefs in mind, it is easy for the Ashlans to justify their militant methods. For them, they living in the age of apocalypse, and if drastic action is not taken, all they have ever known will be consumed in hellfire. Ashlans are instructed to live by the tenants of the Light whenever possible, but unlike their more traditional counterparts, do not shy away from violence if it is justified. For instance, a Sith that will never allow themselves to be redeemed must be killed. To do so is a mercy. Those afflicted with the Bogan's curse are suffering a cancer just as terrible as any natural terminal disease. Their minds are not their own, their bodies are tools for masters they often don't even know exist, and their flesh corrodes as if bathed in radiation. It is not out of hatred and anger that an Ashlan warrior kills, but out of unconditional love for other sentient beings. There is nothing crueler than to leave a sickly creature to suffer a slow and agonizing death, nothing more cowardly than to be unable to swing the sword and deliver sweet relief when the time comes. That being said, all reasonable attempts to bring the victim back from the depths of the Bogan should be made, but never at the expense of one's own life or that of others.

Servants of those that follow the Bogan are just as susceptible to its influence, whether they can wield the Force or not. Their actions work to serve the coming apocalypse. If they can be swayed or spared then doing so if paramount, however if neither of these things are realistically possible it is acceptable to use lethal force. Is the unfortunate nature of the galaxy that Psions of degeneracy might trick the masses into giving their lives in service to the dark powers. Just as with Sith and others like them, it is often a greater mercy to free these people from the cycles of violence they have been tricked into than to let them continue suffering, and inflicting that suffering onto others.



Ashlans are encouraged to live as normal people, more or less, though the use drugs and 'excessive' debauchery are heavily frowned upon. Alcohol is tolerated to a degree, but excessive drunkenness is seen as shameful. The Ashlan church encourages monogamy and the family unit, though it does not expressly disapprove of alternative lifestyles. Anything in excess is generally considered dangerous as engaging in such activities opens oneself up to the Bogan, and serves to distance one's mind from more spiritual pursuits. Honesty and honor are concepts that are extremely important to the Ashlan faith, as deceit and acting selfishly are quick and easy paths to finding oneself enraptured within the Bogan. Honor for the Ashlans is not defined as glory in battle as the Mandalorians might think of it, but selflessness and service to ones community. The betterment of society is held above the importance of the self, and while the Ashlans generally believe strongly in their own personal autonomy, it is expected that one will favor the decision to help the community over one that only helps themselves.

The freedom to say whatever is on one's mind, and to question openly is a strong tenant of Ashlan culture. With a faith born initially of questioning the dogma of the Jedi Council, it would be hypocritical for the Ashlans to suppress questions or concerns within their own group. As such, many extremely different ideologies both on mortal politics and spiritual matters exist within the halls of the church. It is not uncommon for a conscript to openly question the motives of a general, or a novice to openly wonder if a cardinal's interpretations of a text are correct. The questions will generally be answered honestly and openly, putting the matter to rest if the leader's logic is sound, or opening the possibility for change if a new perspective brings better ideas.

Those in leadership positions are expected to take full responsibility for the actions of their subordinates. They are both extremely respected, and held under similarly extreme scrutiny. If signs of corruption in a leader are shown, be they in motive or in literal corruption of the Bogan, it is not uncommon for a tribunal to be called for. Punishments vary, but liars, cheats, traitors, and those that have willfully consorted with the Bogan suffer the worst of it. It not uncommon for officers that have leaked information to the enemy to be publicly crucified, or for a politician that has cheated on their spouse to be castrated. The Ashlans hold their societal leaders to very high standards, often shower those leaders in hero worship, and punish them dearly if they fall short of what their positions as societal pillars demand them to be.

The ideal for an Ashlan civilian is to live a life of peace wherein they might raise a strong family, and be hailed as a respectable member of their community. Acquiring wealth and land is considered secondary to gaining reputation through service and deeds. Violence is only ever acceptable when in service to the faith, and as such all disputes are expected to be handled verbally between both parties. It is uncommon for disagreements between Ashlans to go to court as they are highly encouraged to settle disputes on their own, and whomever loses in the dispute often has to pay a hefty tax to the government for the trouble.

In a scenario where one becomes a soldier of faith, violence is encouraged rather than rebuked. Ashlan warriors, both Jedi and normal soldiers alike, are expected to meditate daily to better center themselves, and to reflect on whatever conflicts they might have partaken in. In battle, one is expected to distance themselves entirely from their emotions. Jedi require this peace to operate at their best, and soldiers need it so as not to grow addicted to the carnage and in doing so become servants of the Bogan. One must not kill in anger, but rather with apathy and without hesitation. The warrior is only doing the faith's work, nothing more and nothing less.

All beings, no matter their form, are simply pieces of the greater Ashlan soul. We are all luminous spirits bound in flesh, and it is not our choice what form that flesh has taken. All species are welcome within the arms of the faithful, no matter their histories or proclivities. There has even been a movement toward the emancipation of droids one might consider sentient, with arguments revolving around the belief that for a mass of metal and circuitry to achieve the thought and emotional capacity of organic beings on its own, the Ashla must surely be at work. Perhaps the spirits that inhabit our bodies so too can inhabit the steel forms of automata.

On the other end of the spectrum, those that are spiritually opposed to the Ashla, particularly followers of the Bogan, are not tolerated whatsoever. Their words have as much weight as those of a mad men. They are ill creatures speaking dribble to justify their degeneracy, non-people that can be saved, but are otherwise little more than vessels for a disease that will immediately spread if given the opportunity

Followers of the Church are expected to partake in charity services at least once per week if they are not preoccupied with military service in the Ashla's name. The obvious tenants of helping the common man are the core of this commandment, but an equally important and often overlooked aspect of it is the humility it inspires. Too often do crusaders, priests, and other people of station find themselves indulging in arrogant behavior as they believe they are wholly righteous in their service. Charity is meant to remind the followers of the Ashla that they are just as mortal as anyone else just as much as it is an act of altruism.


Holy Lands

The Ashlan faith was born somewhere in the Tingel Arm several thousand years ago. It spread amongst many of the Jedi Lords that ruled during the galactic dark ages, though its popularity waned after the Jedi Lords were reigned in by the council of the Republic. Small enclaves of the faith survived, however, some even persisting well after the Gulag Plague. The largest of these sects was found on the world of Ession. There it was prophesized that a great cataclysm was coming, that the faith would soon grow tremendously, and that only the followers of the faith would be privy to this news.

Ession was devastated by the Sith Empire shortly thereafter, and its surviving inhabitants fled throughout the galaxy, carrying their faith with them. Since then, Ession has been regarded as the home of the Ashlan faith, the Holy Land of their people, the place in which their movement was reborn. It is the most holy of worlds for the Ashlans, though there are other realms important to the Ashlan canon.

Ruusan holds a second place in the Ashlans' hearts. The site of the greatest defeat the Sith ever suffered in the eyes of the Ashlans, it is at the same time the site of the Ashla's greatest victory.

Tython, home of the Jedi Order, avatar of the empyrean in the mortal realm. There are few places more important to the Jedi of every sect in the galaxy, and the Ashlans revere it as strongly as they do.


Ashlan Revanchism & Other Ideologies


Ashlan Revanchism

The original unifying political ideology within Ashlan Space is Ashlan Revanchism, a militaristic and nationalistic outlook revolving around the need to regain the holy lands of the Essonian people. This ideology has been the ongoing connective tissue between those within the Crusade from day one. Despite this, as times have progressed and the Crusade has expanded, other variations have begun to gain traction as well.


Ashlan Purism

Also known colloquially as Demicism (named after the Cardinal himself), this is an even more theocracy-centric take on the traditional Ashlan Revanchism. Purists believe many of the same things as their ideological predecessors, but carry an additional emphasis on the power of the Holy Ashlan Papacy. They believe that no one is above Ashla, a belief leading many to an even more fanatic state of being. They often push for the expansion of church powers, and wish to see only the most devout in positions of leadership.


Ashlan Moderatism

Despite the zealous nature of the Crusade, there are those within the ranks that take a more reserved approach to the Ashlan dogma. They often act as a counterweight to the fiery beliefs of the Purists, making sure that the Crusade remains grounded, and does not lose itself completely to their militaristic nature. Moderates maintain the same core faith in Ashla, and the extermination of the Bogan is still a priority. They simply believe that a softer hand is needed at times to see that goal met.


Ashlan Government


The Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich has, at its core, always been a theocratic meritocracy, but politics are rarely so simple. The machine of Ashlan politics is a complex one, with many moving parts striving to work together for a common goal. The Ashlan Constitution outlines many of the finer points of the Ashlan system, but this section of the Handbook will illustrate the basics, and provide you with the framework to begin your own political RP within the Ashlan Crusade.

The heads of the Ashlan government are currently as follows:

Holy Ashlan Kaiser: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
Cardinal of Ashla: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Prime Minister: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Grand Marshal: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


Chamber of Ministers

Accompanying these key figures is the Chamber of Ministers, appointed individuals that oversee various aspects of Ashlan society. Below is a list of these offices, as well as the purposes that they serve, as stated in the Ashlan Constitution.

The Ministry of Justice is charged with establishing a fair court system utilized universally across the Kaiserreich’s territory. The Ministry of Justice shall establish a system of courts beginning at a local level that shall enforce laws passed by both the local and executive governments. Trials that go beyond these local courts can go to planetary courts, and beyond that, the Court of the East, from which all judicial power derives.

The Ministry of Intelligence is charged with the defense of the nation’s information infrastructure from within and without. The Ministry of Intelligence shall collect, analyze, report and disseminate intelligence on threats to the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich's national security, and conduct operations, covert and overt, to protect the Kaiserreich’s interests and assets throughout its territory and abroad.

The Ministry of Defense is charged with seeing to the nation’s defense, and the continued competitive modernization of the Kaiserreich’s military. The Ministry of Defense decides where the military’s budget is allocated, is expected to keep the Kaiserreich’s military doctrines up to date, maintain the Kaiserreich’s technological edge in the field of warfare, raise military tithes, and oversee the logistics and deployment of the Keeserlech Arméi & Raumflott.

The Ministry of Labor is charged with defending the rights of the Kaiserreich’s workers. The Ministry of Labor is expected to organize and sponsor the Kaiserreich’s mandated labor unions to ensure they are run democratically, to maintain labor laws that benefit the workers whilst also keeping business profitable, and to create social programs that create jobs for the unemployed and provide financial safety for the people and small businesses.

The Ministry of Infrastructure is charged with the development, integration and maintenance of resilient public infrastructure within the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Infrastructure is expected to respect the investments of taxpayers by maximizing the life, performance and value of structures and critical services and focus on projects that offer benefit to or fulfill the desires of the public.

The Ministry of Trade is charged with overseeing commerce and promoting economic growth within the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Trade is expected to break up monopolies should they arise, ensure businesses operating within the Kaiserreich’s territory contribute to the nation’s economic growth and strive for the creation of jobs for its citizens, and regulate business practices and law to fit the moral and ethical values that the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich espouses.

The Ministry of Health is charged with the oversight of the Kaiserreich’s national healthcare system and has the responsibility of detecting, addressing and combating national health risks. The Ministry of Health is expected to maintain and uphold modernized health policies within the Kaiserreich, provide quality training standards for medical practitioners, and dedicate funding toward the research and development of new medicines and vaccines.

The Ministry of Agriculture is charged with maintaining the breadbaskets of the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Agriculture dictates farming, forestry, and other wildlife and food policies, provides social safety programs for members of related communities, develops and coordinates the expansion of farmland leased out by the government, and dictates the standards of food and livestock that can legally be sold on the Kaiserreich’s market.

The Ministry of Education determines the educational standards across the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Education is expected to aid fief-worlds in the creation and maintenance of curriculums that meet the Kaiserreich’s standards and work for local populations. Additionally, the Ministry of Education is tasked with establishing social programs to assist those with special needs and disabilities and endeavor to combat discrimination.

The Ministry of Faith is charged with defending the spiritual soul of the Kaiserreich. While the Kaiserreich is a secular state that allows and promotes the worship of all gods and philosophies, save for those that promote the corrupting powers of the Bogan, the teachings of the Followers of the Ashla are formally recognized as the Kaiserreich’s state religion. The Ministry of Faith is tasked with assisting the Followers of the Ashla in the expansion of their churches, promoting and protecting the assembly and speech of the Kaiserreich’s various creeds, managing religious donations to make certain they are deposited to their chosen recipients, and to root out the influences of the Bogan within the Kaiserreich’s society.

Current Ministers

Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Minister of Faith
Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Minister of Defense


House of Lords and the Ashlan Embassy

Rounding out the ranks of the upper echelons of Ashlan government is the House of Lords, a collective of elected representatives from each planet representing the interest of their people. Each High Lord is allowed a level of freedom in terms of how they manage their world, but are expected to adhere to the tenets of Ashlan law. Aside from the High Lords themselves, several ambassadors have seats within the halls of Ashlan politics, providing the House of Lords with a wider perception on galactic matters.

Current High Lords & Ambassadors

Tristan Evore Tristan Evore High Lord of Ession
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ambassador to the Eternal Empire


Papal Involvement

The Holy Ashlan Papacy also holds a considerable amount of power within the overarching politics within Ashlan Space, and works very closely with the House of Lords to maintain order across Ashlan Space. Their involvement is covered in the next section of the Handbook.

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