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Approved Starship The Crestfallen; Modified Upsilon-class Command Shuttle

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  • Intent: I absolutely love Kylo Ren's shuttle from TFA, and I want Kaine to have his own personal model
  • Image Source: Click
  • Canon Link: Canon Article
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: The First Order Corps of Engineers
  • Model: Modified Upsilon-class Command Shuttle
  • Affiliation: Darth Carnifex
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel armor plating, transparisteel viewports
  • Classification: Shuttle/Transport
  • Length: 17 meters
  • Width: 13 meters
  • Height: 37.2 meters
  • Armament: High
    Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
  • Ion Cannons (2)
  • Aft Heavy Laser Turret (1)
  • Concussion Missile Launchers (2) [4 Warheads each]

[*]Defenses: High
  • Deflector Shield Generators (2) [Front & Aft]
  • Anti-Projectile Deflection System

[*]Squadron Count: N/A
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Fast: 1
  • Advanced sensor systems installed in its massive wings allow the Crestfallen to detect other vessels at extremely long distances while simultaneously jamming them as well, allowing for the shuttle to avoid enemy ships and slip by unnoticed or ambush them without them being able to raise reinforcements.
  • Doubly the Crestfallen also contains a powerful subspace communications array and hyperwave comm scanner that allows the vessel to send, receive, and detect interstellar transmissions with accuracy.
  • The Crestfallen is typically manned by a crew of five, including pilot, co-pilot, and communication officers, but can be flown by a single individual if needed.
  • The shuttle's hold can house a total of ten passengers at any given time.

  • Powerful Weapons and Defense
  • Advanced Scanner and Communication Systems

  • Sluggish Speed and Maneuverability

Long has the Upsilon Command Shuttle been a hallmark of high-ranking Imperials and Knights of Ren throughout the ages, and even now over 800 years since its creation the shuttle still finds common use among the modern First Order's upper echelon.

Unsurprisingly it has found favor as the personal vessel of the Sith Lord Darth Carnifex, a powerful Sith Lord who often works alongside the First Order to combat the lecherous Galactic Alliance and curb their extremist and heretical mob dictatorship. But a standard issue Upsilon is not what the Sith Lord had in mind when he acquired one for his own, it did not suit his militaristic needs nearly as he would like. So he tasked his best weapons experts and shipwrights to improve upon the design, installing new weapon systems while keeping the already advanced sensor and communication technologies in place.

However; the additions of such armaments has slowed the ship, turning it into a tank able to dish out damage and take some in return at the cost of greater speed and mobility. It suited the Dark Lord's personality perfectly, and he christened it the Crestfallen at the moment of its completion.
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