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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" now, do as i do, feel the ships hull, every nick and cranny, the sand dirt and stone surrounding the metal. and then lift" closing his eyes he would take several deep breaths reaching both hands out towards one of the nearest Ships. pushing the image of the ship through his mind remembering how the ships looked and felt. before then opening his eyes and giving a strained grunt pushing against the Ships hull and then attempting to Lift the old girl out of the dirt.

with several groans, the Ship would lift creating a firm Bubble in the earth almost bringing her to light. as the earth cracks the surrounding Sand would begin to pour back into the crevices pushing more weight back onto the ship

" ghk, almost there come on you old tub of junk"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"almost there, push into it" Giving a small grunted snarl Laphisto would push himself further Pushing one hand towards the dirt and sand, attempting to pull the Debris from the ship to help clear enough room to pull it from the ground with greater ease. and with the dirt now being pulled away from the surface of the Ships hull, the Cruiser would be pulled from the earth. chunks of dirt that had gotten stuck to the ship falling into the now rather Large hole where a ship had once laid dormant

The Confessor

The moment the words would escape from Laphistos mouth, the ground shook rather violently. Parts of the sand would give way as the top part of a Hammerhead. It was being lifted up as there was a crackle from the communications, showing part of the large front end top at view.

"You got three minutes before the weight of the dirt shoves it back down. Hatch....should be somewhere right on top."

Laphisto Laphisto
Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"alright, we need to pull the ship out of the hole, set it down carefully off to the left, once it's set down we can open the hatch and see what was left inside" pushing the Ship off away from the hole he would let it hit the ground, the strained landing gear creaking and groaning in protest

The Confessor

Has it lifted out more than he could generally handle, feeling the pressure mounting as he finally let it land towards the left. The ground shook again as he let it down a bit heavier than he thought, breathing out from afar as he sat down.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" much easier to push and pull ships when they are.. well in space where they belong" giving a small chuckle he would shake his head he would roll his shoulders looking to the ships rear hatch glancing to the confessor then back to the ship " well lets see what this old girl has instore"
Jacen approaches the opening in the ground near the Hammerhead. Dirt, rocks and sand rushed down into the open pit and the ground begins to shake violently. The ground cracks and splits awkwardly in odd places and in the blink of an eye, Jacen slips down into the ground below!
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Jacen slips through small cracks in the ground as he's swallowed deeper underground. He's flipped around and smacked into a rock before finally slamming into ground. He groans and gasps for breath as he picks himself back up.
"What the... This is just great." He groans again switches a flashlight on, illuminating the wide cavern that he stood in. "What the heck is down here..?"
He walks slowly forward, his right leg aching as he put pressure on it. Moving his flashlight around, the beam of light slicing through the surrounding darkness, he saw a small path the would take him from the cavern. He sighed and approached the passageway, looking for a way up.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
with the tremor taking place Laphistos wings would spread instinctively causing him to grunt and groan a perk of his ear following suit before taking note that Jacen was no longer beside him. giving a small blink he would turn around trying to spot the boy before calling out " Jacen? where did you go?"
Jacen wandered around the cavern as he shined his flashlight around.
"Here.. We're here..." A strange voice whispered somewhere inside the cavern.
Jacen held the flashlight with his left hand, his right hand brushing across his Blastersaber, "Hello? I mean you no harm." He continued further and could feel some kind of pressure snagging at him as he went. He could feel something down there with him, calling to him.
"Come and take us with you..."
Jacen ventured forward, a little freaked out by the whispers
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
flicking his eyes towards the ground Laphisto would crouch down near the hole before calling out to the boy. the blue glow flicking over his eyes as we searched for Jacen" Jacen are you down there?"
Jacen would hear Laphisto's words echo faintly through the cavern as he walked and he turned his head to the side.
"LAPH!!!! I fell down the hole!" Jacen shouts, his words echoing loudly through the cavern. "I gotta get outta here..."
He continues walking and hears the wind piercing through small holes in the rock above him. He frowns and thinks about using the Force to try and break out but decides against it.

"...Here.... A little closer..."

Jacen felt a soft grip on his left shoulder as if someone were grabbing him. He flinches and looks around quickly as he waves the flashlight around. Faint and sinister laughter surrounded him and he began to run through the dark cavern.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" alright try and find your way to where the ship was, it's a large hole that should give you an opportunity to escape. trust in the force and your own instincts on how to get out" pushing off the ground he would dust himself off before glancing around and then walking to the edge of the hole, peering down inside of it with a soft frown
Jacen stumbles as he runs and nearly faceplants as he makes his way through the cavern. He suddenly saw a sinister red glow illuminating the chamber ahead of him. He slowly approaches the next chamber as his flashlight begins to flicker wildly.
"Here! We're right here..!"
Jacen grabs his Blastersaber and grips it tightly as he slowly steps forward toward the red glow. "Who's down here..?" Jacen tried his best to sound confident.

In the chamber ahead of him he found the red glow almost too bright to see. He squinted as he looked around and observed the source of the glow in one of the walls ahead of him.

A sudden roar filled the chamber and a handful of glowing corpses materialized from the wall and began charging forward at Jacen!

Jacen flinches and raises up his hands, his Blastersaber clutched in his right fist. He panics and attempts to Force Push the group of corpses away and successfully sends them crashing into the wall behind them. The corpses burst into strange burning smoke and blow away in a cloud as sinister voices laugh and jeer at Jacen.

"Take us..! You pass. You pass!"

Intense pressure fills the chamber as the red glow becomes blinding and Jacen momentarily loses consciousness...
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
dusting himself off he would turn to the ship that was pulled from the ground, having more than enough confidence in the boy though with a narrowed gaze he would flick his ear looking through the earth for Jacen spotting him easily he wouldn't see anything else down there with him, though his stance suggested he had his lightsaber out. he would have to remember to commend him for being on guard like he was
After three minutes, Jacen regains consciousness. He had remained on his feet and looked around groggily in the now dark chamber. Jacen felt his Blastersaber in his right hand. But what was in his left hand? He felt a strange pulse vibrate through his left hand and up his arm. Then a strange red light began to blink rhythmically, almost as if it were breathing. It would glow red for a few moments before becoming void of color for another few moments.
He looked down at the strange tetrahedral shape in his hand as it breathed steadily, the red glow coming and going as it blinked. He somehow knew what it was without knowing, like the object was talking to him. This Sith Holocron in his left hand was alive, breathing in his hand and trying to talk to him...

"Take us.. Take us with you.. We have much to tell and you have much to learn." The Holocron spoke without words, just pure Force energy invading his mind.

Jacen shook his head violently and pocketed the Holocron, his armor opening up long enough for him to store the artifact in his small satchel. "I've gotta get out of here..." He moved onward through the cavern, searching for a way to the surface.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
pushing against the Cruiser's outer hull he would run his hand over the hatch, feeling around and trying to pry the ship open giving a small frown as the years and some rust most likely have sealed the hatch closed, it would take a lot more convincing to open this thing up
Jacen continues through the cavern, navigating the passageways with his flashlight. He looks around feels a draft of wind breeze passed him. He presses onward and continues searching for a way back to the surface, a bit lost in the underground maze.

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