Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Brightest of Flames

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Ession was well under the Reformation's control. Laws had been set in place to keep the world orderly and safe. Much of the industry had been dismantled in favor of more environmentally friendly practices. The people of Ession were relearning what life was like living on a free world. Graxin had great pride in the changes made to the once downtrodden and dismal world, though he was careful not to let that pride become hubris. Hubris was one of the great mistakes of the Republic's Jedi and part of the reason why he had led the split. These Jedi would not fall to such great lengths, nor would they walk the path of their misguided predecessors.

That was the hope anyway.

Most of Ession was cityscape, albeit nowhere near as immense as Coruscant. High rises and smaller skyscrapers dotted the skyline almost everywhere you went. Almost. A handful of forests along with a great sea dotted the otherwise massive cityscape. The Knight preferred these places when he wasn't at the Grand Temple or conducting governmental business. It was where he was now, near the port side town of Likrin.

Likrin happened to be one of the only fishing villages on Ession, and received frequent visits from the Archlord. It brought him to a more humble mindset, that not all of the galaxy was destined to become a sprawling mass of smoke and metal. He stood in the forests near Likrin, in a small clearing lined with trees on either side. A soft rain fell down and splattered against the hood and light robes that he wore, though he paid it little mind.

His hands thrust forward toward the combat droids. They were simple creations, an they weren't even active. Sparks of bright blazing flame tore from his fingertips toward the dead husks. The flames enveloped the two droids, and doused them in a cleaning fire. The familiar crackle and expulsion of heat brought Graxin's mind to a time long gone, a nostalgia high that he only ever felt when he was alone. His time as Darth Vulcanus's apprentice was a terrible one, but also a simpler one. At times, he craved the simpleminded life he had once led.

The flames died out as his concentration faltered. One droid slumped forward, the servos in its midriff melted into slagged magma. The other however, remained intact, if not singed quite a bit.

"Again then."

[member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa didn't know why she was on Ession. It was crawling with Jedi, and they didn't really like her dark presence being so close to one of their temples. She never attacked anyone, however. Not unless they attacked her. She was deep in one of the few wooded areas left on the planet near the small fishing village of Likrin. Her dark cloak shrouded her in mystery, her hood handing low over her face. She was meditating. She hadn't done so in a very long time. It didn't feel the same as before. No. It was darker, more twisted than it had once been. She was still getting used to feeling it...
[member="Graxin Rade"]

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Something was off. A darker presence, and not one of those that Graxin knew. The Archlord kept a close eye on all the Dark Jedi that took refuge on the Reformation's capital world. For one to sneak past the defenses and arrive without issue required skill, and where there was skill, there tended to be Sith. Perhaps an apprentice come to scout out the Reformation. Perhaps a Darth coming to plant the seeds of a later invasion. Either way, the Knight would investigate.

He halted his flames, and turned sharply about. Wordlessly, he broke into a brisk walk down toward the direction of the dark side nexus. Whatever was causing it had some semblance of power, and only served to further worry the Knight. Whatever it was sat just beyond the next clearing. He peered through the dark--and blinked. A woman, possibly the Sith he suspected to be nearby.

"Who are you?"

[member="Lexa Imura"]
She didn't respond at first. She was struggling to submerge herself into her meditations, but it wasn't working. She couldn't hold a connection. Her eyes opened with a defeated sigh. She turned her attention instead to the Jedi who had approached her. Her face could barely be seen from beneath her hood. "No one you need concern yourself with. I'm not here to cause trouble..." She replied with a cold, emotionless voice.
[member="Graxin Rade"]

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