Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Book of Stories Part III Beyond the Library


Echoes sounded through the library as heels clicked against the marble floor, breaking the otherwise aetherial stillness that had settled upon the air as others went about their own duties and studies in the grand library of a planet that sat at what many would argue was the center of the Galaxy. Each step resounded its own melody, click clack, click clack, as the heels fell upon the floor in equal stride, the woman permitting a soft smile to cross her lips. Just looking upon her face would cause one to forget that there was even a war raging across the Galaxy between the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorian Enclave, though that was the purpose of her visit, to let others know that it was business as usual and that they should not let war destroy their otherwise calm lives on the capital. However, there were those whom she needed to ensure this message was shown more than others, the Children. It was something she had done so long ago in what seemed to her as another lifetime when she still resided upon Naboo during the height of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
How long ago was that? The woman had to ask herself, as it seemed that time was a finicky thing that never wanted to be stated or pinned down. Was it a year since the last time she had read the stories from the book? Was it five, ten, or even thirty or more? It was so hard to tell as each would have their own answer and perhaps that was all that was needed, for each to see the passage of time in their own eyes and accept what is or isn't at their own pace as the days slipped into one another until everything was merely a blur. Still, it would not delay her purpose of entering that library this day, nor would it dissuade her from performing what she felt was a necessity for the children of the Galaxy, to ensure that they knew the next day was coming and that stories, no matter how little or large, were still worth hearing even if only to distract them for an afternoon; if only to allow the children to be children and the parents to relax and watch the wonder grow in their child's eyes.
A momentary pause in her step brought her to stand before an archway that led into the next chamber, the woman's hand slipping through her long white hair as the tresses fell over her shoulders and cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She took the moment to pause to collect her thoughts, steady herself, and ensure that her demeanor was one of calm and not her usual stiffness and cold shoulder that allowed her to keep others at a distance. Her hands carefully smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress, an unusual attire given she was often more comfortable in armor or a more business-casual appearance. Her clothing was just as much for the benefit of the children to draw them into the stories as to show that she was allowing herself to be vulnerable, to open herself to those who would be standing and sitting before her as she read. It was a side that she didn't show often, and when she did, it seemed to only be during these brief interludes when she took the time out of her schedule as she had done so many years prior, to read to children.
Nestled in the crook of her arm, pressed firmly against her bosom was the book, its cover accented with gems and seemingly carved from aurodium, it had been sitting on a shelf, forgotten, covered in dust when she had once more pulled it free from its resting place. It had been too long since she had last seen its Gatekeeper, causing her to feel a tinge of regret for keeping Odan-Urr hidden from the Galaxy for as long as she had. Slowly her fingers danced across the cover as her golden-yellow eyes fell upon the book, admiring the craftsmanship and smiling softly at the fond memories she had of its previous uses. Today, she wondered, what stories would be shown today from all the others that the book had to off; those thoughts were enough to steel her mind as she nodded to herself and took a deep breath in before looking past the archway to the small group that had already arrived. She watched for a moment as a few more followed before she decided it was time for the proverbial show to begin.
Once more her steps began to resound through the library as she moved forward, a soft smile upon her lips, tugging softly and revealing a hint of her fangs as she took her seat and softly placed the book to rest in her lap. Her hands smoothed the wrinkles from her dress once more as she crossed her ankles and lightly tucked her legs up under the seat before both of her hands came to rest on the book. Her golden-yellow eyes slowly slipped over the small group of children, watching as a few more stragglers came wandering into the room and finding their own seats. This was the vision she had remembered, seeing all of the youthful faces and shimmering eyes watching her, she remembered the faces of those days past and even wondered if many of those children had grown and had families of their own now. Of course, it was not the time to reminisce, rather, it was the time to bring new stories and new futures to bear, to inspire those that sat before her and show them the wonders of the Galaxy held within The Book of Stories.
"Are we all comfortable? Have we all found our seats?"
The woman's voice was soft, almost as if a melody was sung and danced upon the air that settled in the room. It was a far cry from her usual harsher tone, once that was accustomed to barking orders and shouting in the heat of battle to ensure that it was heard. No, this was different, it was one of placation to ensure that the children would be drawn in rather than scared away. Her soft smile tugged at her lips again, revealing a hint of her fangs as her fingers slipped over the book before her hand gently grasped the clasps on the side. A soft snap emanated from the book as the clasp was undone, followed by the second, and her voice once more sounded in the room.
"I have a special gift for you all today, one that has not been seen in many years, one that is ready to meet new friends. This is a very special book, one filled with fantastical stories and legends, myths and tall tales. This is the Book of Stories."
Leaning back momentarily in her seat, she held the book up so that the children could see the work of art that she held in her hands. Her smile remained upon her lips as her ears perked up, hearing the children gasp and whisper to one another about the book before she softly quieted them and ignored a few frustrated sighs that were likely the result of desiring some sweet treat or a tangible gift rather than what she had to offer. It seemed to be the common response, and it was one that she still did not tire of even all these years later, it merely encouraged her to continue as she sat the book back down in her lap. Her slender fingers carefully moved the pages of crystal lattice until a large gem at the center of the book was revealed. Her smile grew as she ran her fingers over the gem and spoke a few words.
"Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
As her voice began to trail off, the room seemed to darken as the lights dimmed and the gem within the book began to slowly glow. From it sprung forth the first image, a Draethos male that appeared in clothing and garments that were ancient by the current standards. The male brought his arms forward and rested their hands together before offering a slight bow, his lips pulling back in what one would guess was an attempted smile which only made his teeth more prominent. Then they seemed to step forward right out of the book and slowly pace between the children as they sat on the floor, a few now more invested than they had before as they leaned forward to get a better look.
"I am Jedi Master Odan-Urr, builder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, and Gatekeeper of this marvelous Datacron that the individual sitting before you has in their possession. This Datacron is a very special and unique item known as The Book of Stories and within its pages are stories both ancient and new. These stories hold wonder and excitement, sorrow and terror, and though many of these stories may be old, they have touched the hearts and minds of many young ones throughout the eons, just as I hope the stories will leave their imprint upon you once you leave her today. Now is the moment that you take hold of your imagination; all you need to do is select a story and enjoy the journey that it takes you..."
Odan-Urr's voice trailed off as the appearance of the Draethos made its way back towards the woman, coming to stand at her right side as its hand seemed to rest upon her shoulder. The woman smiled softly as her golden-yellow eyes carefully slipped over the crowd once more, seeing just how many of them had become enthralled with the book and the appearance of its Gatekeeper. The memories of older stories had once more come into her mind, as she thought back on those days that she had read from the book on Naboo. There were so many stories to choose from, though it wouldn't do to choose one that she had already read, and so she set herself to find one that would be appropriate. Her smile slipped into a soft smirk as her fingers slipped over the gem and she gazed through the stories before finding a title that she felt would be a perfect means to begin the day's festivities.
"I have the perfect story for us to start off with today children. It is a story of redemption, how even the most evil of individuals still have a spark of hope and goodness within them that can change their path in life. This is the story of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and 'How a Sith stole Lifeday'."
Amelia smiled softly as she leaned back in her seat and ensured that she was comfortable as she held the book steady in her lap. Her fingers carefully grasped the edges of the book so that it remained flat as the gem within continued to shine with a deep brilliance and the image of Odun-Urr smiled in turn at the choice of the first story. Soon, she would speak those magical words that would bring the book to life once more, awakening it from a slumber of years to again bring joy to the children of the Galaxy, and the first story was 'How a Sith Stole Lifeday'.
Chaos NaNo 2023: 1,925

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As the clamor from the children slowly began to dissipate and they all settled in their seats, it was clear that they were ready to hear the story that was waiting for them. Amelia shifted slightly in her seat as her fingers slipped over the crystalline lattice of the Datacron, the image of Odan-Urr waiting just as patiently until everyone was settled and ready. During the small commotion, some of the children had scooched closer, others had found their way to laying on their stomachs, and a few others found interesting, albeit comfortable to them, ways to lounge in the room that they had all gathered in. No matter their species, all-optical receptors were now on the woman as she nodded silently and turned her attention to the book, once again, saying the words that had first brought it to life.
"Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
Her voice trailed off as the book once more came to life, the image of Odan-Urr slowly fading away as it was replaced by another, a brilliant image of a beautifully verdant planet teaming with life and the Force. The image of the planet slowly shifted as the focal point slipped closer and closer to the surface of the planet until at last, it came to rest upon a small village that was decorated in the finery of the festive season. The woman's voice once more danced softly upon the air like a melody as she continued to read from the book, all the while, the images shifting and changing to appease its audience that was now enraptured by the Book of Stories.
"Every Jedi down on Tython liked Life Day a lot..."
"But the Sith Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , who lived on the moon of Bogan, Did NOT!"
"The Sith hated Life Day! The whole Lifeday season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right. It could be, perhaps, that his robes were too black. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small."
Amelia paused for a moment, her attention shifting from the book to the children who all sat around, watching as a few more had begun to slowly draw themselves closer to the images. A soft smirk tugged at the edge of her lips as she watched a small Twi'lek reach up, attempting to touch the picture before pulling their hand back as they suddenly grew shy and timid. She watched as others seemed to jump back just slightly at the appearance of the Sith, whilst others still placed themselves between the picture and their younger siblings in their own acts of courage. This was what the Book of Stories was about, she thought to herself, to bring out the emotional spectrum of every being, and allow them to face their emotions in a place that was safe for them to do so.
"Remember children, these are just pictures, they cannot hurt you."
The woman said with a soft, reassuring smile, as she returned her attention once more to the book. They still had a ways to go in the story, and they didn't have much time if they were going to fill the day with the tales that were waiting just beyond this one. With her golden-yellow eyes once more upon the book, she spoke again, continuing the story...
"But, whatever the reason, his heart or his robes, he stood there on Life Day Eve, hating the Jedi, staring down from his cave with a sour, Sithy frown at the warm lighted windows below in their town. For he knew every Jedi down on Tython beneath was busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath. "And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer. "Tomorrow is Life Day! It's practically here!" Then he growled, his fingers nervously drumming, "I MUST find some way to stop Life Day from coming!" For, tomorrow, he knew...
...All the Jedi girls and boys would wake bright and early. They'd rush for their gifts! and then! Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing that the Sith, he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
Then the Jedi, young and old, would sit down to a feast. And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! They would feast on Wasaka-berry Pudding and rare roast-Grazer which was something the Sith couldn't stand in the least! And THEN they'd do something he liked least of all! Every Jedi down on Tython, the tall and the small, would stand close together, with Life Day bells ringing. They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the Jedi would start singing!"
The book brought each of the images to life, each one dancing if only for a moment before the children as it unveiled the story, each scene showing a near-life-like appearance as each moment was chronicled and brought into existence as the woman continued to read. Every now and then, however, she could pause, allowing an image to linger for a bit longer, allowing the children to watch as a Wookiee Padawan began to eat his Wasaka-berry Pudding as he sat at a table with other Jedi around him, each enjoying the holiday. She watched as the children once more were confronted with the visage of the Sith, plotting and scheming to ruin the holiday, and a soft chuckle slipped from herself as she heard the children boo and hiss at the creature that was attempting to ruin such a Holiday.
"The Jedi are gonna beat you, you, you meanie!"
Amelia heard one of the children cry out, and it was all she could do to stop herself from breaking out in a hearty laugh as she watched the other children around nod in agreement. She listened as other children joined in, and for a moment she brought her hand up, a single finger coming to rest against her pursed lips as she softly quieted the children down so they could continue their story.
"They'd sing! And they'd sing! AND they'd SING! SING! SING! SING! And the more the Sith thought of this Jedi-Lifeday-Sing, the more the Sith thought, "I must stop this whole thing! Why, for ten-plus years I've put up with it now! I MUST stop this Lifeday from coming!... But HOW?" Then he got an idea! an awful idea! THE SITH GOT A WONDERFUL, AWFUL IDEA!
..."I know just what to do!" The Sith laughed in his throat. And he made a quick Life Day hat and a coat. And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Sith trick! With this coat and his hat, I look just like a Jedi! All I need is a Life Day beast to ride..." The Sith looked around. But, since they were scarce, there was none to be found. Did that stop the old Sith...? No! the Sith simply said, "If I can't find one, I'll make one instead!" So he went to his lab and he took some red thread, he went to a cauldron and with Sith Alchemy he created a Warbeast instead."
There was an audible gasp from child and adult alike as the image of the Warbeast was brought to life, a hideous roar filled the room as it seemed to thrash about. The woman brought her attention up once more from the book, seeing a few of the children begin to sniffle and a few others start to cry. She carefully brought her hands to rest against the book as the image of the Warbeast began to disappear from the room. She offered a soft smile, a friendly face for them to focus on through the fear and the frightful image of the creature that had been created by the Sith. She reached her hand out, and with her thumb, lightly wiped away the tears from a young girl in front of her as she leaned forward.
"You are each very brave for facing that creature. Those are the kinds of monsters that the Jedi protect you from every day so that you may rest peacefully in your beds. Fear not, for they are few and far between, and none of them reside on Coruscant."
"Are... are you sure?"
She heard one small child ask, her attention shifting smooth as she kept her smile upon her lips. Her golden-yellow eyes fell upon the child's own brilliant green hues, and the woman nodded silently and slowly before speaking.
"As long as you stay above the deeper levels, you are safe from the monster. Listen to your parents, and do not venture too deep into the Coruscant under levels. Now, shall we continue our story, shall we see what the Sith will do and how the Jedi will respond?"
With that question, and a new wave of courage washing over the group, the children each nodded as they moved in closer, ready to face the Sith and his monstrous Warbeast. Amelia gave them the time that they needed, her demeanor never changing from the patient and caring woman that sat before them, each child greeted with a soft smile once they were ready to continue on with the story. Her voice again danced upon the air of the room as she began to read once more, the book springing to life as the pictures of the story continued to fill the room.
"THEN the Sith loaded some bags and some old empty sacks on a ramshackle hoversleigh and he hitched up his Warbeast. Then the Sith said, "Giddap!" and the hoversleigh started down toward Tython where the Jedi lay a-snooze in their homes. All their windows were dark. Quiet snow filled the air. All the Jedi were all dreaming sweet dreams without care. When he came to the first little house on the square. "This is stop number one," The old Sith hissed and he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist.
Then he slid down the chimney. A rather tight pinch. He got stuck only once, for a moment or two, then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue where the little Jedi stockings all hung in a row. "These stockings" he grinned "are the first things to go!" Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasant, around the whole room, and he took every present! Training Sabers! And Hoverbikes! Repulsorlift Skates! Drumheller Harps! Triga boards! Kat's Kettle Corn! And Jogan Fruits! And he stuffed them in bags. Then the Sith, very nimbly, stuffed all the bags, one by one, up the chimbley!"
Then he slunk to the icebox. He took the Jedi's feast! He took the Wasaka-berry pudding! He took the roast-Grazer! He cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. Why, that Sith even took their last can of K-18 rations! Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. "And NOW!" grinned the Sith, "I will stuff up the Life Day Tree!" The Sith grabbed the tree, and he started to shove when he heard a small sound like the coo of a Porg. He turned around fast, and he saw a small Youngling! Little Osto Pag, who was not more than two."
Amelia paused once more as she returned her attention to the group of children before her, noticing that they each seemed to have moved an inch or more closer. The images continued to dance, showing the Sith towering over the Jedi Youngling that had caught the Sith in the process of stealing their Life Day Tree. She smiled softly once more as heard the children, some showing bravery and others showing compassion and worry.
"You're gonna get it now Mr. Meanie Sithy Pants!"
"The... the Sith... He's... He's not going to hurt the Youngling is he?"
She heard in equal measure before she brought her slender finger up once more to her pursed lips. Taking that moment to settle the children again, she watched as they were even more enamored with the story, each wanting to see what would happen next. These were the moments that she lived for, seeing their faces, she had nearly forgotten the faces from long ago, the feelings and emotions they had when she first opened the book on Naboo so many years prior. Once the children were settled, she continued to read the story about the Sith that stole Life Day.
"The Sith had been caught by this tiny Jedi Youngling who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. She stared at the Sith and said, "Why, Why are you taking our Life Day tree? Why?" But, you know, that old Sith was so smart and so slick, he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick! "Why, my sweet little Youngling" The Sith lied, "there's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear, I'll fix it up there. Then I'll bring it back here." And his fid fooled the Youngling. Then he patted her head, got her a drink, and sent her to bed. And when Osto Pag went to bed with her cup, HE went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up!
Then the last thing he took was the log for their fire! Then he went up the chimney, himself, the old liar. On the walls, he left nothing but hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he left in the house, was a crumb that was too small for a Clawmouse. THEN he did the same thing to the other Jedi's houses, leaving crumbs much too small for the other Clawmouses!
It was a quarter past dawn... All the Jedi, still a-bed, All the Jedi, still a-snooze, when he packed up his hoversleigh, packed it up with their presents! The ribbons! The wrappings! The tags! And the tinsel! The trimmings and the trappings! Three thousand feet up! Up the side of Mt. Bogan, he rode with his load to the tiptop to dump it! "Boo-hoo to the Jedi!" He was Sith-ish-ly humming. "They're finding out now that no Life Day is coming! They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do! Their mouths will hang open for a minute or two, and then the Jedi down on Tython will all cry BOO-HOO!"
It was that noise, the Sith thought, that he simply MUST hear. So he paused, and the Sith put his hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising from Tython, it started in low. Then it started to grow...
But the sound wasn't sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldn't be so! But it WAS merry! VERY! The Sith stared down at Tython, the Sith popped his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise! Every Jedi down on Tython, the tall and the small, was singing without any presents at all! He HADN'T stopped Life Day from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or the other, it came just the same! And The Sith Kahlil, with his boots in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so? It came without ribbons and it came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags!" And the Sith puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore. Then the Sith thought of something he hadn't before! "Maybe Life Day," He thought, "Doesn't come from a store. Maybe Life Day... perhaps... means a little bit more!"
And what happened then...? Well... on Tython they say, that the Sith's small heart grew three sizes that day! And the minute his heart didn't feel quite so tight, wasn't grasped by the Dark Side of the Force, why he whizzed with his load through the bright morning light. He brought back the toys! and the food for the feast!
And he... HE HIMSELF...! The Jedi carved the roast Grazer!"
With the last words spoken, the image of Kahlil remained, showing the former Sith now a Jedi at the table with the other Jedi, enjoying the feast and the gifts of Life Day. The story spoke its message, showing that no one was irredeemable, that all it took was time and effort, and even a great Sith could find their way back to the Light Side of the Force. The picture slowly faded away as Amelia gently closed the book, her hands coming to rest upon the cover as she smiled softly and listened to the children clamor and beg for the next story. She heard others continue to talk about Kahlil, and fewer still mentioned that they wanted to become Jedi and save others. She heard some of the children happy that Osto Pag hadn't been harmed, and even a few thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Osto Pag who got through to the Sith and planted the spark that would redeem him in the end.
Amelia sat quietly, her hands resting on the book as she waited patiently until the children had once more settled and quieted themselves. As she looked upon the faces, she noticed that the group was now a bit larger, having picked up a few more that had wandered into the Library or from other rooms upon hearing the story. With a soft smile, she spoke up, her hands once more carefully opening the book.
"We still have time for a few more stories children, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the next just as much as you enjoyed this one. Our next story features Valery Noble Valery Noble and BB-610 BB-610 in The Little Friend."
Chaos NaNo 2023: 2,981

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The group had become larger since she had started, though that had merely allowed her smile to remain as she took a moment to collect herself and ensure that the newest individuals that had joined them had their own place to sit or otherwise relax. Golden-yellow eyes slowly scanned over the group, keeping a careful watch of the children that had gathered before she lightly drummed her fingers along the book, waiting patiently for the noise to slowly die down and settle before she would continue. Though as much as she was sure they would prefer to remain here all day, they, unfortunately, did not have the time to do so, which resulted in the woman once more carefully pressing her slender finger against her pursed lip to quietly hush the children and settle them. Once that had been done, and she was sure that the attention was once more on her, she returned her attention to the book that sat in her lap.

Carefully running a hand over the crystal lattice of the book, she took a slight breath before her voice lightly danced upon the air in the room, nearly melodic and still calm and soothing as it slipped into the minds of the children and those few adults that had gathered. It was time to continue their stories, and she wanted to ensure that they got as many read as possible in their short amount of time. Thus came forth the words once more that had previously brought the book to life, echoing softly as the large gem at the center began to shimmer and shift, a new image appearing before the children of a snow-covered mountain, and a little droid carefully making its way...

"Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... there lived a little droid named BB-610 BB-610 who had begun a long journey..."

Amelia's voice trailed off softly as the image of a small Black and Blue colored droid began to appear above the book, the lights of the room dimming as the image took over and revealed an intricate scene of a small droid making its way along a mountain path; its small body slipping and sliding as it attempted to push its way through the snow towards its destination. Taking a moment to glance at the image that was now projected above them, the woman smiled as her ears perked up slightly, picking up a small, timid voice from the back of the room.

"I hope the little droid will be okay..."

The woman's attention fell upon the child, already noticing that another was comforting her and reassuring her that the droid would likely be okay. It never ceased to amaze her how children could be mature in some situations, though still a spark of chaotic energy in others. Returning her attention to the book, she continued, her voice once more dancing along the air in a soothing tone.

"The little droid was making its way along the mountainside... "Beep! boop, beep beep!" (Oh! I am so cold, so cold!) beeped little Bee, as he rolled through the snow which was drifting deep upon the mountainside. "Beep, bweep boop beep beep bweep beee boop beee!" (Oh, I am so cold! The snow bites my face and blinds me so that I cannot see the road. Where are all the Life Day candles? The people of the village must have forgotten. I never forgot to set our window at home full of lights on Life Day Eve. But now it is Life Day Eve, and there is no home anymore. And I am so cold, so cold!)

Little Bee beeped again and stumbled in the snow, which was drifting deeper and deeper upon the mountainside. This was the stormiest Life Day Eve that had been seen for years, and all the little droids who had good homes were hugging themselves close to the fire, glad that they were not out in the bleak night. Every window was full of flickering tapers of light. But little Bee had strayed so far from the road that he could not see these rows and rows of tiny lights, any more than he could see through the snow.

Bee was on his way to the village from the orphan droids' home, and that was not like a happy real home, for the other little droids were rough and rude and far from loving one another. He had started at dusk from the home, hoping to be at the village before curfew. Bee had a sweet little voice, and he was to earn a few credits by beeping in the choir on Life Day morning. But it was growing late, the village would be dark before Bee could reach it; and then what should the little droid do?"

Amelia's ears perked up once more as she heard a soft sob followed by another, her attention slowly shifting from the book to the teary-eyed children who were all worried about the little droid. Her smile remained as she leaned forward just slightly, her hands keeping a light though firm grip on the book to keep it from falling from her lap. Her voice was a near sing-song melody as she spoke to the children directly.

"Do not worry little ones, Bee will be safe. Though before we reach that point, we must continue reading the story to find out what happens."

"But... but... Bee is cold, and sad..."

"Will Bee really be okay?"

The woman's soft smile remained as she leaned back, her golden-yellow hues remaining fixed upon the group of children when she noticed a couple of small droids had joined as well. Holding back a soft chuckle, she could see that the droids seemed to show just as much worry for their little brethren as they seemed to peer into the image as well. Leaning down, she lightly patted the head of one of the little droids that had wandered up and now seemed to sit alongside the children, her tone remaining soft and soothing.

"I am sure children, though we can only be sure if we continue to read, okay?"

She watched as the droid nodded its head up and down whilst the children followed suit and seemed to scooch in just a wee bit closer to her. Even she would admit that she was just as curious as to how the droid would make it out of its predicament, though she trusted the Book of Stories and that whatever tale it provided would always have a happy ending.

"The snow whirled faster and faster, and Bee found it harder and harder to move themselves through the great drifts. They seemed heavy and numb, and he was growing oh, so tired! If he could but lie down to sleep until Life Day! But he knew that he must not do that. for those who choose this kind of soft and tempting bed turn into ice-droids and do not wake up in the morning. So he lowered his head and tried to plough on through the drifts.

Whish! A soft white thing flapped through the snow and struck Bee in the face so that he staggered and rolled and almost lost his balance. The next moment he had caught the thing as it fell and was somehow holding it tenderly in his... on his... with his... uh, hands? It was a beautiful Convor, white as the snow from which it seemed to come. It had been whirled about by the storm until it had lost strength to fly, and now it lay quite still, with closed eyes. Book stroked the ruffled feathers gently (somehow) and blew upon its cold body (again somehow), trying to bring it back to life.

"Beep bwoooop beweep!" (Poor bird!) he beeped softly. "Boop bweep boop beep beep." (You are lost in the snow, like me. I will try to keep you warm, though I am myself a cold little droid.) Bee put the bird under his jacket (which he was apparently wearing this whole time), holding it close to his... uh... heart? Presently the Convor opened its eyes and stirred feebly, giving a faint "Coo!"

"Bweep boop boop beep bwoop beweep." (I wish I had something for you to eat, poor bird) beeped Bee, forgetting his own cold and... uhhh hunger? "Beep beweeep boop bwoooop!" (If I could but take you into my own house and feed you as I used to feed the birds upon Life Day Eve! But now I have no home myself, and I can scarcely keep you warm."

Bee shivered and tried to move forward. But the storm seemed to grow even fiercer, and the wind blew so keenly in his face that he could scarcely stand. "Beep boop" (I cannot go another roll), he said, and down he sank in the snow, which began to cover him with a downy blanket, pretending to be a careful mother. He hugged the Convor closer and began to feel afraid. He knew that he was in great danger. "Beep bweeep" (Dear Convor), beeped Bee in a near whisper, "Bwooop beweep beep" (I am sorry that I cannot save you. We shall turn into ice-images together. But I will keep you warm as long as I can.) Then the light of his photoreceptor began to dim, for he was very sleepy..."

Amelia's words would slowly trail off as the image of Bee buried in the snow protecting a Convor remained for a moment, slowly fading as well as her attention shifted from the book to the children once more. She saw the tears in their eyes and even noticed the little droids in the room drooping as they squeaked out their own little cries of sorrow. These stories were always difficult, though they were at times needed so that the children could face the Galaxy much more easily and be ready for the challenges that may be set before them. With a soft sigh, she took in a deep breath and kept her attention on the children, seeing a little hand slowly rise up.

"What's going to happen to the little droid?"

"What about the bird?"

The voices were trembling, holding back the tears and attempting to keep themselves from crying. Nodding slowly, she lightly placed one hand atop the other as she leaned forward, her golden-yellow eyes falling upon the small child as she carefully reached out her arm and rested her hand on their cheek. Her thumb gently pressed the tears away as she softly spoke.

"The story is not over yet children, for there is one more player that has yet to arrive. Shall we continue though? Shall we find out what happened and make sure that Bee is okay?"

Amelia smiled again softly, reassuring the children that everything would be okay and that though they were sad at the moment, it would be fleeting. Sadness would come and go, though it would only remain if they never forged ahead and pushed through the find the joy and happiness that was just on the other side, waiting for them to seize and hold tight. Pulling her hand back slowly, she brought it to rest upon the book once more as she let out a slow breath, taking the moment to collect herself before continuing as the lights of the room dimmed once more to reveal the image of snow that he nearly buried the little droid.

"In a little while something made Bee's photoreceptor light up again. At first, he could see only the whirling snow, which seemed to be everywhere. But presently he found that someone was bending over him, with a face that was scarred, but more beautiful than any whom Bee had ever seen. He stared hard at the face which seemed to smile at him through the snow, not minding the cold.

"Hello there little droid, lets get you out of this snow." The woman said sweetly as she began to brush the snow away, revealing the droid and the bird that it was protecting. "I'm Valery Noble Valery Noble and it would seem that my Convor is inside... your coat?" Said Valery, pointing and a bit surprised to find a droid wearing a coat. "I lost her in the storm. Please give her to me." Bee held his coat the closer. "Beep boop." (She was cold) he beeped. "Bweep bwooop beweeep." (She was dying in the snow. I am trying to keep her warm."

"But she is warm when she is with me, though I have no coat to wrap her in." Said Valery. And, indeed, he was clad only in a little coat, with his round body quite bare. Yet he looked not cold. A brightness glowed about the droid and Bee saw that, though it was still snowing beyond them, there were no whirling flakes between him and Valery. The woman held out her hand once more. "Please give me the Convor." Valery asked. "I must hasten on my way to the temple yonder. The Convor strayed from my bosom and was lost. You found her here, far from the road. Thank you, little droid. Are you often so kind to poor lost birds?"

"Bweep boop boop beep." (How should one not be kind and love them dearly? On Life Day Eve, too! There is little that I could do for this one, I who have saved and fed so many on other Life Day Eves. Alas, I wish I was back in those good old days of the oil baths and the full pan of nuts and bolts and the bright warm fire). Bee's photoreceptor dimmed slightly as though it were filling with tears. "What? Did you set out food for the birds on Life Day Eve?" Asked Valery, drawing closer and bending kindly eyes upon Bee. Now the little droid saw that where the woman stood the snow had melted all away so that they were inclosed in a little space like a downy nest, which seemed almost warm to his round body.

"Beep boop bweeep beweeep bweeep." (Yes, I set out food, and the other droids made fun of me for it) beeped Bee. "Bweeep booop bweooop beep". (Why not? I love all the little creatures of the Galaxy. On Life Day Eve especially I always tried to make those little creatures happy, poor little wanderers as well as our own friends at home.) Bee beeped in what seemed to be a jovial tone. Valery drew yet closer and sat down in the snow beside Bee. Valery bent near and straightened Bee's antenna which had been bent by the snow so that it was straight again and upright. Using the Force, Valery carefully lifted the little droid up and sat him on the snow before retrieving the Convor with a smile. "Come now, It is almost Life Day and we have a ways to go, I have three small children at home, and each would love to meet a special little droid like you Bee." Valery said, bringing a soft whirring tone of excitement from the little droid. Bee no longer had to stay at home with all the other mean little droids. He would have a home of his own, and just in time for Life Day..."

As her voice slowly trailed off, the image of Valery and Bee remained, showing the two heading off into the snow together, newfound friends who would share new experiences and adventures with one another. Amelia smiled softly as she looked at the children and the droids, seeing how quickly their demeanor had changed and how jovial and happy they were that the little droid had found a friend. She smiled sweetly as she saw the few droids that he joined them seemed to hop and spin in approval, bringing a soft chuckle from her lips as her hands rested upon the book.

They were not finished just yet, however, as they still had a few more stories to read before they were done that evening. She smiled and waited patiently, allowing the children to get their excitement out and voiced before she calmly brought her finger to her lips once more. As the uproarous noise slowly dimmed down to a soft murmur and then slipped away entirely, she smiled sweetly before speaking softly.

"We still have more stories beyond our next, though the story that is waiting is just as exciting and enjoyable. It features Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto in 'A Walk in the Chandrila Woods'."

Chaos NaNo 2023: 2758


With the children and the small droids having finally settled, their energetic outbursts subsided and once more contained, the woman thought for a moment that perhaps now was the perfect time for a small break. With a quiet motion, she carefully sat the book down on a small table to her right before she slowly stood up, her hands brushing the wrinkles from her clothing as her eyes slipped closed and she took in a deep breath. It was only a few moments, though she was sure it felt like an infinite amount of time to an excited child, before her eyes opened once more, those golden-yellow hues falling upon the gathered children and droids. Her smile remained, undiminished, as she carefully leaned down, her hand patting one of the droids on the head as she softly spoke.
"Why don't we all take a moment to collect ourselves from that last story? A small break, as we do have the time since you've all been well-behaved and intentive listeners. Take a moment to get up and stretch, maybe get a small snack, or even find a new way to lay down."
Her attention shifted to a child who had apparently decided to lay down with their legs against one of the smaller bookshelves and their head resting on a pillow on the floor so it looked as though the woman was upside down while she was reading. Keeping her attention on the small group, she would watch carefully as some of the children began to shift, a soft chuckle being held back as one of the small droids looked at the ground before managing to figure a way so that it appeared to be sitting on a pillow just like the child that was sitting next to it. The small chorus of groans and noises rose up once more, and it was all she could do to not begin laughing as the children continued to find new and inventive ways to lie down in the room that the group had currently occupied.
When the moment felt right, and it seemed that all had found their prospective seats or preferred positions of lounging, she nodded her head before once more taking her own seat. Her hands gently grasped the book and pulled it once more into her lap whilst her fingers ran over the engraved cover of the book. Carefully opening the crystalline lattice once more, she lightly brushed her hand over the large gem at the center of the book before her voice rang out in the room once again.
"Once upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
The lights in the room began to dim once more as the image of Odan-Urr appeared again, the being slowly walking around the room before he took his place behind Amelia once more. Her soft smile grew as she looked over the children, seeing them each, in turn, scooch a bit closer upon the appearance of the Gatekeeper. They were ready for the next story and that clearly showed, and who was she to deny them the tale that was waiting for them beyond the next few words?
"Once upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... There was a Kel Dor named Ko Vuto Ko Vuto who had decided to take a walk in the forests of the planet of Chandrila...
Well... I was walking in the forest at night and I saw nothing scary. For I have never been afraid of anything. Not very. Then I was deep in the woods when, suddenly, I spied her. I saw The Yellow Woman at the far end of the path. I wasn't scared. But, yet, I stopped. What could this Yellow Woman be there for? What could the Yellow Woman at night be standing in the air for?
And then she moved! The Yellow Woman! She kind of started jumping, and then my heart, I must admit, it kind of started thumping. So I got out. I got out fast, as fast as I could go, sir. I wasn't scared. But the Yellow Woman like that, I did not care for. No, sir."
Amelia looked up from the book, her attention slowly slipping over the group once more as she watched for their reactions. The images of the Kel Dor and the Yellow Woman danced above their heads, though no questions had come just yet, nor did the children seem distracted by anything other than what was before them. Even the little droids were once more enamored and focused on the story, so much so, that any task they had been previously performing was now forgotten and left for later. For her own part, she would apologize to the staff of the Library, for accidentally distracting their droids with the stories she was reading.
Continuing with the story, her voice danced freely as she returned to the book. The images slowly shift away from the previous verse and begin to reveal the next...
"After that, a week went by. Then one dark night in Emita (I had to do an errand there and fetch some Chandrilan Grappaberry)... Well, I had fetched the berries. I was starting back through town when the Yellow Woman raced round a corner and she almost knocked me down! I lost my Chandrilan Grappaberries but I didn't even care. I ran for home! Believe me, I had really had a scare! Now, Hoverbikes were never made for cryptids to ride 'em, especially a spooky Yellow Woman cryptid!
And the NEXT night, I was fishing for Gooberfish on Lake Sah'ot when the Yellow Woman came rowing towards me! Well, I began to shiver and by now I was SO frightened that, I'll tell you, but I hate to... I screamed and rowed away and lost my hook and line and bait, too! I ran and found a Sienta Tree. I hid myself away. I got scratched by the leaves but I stayed there anyway. I stayed all night. The next night, too. I'd be there still, no doubt, but I had to do an errand. So, the next night, I went out.
I had to do an errand. Had to pick a peck of Balmgrass on the shores of the Silver Sea, a patch of grass that was almost nine miles wide. I said, "I do not feat the Yellow Woman." I said, and said, and said those words. I said them. But I lied them. Then I reached inside a patch of Balmgrass and the next thing that I knew, I felt my hand touch someone! And I'll be that you know who. And there I was! Caught in the Balmgrass! And in that dreadful place stood the spooky Yellow Woman and I standing face to face! I yelled for help, I screamed, I shrieked. I howled, I yowled, I cried "Oh save me from this Yellow Woman!"..."
Glancing up for a moment, her attention was caught by a little hand that had shot straight up, waving back and forth as the little child seemed to be close to bouncing about uncontrollably. A soft smile slipped over her lips as she motioned gently, her eyes remaining upon the child as she listened intently.
"That... That wasn't a nice thing to say about the Yellow Woman!"
The child just about shouted, though it they were correct in their assessment. With that smile still upon her face, Amelia nodded quietly as her lips parted and her voice slipped upon the air of the room. A soft melodic tune as she responded to the child and assured her of what would happen next.
"You are correct. That was not a nice thing for Ko Vuto to say. However, our story is not done yet, and we'll soon find out what happened between the Kel Dor and the Yellow Woman."
Amelia's eyes carefully scanned over the small group, waiting patiently to see if another had a question, or their own comment to add to the mix. When it was clear that there was nothing more to be said, that all were waiting to see what would happen, she returned to the story. The woman's words once more transform the room as the image shifts and reveals the scene that came following the last...
"But then a strange thing happened, Why, the Yellow Woman began to cry! She began to tremble there, scared as I! I never heard such whimpering and I began to see, that I was just as strange to the Yellow Woman as she was strange to me! I put my arm around her shoulders and sat right down beside them. I calmed her down and told her my name, Ko Vuto, and they responded... "I am Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to , just out for a walk at night like you."
And, now, we meet quite often. Rayne and I and we never shake or tremble. We both smile and we say Hi!"
With the last words spoken, her attention once more returned to the children and the droids, watching as they were all focused on the image before it slowly shifted away. The lights of the room once more rose as the image of Ko Vuto and Rayne Lo'to faded away until nothing remained of the story save for the memory of its reading. Amelia smiled softly as she carefully ran her hand along the book, the next story already in mind, along with those that would follow after.
Clearing her throat softly to keep the attention of the children and the small droids. She carefully shifted in her seat, slipping one leg over the other as she leaned back, keeping the book propped up against her leg. Her golden-yellow eyes slowly slipped over the crowd as her lips parted and her voice rang out, announcing the next story to the crowd.
"We have time for a couple more stories today children, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the next just as you've enjoyed the others. Our following story features Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania in 'Cora Sees a Mimicyon'."
Chaos NaNo 2023: 1,676



Amelia sat quietly, and patiently, allowing the children and droids to exert their energy as they excitedly chattered and beeped about the previous story, whilst others were waiting with little patience for the next to begin. A soft smile remained upon her lips as she sat and listened, her golden-yellow eyes carefully slipping over each and every child as they wiggled and scooted about in the small reading room. Some had even managed to find a few more pillows that were easily twice their size and just as heavy, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she watched the children drag and pull the cumbersome cushions into the room before letting them drop with a loud thud. She was sure that a few of the couches and chairs in the adjoining rooms were now missing their cushions, though it was something that she could easily rectify once everything was said and down.
For the moment she would allow the small victories to be had as she shifted in her seat, making sure that she was just as comfortable as the children whilst she kept the book firmly seated in her lap. As her fingers brushed over the book, she turned her attention back to the item itself, taking a moment for herself to admire the craftsmanship that had gone into constructing the Datacron that she currently held in her hands. As the noise began to settle, her ears perked up and her attention was once more drawn to the group before her and all the excited faces that were now staring back at her, waiting for her to begin. With a soft nod of her head, she parted her lips and began to speak softly.
"Once upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
Her voice trailed off slowly, the lights of the room beginning to dim once more as the images of the book began to take root and dance above the heads of the children and small droids. The planet of Ukatis was slowly revealed, hovering above everyone as the image began to slowly pull to the surface until it came upon a dense patch of forest on the planet. The small gasps of the children filled the room as the image of a strange creature appeared, if only momentarily, before it was gone just as quickly; appearing as a Ukatian Raycon, though not quite.
"What was that?"
"It was so small!"
She heard the children announce, already being drawn into the story. Their unbridled enthusiasm and desire to call out when it struck their fancy were acceptable at the moment, though it was something that needed to be guided carefully to prevent too many outbursts. After all, it would be difficult if every child was murmuring and shouting out; it would ruin the experience for those who wanted to listen and were waiting patiently with bated breath for the rest of the story. Keeping her focus on the book, she continued the story, knowing that their questions would be answered in due time and just as easily as they were shouted out.
"Once upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... there was young a woman named Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania who took a walk on Centaxday in the Forest of Ukatis, in the heat of the day, and found a pool to stay cool. She was enjoying the Forest's great joys when Cora saw a small shape out of the corner of her eye. So Cora turned in that direction, she looked into the forest though saw nothing. "That's funny," thought Cora. "There's no one around." Then she saw it again, a little shape, a faint form as if some tiny thing was darting in the trees.
"Who are you? Where?" She looked and she looked. She could see nothing there but shadows and the dust blowing past through the air. "I say!" murmured Cora. "I've never heard tell of a small figure hiding in the shadows. So you know what I think? ... Why, there must be some sort of a creature of very small size, too small to be seen by my eyes." Cora said as she carefully moved closer to the tree line, her eyes watching for the darting shape to make another appearance. "... some poor little creature who's shaking with fear. I'll just have to save it. Because, after all, a creature deserves to be protected, no matter how small."
So, gently, and using the greatest of care, Cora stretched out her hand through the air, and she lifted that little creature and carried it to a shadier place and set it down, safe, on a very soft patch of clovers. "Humpf!" humpfed a voice. 'Twas a sour Sith and a young apprentice at his side said "Humpf!" too. "Why, that creature is as small as a pin. Worthy of life, that? ... Why, there never has been!" Cora frowned as she drew the little mass of shadow closer to protect it from the Sith. "Believe me," said Cora. "I tell you sincerely, my eyes are quite keen and I saw it quite clearly. I know there's a creature in the shadows here. And, what's more, Quite likely there are two. Even three. Even four in the forest behind you. Quite likely... a family, for all that we know! A family with children just starting to grow. So, please," Cora said, "As a favor to me, try not to disturb them. Just please let them be."
"I think you're a fool!" laughed the sour Sith and the young apprentice said, "Me, too!" You're the biggest karking fool in all the Forests of Ukatis!" And the Siths laughed as they shot Force Lightning into the forest at the shadows between the trees. "What terrible manners!" Cora frowned. "I can't let my very small friends get hurt! I've got to protect them. I'm bigger than they." So Cora plucked up a Lightsaber and held the lump of shadow close and hustled away into the trees."
Amelia paused for a moment, her attention shifting from the book and falling once more upon the group of children. She smiled as she watched them looking at the images in awe as the image of Cora hustling through the forest holding what appeared to be a swirling mass of shadows and gases was clutched in her arm against her chest. With the children clearly focused on the story, their attention fully upon the image that danced above their heads, she would continue, her voice slipping out upon the still air as the story once more formed and shaped above the group.
"Through the high forest tree tops, the news quickly spread that Cora was holding onto something strange. "She talks to a shadow! She's out of her head! Just look at her walk through the forest like she's protecting something!" And Cora walked, worrying, for almost an hour. "Should I put this creature down? ... Cora thought with alarm. "If I do, this creature may come to great harm. I can't put it down. And I won't!" The Cora stopped walking and the creature let out a little cry in Mimikeese, nearly so faint that Cora could just barely hear it. "My friend." came the voice, "You're a very fine friend. You've helped me in this forest. You've saved me and brought me closer to home." Cora gasped as she heard the voice, seeing that the bundle she had scoped up without a second thought was tucked inside what appeared to be an elaborate handcrafted disguise of a Raycon. "You're safe now. Don't worry. I won't let you down." Said Cora.
But, just as she spoke to the creature in her arms, three big Mandalorians jumped her and held her down. The Rook Brothers came shouting, "What jehaatir (Lie, Untruth)!" This Jedi's talking to an old rag like it's a creature! These things don't exist and they don't have a family, we're going to stop all this nonsense! So there!" They snatched Cora's friend! They carried it off to a Black Jai'galaar (Shriek-Hawk), a mighty strong hawk of very swift wing and they said, "Will you kindly get rid of this thing?" And, before poor Cora could even speak, that Shriek-Haw flew off with the rag in his beak.
All that late afternoon and far into the night, that black Shriek-Hawk flapped his wings in fast flight, while Cora chased after, with groans, over stones that tattered her clothing and battered her bones all while pleading. "Please don't have my little friend, who has as much right to live as us bigger folks do!" But far, far beyond her, that Shriek-Hawk kept flapping and over its shoulder screeched back in a loud ear-splitting noise (Quit your yapping! I'll fly the night through. I'm a haw, I don't mind it. And I'll hide this, tomorrow, where you'll never find it!"
It was then that she heard the little noise, a soft sob or cry from a few of the children as the image of a large, black Shirek-Hawk carried off the poor little creature that Cora had become so attached to and sought to protect. Amelia's attention remained on the children for a moment, nodding softly as she noticed one of their hands slowly raise up with some hesitation, showing the worry that they had for those in the story.
"Will Cora save him?"
Though before she had a moment to answer or even the chance, she heard another voice cry out as a young boy jumped up in a fighting stance. Clearly, he seemed to want to do his part as well as he proclaimed it as much, causing a soft chuckle to slip through Amelia's lips as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand whilst enjoying the enthusiasm that was proclaimed.
"Those Mangos are poopy-heads! How could they be so mean to Cora and her Friend!?"
"Now then children, settle down. We still have much of the story left, and something tells me that everything will work out in the end. Now, shall we continue?"
She watched as their heads nodded slightly, almost as if in unison the hesitation washed over each of them. Even the two that had their own questions seemed to shrink back down to their seats as the image above them showed the Shriek-Hawk continuing to fly while Cora chased after. Amelia smiled softly as she returned to the story, finding where she had left off so she could finish their tale.
"And at 6:56 on Taungsday morning he did it. It sure was a terrible place that he hit it. He let that small bundle of old rags drop somewhere in a thick field of waist-high clovers a hundred miles wide! A loud ear-splitting screech came from the Shriek-Hawk (Find THAT! But I think you will fail!) with a sneer as it left with a flip before flying off through the air. "I'll find it!" cried Cora. "I'll find it or bust! I SHALL find my little friend!" And meter, by meter, by meter with care, Cora combed through the clovers and searched for the little creature, and called, "Are you there?" But meter, by meter, by mere she found that the little creature she sought for was just not around. And by noon poor Cora, more dead than alive, had picked, searched, and piled up, thousands of clovers just to find her friend.
Then, on through the afternoon, hour after hour... Till she found him at last! On the find stretch of the field. "My friend!" she cried. "Tell me! Do tell! Are you safe? Are you sound? Are you whole? Are you well?" From the little bundle of rags came a soft little cry in Mimikeese. "We've really had trouble! Much more than our share. When that Shriek-Hawk let got and we dropped, we landed so hard that our rag was torn and the little head broke. So, Cora, please!" pleaded the little voice. "Will you stick by us while we're making repairs?" With a smile, and a hug, "Of course," Cora answered. "Of course, I will stick. I'll stick by you small friend through thin and through thick!"
"Humpf!" Humpfed a voice! "For almost two days you've run wild and insisted on chatting with a bunch of old rags who've never existed. Such carryings-on in our peaceable forest! We've had quite enough of you! And I'm here to state," snapped the Sith, "That your silly nonsensical game is all through!" And the young apprentice said, "Me, too!" The Sith drew their lightsaber and pointed to the others. "With the help of the Rook Brothers and dozens of the Rook Clan, whose help I've engaged, you're going to be roped! And you're going to be caged! And, as for your pile of rags... hah! That we shall boil in a hot steaming kettle of water!"
"Boil it?..." gasped Cora! "Oh, that you can't do! My little friend doesn't like water!" Cora shrunk back, trying to protect her friend who was busy mending its disguise, too busy to realize what was happening before its eyes. "Little friend! Little friend!" Cora cried. "You've got to prove now that you're really alive! If you don't you're going to end up in a stew!" And deep down inside, the scared little Mimicyon gathered up all its strength and courage and it cried out in fear. "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!", Cora smiled: "That was clear as a bell. You Sith surely heard that very well." She said, though received a quick answer. "All I heard," snapped the Sith, "was the breeze, and the faint sound of wind through the trees. I heard no small voice. And you didn't either." And the young apprentice said, "Me, neither."
"Grab her!" they shouted. "And cage the big or'dinii (Moron or Fool)! Lasso her with ten miles of rope! Tie the knots tight so she'll never shake loose! Then dunk that dumb pile of rags in the boiling water!" Cora fought back with great vigor and vim. But the Rook Gang were too many for her. They beat her! They mauled her! They started to haul her into her cage! But she managed to call to her little friend: "Don't give up! I believe in you! And you will not have to die if you make yourself heard! So come on, now, and TRY!"
Amelia paused once more as she heard another soft sob from the group of children, knowing that it was difficult for them to keep watching as Cora seemed poised to lose a friend. However, the story was not finished, and she knew that she would have to soothe a few minds first before she could continue. As she carefully placed her hand over the book to keep it from slipping out of her lap, she leaned forward just slightly. Her lips formed into a soft smile as her golden-yellow eyes fell upon the children, a voice of reassuring soothing danced out as she spoke and attempted to smooth some rustled feathers.
"Children, it's okay to be scared. It's okay to be frightened. Everyone feels fear and will have to face it in their lifetime. This story, however, is not finished, and now is not our time to feel fear. Now is the time to let that fear wash over you and pass through you as you become just as courageous as Cora for facing these Sith and Mandalorians as she tries to save her friend."
The woman smiled once more as she saw a few of the children nodding their heads whilst others brushed the tears from their eyes. The story continued to form above them, the images showing Cora still fighting to save her friend, and then the images began to shift. They revealed the little Mimicyon, its disguise finished and repaired as it was being slowly lifted towards the large pot of boiling water.
"A cry of Mimikeese filled the air, low and soft at first before it began to grow and its echo slipped between the trees. Its friend was in trouble! Cora needed its help! And it would do what it could to make sure that its friend was not hurt. Great cries of Mimikeese filled the air, coming from the forest that seemed to rattle and shake the whole sky! "Cora! How's this? Is my sound coming through?" And Cora called back, "I know you exist, you're not just some rags, the Sith refuses, they don't believe a thing!"
In the hand of the Sith the rags began to shake and shimmer, the creature beneath beginning to grow in courage as it cried out in Mimikeese again, this time as loud as it possibly could. The little creature had to be louder, those that lived in the forest had to help! He HAD to find someone to help him save Cora and show that he existed. And, just as he felt he was getting nowhere, and almost about to give up in despair, a sudden burst of Mimikeese rang through the air. From the forest it came, soft at first then louder, and from the treeline, it came, another pile of rags with a face and a head that wobbled. And it crawled forward, joined slowly by others despite their solitary nature.
"This," cried Cora's friend, "is my friend's darkest hour! The time for all Mimicyons to come to the aid of their own!" The little creature said. "We've GOT to make noises in greater amounts! We've got to make them see us and chase them out!" Thus Cora's friend rose up in the Sith's hand, and others joined from the forest and let out a loud crying howl in Mimikeese. And that cry... That one, extra little cry put it over! Finally, at last! From the forest and the clovers, their voices were heard! The Mimicyons rang out clear and clean, and Cora smiled. "Do you see what I mean?... They've proved they ARE real and not just rags, no matter how small." The Sith couldn't believe what it was seeing and the apprentice agreed, it had to have been some kind of Jedi trick, and they refused to concede. Then seeing they were surrounded, and that the Rook Brothers had begun to believe, the Sith hissed and Humpfed loudly before storming away and disappearing into the forest.
Cora smiled as she was released, the rope untied as she picked up the little pile of rags and held it close, patting its head. "What do you plan to do?" Asked one of the Rook Brothers. "From now on, you know what I'm planning to do? From now on, I'm going to protect them with you!" The Rook Clan all nodded and said "... US, TOO!" From sun in the Summer. From rain when it's fall-ish, Cora was going to protect them. No matter how small-ish!"
The images above the children slowly shifted, revealing Cora and the Mandalorians beginning to protect and find homes for the Mimicyons on the planet of Ukatis. The story began to fade away, and in its last moments, it focused on Cora holding her little friend in her arms before they faded as the lights began to slowly rise and the story was completed. The woman returned her attention to the children, seeing that a few were now crying happier tears than those they had been prior. Of course, there also seemed a few that were now looking to their parents in a pleading, nearly begging, for their own Mimicyon like the one that Cora had. Taking that moment to allow herself to relax, even if so ever briefly, she took a moment to look at the time, a soft sigh escaping from her lips as she noticed they didn't have much left.
What remained was enough time for two more stories, and she already had them picked out, one that she was sure would get the children ready for their final tale that day. Though that was still some time away, for they had one more, just one, that would tide them over before the finale.
"Children, our next story is one of courage and bravery. Our next story features Silas Westgard Silas Westgard and Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus in 'A Climb to Dxun'."
Chaos NaNo 2023: 3,385


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