Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Blazing Claw strikes again

He didn't want to yield, no matter how correct the man was in stating the effectiveness of the pair's killing potential. He had to know more, however. Why was this place hidden so well and how was it so for as long as it has? NIcair wasn't really one to try and avoid a fight, but he didn't have his full kit. A Mandalorian with a knife and a Jedi with her lightsaber were formidable, that much was certain, but against an entire station? While still a force to be reckoned with, it didn't give him any answers.

"What are you? Really."

They were directed towards their capturer, his back still to them.

"I am Sociph, so are all of them. Welcome to Antisoch. I expect you'll both have more than that single question. You're on a station that will get perhaps one or two ships a day if not a week. The guards are bored. Look into your reason and consider, if there are two armed and outsider escapees, does it makes sense that a small group of poorly armed personnel would be the only ones sent? I could have sent the entire station against you, I still could if I felt like it. But no, I wanted to test you, and I have. You'll both be useful to me in your own ways. I'm giving you an easy way out, no more fighting, no more fluff. I'll answer what I feel like and send you on your way with the smallest tasks to do in exchange for killing my.. sentient tool in the galaxy. That's about the fairest deal you'll get in this system, I suggest you take it."

The figure kept walking. Nicair realized something, the man truly didn't care if they did what he said. There were no threats on this planet, there were simply instructions and predictions, causation and killing. Violent words brought violent deeds. He was more than willing to kill until he himself was brought down, but not here, not like this. Not in some unknown corner of the galaxy, and certainly not this far away from the one making the threats.

He'd follow, to get his answers or just to get close. He turned his head to his companion, and gave a nod to follow.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened. She was, above all else, a Jedi. And, as such, she was never going to bargain for her life. Regardless of the task set – unless it was for the greater good, or at very least was a neutral act – she could not follow the Code and agree. But she was also not foolish enough to decide her response before she heard what the man wanted. She had an open mind in all matters and as such would be patient and listen before even beginning to form a judgement, and by definition a decision.

So, she automatically nodded her agreement when her companion indicated they should follow. “We have nothing to lose – and who knows what we might gain from listening.” And with that, she fell into step as they trailed the leader as he walked down the corridor.

[member="Nicair Claden"]
He never looked back at them, never looked back at all really. Didn't check to see if they were following him, didn't check to see if his own men were following him. In all actuality he had dispersed the gas shortly after he and his supposed troupe left the primary corridor and began branching off. It didn't take them long before they reached his destination. Once the Mandalorian, Jedi, and his own agent followed him into the relatively small but not cramped room the door behind them closed.

There were screens along one wall that appeared to show the entirety of this wing of the station, one of them showed the possibly comatose possibly deceased bodies of his former guards. In the middle of the room was a fanciful looking desk facing said screens. There was a bottle and glass of an amber colored drink that had a truly fermented smell that wafted around the room. Regor took a deep inhale upon entering and another as he got close. Sociph drinks were potent, some were strong enough to get into the system without being consumed. They weren't near as effective, but just enough to slightly cloud the mind, and that was strictly for a Sociph's metabolism. He reminded himself to watch the woman.

Taking a seat at his personal desk for this wing he took a drink of the beverage. It burned on the way down, was as smooth as a hose to his stomach. There were no seats to offer, not that he would have done so anyway. His seating position could be a double edged sword. Having them sit while he stands puts him in a position of power, he could already tell that neither of them would have accepted the seat if he didn't do the same, even if he did they probably wouldn't have done it. The same goes if he sits and they stand. He can either show confidence by not worrying about the position of power, or show portrayed weakness by so easily sitting. Either way, his chair was comfortable, it was why he chose it.

"I said I would have uses for you. In fact those uses are directly tied to what supposedly brought either of you here. Or at the very least what I'm assuming brought you here. You there, Jedi, yours is the relatively easy task. Whether it is physically or mentally easy is up to you. All I need you to do is not tell anyone what you found out here. Don't file any report, don't tell anyone where you've been. Tell whoever it is you report to that you found nothing. There's nothing but empty space out here, understand?"

There was a threat hidden in there somewhere. It was incredibly thinly veiled. Regor's mannerisms didn't much say threat, however. He was a business man first, after all, even if his title on the planet was "Dealer of Death." He would establish trade with outside entities when he felt good and ready. The galaxy was a large place, Antisoch could not kill it alone, and there were no friends of the Sociph in the wider galaxy.

His hands were folded in front of his face which had an air of calm and composure. No matter what she said he didn't really care. If she agreed he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of cleaning up the mess, whether it was her mess or her lightsaber's mess.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla followed, the Force her ally in ensuring she was not surprised. Right now she sensed no imminent danger and so was comfortable in walking along the corridors – through the station.

Finally, they reached a room with a desk, which was clearly the man’s office. Lilla’s nose sensed an aroma, and she felt her connection to the Force blur slightly. Unsure if this was the gas the man had previously threatened them with, she channelled the Force through her body – specifically through her bloodstream – in a form of Force Heal. It cleansed the body of any poisons – ensuring they had no lasting effect on her. Within seconds, her mind felt fine again.

Lilla listened to his demands – with an open mind. Her focus was simple – to honour the Jedi Code. Her own life was therefore not on the agenda as she listened to his demands.

The offer felt…incomplete.

“I cannot rightly agree to your request for one very good reason. And that is because you need your presence here to remain a secret. Unless I can understand why you need confidentiality, I cannot accept your demands. And if you were able to share, then and only then, could I make a decision. For any choice I make must be for the greater good. If there is any negative in agreeing, then I cannot accede. For I cannot see anything to be gained in my agreement, unless I am missing something.”

[member="Regor Kalanic"]
"My dear do you not trust me? I don't see why there has to be an ulterior motive to my actions and behaviors. What if all I really am asking you to do is to say and report nothing of this place? Of course, I'd ask you to dissuade anyone who wishes to look towards this section of space. Antisoch wants its independence and will wage war to keep it. I am fully aware that in such a fight Antisoch will lose and my position on it will be forfeit. The planet is too unstable for me to attempt to expand at this time. I need my privacy to put a plan into action. I need to not be bothered. That's where you come in."

His calm and composure was turning swiftly to boredom. It took him some time to remember that the wider galaxy wasn't usually as xenophobic as the Sociph. "Behind closed doors" was not only essentially a motto, but the entire theme of the planet.

The one thing on his face that didn't carry the look of detachment were his eyes, they remained fixed on their target. The eyes of a Sociph don't usually falter.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
“Trust is earned,” Lilla responded – her voice not harsh or accusatory, just reflecting the factual nature of her statement. “I do not perceive an ulterior motive, over and above a desire for secrecy. But a plan you’re unwilling to share bodes poorly in my estimation.”

She smiled. “A desire not to be interfered with is a valid cause and I can report as such to the Jedi Council. They would, under my recommendation, report nothing to the Republic government about your whereabouts – as long as I can be sure the piracy plaguing the Republic systems is not, in any way, linked to you or this planet.”

“I am sure you understand my position.”

[member="Regor Kalanic"]
Regor grinned. This one could speak. He took a sip from his drink before continuing. He didn't allow himself to show any sort of reaction though it tasted worse than fighter fuel.

"I can assure you, with recent events, that this planet is not tied to the piracy plaguing your systems,"

Anymore, that is.

"I can, however, also assure you that if your Jedi go looking into this planet and this people before I am ready for them to do so, there will be more than a few dead Jedi in Sociph and outer galaxy space. The Sociph have a longer reach that you can imagine. Have we reached an understanding?" He kept the same grin, his eyes never wavering from the young woman.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla sighed audibly. “Alas no. It would be remiss of me to simply take your word for it. I would need to see some evidence. Something you can share, in good faith, that allows me to assure the Jedi Council that your people are best left alone. For threats are rarely — if ever — the best way to encourage the Jedi to step aside. We have a duty of care to protect the weak and the innocent.”

“You’ll need to offer me more.”

[member="Regor Kalanic"]
For but a moment he believed she was asking for a bribe. But no, he knew better than that. Jedi don't often take bribes, there is a number, but they are few, and this woman is not one of them. He gave a nod to him agent who proceeded to leave the room.

Regor took this time to lean back in his chair, and set one foot on the opposite leg's knee. One hand on the arm chair, the other holding his drink. By this point he had completely disregarded the Mandalorian. He knew the man would most likely do as he was asked with little question. It wasn't about obedience, it was about a certain failing of morality. And if he was what Regor believed him to be, then the task would be all the simpler.

By this point his agent had returned, a bloodied cloth sack behind him. With a gesture by Regor he emptied some of its contents onto his desk revealing the severed right hands of various species. Most of them contained some form of the Blazing Claw on their hands, whether it be a tattoo, a brand, or a scar. He kept his eyes fixed on the woman as he spoke.

"In the span of time you've been here I've been able to gather this pile from those stationed on planet or in orbit. They were rapidly proving worthless, their idle searches into the wider galaxy fruitless. Besides, I need to focus inward; get my feet under me, so to speak. This has been happening across the galaxy. At least with those that I assumed were receiving orders from Antisoch. They didn't realize it, but one of my agents were hiding in plain sight. Such a strange creature, a pirate, so confident that their ships are protected and safe, they don't fear a mutiny, not when working for.. Antisoch."

He was about to say "me" but was able to catch himself. By this point he was certain the woman had been able to piece things together, but one had to keep up appearances.

"Now then, you wanted evidence. You have a sack full of it."

He continued grinning, to anyone from this planet, and he himself, such a thing made perfect sense and was entirely acceptable.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened and observed. She had a veritable excess of patience and could take as long as it took to be satisfied of the planet’s lack of threat before making a decision. She was not looking for a lack of culpability – enough had been said to suggest involvement. What was important was not necessarily the past, but the future.

She objectively viewed the evidence – yes it could have been fabricated – but she’d now seen enough to be sure of a number of things. Firstly, she would be allowed to leave. That took a degree of trust – and should be reciprocated. Secondly, both parties knew what had transpired. Any future incidents would be bring the Jedi to their door, and both sides knew this. And finally, she suspected their paths would cross again, some time in the future. It was…inevitable. But for now, they should be left alone.

“I agree to report back that there is nothing to see here, no need for further investigation and that the pirate problem is an ex-problem. The Jedi Council will be fully appraised, but will not share what they know. The Republic Remnant need not know the detail, just that the pirate threat has been resolved. You have my word.”

[member="Regor Kalanic"]
He grinned at the woman, their mutual understanding reached. She was a diplomat, Regor had never seen one of her kind before, or at least, one not on Antisoch. Diplomacy on his planet was more a show of force. This is what we can do to you, these are our guns, these are our bombs, yield or die. Granted there was always the compromise on who wants what, but it was more how many people is one side willing to kill to get what they want, and are they able to follow through. There isn't a Sociph alive that can't careful measure a threat.

"Excellent. Now you." He turned his body, and thus his attention over to the Mandalorian who had by this point stood still and quiet.

"Tor'e's ship and cargo. Find both of them, and kill whoever has either. The fool had special cargo, dangerous cargo. I need it, and you are going to get it for me. I'll be sending someone with you, someone I can.. rely on to watch you, make sure you follow through." At this he glanced behind the pair at the agent who began to grin.

"You Mandalorians appreciate killing skill, yes? The two of you will get on nicely I imagine." There were other reasons for pairing them together, Regor had his, and Jack-ei his share.

"Don't worry about transportation, there are plenty of newly available ships to take. As for the woman, she will be led back to her own vessel and sent on her way. If you wish to part ways now you may. I don't quite understand the concept of greetings and goodbyes, why not just get to the point?"
Upon entering the room, his nose adjusted quickly to the smell, an unusual concept, one that has followed him throughout his travels. He doesn't drink the stuff, but the scent of stronger alcohol has never truly bothered him, his mind remaining ever clear.

He knew better than to interrupt the woman and this man's conversation, better to let them finish with what they needed to discuss than cause any undue problems. His curiosity wouldn't let him intervene until he had more answers. Until he could explain why it all felt so familiar.

The bloodied sack of hands were by far the most interesting thing to happen during this discussion. A display of power, control, and reach that he hadn't expected to see from a planet so isolated. By the time the seated man spoke to him, Nicair had begun to almost begrudgingly respect these people.

He allowed himself to listen patiently to what he was being told, his spine bristling slightly at the information that he would be paired with someone sent to kill him. Yet at the same time he was slightly pleased, there was much to learn from this agent, his fighting style, his skill set, what he actually was.

"I'll do what you ask, but when I return, we shall have words." Once he was through he turned to his companion. They hadn't known each other long, but there was a kinship between them. They could very well have been the first two to truly encounter this species before, in such a way as this at least. A sort of unofficial-official first contact presented by perhaps the two most different cultures in the galaxy.

"Take care of yourself, jetii. Watch your back." He knew it, and he was practically certain she knew it as well. This wasn't over, this was far from over.

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla nodded. Being a Jedi meant undertaking a level of Consular training was required. She’d often been sent to broker peace between factions that saw Jedi as neutral and impartial intermediaries. Her philosophy was always the same – never look for a compromise. Because a compromise was a lose-lose scenario, and sooner or later, one (or both) sides came back to level the score.

Lilla preferred to go back to the fundamental requirements and seek a way forward where both sides got what they wanted – and understood they got what they wanted. In many ways, that was more important.

The Mandalorian’s agreement was between him and the man issuing the orders. Lilla had no vested interest either way – unless the killing happened on a Republic planet, or under her nose. And even then, it depended on local laws. The Jedi stance was not a moral one, but a legal one. Sometimes it meant doing things just because that was the way of the society you were visiting. It was, arguably, the hardest part of the job.

Once the deal was struck, Lilla bowed to the Mandalorian and the man in command. “May the Force be with you,” she said – and with that allowed herself to be guided back to her ship.

[member="Nicair Claden"]

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