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Approved Starship The Better Off

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The Better Off

  • Intent: To provide Marcus Itera and his crew with a wholly unique vessel suited for mercenary work, raiding, and pirate-y things. Also a submission for the new Starship contest.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: The Dominion Starship Engineering Corps.
  • Model: N/A - there's nothin' else like her!
  • Affiliation: Marcus Itera
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Reinforced duraplast hull, reinforced laminsteel interior framing.

[*]Defenses: High


[*]Maneuverability Rating: High

[*]Speed Rating: Very High

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Class 1, Class 5 Backup (HIMS Equipped)
  • Reactor
    ​Hypermatter Annihilator Reactor


  • ​Standard Communications Array w/ Encryption Module
  • IFF Transponder
  • PED-21 Distress Beacon
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • ST Box


[*]Ordnance/Magazine Systems


  • [+] Ramming Speed!: With a reinforced hull and internal frame, especially in the bow, the Better Off is a vessel with a penchant for headbutting. Utilizing the power harpoons to bypass shields and penetrate the opponent's hull, repulsors and high-density gears will begin to reel in the prey while SLAM engines send the Better Off crashing right into it.
  • [+] Self-Sustaining: Fielding both a miniaturized molecular furnace and solid fuel/ration converters, the Better Off is wholly self-sustainable given that the captain and his crew find enough raw material. Producing droids, ammunition, weapons, repair parts, and fuel and easy peasy - but nothing above the size of an airspeeder can be produced.
  • [+] No Guests, Please: The Better Off is the host to one of the most elite mercenary crews the galaxy has ever seen. Combine that with internal defense systems and a standing anti-boarding detachment, it's pretty well protected should anyone desire to board.
  • [-] Automated: Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse. Due to the oft automated and mechanical nature of this vessel, lots of things are connected to the BAC and C4ISR systems. Lots of ionic and EMP damage can severely cripple the Better Off.
  • [-] Mechanically Complex: Hard to repair. Very hard. Given the amount of advanced technology in here, it takes the engineers and technicians a some time and resources to recover.
  • [-] Kinetic: Particle shields need to be lowered in order to fire kinetic weaponry. That's literally all the Better Off has. Whenever in combat, the Better Off is extremely susceptible to kinetic attacks such as mass drivers.
  • [-] Slammin': When utilizing the SLAM engines to either ram an opponent or maneuver, the weapons' power output is drastically reduced. However, this substantial power drain allows the sublight engine systems to perform at 200% capacity.

The Better Off is Marcus's one-of-a-kind ship. It's his home, the home of the valiant men and women that accompany him, and everything he has. The vessel was commissioned by Marcus after exchanging a few favors with the Dominion, in which he cashed out in the form of a custom made vessel specifically suited for what he had in mind: something that could last in the galaxy on its own and something that favored raw, physical power as opposed to long distance fighting. Busting knuckles and smashing heads. That was the history behind the name: Marcus was better off hitting hard and fast as opposed to getting the snot kicked out of him in a lengthy fight

The design of this unique vessel is strangely fitting. An elongated and quite noticeable bow makes for both an intimidating and functional piece of the vessel. Comprised of entirely reinforced duraplast and laminsteel framing, the Better Off is wholly dedicated to using the laws of physics to its advantage. Power harpoons are stationed at the bow, to be utilized in snagging opposing vessels and reel them in while the SLAM engines simultaneously activate and send the Better Off flying straight into it.

Most critical systems are recessed and hidden away. The bridge is positioned near the rear of the ship with an elevated position for visual target acquisition.

Internal systems are highly defended. Mercenaries and anti-boarding droids stalk the corridors, automated defense guns line the bulkheads, and there are numerous blast doors and internal ray shield fields purposed to cut off invaders and halt them right in their tracks.

As for the rest of the vessel, it's pretty average. Sufficient crew and officers' quarters, a galley with a solid fuel/ration converter, a sizeable lounge with many civilian pleasantries and entertainment venues. The captain's quarters are located right next to the bridge, which is rather small and quaint when compared to galactic standards. Curiously, the armory and reactor are placed directly next to one another. And finally there's a small yet capable medical bay located near the crew quarters.

As for the weaponry, all of it is placed on fast mounts for variable firing angles. The primary ranged weapons are deck cannons: double-barreled mass driver and ion cannons capable of fulfilling both roles depending on their ammunition and configuration. Buzz droid cannons supplement them with the intent of penetrating the enemy vessel's hull and wrecking havoc within while quad laser cannons provide protection against attack craft.

In conjunction with the weapon systems themselves, there are two support systems for these: the SF-12 capacitor component and the CAR-X4 ordnance magazine component. The capacitor allows for increased fire speed by augmenting the weapons' cooling systems and feeding energy into them directly. The ordnance magazine component utilizes a host of repulsors to render the physical ammunition inert while in storage and tightly packed, therefore allowing the Better Off to contain more ammunition within its magazines.

Chiefly, the power harpoons are the real primary weapons. Ramming and hitting the opponent hard is the first and foremost intent when entering battle. Sixteen ship-grade power harpoons are located at the bow of the Better Off and are intended to reel their prey in with the assistance of repulsor tech and high-density wire.

The complement is rather small. A single Gamma-class Assault shuttle is the only thing in this small aft-placed hangar. Suited for either landing Marcus and some of his guys on the ground or boarding a rather stubborn vessel, it serves its purpose well enough. The crew complement consists of the Disfavored Elite along with their extraordinary support personnel to include engineers, technicians, gunners, logistics personnel, and a rather large detachment of droids. They're all highly trained and more than capable of doing their jobs under pressure.

There is a small detachment in the med bay, completely staffed with medical droids. Several 2-1B, A-series, and IM-6 medical droids are located here and are supplied with a sufficient amount of medicines and medical technology.

As a rather technologically advanced vessel, there are numerous supplementary support systems set in place. Many are your usual targeting and sensor systems, but there are a few that play a key role in combat engagements.

First comes the sensors and communications suite. Sensor masks and ST boxes are purposed for minimal detection, there's extensive long range sensors as well as jamming hardware to dissuade attackers from targeting the Better Off. It's all fairly average stuff and fulfills their intended purposes tenfold. Secondly, there's an extensive shielding suite as well. Both ionic and hydrostatic shielding protects the vessel from most environmental and stellar hazards to include ionic storms and intense radiation.

For longevity purposes, there's both a miniaturized molecular furnace and solid fuel/ration converters. These were installed with a nomadic sense in mind; being able to sustain one's self when traveling across the greater galaxy. The furnace may produce nearly all forms of war material to include droids, weapons, ammunition, vehicles, and even starfighters, though nothing above the size of a small airspeeder can be constructed. Repair parts can be produced as well but making intensive and expansive repair will take years of work and lots of raw material. The solid fuel/ration converter is a simple machine and allows the Better Off to travel further without stressing the crew with food necessities (even if the grey paste doesn't taste that great).

In terms of Command & Control, there's a battle analysis computer placed on the bridge. It aids Marcus and Miranda in making tactical decisions on the fly and providing full-spectrum tactical readings and suggested courses of action. A precision navicomputer has been installed in conjunction with the hyperdrive systems for the purpose of making mini-jumps: jumps that would otherwise annihilate the whole ship because they're so abrupt and fast, covering short distances.

Summarily, the Better Off is a home. It's a home to a family of rabble-rousing mercenaries and their ilk, a home to a broken man and his artificial companions. In keeping true to the nature and mentality of Marcus and his followers, the Better Off is a vessel capable of self-sustaining, nomadic tendencies and packs a wallop in terms of brute force.
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