Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Ballad of Leroy Jenkins (CIS Dominion of Toong'L 100 posts)

Kage turns to a nearby computer. He moves to hack into it rather swiftly, then starts looking through his options. Then something curious is found. He's given the option to make a door. The pilot shakes his head, then presses the button anyway. And a door forms. Turns out he can control the metal here. Kage grins wide behind his helm. "Back off from the sith now Galaar!" Shortly after he goes to create four walls around the Sith to box him in. "I love being Vong-Shapped!"

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar backed off, the box didn't stop it him however, with a rather angry slash of saber swings the box opened. The Command threw himself at the Sith one more and they both swung at the same time. The Sith's lightsaber cut down Galaar's arm vertically and skimmed flesh and muscle from bone. The Commando screamed in pain across the whole command chain, his vitals suddenly skyrocketed. he felt as if he were going to die. It was a deep wound but he wasn't dead. The Sith's grin vanished as Galaar's sword took his head clean off.

The Sith were now loauching mortars toward Dread sisters, prioritizing the three female commandos now.

@Galaar CC-252 @Kage CC-743 @CC-827 Tauranov @CC-325 Sawtooth
Kage twitches then, cletching at his helm. He bursts over beside Galaar, hoisting him up on a shoulder then. "Oi oi! You're alright! Keep calm alright!?" He drags the commando over to the lift. Now that he's learned how to control the building it doesn't matter what floor they're on at least. He'll be able to destroy the tower and get the data they need on the way out. But for now Galaar needs a medic.
This wasn't looking very good. Sigma Squad had completely fallen out of contact. On top of that; Galaar was screaming into the microphone and his vitals were skyrocketing. The man was clearly in trouble. "This is the Commander. In position for a firing solution now." He stated into the comm system. The small set of frigates were blockading the majority of the planets major spaceports, which wasn't much. Cannon batteries were charged and ready to pick off any ship attempting to escape the system.

Keep it together Galaar.

"Commander; Bravo-Six has broken atmosphere."

"Good man ensign. Provide a sheet of fire down on the main group." He roared over the comms.

A wing of support fighters flew over the dusty atmosphere. Streams of red laserfire shot from their ARC wings; sending Sith bodies flying, or disintegrating them in layers of red vapor. They would attack whatever was marked.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"Ka'ika! No! Get the Haar'chak data! Mission comes first." It was very rare when Galaar was serious and this was one, his arm was agonizing, the shoulder bone could clearly be seen but luckly it wasn't bleeding. Cauterized flesh and all. But right now he had to make sure Kage got that Data, he tried shoulder the White Job pilot back into the control room. "Need to free those Vong too."

@[member="Kage CC-743"]
Bluejay swung around first, roaring at the others to scatter. They did so, but Lefty was a little slow and was thrown against a rock, hitting with a nasty smack. Bluejay winced in sympathy, called for Scythe to get rid of the mortar-launchers, before backing up and harassing the two sides. Come on, Scythe. If you don't hurry up, I'm going to get either shot to pieces or smashed to bits. She thought, hastily exiting Galaar's channel as he screamed. Carefully, but as quickly as she could, the female commando dashed from cover to cover as she tried to get to Lefty. Come on. She prayed, although to who she didn't know. Be all right, or I'm going to kill you.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"]
Kage frowns, and tosses the Comando into the lift. He pulls up his datapad and morphs the room again, setting the Vonds free. "I'll get the data down below. I got control of this whole building. So shut up and press the button!" He leaps onto the lift after Galaar, slamming the button anyway. On there way down Kage keeps tapping away at his datapad, and he downloads the data. "Shouldn't be much longer. Then we end the Sith here." A quick beep and a flashing light and the downloads done. He lifts Galaar up on his shoulder, dragging him back out.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar was fuming, they needed to sift through the computer directly. He gave up fighting though as the Vong ran into the lift and then out with them, grabbing blasters and joining Feds outside to fight for their new found freedom for the Sith. He drew his pistol into his good hand and followed after the Pilot, entirely silent right now. His vitals were slowly dropping back down to more normal levels but they were still incredibly spiked, having an entirely burnt arm that had bone showing kind of did that to you.

"Hurry it up, Kage, the di'kuts outside are waiting on us. We need to move to the LZ in the Capital after this and slay the remaining Sith after the Sisters take this place down."

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Kage keeps up on the datapad. He was able to access all the information he needed at this point and continued to download more and more. "We have this almost done. And I can take care of the tower once we're out." He continues to tap at his pad, focused entirely on it. The burn didn't seem to have his attention now that Galaar was standing.
Calico's frigate was finishing it's task of pinning down Sigma Squad. The Commandos had seemingly disappeared, but now their transponder signatures had popped back up on the Commander's tactical map. They were under radio silence, but the team was moving to regroup with Galaar's people. They should be arriving shortly.

I hope Toph has his osik together.

The assault had played out rather well. No one had reported any casualties; though that may have been strictly from the ground team's errors. The Republic was widespread and its forces were all over the galaxy; the CIS was actually taking worlds. No one would stop the assault of the Dread Legion.

"Ground team. Give me a Sitrep, Bravo-Six is on station to provide heavy M-A-C support, alongside anti-fighter batteries. List your targets or they; and the fighters will be of no use."
Bluejay dropped into cover beside her fallen sister, gently leaning her forward. She closed her eyes and winced. The helmet had been cracked by the force of the impact - shoddy equipment, somebody was going to pay for that - and blood was flowing freely. Swearing bitterly, she shot off a few more troopers before glancing up. Oh thank the stars. She thought as she saw the fighters screaming down.

A resounding crash got her attention as a mortar round smashed into the ground near them. "Scythe..." She growled.
"Done, Bluejay. Sorry."
"Nice work. Get down here - we've got injured." She ordered.
"Ground team. Give me a Sitrep, Bravo-Six is on station to provide heavy M-A-C support, alongside anti-fighter batteries. List your targets or they; and the fighters will be of no use."
"I've got an injured here. Status uncertain, but it looks bad." She reported, ducking her head a few inches. "And the Sith troops were nice enough to stand in one big lump for us."

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
The Sith retreating back to the capital now to defend the regional government of Toong City. He was still going to participate in the battle, he left Kage to finish up out hear and limped over towards Bluejay and her downed squad mate, his right arm limp at his side with the bone of his shoulder showing and his armor and skin completely shaven from that arm. "How... How may causalities ad'ika?" It was hard for him to speak the pain was so intense, he had never experience a saber before and it was back breaking.

He then spoke over the battalion link to Calico. "We need medevac Ca'ika at the tower before we bring it down. One of the new Dread-sisters and about sixty others down, ner'vod." He excluded his own wounds, mainly because he knew that Calico would scream at him to get out and he wasn't ready yet.

@[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]

T:N1:LDR said:
"I've got an injured here. Status uncertain, but it looks bad." She reported, ducking her head a few inches. "And the Sith troops were nice enough to stand in one big lump for us."

The words crackled up through the tactical map at the center of his command table. Calico's brow furrowed at the report; casualties. Not a soul within the Dread Guard had been killed yet; after two highly dangerous missions, not a soul. "Understood. Keep your heads down." He stated calmly into the comm link. The Clone Ensign who had spoken to him before simply nodded. He already knew exactly what was needed. The M-A-C guns lit up like lifeday. One moment, space was silent and tranquil.

The next; a massive blue beam flashed down a few hundred feet away from the infantry troops. It exploded into the earth near a confirmed Sith position. The entire earth seemed to shudder as rock flew into the air. All that was left was a massive; starship sized crater.

"Alright, deploying Alpha-Two." Calico stated through the comms; sending Bluejay's cords' to four of the medical LAAT's. They descended through the atmosphere with a swarm of fighter escorts. Sigma squad had arrived near Galaar; dressed in steel black Katarn armor. They said not a word, taking up defensive positions as the medical ships braced to land.
Kage looks over his datapad once more. That should be everything. Time to get back in the air. He stashes his datapad away, pulling up his pistol.

"You gonna be alright Ga'ika?" He's picking up mando finally at least. He clicks a button on the side of his pistol, checking the mag before looking to the sisters. "Where's the injured one?" He glances over his shoulders at the men dressed in black, blinking. Do we get to dress up like that any time soon?
Well. Bluejay thought, staring at the crater. That works, I suppose. was something of an overkill. She shrugged. Better overkilled than underkilled.

Scythe had arrived, and Bluejay jerked her head. "Get over here." She said through gritted teeth. Scythe helped Bluejay haul Lefty up and drag her to the medical ship. Once the unconcious Dread Sister was on board, the remaining two returned to the fray, Scythe helping get the wounded Fett clones to the ship, and Bluejay -
- fighting a Sith. Either a skilled apprentice or a Knight. But definitely more skilled then Scarface, Blackie, or Third.

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Nobody questioned his wounded state so he'd be going back to the fray as well. "Aye, lad I'll be fine." He gave Kage a smile under the helmet though in all reality he was in the worst pain of his life. The man turned and looked at his remaining men. They needed reassurance to finish the Sith off, this was a long and hard slog. These were some tough chakaar to kill. He felt all the losses on his shoulders. It was rather horrid.

"Alright ade. We're down but we're not kryac. We still have fight in us! We still have mandokarla! I want you to slug it out! I want you to march on that city and teach these hut'unn darjetii a lesson or two the good old fashioned. They killed our vod, they wounded our pride. But we will carry on! We will have parjai! We will make them bleed a hundred souls for each of ours! Oya! Brothers! Oya! Sisters! To battle once more! For Freedom! For the CIS! For your Vod! And for caf everywhere slag it! Push forward!"

His speech would be heard by every soul in the Dread Legion and Dread sisters. His voice bellowed like a warrior inspired and wrathful. He was ready to fight again and his strill jumped happily next to him for it knew it would get to hunt again.

"Kage, get us to the capitol and provide air support once dropped, Dread Sisters, take the armory, the rest of you are moving to the capital building with me. Oya!"

@[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Kage smiles under his helm. Galaar was good at speeches at least. He holsters his pistol, looking over to a LAAT. He stays in silence until Galaar speaks to him. His gaze remains on the LAAT though. "So long as I can fly, this will be a good day. Though I'll be grabbing my ship." He looks back over to Galaar. "If that's alright."

Please let me. I need to get that thing in the air at least once now.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar nodded to his brother and looked at Sigma and his strill, they began moving forward until Kage brought the gunship down and flew them over to the city. He wanted to take this city and be off the planet, this was a horrible place and it would be a horrible place to die. His arm also hurt like slag. They had one more objective to take. One more hurtle to jump and one more moment and few more hours to do so. These Sith would die, they all would.

"Cal'ika, careful with those cannons, I know your exercising your manhood but friendly fire will not be fun."

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
For caf everywhere? Really? Bluejay thought, exasperated. Despite the situation she'd managed to get herself in. "Scythe! Armory! Now!" She barked, as the Dread Sister helped on of the last Fett clones into the medships. Scythe hesitated, and Bluejay bellowed "GO!" as she ducked under a swing from her opponents lightsaber. What I wouldn't give for some beskar'gaam right about now. She grumbled, then shoved the thought away. Complain later, she told herself. Not now.

Scythe raced like a Tarchalian gazelle for the armory, slotting anyone who happened to be in the way - by sheer luck only did she not kill any of the mutts. Kicking open the door, she cracked the guard over the head with the butt of her rifle. Then she picked up a few choice pieces of equipment for herself - no sense in letting it go to waste - and set about systematically disabling any and all of the weapons she could. They'd be able to fix them, of course - but not during this battle.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"]
Calico couldn't help but smile at the speech Galaar gave. The younger clone had certainly started to learn. Watching his brothers grow into leaders was more than enough of a reward. He folded his arms behind the small of his back as he opened up the comm system. "Get that evac done lads!" He ordered through the comm system. He stood up straight; shoulders square. Seventy casualties was a tiny margin. More than he would like, but certainly not enough to really cause damage to their forces.

"We never miss Ga'ika. Not once. Just keep your transponders online." With the click of another command setting; the ship shook. Another M-A-C round issues a massive crater around the entrance of the capitol city. The defense force that had been awaiting outside was completely decimated.

I sincerely love this heavy ordnance.

Damage reports flowed in through the Fleetcom database. Troop casualties, damages; captured positions., it was all there. The M-A-C cannon shook the vessel once more. A large portion of the Sith force on its way to assault the evacing soldiers were replaced with flying rubble and a massive crater within a second. This show of power would make the planet surrender, hopefully.

"Dread Sisters, evac as soon as you can. The M-A-C cannons will keep you covered." He switched to Galaar's channel. "M-A-C support available soon ner'vod. If you happen to lose the strill; feel free to leave him."

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