Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Assembly Convenes: Kay Arenais' Consideration

Awaiting [member="Kay Arenais"] Arrival.
Orbit of Noverskaa.
"See you when you get here".
Veiere had broken the silence between himself and his Wife, [member="Kay Arenais"] who had reached out to him one last time. The last time she had tried to reach him, Kay had explained that she was going to Mandalore, the capital world of the United Clans under their Niece Yasha's leadership. Despite his training and his ability to push his feelings back in favor of reason and the will of the force, Veiere hadn't the mind then to speak with her. Now however, she was en-route to the Judiciary and he stood upon the deck of the Hangar that had been reserved for his wife and her Eternal Guard, whose weapons were to remain upon their vessel under Kay's agreement.

Veiere had urged Kay to come and stand before the Assembly in order to explain herself and hopefully avoid being pinned as an antagonist in the growing tension between them and the Mandalorians. Her ties to Clan Raxis meant that she had family on both sides, where as Veiere's attachments ran only so far as House Arenais due to his inexperience and distance from the Clans that his Wife had associated with. It had never been out of any ill intention, but Veiere had always considered them to be special to Kay and so when she would visit them or vice versa, back then Veiere's focus would remain upon Commenor where he was needed. Today things looked so different however, and politics between the United Clans and the Silver Jedi had reached a point of no return thanks to the hostility that had reached the worlds under the Order's protection; and while he expected Kay would wish to find some middle ground, as much as Veiere would like to believe that this were possible, his primary concern was to relieve her and their children of the burden they would otherwise face by a family divided in war.

OOC Note: The Silver Assembly will take part in this thread upon our arrival at Kashyyyk.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As promised, Kay was on her way to the Judiciary in The Free Lady. [member="Veiere Arenais"] knew the ship well and after her escape from Purgatory, she had managed to have her old ship brought to Mandalorian space where it could be taken well care of. And now it was the best little transport for her.

There was comfort in the old ship as it held memories of better days. Those would be needed, for right now Kay wasn't even sure if tea would be enough. There was a tough road ahead, one that she knew she'd hate to walk. But it needed to be done. She needed to see if there was any hope for good, or if everyone had just closed the doors on peace.

And then there was the matter of herself. How was this Silver Assembly going to react? She had caused them no harm, nor to the Silvers or their worlds, but according to Veiere there were people among them that would see her as nothing but an escaped convict. And that was what her Eternal Guard were for; an insurance that she'd not be thrown back into a cell.

As The Free Lady landed in the hanger bay, Kay made her way to the ramp. She wasn't dressed in armour like her guards. Mandalorian or not, she wasn't fond of that tradition, although it did have it's merrits. Instead she wore slacks, a blouse and a long coat that was at the perfect weight to give her the same kind of comfort that a cozy blanket would.

Once the ramp was lowered, the four of them stepped down towards Veiere, arms at their sides for them all to be inspected for weapons. Kay looked up to the face of her husband and studied him, looking to see if he'd shut himself off, or if he'd be his old self. "Hello Veiere. It's good to finally see you again..."
Veiere took in a deep, slow breath as he sought to prepare himself; It had been such a long time since he and [member="Kay Arenais"] had been face to face with one another, part of him questioned how everything could ever go back to being what it was in their marriage, back on Commenor. Distant memories, and better times for the pair of them. With him, there were no guards nor armed personnel, but a handful of crewman ready to assist their guests with their belongings if they desired any assistance in moving their belongings to the private quarters that had been made available for Kay and her Guardsman.

As the landing ramp descended to the floor of the Hangar, Veiere's gaze lifted to be greeted with the sight of his Wife, flanked by her Eternal Guard whom didn't necessarily amend his discomfort at all. "Kay..." He responded in greeting, a pause after her name for what could have been said, replaced however by voicing his appreciation in her agreement to meet with him and journey the rest of the way to Kashyyyk aboard the Judiciary; "I'm glad you've agreed to take this step. I honestly did not expect that you would..." He spoke honestly, turning side on from her and gesturing for her to accompany him.

Though subtle, there was a marginal shift in gravity that suggested the thrusters of the Judiciary had fired up once more, beginning their return voyage back home after a fair time off-world. "You may be pleased to hear that Vikras is the acting Commander on board the Judiciary whilst I'm not on the bridge" he glanced to Kay, assuming that she remembered their formal Grand Admiral of the Systems Alliance Navy; "He seemed encouraged when I told him you'd be our guest for a while". Veiere led the group out of the Hangar, gradually making their way towards Personnel Quarters for those not of military nor crew rank aboard the Cruiser.

It would not take them long to reach their destination, Veiere stepping aside so that Kay and her Guard could have the chance to enter first. The entrance opening via motion detection unless locked from either side via key-card that he would soon give to his Wife once they were all within the first and largest central room, a lounge and living area for which several personal rooms were connected to, all readied for the use of their guests. "It's not the Palace of Chasin City, but it's the best I can offer aboard a vessel the likes of the Judiciary I'm afraid" he spoke out of consideration for what Kay might have been accustomed to.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed alongside [member="Veiere Arenais"] , wanting to take his hand or his arm, but wasn't so vertain that she should. Politucs. If she was in trouble with his Order, no doubt it wouldn't look good for him if she was to get too close. "I promised some of the Clans Alors that I would try. Even if that means that I have to swallow my pride." And perhaps step into a sword as well.

Her guards fell in behind them, giving them some space, yet still performing their sworn duty. Kay gave Veiere a small smile when he informed her about Vikras. "That's wonderful. He was always fond of serving under you. I'm glad to see that his loyalties remain in tact." She thought back on Captain Terrac. She hadn't heard from him since the siege. Either he had fully retired and severed all ties with everyone, or he was killed during the Sith attack. Of course she hoped that the former was true.

Once they were at the guest quarters, Kay stepped aside as well and let her guards sweep the rooms. As they did so, she turned to face her husband squarely. As it seemed that no one was looking, she reached up and gently caressed his cheek with her hand. "I don't need luxury, Veiere. The Free Lady is cramped compared to this. And you forget, outside of the cells, I did live in a cave once, with nothing but the clothes on my back and Mrs. Nesbitt to keep me company." That was back before the Galactic Republic fell. After the betrayal of the Mandalorians, and the discovery of her Force abilities by the Prime Minister, she was unceremoniously kicked out.

Kay removed her hand, not wanting to overstep her boundaries. "Will you join me for a meal? Just the two of us, like old times?"
Veiere waited till [member="Kay Arenais"]' Guard had moved on ahead of them to begin their sweep of the designated quarters; They wouldn't find anything but Veiere had no intention of stopping them as it gave him and his Wife some small amount of personal freedom. Reaching to place her hand against his cheek, his gaze shifted away from her, not certain of what to feel given all that had occurred between them. "I know you don't..." Veiere replied, turning to meet her gaze after her hand had fallen away from him, "But so many things have changed since Commenor, and I'm doing the best that I know how..." He spoke with a frown, and through their connection in the force so open in such proximity of one another, Kay would be able to feel the depth of his uncertainty and frustration, the hurt and the conflicted emotions he had buried so deep beneath the surface whilst trying to keep his head above water. So to speak.

"I will" He agreed to her invitation, having planned on suggesting something similar. Veiere needed to be able to speak freely with his wife without the potential consequences of others eavesdropping on their personal affairs. The fact was that their marriage had near collapsed, their lack of contact possibly having worked in their favor in that regard as it had given them both time and space to try to wrap their heads around the situation they had found themselves in. The pain and frustration from the fact that Kay hadn't trusted in him, nor listened to his advice when he had first visited Zakuul still gnawed at him; every step of the way since leaving Alzoc Three, he had been there to battle her demons and pull her out of a bind when she so often landed herself in trouble...-But events much more recently had only added to the weight of pressures between them both, and Veiere wasn't in the position he had once been.

"There's much we need to discuss".


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She slowly nodded. [member="Veiere Arenais"] was doing his best, and so was she. Kay clasped her hands in front of her, with her head slightly bowed. She felt his emotions and had hoped that being so near would help. But it didn't. There was a chance that she could make it all worse.

"Yes, I suppose there is much to talk about." Kay took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. All of a sudden she was beginning to dread their upcoming meal. She knew that it wouldn't be comfortable in the slightest. Perhaps it would even be their last.

"Fetch me when it's time." Kay spoke quietly and then turned into the guest quarters. Like clockwork, she headed over to the small kitchenette and began preparing herself some tea. It'll be the only comfort for her this trip, so she couldn't go without.

Her guards kept to themselves, keeping their posts and not saying a word. It wasn't their job to provide advice or words of encouragement. Theirs was just to protect her from physical harm. And so far there were no threats to that.
"Yes, I suppose there is much to talk about.
Fetch me when it's time".

Veiere nodded to his Wife, there a sense of reluctance to step away, following his acknowledgement. Turning however, he started back the way they had come from, with the intention of returning to the bridge and ensuring all things were moving ahead accordingly. The Crew were more than capable, so it wasn't a concern as much as it was an obligation as Captain and force of habit. Each step taken away from the entrance to Kay's Quarters however, felt heavy and he couldn't help but release a slow, deep breath in sighing fashion for how all of this left him feeling. Despite the many years of maintaining his self-discipline and doing his utmost to remain conscious of how his emotions could affect his better judgement, today wasn't so easily dismissed where the crisis of conscience was also a matter of the heart.

By the time the rest of the crew and on-board personnel were nearing their usual "evening" routine, Veiere had informed Kay Arenais of his nearing return to her Quarters. The Judiciary was making good progress in their return to Kashyyyk, and they'd be there within a matter of hours now, where the Silver Jedi Capital would still be in it's daylight cycle. The weight of responsibility that he carried atop his shoulders in these recent months had been difficult, to put things lightly; House Arenais was no longer the united front that it had once been and there had been little to no word from [member="Bradshaw Ku"], nor Rae-Anna. The Twins were still coming and going, as well as pursuing their own course in life, yet they were also harboring a good few resentments towards their parents whom had found themselves in such hard-felt times.

Knocking on the door to [member="Kay Arenais"] Quarters, Veiere took a step back and expected to be greeted by her Guard. He was of course, alone and unarmed, not even carrying his lightsaber this time which was unusual for him, yet he did so out of consideration for how Kay's people might take him. Having a weapon on hand, no matter how the Jedi tried to justify the use and symbolism of the Lightsaber, would no doubt leave Kay's wardens uncomfortable with the prospect of them sharing a meal together on their own.

Still, here he was, feeling ridiculously uneasy as though it were their first time having dinner together. Had his knowledge of the situation been any less concerning, he might have even made a joke about it, yet now wasn't the time. Kay was a politician, and he a leading member of the Order of the Silver Jedi, today. Long ago, his Master Andina Torsyn had advised him that they had no place in politics, though the Galaxy was not the same today as it had been during that 'former life' on Svivren. Nor were the Jedi, for that matter.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Once she had heard that [member="Veiere Arenais"] was coming to fetch her, Kay finished getting herself ready. She was nervous, though not really in a good way. It was difficult to rid herself of the feeling of dread. But regardless of what was to happen, she had to press forward.

When her husband knocked on the door, it wasn't her guard that answered it at all. It was just Kay. She gave him just a small glance before stepping out into the corridor, clasping her hands in front of her in a bid to keep herself from fidgeting and showcasing the nerves that she had felt.

In her mind she was debating with herself over how much she could trust him. It used to be that she could tell him anything. But now? Now there was the very real risk that every word she uttered would be handed over as intelligence. It was much like being in Purgatory. Only here it was cleaner, brighter and far more spacious.

"Lead the way." Kay hoped that she'd be able to eat. Her mind was just too busy, her heart too emotional. She just needed to TRY to keep herself calm.
They both understood the weight of their situation, Veiere could sense the anxiety behind [member="Kay Arenais"] thanks to their bond in the Force. She wasn't certain whether she could trust him. From his perspective, he didn't feel any suspicion or risk in talking to her, it wasn't her intentions that were ill-meant but rather her loyalty to her familial connection over the greater Galaxy.

Kay wasn't an aggressive woman in any sense of the word, nor did she pose any sort of a threat to him from what he believed, little of his wife had changed with the exception of backing the perpetrators, those who were responsible for Eshan, H'ratth and possibly Umbara (The evidence of which had been inconclusive). No, there was no trust lost in her intentions and he had heard her, but more importantly believed her when Kay had said she was trying to stop the war from continuing, trying to bring about peace between the Silver Jedi and the United Clans. The problem was that it wasn't a war of politics so much as it was the guilty being brought to justice, and that's where they disagreed.

"I hope you don't mind but I figured my quarters would be the best place for us" Veiere explained as he stepped aside and gestured with a passing hand, encouraging her to walk with him; "If I'm needed, Vikras will call for me but otherwise he's got things under control and we'll have the privacy we need. The Captains Quarters aren't monitored like the mess hall is" he added; the mess-hall being where the majority of the crew would have their meals together. Veiere's datapad could pull up the menu available and they'd have their dinner brought to them when they were both ready, but Veiere had a few things to say to his Wife and he too needed the privacy to do so.

Before long they were upon the turbo-lifts and a ride up the the height of the ship would see the pair of them nearing the Captains Quarters on the same level as the bridge and command center. The floor was rife with hustle, crewman coming and going about their duties while Veiere would gesture to their right and lead Kay in the opposite direction from the bridge itself, eventually finding the pair of them at the entrance to his quarters and entering, being greeted by a spacious living area, a few rooms attached with all the necessities but otherwise a humble setting for someone at the height of the vessels hierarchy and command.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay lightly shook her head. "No, I don't mind. It's your ship." She was just the guest afterall. She went by his rules as any other should when hosted by another.

She followed along, slightly behind [member="Veiere Arenais"] while they walked. He knew where they were headed, afterall. And just like before in her quarters, she couldn't shake her dread. Maybe she should have had more tea.

Her eyes drifted to the crew as they passed by. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, thankfully.

It wasn't long before they were at Veiere's own quarters. Kay stepped inside and took a peek around before she approached the nearest chair and sat herself down. Her hands were folded on her lap. "So...which one of us is going first? I know that there's plenty on your mind..."
[member="Kay Arenais"] moved to make herself comfortable, Veiere pleased that she could at-least feel free to make herself at home within the privacy of his personal quarters, although she seemed intent on getting straight to the heart of things where as he first required a glass of whiskey to ease his mind some. "I had some of your favorite tea prepared before coming to find you" Veiere explained, moving first to make her drink and turning back to bring it to his wife before looking to pour his own back where a collection of bottles, all alcoholic, sat within a cabinet to the side of the living area.

Returning to the center of the room where there were two couches and two single chairs surrounding the Caf-Table, Veiere took to one of the single-seaters, leaning back and raising one leg atop his other, the glass of whiskey in his right hand as he looked back to Kay for a moment in thought. "This whole situation is such a mess, Kay" He spoke truthfully, and no longer appeared reserved now that they had the freedom to speak within each others company whilst others might be listening; "When it comes to our marriage and our family, we're both at fault. I know the kind of person you were back on Commenor and I believe you're still trying to do some good in the Galaxy today, but us being caught on two sides of politics when things are so heated between nations, hasn't been good for either of us" Veiere didn't want to talk about blame, or who was at fault and who was justified in their stance, this was primarily about their relationship and personal life where their children were being impacted so heavily.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's expression lifted as [member="Veiere Arenais"] mentioned having prepared her some tea. Why didn't she catch wind of it when she walked in? No doubt she was far too preoccupied.

"Thank you." She took the mug in both of her hands and had a small sip before cradling it on her lap. The tea was soothing, as always; a warm hug when she needed it most.

Veiere was the first to speak, answering her earlier question. Kay nodded a little in response. There wasn't much to disagree on with what he had said. "It wasn't on purpose, Veiere. And as I had said before, my reasons for going weren't political in nature. It was personal." Yet she couldn't really divulge as to why. "There are quite a few Alors whose Clans had nothing to do with the attacks. They weren't there for them and didn't find out until afterwards. They don't want to be targeted simply for being Mandalorian. No more than we'd want Lori to be." Out of the entire Arenais house, Lori was more Mandalorian than any of them. Yet right now it seemed that she had heeded her Dad's advice whereas Kay could not.
"As is often the case with most Nations, a government leads and makes the decision to step into conflict with others, while not all may be so willing nor participate...-This doesn't take away the actions of those in charge however, those with the influence that lead soldiers to fight for them" Veiere explained, looking to [member="Kay Arenais"] who would know Veiere was talking about Yasha and those in power around her.

"The attacks and crimes against Eshan and H'ratth were catastrophic. We never discovered those at fault behind Umbara with any true evidence or certainty to suggest that it wasn't part of the United Clans tactics to work against us, but with H'ratth following...-It's not looking good, Kay" he was speaking as honestly and clearly as he could. There were of course details of pending operations that he couldn't disclose given his position in the Silver Assembly, certain knowledge that was classified to those outside of the Order of the Silver Jedi, but he could certainly explain why, from his perspective, tensions were coming to a head between the Clans and Jedi.

"The Mandalorians are an aggressive culture, but who they are isn't why they're in the political spotlight right now" Veiere wanted to be clear, they weren't being targeted for who they were, but what their Mand'alor had allowed them to do without consequence. "The Galaxy can't be shown that acts of terrorism will go unpunished, especially for those allied to the Sith Empire who remain the largest threat to the greater Galaxy today".


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay sighed. She knew that Yasha didn't order those attacks. She knew because she was with her. It wasn't as though her niece went around barking orders. The Clans ran themselves, much like different worlds in the Republic, CSA and others did.

"So is it guilt by association then? That because they are Mandalorian and some Mandalorians did bad things, then it's justified to attack the innocents that weren't involved too? Where does that leave me? Where does that leave Lori? We had nothing to do with any of this, nor did a bunch of the clans. Are they all to abandon their homes until this is all over and let you all destroy them? Or must they all be arrested and held in jail until it's all done and their homes still destroyed?"

War was never fair, and there could never be a side with no war crimes and no innocent casualties. Kay knew that. [member="Veiere Arenais"] knew that. She just needed to hit that point home.

"I'm not saying that the guilty shouldn't be punished. But I do hope that the war is an intelligent one. I hope that you only go after those Mandalorians that you KNOW did the attacks. And not just pick any place on the map in their territory and go for it."

She sipped her tea, knowing that she probably won't get very far in this. But as pronised, she said she'd try. "Yasha didn't order this. She couldn't. I was with her Veiere, so I know."
"Some of these attacks occurred during your tenure on Zakuul, Kay" Veiere responded, "I did warn you during my visit". Be careful of the friends you keep, he had tried to tell her, and Kay had told him that she knew what she was doing. Even back then, Veiere had been wary of the activity of the Clans, the aggression that was rising and becoming too great to ignore.

"Yasha may not have ordered these attacks, but as their leader it was her responsibility to stop them, or condemn those who were responsible" Veiere continued. He didn't know whether she had given the order or not, Kay appeared to think otherwise yet for the sake of their discussion, he explained why she couldn't be excused from the accountability. "She's their Mand'alor, the Leader of the Clans...-This means she is responsible for the actions of her people. The same as any government, atop any Nation of World's", Kay knew how these things went. She had been responsible for Commenor and the world's under the Systems Alliance once upon a time.

Veiere gave pause, waving his free hand in gentle dismissal; "But you're not here to discuss the Mandalorian's situation are you" he reminded her, "Coming before the Assembly is for your sake, not the Clans". Not to mention their family and some semblance of peace among them.

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
In some ways [member="Veiere Arenais"] was right. It was Yasha's responsibility as their leader. But there are times when a leader couldn't be there, or was unable see to those under them. These past months have been one of those times.

Still, Veiere didn't adress her other points about innocents, or the fact that many would be deemed guilty by association. Perhaps it was because he didn't know the answers himself.

She thought of telling him what she knew, the real reason why she had done what he had thought was so unthinkable. But then Veiere had changed the subject slighty, redirecting the focus of the conversation from the Clans to herself.

"Yes, though what good that will do...I don't know." They were both stubborn. She was doing it for his sake and for that of her family. All of them, Mandalorian and House Arenais-alike. Kay took another sip of her tea, letting it's warmth provide her with some comfort. The Force knew that she was in a losing battle.
"Yes, though what good that will do...I don't know".
Veiere's shoulders relaxed a little, his wife allowing them the chance to talk about herself. It wasn't as though he had ignored what she had said, but those who would be targeted would be the same that would fight against the Silver Jedi and the consequences for the raids; Veiere had been talking with many about the present political situation and being so personally involved thanks to their divided loyalties had made things that much more stressful that he was relieved to be able to focus on the two of them for a change.

"It would do some good if the Silver Assembly learns that your intentions are good, that you're not working against the call for lawful justice" he explained, taking a moment to sip some of his whiskey. "I know you won't like hearing it, but you were broken out of Prison before moving to Zakuul. Mandalorian's were involved, and now you're being viewed as a possible sympathizer for these attacks. The Assembly needs to hear your point of view, your explanation of what happened. Hopefully you can explain to them that your 'release' wasn't your doing, and somehow we can find a way to make things right..." though he couldn't promise anything. He'd be going into this Assembly conference standing on her side of the room, in support of his Wife and not an acting or authoritative voice due to their relationship with one another.

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"It wasn't my doing. I told you that already. And it wasn't entirely theirs either. If you didn't believe me then, what's to say that they would now?"

Kay recalled their last meeting. She had told [member="Veiere Arenais"] abiut how she had gotten out of prison and who was responsible. He wasn't too happy about it then, telling her that there would be many that would see her as nothing more than an escaped convict.

"If it comes down to it, I won't let them incarcerate me.
Zakuul could see it as an act of war and I really don't want that."
Not to mention those that got her out of prison before would probably do so again.
Veiere sighed, his left hand lifting as he leaned to the one side, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Did I not just say, that it was not your fault or your doing?" he repeated, dropping his hand and looking back to [member="Kay Arenais"] less than enthused about their predicament; "I am simply telling you the facts of your situation, which is why it's important for the Assembly to hear your side of the argument. As of right now, in many eyes you are still a criminal at large, and supporting the Mandalorian's isn't doing yourself any favors either" she didn't have to like what he was saying, but being on the other side of this situation, Veiere had been forced to listen to numerous voices calling for his wife's arrest or persecution. Most of which didn't know her for the person she was, nor had any idea of her reasons for the actions she had taken thus far.

"You're here of your own accord, you haven't been arrested or forced to come here" Veiere nodded and spoke in response to Kay's refusal to be locked up again. "This gives you a good element of doubt in your favor. I'm not expecting anyone will be forcing you to remain here afterwards, regardless of what's decided upon".


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
This wasn't easy for either of them. Kay knew that well enough. But she also knew that she wasn't helping to make things any easier either. But it was difficult as she was quite emotional over the whole thing, no matter how hard she tried to keep it all in.

Yet [member="Veiere Arenais"] was at least trying to calm some of her nerves. The tea would do the rest.

Kay looked at her cup for a moment and then had a sip. She let the hot liquid sooth her. What was she to say? That she felt as though she was stuck in a whirlpool and trying to swim out again? And that all she had done was to try to help when it was begged of her? What good would it do? None for the moment. She'd only have to repeat herself to the Assembly.

At least there was some assurance that she wasn't going to be locked up. She'd be able to leave. That was a good thing.

"Thank you." That was about all that she could figure out to say that wouldn't lead to an argument. Kay traced the rim of her cup with her left thumb. "Should I leave my guard here? Or?..." It was risky to go without them, but sometimes appearances mattered the most.

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