Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Aspirant and the Exile

Jagen Wren

8 5 1 A B Y

"Thank you, doctor."

The Jedi Knight said these words to the towering Kaminoan, receiving a small container full of vials from the alien. Exchanging nods, he left the scientist's office and went out into the bright white corridors of the cloning facility, heading for the exit that led to one of the smaller landing pads before he was stopped by a duo of Imperial stormtroopers, who quickly made sure everything was in order before buggering off and letting him out into the thundering weather of Kamino.

As Jagen left the building he locked eyes with a dark-robed individual down the corridor, this individual exerting an equally dark aura of the Force that clashed with the light emanating from Knight Wren. Assuming it to be a Sith, he quickly strode out onto the pad and made for his ship, intent on avoiding the confrontation that the Force warned was about to happen.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Initiate Robes
Location: Kamino
Status: Investigating
Though he wasn't often seen without his helmet, this was an exception; the damn thing had been damaged during training, and he'd had to set it aside for repairs. It didn't bother him much, he tried to avoid blaster bolts and lightsabers striking his head enough as it was, so he didn't think he would need it for guard duty. Reports had come through of a Jedi appearing on the planet. His superiors thought it nothing, but that if there was a Jedi, they couldn't risk the Silver Order attempting to spy on the capital world. Ice couldn't disagree.

His dark robes contrasted with the bright white corridors as he marched through them, and something was caught in his gaze. He saw the trails of beige robes head out the doors, quickly hurrying after them. He didn't even bother with his hood, assuming he had nothing to fear from the rain or elements here. As he stepped out, the rain clinking off the platform around him, Ice got the full view of what he thought he'd seen earlier.

"What's your business here, Jedi?" His eyes shone bright blue in the dark night around them, and he wondered if the Jedi would assume him a Sith; he had no particular loyalty to any side of the force, but he was eager to confront a more experienced Jedi. He was always looking to test himself, and the Jedi were some of the best warriors the galaxy had to offer, no matter what they believed. He wasn't about to let him get back on that ship.

[member="Jagen Wren"]

Jagen Wren

The Jedi Knight set aside the container he had been carrying on the hull of his ship, allowing R9 to grab it with one of his miscellaneous tools and secure it.

He faced his adversary, the Sith, with his hood up and the rest of his body shrouded in darkness, each flash of lightning from the planet-wide storm giving [member="Varik Ice"] a look at the man's tired face. Jagen raised an eyebrow, perhaps it was possible for him to get out of there with his words.

"A man has a cloak, for it is raining; A man has a ship, for how else shall he travel? Do these two things make a man a Jedi?" He questioned cryptically, clasping both his hands together and allowing his robe's sleeves cover them.

The middle-aged Jedi knew that this was an Inquisitor, a Sith would not walk around so broadly on the Imperial capital...he knew that this Inquisitor already thought him a Jedi, but his ideals prevented him from striking first.

All he could do was wait.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Initiate Robes
Location: Kamino
Status: Questioning
A smirk crossed Varik's face, an uncommon look for the young initiate. He wondered if his own aura was odd; if it was dark but with little of the fiery emotions expeccted, and some gleams of light shining through in pockets. He supposed he could compare it to black ice, though everything always seemed to come back to home when he thought of things like that. This man, though. His presence was curious. Varik could feel it, and he could tell a Jedi when he saw it, but it wasn't so...prominent. It didn't stand tall like many did. Perhaps this Jedi had hardships. Wasn't like it was uncommon in this galaxy, after all.

"Perhaps they do not. Perhaps I'll just take a look for myself and see what must be inside a man to make him a Jedi." It was hardly subtle, but he wasn't here to play word games - not for much longer, anyway. As he finished his sentence, visible breath escaped his mouth, the temperature around him much colder than it should've been. The initiate stepped closer, though not quite invading the man's personal space yet; he was curious. Not just about him, but about how he would react.

He was no lost soul, no tortured being who could have been a Jedi in a later life; he was in the Empire because he believed in it. If the galaxy could not find hope here, there was little else to look. That was why these Jedi interested him so. This was no Padawan, clearly; he had a tired face just in his expression, obviously someone who had experienced much but still held onto the same creeds that had gotten him there in the first place. Perhaps that why he respected Jedi more than some others. But, perhaps he ought to stop just pondering.

[member="Jagen Wren"]

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