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Approved Starship The Aroh Automated Starfighter

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  • Intent: To create a mass-produced swarming droid fighter to protect Sable Interplanetary's assets across the galaxy.
  • Image Source: Original Artist
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: TIE/D Automated Starfighter
  • Classification: Automated Starfighter
  • Length: 7 meters
  • Width: 2.5 meters
  • Height: 1.5 meters
  • Armament: Low
    • 4 6-barrel rotary Micro-Rocket guns, ( Typically 2 Thermite, 2 Concussion) mounted on both wings
    • 1 Repeating Laser Cannon, ventral mounted
  • Defenses: Very Low
    • Alusteel Plating
    • No deflector shields
  • Squadron Count: Extreme | 24
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: None | N/A
  • 4 Sublight Ion Engines
  • 1 Sublight Acceleration Motor
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Comprehensive Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Cannot Enter an Atmosphere and Land
  • The Aroh is a droid fighter meant to work in tandem with a squadron. Via Sable Interplanetary's TECER Network, one Admin A.I. or a human operator can coordinate one or multiple squadrons' movements simultaneously, allowing a swarm of Arohs to behave and fight almost like a single organism. Their high speed and maneuverability allow them to be reactive and counterattack a threat in moments.
  • For specific and vital operations, any Aroh can be piloted by a sentient remotely via the TECER Network, (though this may work counterproductively to swarm movements and tactics).
  • Every Aroh is operated by two paired Ciado droid brains working in tandem, manning fire control and flight controls respectively. This allows the Aroh to react instantaneously when at an advantage, and gives it the ability to network with itself.
  • Aroh fighters are quite small, and feature no deflector shields, meaning that a hit from the enemy will usually disable at least one vital system, if it doesn't completely blow the thing out of the sky.
  • Due to the Aroh's lack of shields and lightweight Alusteel construction, the fighter will not survive independent atmospheric entry. An Aroh must be brought planetside by way of a carrier before atmostpheric deployment is possible.
  • The Aroh also lacks a hyperdrive, and is reliant on a carrier for automated reloading, refueling, and hyperspace travel.
The problem was nasty in its simplicity; Sable Interplanetary required the spacefaring firepower of a fighter fleet, and was also unwilling to spend the sentient capital on such a fleet. The solution was beautiful in its nobility; droids. A thousand needles of light, flying as a single intelligence, coordinating their movement through Sable's prodigious TECER Network and the unrivaled speed of a Verdant Mytag Transceiver.

Able to be deployed from carriers or planetside hangers, a single Aroh fighter carries 3 Micro-Missiles for each of the barrels of its 4 guns, meaning that a full squadron of 24 Arohs carries 1,728 Micro-Missiles into battle after rearming and refueling. The usual squadron loadout for this ordinance is 864 each of Thermite and Concussion warheads, giving the operating droid brain and tactical swarm A.I. options for creative engagement.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Osric Tev Sable Osric Tev Sable

Very nice starfighter, and I love the art!
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+3), please fix this.
  • You cannot use the RMD-9F Anhur Droid Brain without permission. I see your comment, but yes, you need the permission.
  • And you cannot use the TECER Network in this sub. The network is a unique submission:
    8. A submission cannot have a higher production rating than the submission used in its creation.
    Here, I recommend to change the wording to that "they are able to connect to the network".

Thanks for working with me! Wording on the TECER Network has been changed, thanks for catching that, there's no way I could fit a huge Network console on these tiny fighters haha.

The Anhur Droid Brain was really a placeholder, but I've bit the bullet and made my own, which has been linked. I imagine I'll need to wait until that is approved before this can be, and I'm fine with that.

My bad, I thought a Hyperdrive Rating of None would balance it, rookie mistake. Production changed to Limited, and I also realized the thing shoots Micro Rockets, not actual missiles, so Armament now reads Low.
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