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Approved Tech The Armor of Exar Kun (Sith Version)

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Image Source: Comicvine

Intent: A Historial Armor with practical Application

Development Thread: do additional threads in the future)

Manufacturer: Exar Kun

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Exar Kun (?)

Modularity: Very Limited

Production: Production: Unique

Material: Cortosis Weave, Armorweave Cloak (Those are the only confirmed canon materials I could find on the armor)

Classification: Multipurpose

Weight: 15 KG

Quality: 7

Special Features:
  1. Sith Alchemy Talisman in Gauntlets
  2. Lightsaber Resistance
  3. Powerful Dark Side Aura

Description: Exar Kun was a Jedi Knight that fell to the dark side during the Old Republic Era. He assumed the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and claimed dominion over Yavin IV and the Massassi, forcing them to contrcut many temples upon the lush moon's surface. During his life, Exar Kun had constructed many varying suits of armor, his most famous were the ones he wore as a Jedi Knight, and the garb he assumed afterward as Dark Lord of the Sith. With Zyhmnr's medallion worked into the armor it not only provided sturdy defenses, but also boosted his natural powers. Constructed of Phrik and Cortosis Weave, the main parts of the armor boost high resistance to sabers, slughtrowers and blasters. This armor is concentrated in a breastplate, shoulder pads, gauntlets and greaves. The undershirt and leggings of the armor, as well as the cloak were made of durable armorweave, boasting protection against heat, cold and shrapnel primarily, while allowing ease of movement. Retrieved by Safiriel Bane and Darth Erebos sometime roughly 850 ABY, it was restored to it's former glory. Donning the armor Safiriel used it as a symbol of power to promote her own rise to glory, and to rally supporters and followers to her cause.

Primary Source:

This is a Canon Item.
Safiriel Bane said:
Material: Phrik,Cortosis Weave, Armorweave Cloak (Those are the only confirmed canon materials I could find on the armor)
I found the information on cortosis weave being present on the armor, but not phrik. Could you quote from the article where phrik is mentioned?
[member="Braith Achlys"]

I'm Back! I couldn't find any mention of Exar Kun's suit being made of Phrik online, only his saber. In reference to this I will withdraw the Phrik material part of the suit, and downgrade the quality to 7
[member="Safiriel Bane"]
After reading through your development thread, I'm sorry to inform you that I will be needing at least another dozen or so posts of development. You can either continue your thread, which it appears is likely the case, and reach 45 posts, or do another thread to reach that combined number.
[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Okay, I'm going to put this into the archive for now. Send me or another RPJ/Admin a PM when you are finished and the submission will be brought back out to continue.
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