Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Amber King needs a sig.

I need a signature for this account. The playby is Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night and I'd like a regal themed signature if possible. Just put "Karadun "Gorglyph" Seras" in it somewhere with a Gilgamesh image please
@[member='Karadun Seras']; I actually made this yesterday, but forgot to post it up before going to bed. That in mind, sorry for the long wait. I tried to be as regal as possible, but it's probably the font that ties the 'royal aura' together. I stuck to red and gold/yellow, as that seems to be Gilgy's base colours. This one was actually pretty difficult to throw together, as plenty of things didn't quite seem right, or didn't match up to the regal look you wanted. Either way, in the end this is what I came up with, and I hope you like it, and as always, I have also included the signature without the font.



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