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That's All I Ask Of You [Kyros/Thyrian]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream

Baxel Sector, Outer Rim
The gentle wind of the planet swirled around him as he strode forward, cowl flapping behind with the crunch of fauna with each step of his boots. The warmth etched into his thinly bearded face and small drizzles of light rain drifted down from the beautifully placid purple sky, two moons hanging ominously over the planet.

The transport that had brought the man planet side soon hit the thrusters to get away and into the atmosphere. The threat of death was enough to have the human youth surrender the ship for this aggressive warrior who needed passage from Rodia out to the isolated planet they had landed on. Its piercing engine noise being pushed hard could be heard for a few seconds, soon fading out and into quiet again.

Asterion, the self-proclaimed Galactic Minotaur, one time promising student of Kära Vi’dreya and Knight of The Sith Order, was now on a vengeful path fuelled by hate and bitterness.

From wandering the wastelands of Korriban and facing Sith Lords who came and went, and resorting to criminal activity on Nar Shaddaa with a Dark Witch, Asterion had had enough of simply existing. He was powerful and deserved to life, and he wanted answers. Answers to questions like why was The Sith Order that he devoted his recent years to now devoid of activity, and where had his Master, [member="Lady Kyros"] – Vi’dreya, whatever her name – had vanished to without any explanation.

How dare she abandon him again when he was ready to lay down his life in carrying out the ways of the Sith she instilled in those around her. Now there was only one person he could beat answers from - [member="Thyrian Ashborn"]. A brute so blind with forbidden love for the brat and personal angst at his own demons that he was as volatile and dangerous as he was now useless as a relic, and Asterion had nothing to stop him from getting what he needed and taking his place.

The last known place Asterion had seen Vi’dreya and Thyrian was where he stood now, her bunker, surrounded by the natural geography of the planet that disguised it from those who had no idea what they were stood before. He hadn’t spent his time with the Sith to simply turn a blind eye to all of these little secrets and hideaways. There was no inkling of who or what was inside, but Asterion had a gut feeling that the man he wanted was inside. He had been called to the planet by the Force, but his own instinct and brought him directly to the bunker.

He squinted against the lightly falling rain and looked ahead, breathing heavily as his frustration and anger swelled inside him, dying to erupt and be unleashed against anyone who dare oppose him. The lightsaber hilt stayed on his hip; he wanted the violence to come from his fists and the Force, nothing more.


This wasn’t about using the Force to convey a deafening sound; this was about simply using his own strength to call the one man he demanded to face him.


Staring ahead, scanning for movement, he waited. Nothing. He shouted – no, he roared - again.

Inside the bunker Kyros sat, a datapad within her hand containing notes of training regimes for all three of the branches of her military during her absence. She was rather pleased to find that even in her absence they had continued their strict regimes and even with Thyrian gone the Bladeborn had continued to train their own, even creating new eunuchs to take for their recruits. The children she had seen lined up alongside the formidable men had shown no fear at the sight of her, or the mask she now wore. This was a good trait, and she applauded the Bladeborn General for all his hard work.

Setting aside the notes, the young woman sighed. One hand lifted to remove the mask, rubbing at her pale face. She was tired, she felt old and haggard despite her age, the past few years had certainly taken their toll on her. Rising from her unordained desk the woman made her way out of her personal study and out into the hallways beyond. In the shadows around her the Shadow Guard prowled; they would never presume to enter her private quarters without due reason, but otherwise they often flanked her. It was more from their own paranoia than Kyros', but if they proved so dedicated here in the bunker then she knew that she could rely upon them elsewhere, also.

Then, echoing down the halls of her bunker, there came a voice. It uttered just one bellowing word which was repeated with increased intensity. She could feel the rage and the seething through the Force, let alone in the voice, and immediately she could draw upon the Force presence and pinpoint exactly who it was. Her former student. From the sounds of it, he had not understood the trials she had put him through by leaving him here, similar to those she subjected to Thyrian all the time. Those which made the Ashborn a formidable foe, which stopped him from burning out into nothingness like a star which shone too brightly.

Rather than venturing to find the Minotaur herself, she instead wandered to find her Ashborn. She would see how he handled this matter before presenting herself to her fallen student. Taking up the mask which lay within her grasp she settled it into place within its attachment in her armour, concealed by the robes she wore. Her gaze flared, casting a deathly hue across her alchemized features. Truly, she looked like a spectre to behold. "Bring me the Ashborn" she said, to one of the Shadow Guard she knew would be there. It was time for a reunion.

[member="Asterion"] @[member='Thyrian Ashborn']

[PS. Trust the Phantom to choose that title :p]
Within his dimly lit chambers the Ashborn was sat meditating; thinking and reflecting upon various aspects of his existence, such as what he remembered from his youth before the Sith and before his Queen. What used to be mere glimpses had slowly become more clear, like a fractured mirror being repaired through the passage of time. Ever since his resurrection, Thyrian had been able to recall more and more each passing day about his past. There was water, lots of water... and two boys playing in the streets. Himself... and Thurion. That was his name. He knew not his appearance, for it remained lost to him, but he could feel in his heart that he was not dead; his master had met him years before his creation at the hands of the Sith scientists, after all. She... cared about him.


His concentration disrupted, eyes snapped open to the sound of his name being shouted in anger, its syllables travelling the walls on the facility as an echo. He knew well when he was being challenged, and this time was no exception. The titan rose from his slumber and donned his armour and put the black coat over it, practically doubling his size, just as there was a knock on his door. "Lord Taral, sir! Your presence is required by the Lady", came the voice from the other side, followed by vanishing footsteps as the loyal servant returned to his master. He made for the door which opened at his approach, turned around to summon his lightsaber to his side from across the room, and then stepped outside, heading for his Queen.

[member="Lady Kyros"] [member="Asterion"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
Asterion prowled from left to right, right to left, head arched down, eyes bearing up which gave him a menacing scowl. He had sat on so much rage and frustration, it was only now he physically felt it had to come out in someway. Hell, it may even kill him, but at least he would go down with a fight and hopefully inflict some damage on that brute Thyrian in exchange for the answers he deserved.

He pushed up a small mound of rocks to stand tall, looking out for a sign of guards, scouts - anything. But there was no-one.

There was no rush. He would wait as long as he had to. There was nothing left for him to face in the galaxy except the man hiding away from him, much like his Master. Cowards, the pair of them.

His fist clenched and he suddenly slammed his hand down into the pile of rocks, splitting a good number of them and spitting up small splinters of rock and dust. Without stopping, he jumped off and onto the soft ground again, making a new sweep of the area.


[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
My, my... Such rage she could see in Asterion as she checked upon the security cams located throughout her property. With a small shake of her head she turned to watch the Ashborn approach. Slowly she inclined her head by way of greeting. "It seems my student does not like my method of teaching" she muttered, with a gesture for Thyrian to follow. With that she ventured off towards the entrance, but her ghostly presence remained lingering in the shadows. She wanted to see how Asterion began this whole thing before she revealed herself to him.

"Be careful, anger fuels - you know that. It is a method I have used when training numerous times. Mayhaps Asterion will realise why I did this once this encounter is over." She shrugged her shoulders, doubting that some times even the Ashborn had understood why she had done many things until he had them explained to him. Asterion would be no different if his anger was anything to go by...

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Asterion"]
At first there was nothing. Silence. Then came the creaking and hissing sound of the door opening. Within there was darkness; total, utter darkness. A loud echo sounded the door opening all the way. Still nothing but darkness. Then there were footsteps off in the distance, one pair soft and discreet, another pair heavy and booming as they struck the ground. Accompanying the footsteps were what appeared to be lanterns; faint, tinted sources of light barely visible at first, one blue and the other red. The closer they came, however, they turned into four distinct lights as the footsteps got louder and louder. The creaking of leather and steel became more appearant, and it was now clear that the sources of light were two sets of eyes glaring at the Minotaur; one was ghostly and mysterious, the other fiery and fierce. The rain hit his forehead as the Ashborn stepped outside the entrance, alongside his Master and Queen.

The behemoth crossed his arms as he spoke, staring down the Minotaur. "I know my own name, boy. No need to repeat it."

[member="Lady Kyros"] [member="Asterion"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
The hiss and creak of the bunker door broke the silence as the movement of it slowly opening caught Asterion’s eye. That was enough. He stopped pacing, spat out some rainwater and turned. The cowl he wore was starting to get heavy with the rain, but it didn’t faze him. His anger and frustration was carrying him over anything.

Two sets of demonic lights broke into four in the dark opening, ghostly blue and fiery red. Asterion knew it would be Thyrian and another minion wanting to witness a “lesson” no doubt. And there he was. Just as big, dumb and ugly as the last time he saw him and with a typical snappy remark to compliment him. Yet, the Sith’s voice was even more heavy, booming and laced with fire than he remembered.

He let the image linger a second, rain kissing the ground and their armoured bodies gently.

”Quiet your tongue, freak. Where is Vi’dreya.”

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
Kyros said nothing.

Let the fool run his tongue and feel her wrath when it was due, for now the Sith Lord opted to simply watch, a mute onlooker. She knew that Thyrian would not dare to inform him that the spectre at his side was their Master. That was for Kära herself to proclaim. She did not move, she simply kept her glaring gaze upon the Minotaur. In truth it frustrated her, the way he spoke of Thyrian - more so than the way he referred to her by only her surname.

Inside the bunker her guards would be waiting. If things got too heated they could intercept and sort the situation out immediately; there was already a cell prepped for such an event. Maybe that was what he needed, yet more time sat in a prison cell to calm him down while the situation was explained to him.

Not that it mattered; he would learn one way or another.

[member="Asterion"] [member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
The Ashborn said nothing at first, instead stepping towards the upstart, uncrossing his arms in process. He stopped short of a feet before Asterion, snarling like a wolf. "You do not speak of her that way, Minotaur! Your tongue defiles it in every syllable uttered!" He stepped back, composing himself a bit. He wouldn't allow himself to be taunted so easily by one so unfit to linger in his Queen's presence. He looked to the figure in ghostly robes, then back at the man. "The Queen is indisposed at the moment. You will not see her without going through me", he spoke, again crossing his arms in defiance, feet firmly on the ground like a concrete wall. Should things turn violent, he would remain vigilant and let the Minotaur make the first move. His master had asked of him to refrain from beating the lad into a pulp unless necessary, and he wouldn't break her trust nor hesitate to follow through with the latter.

[member="Lady Kyros"] [member="Asterion"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
He had nothing to lose by being here and would stand his ground as much as he expected Thyrian to, even when he stood feet before him, all those scars, years of war and pain visible on his ravaged face close to Asterions.

He snapped his eyes to the diminutive figure skulking in the shadows, his brow frowning for a second, his chin raised to indicate he’d seen them lurking.

”Who’s that, new blood already? How pathetic.”

He stepped forward as Thryrian stepped back.

”And I don’t care if she’s busy, tell me where she is or I’ll make my own way through. I know she’s here dammit, don’t test my patience old man, not now.”

His chest rose heavy, his fists curling and the frustration rising, brought on more by those gawping blue eyes staring at them.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
Yet again she remained mute, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. Her figure shifted on her feet, the movement so subtle it could quite easily have been missed. Do not let him get the better of you she indicated into Thyrian's mind, hoping he would give nothing of the exchange away. She wanted to see what Asterion would do if consistently denied access to the bunker.

[Sorry it's short but right now I'm observing more than anything]

@Asterion @Thyrian Ashborn
Arms uncrossed themselves yet again as he took in his master's words. He would not fail or falter to this renegade. His right hand went for his lightsaber at his side, grasping it firmly. Rain kept trailing down his face, wind catching his dark coat. It would be heavy to fight wearing a thick, soaked piece of cloth. Slowly he removed it from his shoulders, letting it drop to the ground with a *thud*. "No", came his answer. Short and simple, comprehendable to any lowlife scum. "She is indisposed", he repeated. "Do not question her will, maggot."

[member="Asterion"] [member="Lady Kyros"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
First he was a boy, now a maggot. Each insult avoiding a direct answer in defence of that child with too much power at her fingertips. He was done with exchanging words - he was done with everything.

Not taking his eyes from the burning irises of Thyrian, Asterion returned the gesture and peeled off the tatty cowl, peppered with tears and frayed edges from his travels, and tossed it over to the side, in a heavy mound of wet fabric.

"I'm gonna send you back to that little brat with a reminder why you shouldn't keep under-estimating me."

Snatching the thin hilt of his lightsaber, something he hadn't done for weeks and weeks, he held it out behind his back and thumbed his weapon into life with a satisfying snap-hiss and with the emergence of its blood-red blade. He'd passed the point of no return, and the adrenalin coursing through him silenced the self-doubt edging in.

"I hate you Thyrian. You're a prehistoric relic, and your time serving your pathetic Queen is over."

Asterion's feet were frozen to the ground for a second as he looked into the soul of the man before him. In a moment of sheer anger, he summoned the Force inside of him that was brewing and bubbling and repeated the move he had taken out on the rocks. He let out a shout and slammed his left fist down into the ground beneath him, attempting to disturb the ground and let out a pulse of Force energy that was in danger of imploding inside him.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
In the time during which Asterion was doing and saying all of this the ghostly figure had disappeared, making use of his infatuation with Thyrian to her advantage. He would not have seen her disappear, it had been difficult for anyone to see her in the first place given her position in the shadows. Now she prowled, each step slow and steady so as not to shimmer in the dim light and reveal her presence in the Force or otherwise. Let the fool say what he would about her, let his focus be on the brute.

Her pacing took her behind Asterion, yet she did nothing. She watched as his lightsaber ignited and then as he squared up to Thyrian. Within her pocket she grasped a handful of something, fine and dust-like in texture, and waited patiently. Her free hand lowered down to the lightsaber at her waist. She did not grasp it, she simply waited. It was time to show him that she should not be underestimated, a thing she had yet to do with the brute before her, even when she had made him bend his knees to her.

Do not ignite your blade. Do not give him that satisfaction. Thyrian would do well to listen to such an instruction, she supposed... The time for combat would come, but such was not now.

@Asterion @Thyrian Ashborn
The ground shook as [member="Asterion"] made the Force quake it, but he was far from impressed. The instructions given by his master in the shadows were enough to let him know not to kill the Minotaur, but they didn't speak against beating the crap outta him. He clipped his lightsaber hilt back onto his belt as he watched the display of so much pent up rage and frustration. It made him think of himself and how he act whenever the darker half of him would take hold and cause him to run amock. This deluded youngster thought himself the master of ferocity - that he was in the right to force a meeting with [member="Lady Kyros"].

Eyes lit up once more as he merely stepped towards him and raised a fist to strike at his face. "You think yourself an entity of fury, boy? I was created from it, born of ashes! You are nothing!" he roared, as the blow aimed for Asterion's cheek.

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
His mouth contorted in a snarl as Thyrian advanced towards him, his bellowing voice carrying over the fresh rain falling, Asterion found himself savouring a beating and the hand-to-hand combat he relished so much from the brute after so long. As he advanced, Asterion killed the lightsaber blade held behind him and used his bent leg to carry his weight as he swerved out of the path of Thryain's blow.

"You're nothing but dust and broken memories Ashborn!"

Asterion let out a growl and brought his hand carrying the hilt up and over to slam into the back of Tyrian's shoulder blades, his height over the Minotaur a serious advantage in getting a decent hit.

It didn't matter to Asterion, he just wanted to let out his rage.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
In her pocket, Kyros' hand released the powdery substance but she remained lingering behind Asterion - an unseen shadow. She would let the pair lower themselves to fist fights, and would be ready when the time came to stop this indecent scene. Part of her was disappointed in both of them, but Asterion had only partly failed his test and Thyrian was acting in her best interest. Recklessness ran high where passions entwined with purpose.

Thus she did nothing, she didn't even instruct Thyrian to cease his silly actions. She merely spectated, and waited.

[member="Asterion"] [member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
The rain now poured down atop the two rabid dogs fist-fighting eachother like the most brutal pairing of boxers and martial artists, one possessing immense strength while the other traded force for velocity. The Phrik armour he wore protected against much of the pain one would feel otherwise, but even so the Force-imbued power behind each blow made itself known. He couldn't speak for his opponent, who kept coming at him with as much ferocity as always with little sign of slowing down. Thyrian did not even bother to block or dodge the punches and would rather hit the man back with well-aimed strikes. There was little this runt could do to him in the way of pain that he had not already experienced previously, and any wounds sustained in the brawl would not impede his appearance since his skin already showed signs of past events.

He would not speak during the fight; no words of bravado or taunts in an attempt to lower morale or poke for an opening. Such was not his way. A challenge such as this was to be overcome with physical means and not with oratory fluff. Call it testosterone immaturity or what have you, but the Ashborn was a simple man of simple principles. Protecting his beloved was chief among them. He'd seen death and spat in his face once before, and would do so again at her bidding.

[member="Asterion"] [member="Lady Kyros"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
As the lumbering giant showed no sign of answering his question, Asterion landed a final hit to Thyrian's side and turned away in frustration, letting out a shout that seemed to shake the trees beside him, all the pent-up rage and anger coming out as nothing but energy.

Asterion stepped forward and raised his hands to his temples, pushing against them as if fighting his own actions and calming himself from destroying his own spirit, which little of that he had left.

"I am DONE serving a coward, one who hides behind the likes of you and does not treat me with the respect I deserve."

He span on his heels, turning up the soft ground under his boot, and picked up his damp cowl.

"You tell that child she can have you all to herself. Get over yourself, Thyrian. You're nothing to her. Just like me. You're just so blind you can't see it."

Asterion threw the tattered cowl to the giant's armoured frame. You may break the Minotaur, but he certainly would take over rebuilding himself.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Lady Kyros"]
"I think I've seen enough" the Sith Lord said as she came forth from the shadows, the immersion she had cast about herself dispersing to reveal her presence behind Asterion. For a moment she stared at the back of the Minotaur, and then slowly changed her gaze over to the Ashborn. "You need not remain, your part here is done." She did not outright tell him to leave, he was his own person and his presence here would not hinder her communication with Asterion. If you choose to stay then do not interrupt, even if he speaks insults. With that the tiny woman stepped around the Minotaur and peered up at him with her icy blue gaze. The mask had been removed, yet rested within one hand, the cowl of her robes having been pushed back to reveal pure white hair.

"It is clear to me that you fail to see the greater, grander scheme of things, Apprentice. All you see is your own immediate life and the consequences that you make or are made upon you. However, to have waited to long to return shows at least some level of restraint." As did his decision to halt the fight. Kära was often sparse where appraising others was concerned, so she left it at that. To those who knew her, and the pair here knew her enough to understand as much, that she had even complimented him so moderately showed more praise than anything else could have from the woman.

"Patience is necessary in our line of work, too many Sith are reckless and run headlong into situations. They are unable to adapt to shifts in their environment, to things going a way they did not anticipate or want. This makes for hurried plans which often fall through and fail. You were not abandoned, merely given a trial." She did not state whether he had passed or failed, in truth in that she was as of yet undecided. But the fact that she did not send him from her presence or worse suggested the former. "Let us head inside, or you will catch a death of cold. The both of you." She knew that Thyrian would not likely have left her out here alone with Asterion, after all.

For a moment she waited, giving Asterion time to take it all in and respond.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] [member="Asterion"]

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