Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That which was lost to time, is found (Journey to Illuim)

It was general knowledge to the Sith of Tersen's time about Darth Malgus' betrayal of the Emperor, but now it was more a matter of preserving the knowledge that Malgus had, so the young Sith went in search of his holocron on Illium. On his was there he enlisted the aid of a fellow exile, and Sith Acolyte. Tersen's only rule was if they found the holocron, it would go to Tersen. Though he didn't want to leave the other Sith helping him, to go back empty handed, so any other artifacts found on their journey were to be kept by the founder of the artifact.​
As the shuttle descended to the surface of Illuim Tersen could only wonder what his master would think of this search for a traitor's holocron. Hopefully both the Emperor and Tersen's master would have understood if they were here. But alas they were not, so it fell to Tersen to rebuild what the Emperor had way back in the day.​
[member="Jaryn Starkiller"]​
He had encountered the Ancient Sith during one of his many travels out in the galaxy. He had nowhere to go, and did not interact with the Sith Order, alone and lost and not even a Knight he decided to go along with Merrick's grand vision of a new Sith Empire, and so went wherever he went. He had not known too much about Illum besides it was a place worshiped by the Jedi of old, and from what he did learn was a sight of an ancient battle between the Jedi and Sith. How could the Empire be rebuilt, The Sith were scattered and Divided, and the First Order were the dominant ones rising to rule the galaxy unchecked.

As the ship disembarked into the atmosphere, the frosty winds of the planet were blowing hard, and it was hard to see. Some areas were littered with tech thousands of years old, and from numerous wars. He said to him cuirously as the landing ramp touched down to the ground. "What makes you think we will find what you seek here?"

[member="Tersen Merrick"]
"I know it is here, this is where Darth Malgus' traitorous forces were defeated by the loyal forces to the Sith Empire. See all the salvage lying around. This is what makes me know it is here."

Trying to explain it to the other Sith was difficult. It was difficult to talk about where he came from when most didn't believe him. Some even thought of him as an imposter, and others saw him as a threat. It was a shock to have another Sith working with him on this quest, hopefully he would find his prize and use it to spread the teachings of his era.

[member="Jaryn Starkiller"]
"Than I suppose I shall follow you than."

He went outside and started to explore the salvage infested area. The cold winds of the planet were blowing hard, and made sure to raise his hood to fight off the bitter cold. He saw many wreckage of what seemed like ancient technology to him. Weird looking droids that looked like Droidika's, armour that resembled that of the clone trooper's or stormtrooper of old, he could have sworn he saw lightsabers as well. Nonetheless he followed the Ancient Sith, and hoped to aid him in his quest.

[member="Tersen Merrick"]
Looking back at the young Sith that was showing signs of a chill, Tersen made a smirk behind his armored mask. Looking around and seeing the ruins, his mind made flashbacks to the fighting of Jedi, Imperials and Sith, and Malgus' forces that took place on this planet. It was almost like he was home for a moment. It made him pause while he was taken aback by the sight of the ruins. Hopefully he could find what he was looking for in all the wreckage of many battles that took place here from what it seemed. Though he pressed on to where he remembered the old Imperial outpost was. It was there that the strike team of combined Sith and Imperials prepared to assault Malgus' Space Station in orbit, which now Tersen assumed was rubble on the planet surface. Hopefully there would be records there of where it deorbited other wise this would be a long search.

"If you see anything you like out there you are more than grab it. I do not wish to disturb the fallen here but you may if you find something of interest."

[member="Jaryn Starkiller"]
He nodded as he walked around, to be honest their was nothing of value that he wanted, this was a graveyard and this would remain a graveyard. He was not a graverobber, and respected that of the ancient sith very well. hence why he had followed Merrick, and was so eager to join his cause. He walked carefully through the snow treading lightly across the surface looking around, as he had wanted to keep close to Merrick before he get's lost in the heavy storm they were in. He saw many ancient pieces of armor on skeletal corpses, some were marked with the insignia of the Old Republic, and some were marked with what looked to be an ancient insignia similar to the Empire of old. He found it all interesting, and may take a set for himself, but first wanted to complete their task.

He said inquisitively, "How are we going to find an Ancient Holocron in all this wreckage?" He said questioning the Sith.

[member="Tersen Merrick"]
"There is an outpost ahead, I visited once a long time ago. There should be information on where the correct wreckage I'm looking for is. Or at least the last known location of the Station it was on."

Though he wasn't sure if the information was still there or not. He hoped it was, it was possible the Jedi stole it, or the Sith deleted it, or even the current owners of Illum had it. Tersen wasn't sure, all he could do was check the outpost and hope for the best. His hopes were to find the item he was looking for then, return back to one of the old Sith worlds to setup a enclave there, hopefully with such a powerful item, in his control it would attract more Sith to him and bolster his followers. There were also more holocrons out there from the masters of his era as well, he would eventually reach out to secure them one by one. This way he knew they were safe and preserved so he could continue the teachings of Vitiate, and the Dark Council.

[member="Jaryn Starkiller"]
He said as he kept walking. "Well hopefully the outpost isn't too far, especially in this force forsaken weather." He walked quickly through the wreckage, he knew he wanted to create a new Sith to help rule the galaxy, something that was something akin to a more sith dominated version of the First Order if you will. But sticking to the legacy of the old Sith, with this the Sith would not be doing the cowardly act of playing cloak and dagger, but having a more active role in trying to conquer the galaxy. He wished for this new Sith to not make the same mistakes as The One Sith, but time would only tell for what the future had in store for them. He walked quickly through the wreckage, and for what felt like hours they finally reached what looked to be an old, and abandoned structure worn through the passage of time, and the elements.

[member="Tersen Merrick"]
"This is it, this is the outpost I remember, though ruins now it was a great establishment of it's time. Now hopefully the information I seek is still around in here, let alone hopefully the consoles work. Now if you wish I believe there is some old Jedi ruins that way. If you want to plunder something from them I encourage it. But alas, you don't have to."

Tersen made his way into the outpost, with the blastdoors in ruins the place was full of snow and rubble. Now came the hard part trying to find the right console that would have the information. Since this was a military outpost for the most part, Tersen would have to find the side room where the Sith leaders met and planned their attacks. He wasn't privy to that knowledge even back in his day, but since the rooms tended to look the same for every military outpost once he saw it, he would know. The outpost was rather large so it would take time for him to search the rooms and the consoles.

[member="Jaryn Starkiller"]
Jaryn was impressed with the outpost as they entered inside. It seemed to be completely empty with nothing but old relics, bones, and dust all around the place. He shined his sabers all around trying to investigate the area. He had never been in such a place so old yet so empty, but one thing was for certain to Jaryn. He looked around puzzled, and than turned to ask the Ancient Sith.

"So where is the Holocron in this old fossil huh? It's been millenia since anyone has been here, how are you sure that it wasn't stolen by some grave robber."

[member="Tersen Merrick"]
"It's not in the outpost, it would have been on a station in orbit. This outpost however would have records of where said station deorbited into the planet. That is where we may find the holocron."

Still not sure if even the outpost would have such data or not. The station could have been destroyed in orbit after the Empire that Tersen knew fell, or the Malgus could have taken the holocron with him. There were many possible outcomes to this but Tersen still had hope he would find his prize. What surprised him even more was the fact that his partner in this endeavor wasn't out searching for anything for himself. Tersen offered him anything he found he kept, yet the Sith with him was respecting the relics that were here, and not taking anything. Now this both made Tersen nervous, and proud. Not sure of the intentions of this Sith, he could be plotting to take the holocron for himself, though [member="Jaryn Starkiller"] did help Tersen start up his academy on Duxn, and stated he was willing to help Tersen take over Onderon in the future.
"I've found it! Not the Data but the holocron itself! It would seem the old Empire found it and hid it here for safe keeping."

Tersen found what he was looking for. Holding up a holocron of Sith origins. He wanted to find the data but it would seem the task force that was sent to destroy Malgus stole the holocron and stashed it inside this outpost in a safebox under the tact map console. Unable to see the grin on his face with his armor, [member="Jaryn Starkiller"] could tell that the acolyte was thrilled to finally find the object he had been searching for. With finding said holocron it would make Tersen very pleased since it would hold information vital to his what would now be past.

"Finding this has aided in our goal of safekeeping the information from the Vitiate Empire. And to preserve the knowledge, and powers of the old Sith and their ways. Now that we are finished here, I suggest we leave back to our place of hiding until the time is right to show ourselves."

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