Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Texia | Republicanist Terrorist

ThemeThe Partisan
HomeworldSerenno, Carannia
AgeYoung Adult
Personality TraitsAltruistic
Notable ArticlesPrussian Blue Armorweave Cape
Personal EffectsSX-21 pump-action scatter blaster
Various Explosive Implements
StarshipHyperdrive Capable TYE-wing "Endling"
DroidModified Pistoeka sabotage droid
Faction(s)Anti-Imperial Partisans
Anti-Sith Partisans
Anti-Maw Partisians
Pro-Mandalorian Partisians
Anti-Monarchist Partisans
LanguagesTognathese | Galactic Basic | Colicoid
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentChaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
Credits13,303 R

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    First Draft | WIP

    N E W _ Y A R _ T O G N A

    The Galaxy was a cruel and brutal place. Wars raged from end to end, galactic west to east, and left nothing but iron stars and collapsed civilizations in their wake. Planets like Yar Togna were rended through, a stepping stone on some would-be-despot’s path to glory. Cities burned, continents pillaged, stellar sectors darkened by the silhouettes of a thousand thousand dreadnaughts.

    Those that remained on worlds like Yar Togna would either die in the ensuing siege, or never be able to rebuild their life from the rubble. The governments of the Galaxy promised restoration, they promised peace, but none of them delivered. Worlds like Coruscant, like Zakuul, like Dromand Kass, worlds of historical significance would see themselves razed and rebuilt time and time again.

    Yar Togna? Never.

    Those that heard the whispers on the wind fled, and they fled far and wide, in packs, in families, in clans, and as individuals. Shuttles, personal ships, cargo-liners, and stowaways, any method that one could use to escape the coming doom.

    And with hellfire burning at his heels, El Moscovaea found himself on his way to Serenno. A new life, a new world, and nothing but the knowledge of his craft and a bag of tools to start.

    S I N S _ O F _ T H E _ M O T H E R

    Loyalty begets service, service begets accolades. That was the promise that the Sith Empire gave Belus Athor, and she marched to a military step the moment that Dromund Kaas was under Sith-Imperial rule. She clawed her way through the admiralty, viciously putting down any competitor in the early trials until she found a comfortable living in the rank of commodore.

    She found herself in charge of a Centurion-class vessel, a full flight of starfighters under her control, and an entire crew lock-step at her command. Throughout the war with the planetary governments of the Outer Rim, she was lingering, providing fire support to those she deemed worthy, and allowing the less desirable elements of the military-industrial complex to burn up in the outer atmosphere, their comms screaming out for support that would never arrive.

    After the besiegement of Serenno, and the era of relative peace that would come with it, she found herself falling in love with the planet, with a military-grade paycheck, she would make a home on the world. Renting out one of the more storied buildings, having a history of several Malvern exiles living within in.

    The relationship she forged with El Moscovaea was a predatory one by nature, a happenstance meeting at a cantina with a nobody. The lowest of the low, a droid mechanic based in the slums, not a soul would believe him.

    She kept him stringing along for as long as she needed, and like all of the others that got her what she wanted out of life, she left him broken and tossed aside.

    Two eggmates would be born from their union, Texia and Ugallu Athor.

    Something to carry on her legacy, to keep the Athor family one remembered by the Sith.

    D I A R C H Y

    Service was a requirement in the Sith Empire, not a matter of consent or not. The vast majority that could be conscripted would be throughout the height of the Second Sith-Imperial Civil War, and Texia would find himself brought aboard his mothers ship, the role of naval gunner pushed into his lap.

    He spent his youth trailing TIE fighters pinging them with turbolasers, and falling into the harsh taskmastering of his mother.

    Ugallu, however, was left with El, as a consultation gift. The pair fled Sith space, and settled within lands held by the NIO. Eventually, Ugallu would find herself within the service of the Saxon clan of Mandalorians.

    It wasn’t until a general mutiny aboard the Centurion, around four years into his service, did Texia find himself freed from the shackles of Imperial rule.

    New Imperial resettlement of Sith-Imperial defectors would see him make home on Serenno once again.

    T H E O R Y _ A N D _ B L A S T E R _ B O L T S

    Impoverished, with lack of hatred of authority baked into his endo and exoskeletons, Texia found himself wandering the streets of New Yar Togna, the small block in Serenno where his kind occupied a plurality.

    It didn’t take long for him to become radicalized, street preachers, undercity rebels, and various other outlets filled his mind with dreams and desires for a better world. A purer world.

    An unshackled world.

    With what credits he could scrounge together from odd jobs, he’d make his first purchase of a starfighter.

    It has been a handful of years since then, and now Texia acts as a pauper free agent, striking out against the anti-democratic forces in the galaxy.

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    S C A T T E R B L A S T E R
    E N J O Y E R
    H O M E M A D E
    E X P L O S I V E S
    U G L Y
    A C E
    N A T U R A L
    A R M O R
    M A N D O
    V O D
    I N S U R R E C T I O N
    L E A D E R
    G R E A T
    U N W A S H E D
    L I G H T S I D E
    R A D I C A L

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    E X P O R T I N G _ D E M O C R A C Y

    Overview of future stories.
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder

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    El MoscovaeaFATHER
    Belus Athor
    Ugallu Saxon
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