
Name: Terrik Hudrel
Loyalties: Balmorra, Bin Prime
Image Source: [x]
Role: Founder of a corporation I have just taken over.
Development Threads: [x]
Age: 34
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Yes, minor Force-sensivity
Appearance: Terrik Hudrel had been credited for look far younger than his age. With a round baby face, Terrik wore casual clothes for the majority of his life, the fashion of which was native to his homeworld of Balmorra and Bin Prime. Smart, but casual at the same time, he always came across as friendly in demeanour.
Personality: Friendly, calm, casual
Weapon of Choice: Unknown
Wealth: Unknown, presumably wealthy
Combat Function: None
Skills: Founder of a droid manufacturing corporation, it is presumed that Terrik Hudrel had a knowledge of the intracies of both business and droid manufacture
Notable Possessions: Unknown
Other Notes: In 826 ABY, Hudrel Robotics was founded by Terrik Hudrel, a survivor of the Four Hundred Year Darkness and the Gulag virus that infected Balmorra and Bin Prime, where he lived all his life. Seeking to join the thousands of others who was smart, fourtunate and lucky enough to capatilise on the reviving galaxy, which was coming out of the end of the catalysmic event that had left it in darkness for four centuries, Hudrel Robotics was founded.
Public records of Terrik Hudrel were lost in another catalysmic event (Netherworld), as he alongside trillions of others across the galaxy suddenly disappeared. With riots claiming Bin Prime and the sudden disapperences of so many, the Muun investor Serj Sularis sought to consilidate the investments he had made on behalf of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. As one of the investors of Hudrel Robotics, and with no surviving family found as a next of kin, Serj contacted an entrepeneuer from Chandrila, by name of Alicia Drey, to assist him.
Meeting in an apartment in Bin Prime during the One Sith's invasion of Balmorra, Alicia and Serj agreed to a deal where she would buy out Hudrel Robotics and become it's principle owner and Director of Operations, replacing the missing Terrik Hudrel. Declared legally dead, Hudrel's legacy is left in the hands of Alicia Drey, who now owns the droid manufacturing corperation he founded.
Secretly a Sith Lord called Darth Ayra, it is possible that Terrik Hudrel was assinated by Alicia Drey prior to Serj Sularis contacting her in regards to Hudrel Robotics, who utilised the disapperence of so many to as a cover up story for his subsequent disapperence and murder. This is probably a consipracy and has yet to be proven, however.