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Approved Tech Tenloss PSM-B

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I'm Sexy and I Know It

Intent: To create a cheap, simple, and easily replicated ship deployable mine for sale on the open market.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: PSM-B
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Yes, the space mines come in black with a yellow decal or yellow with a black decal.
Production: Mass
Material: Fiberglass housing, insulation, remote activated kinetic trigger/detonator*, proton bomb

With the rise of war throughout the galaxy, the need for deterrents rose drastically. Seeing that space mines were growing in use, Popo saw the prospects that a cheap, easy to make, and plentifully available mine would make millions. With this concept, Tenloss got to work.

Enter the Proton Space Mine - Basic, or PSM-B for short. In an attempt to cut costs, standard, fiberglass transport drums were used. The drums were packed with insulation, both to minimize electronic signatures and to keep the temperatures from freezing any internal mechanisms. A remote activated kinetic detonator and trigger was also added, allowing the mine to detonate when impacted with sufficient force. The last component was the actual proton bomb inside.

The concept is simple. The mines are deployed in a field (see your local Tenloss Corporation representative for details!) in a prearranged pattern. When a foreign body impacts against the mine with sufficient force to trigger the kinetic detonator, the proton bomb inside the drum explodes. Simple!

The mine itself is easy to make and replicate and easy to maintain. Just chuck it out the back of the ship in the prearranged pattern (again, see your local Tenloss Representative today!) and you're good to go! The low number of metal components makes the mine hard to detect with metal finding sensors and the insulation keeps the electronic signatures low enough to avoid most detection. Short of visible confirmation, your enemies most likely won't find them! Neat-o!

The only downsides are simple. The mines don't have any tracking ability or any way to identify friend from foe, which means the patterns must be exact (your Tenloss Representative can tell you more! Call today!) so you can cover as much area as possible and to make sure you let your buddies know where they are so you don't blow up your friends! Also, don't place your mines too close together, or else they'll blow themselves up if they bump into each other hard enough, which is no fun at all! Also, please don't tamper with the mines as you might blow yourself up or, even worse, make them malfunction at the wrong moment, letting your enemy find them more easily or even causing them to not go off when they hit a target! Lastly, while the rumors of numerous dud mines are prolific, Tenloss would like to assure you that they are completely unfounded and made to the highest standard available.

And remember, Tenloss sells the PSM-B in two neat colors!

*The Remote Activation ability is just to deploy them. The standard is generally to just shove them out the back or drop them in small clusters to fill an area. With the Remote Activation, you can keep the mines inert until they're fully deployed, keeping the minelayers and crews safe until the mines are deployed. Then you turn them on and you're good to go.
Edited the submission a bit and removed the homing/magnetic ability. Swapped it out for a kinetic trigger/detonator. Also, is there any way you could swap the initial thread post and this one to Popo, please? I derped and didn't realize I wasn't on Popo's account lol No rush.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
I hate to be 'that guy' and I'm not trying to bump the thread, but it's been a week and a half or so. Did you still want to look this over or did you want to hand it off to one of the other FJs? I know you're often busy which is why I ask lol
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