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Approved Tech Tenloss EQM1-LMG "Equalizer" Squad Automatic Weapon

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Intent: To create a new Light Machine Gun/Squad Automatic Weapon for the G.A.R.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: EQM1-LMG
Affiliation: The Galactic Republic, Open Market
Modularity: Yes, sights, mods, bipods, scopes, etc. can be added.
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, durasteel, and other blaster LMG components and materials

Seeing the need for a new, modern squad automatic weapon, Tenloss once again came to the fore. Their creation, the Tenloss Enhanced Quality Model 1 Light Machine Gun, or EQM1-LMG for short, was the answer to the problem.

The weapon is heavier and bulkier than its assault blaster counterpart, the Valor, but makes up for that increased weight and size with pure, unadulterated firepower. The "Equalizer", as the troops have been known to call it (derived from the EQ in its name), features a three thousand shot tibanna gas canister that takes up most of the rear of the weapon and forms the stock. The standard issue drum magazine mounted underneath the weapon holds enough power for three hundred shots. These attributes coupled with powerful hitting power and a steady rate of fire makes the Equalizer a force to be reckoned with, living up to its name. The EQM1-LMG can be modded with the standard upgrades such as bipods, scopes, increased magazine sizes, and other such things.

The main downside of the weapon is its weight and size. The Equalizer weighs 11kg and is a smidgen over one thousand millimeters. This makes the weapon heavy and cumbersome to use in the field. Most soldiers have been seen to acquire bipods for added support when firing from stable positions, though as an assault weapon, the Equalizer is more or less refined to a more supporting role than an attacking one.

Overall, however, the EQM1-LMG is the cream of the crop when it comes to Republic Squad Automatic Weaponry within the G.A.R.

Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld (two hands)
Length: 1,010mm
Weight: 11kg
Ammunition Type: Power Pack, Tibanna Gas
Ammunition Capacity:
Power Pack - 300
Tibanna Gas Canister - 3,000
Effective Range: 1,500m
Optimum Range: 3,000m

Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic
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