Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Temper the Mind & Guard the Body


Her lightsaber ignited. Its white brilliance cut through the dim light. Its hum overtook the room's silence. Her presence overtook its space. Her movements cut through the atmosphere just as much as the light blade. She was strong and free. The form was executed again and again, always precise, but not robotic, just filled with intention.


The light blade vanished. Ran opened her eyes. She was in the half-dark dojo seemingly alone, but no. She spotted a shadow standing in the doorway with her periphery. She turned to it, squinted at it, with great suspicion.

After coming to the Jedi Enclave of Svivren, Ran found that she was the only night owl among the Jedi who had chosen to take residence there. So who was the phantom in the dark watching her? She questioned, before raising her lightsaber and aiming it at the shadow in anticipation. The moment of paranoia showed to Ran just how much damage past experiences had left her. She dropped her sword arm and with it the hilt. She never took her eyes off the shadow but her face seemed to change from a look of fiery intensity to a muted dejection.

Ran shrugged the feeling off quickly and straightened. "Who goes there?" She asked as she walked toward the shadow, and the door's control panel. Her bare feet impressed upon the floor. Her training gear left much of her scars and tattoos exposed. Her synth-leathers and blaster were left in her quarters, but she wouldn't need them. For the face she saw was not the face of an enemy but of a young ally.



"Padawan Aris."

He hadn't meant to be staring. Or lurking. But as he passed by he'd caught sight of someone training. Moving, honing their skills with a lightsaber. There were few things that could catch his attention as well as that. The oddly tall teen stepped through the doorway, giving a sheepish smile to the older Jedi as he did. "Shii-Cho, right? I think I recognized it. It's not the rigidness they teach in the temple, though. Is it your specialty?"

Aris knew that masters of the form could weave the strikes taught together in such a way it was more akin to the waves of the ocean. Flowing and unpredictable. "It just- it looked really cool. I didn't- I'm sorry for staring."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
"You have a keen eye, Aris." Ran replied as she tapped the control panel. The lights brightened and she was able to get a better look at the boy. He looked familiar, but if there was any recognition to be had Ran could not find it. "It is my specialty and I didn't learn it in the temples," She confirmed. "Maybe that's the lack of rigidity you're seeing." Ran reasoned. She had avoided temples like the plague until recent events sparked the want of a home in her.

Still the young Jedi was only half correct, and Ran would not correct him yet. The form she had practiced was not just a singular form. The forms at work in the display were the first form, Shii-Cho and the third form, Soresu. Aris had caught Ran developing a unique exercise meant to blend the movements of each. She found combat called for seamless and smooth transitions between the two and more lightsaber forms.

Ran walked back to the center of the room while Aris half-explained his presence. "No apologies necessary." She declared. "Would you like to join me in this exercise? I can teach you." She added. It was an honest invitation. If he accepted, she would begin her initial evaluation by testing his stance with a push to see how his body responded. How he and his body responded would change the approach she took in teaching him.



That did make sense. Somewhat. It wasn't a full explanation in his mind on why her form was still different than others. It was one thing for the fluidity to still match the basics, but there was something more, right? Maybe. Maybe he was just overthinking it now. He stopped thinking about that entirely, though, as she offered to teach him. A smile, small and faint, formed on his face. Which for Aris might as well have been the goofiest smile imaginable.

"I'd very much like that, yes."

He did move into his stance, and the push seemed to leave him unflinching. Sturdy. He was unnaturally sturdy, even, as if little more than a rock.

Ran Serys Ran Serys
Her eyebrows angled. She was impressed. Aris hadn't given Ran an inch. "Good stance," She complimented evenly before positioning herself and taking the same stance next to him. "Now follow me. Do as I do. We will begin at half speed and get faster progressively." She didn't wait for a confirmation before she began.

Lightsaber ignited, she slashed and stopped, swept and twisted, attacked and defended. Ran pulled two styles of lightsaber combat together. It was efficient. Offense and defense were never far from each other and the movements were easy and fluid. It was like hovering in that moment before entering hyperspace. Poised for speed but never letting the pace get ahead of what one was capable of. It was a good style for the strong.

As she repeated the form beside Aris multiple times, she watched his movements with a scrutinizing eye. "Aris, You have been trained in Shii-cho, surely. But have you been trained in Soresu?"

She paused before they repeated the form at full speed. She wanted to know,



"I've been working on it since I joined."

All he'd been working on, technically. He could study a lot about the Force, but his inability to use it himself had him focused on what he could do. Using a Lightsaber. He focused, drilled in it, day after day for years now. His eyes stayed on her, watching and studying as she moved before he stepped to mirror. His form was rigid, focused on exactly doing as she did. Exactly. Perfection was his aim, and as per usual Aris was far too good at the attempt.

"One lesson, yes."

He paused as she did, but as she went full speed he stepped forward to try and mirror her. Still rigid, but still keeping up.

Ran Serys Ran Serys
Ran's face betrayed little, but the glint of curious amazement in her eyes was unmistakably bright. Aris had impressed her once already. Then in the moments that succeeded, she wasn't sure what to think. The boy was extremely well practiced and quick on the uptake. She stopped, and watched, a single brow raised. Then jumped in against him. The form Aris had so quickly learned was a puzzle and a sequence and a dance. It was one half of the whole. Ran displayed the other. The half he hadn't been privy to. "Don't stop. Continue the form." Ran advised. Her mind raced. She was onto something. Her body moved almost on its own.

The learner and knight's blades clashed, meeting at the height of every movement. Seamlessly. This wasn't choreography though. This was history. A duel of fates from a battle that was delivered to her by the force. It was a hidden memory from her time in the uncharted and unexplored sectors beyond the known galaxy.

As they came to the end of the movement, a single tear shed from her eye as she realized it. This memory, this duel was for the fate of a lost love she had only just now remembered. I shouldn't be crying like this in front of the boy. She thought, but the single tear was followed by a waterfall and she wept.

She deactivated her lightsaber and wiped the tears from her face. She chose a point on the wall, leaned against it and slowly sunk to a seated position. "I apologize for the water works, Young Aris." She smiled through the pain. "I just-" Her mind stuttered. "I remembered something." To verbalize her feelings in the moment was a difficult task. "Training Jedi can be difficult." She summed up her memory cryptically, and also realized how tired she was. She had been training intensely most of the night and now she was haunted by a trauma she thought lost. More tears slowly trickled down her face. She wiped at them again.

"Do you have a master, Aris? Do you like them?" Ran asked the question as a momentary distraction from her feelings, but she was curious. She wanted to know why the boy was so good with the blade at such a young age. "Your skills with a lightsaber are impressive. Who taught you? Tell me everything."



Aris didn't pause for a moment. He weaved through the form, every movement starting to feel more and more natural as he did. He was focused, honed in, but eventually he did notice something had changed. He blinked, pausing his form to look towards the Knight. And just stood there, awkwardly, as she cried. Was- Did he make her cry? Should he say something? Should he pretend he didn't see? Was he supposed to comfort her?

These thoughts raced through his mind, but he kept a calm, pretty neutral expression despite his inner panic. As she explained, he nodded. So a memory? That made sense. Ish. Hopefully it wasn't anything bad. "I do. Master Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren has taught me some forms. My parents did too. Mo- Master Valery Noble Valery Noble has been helping me learn a lot since I decided I wanted to be a Jedi. I.. Can't use the Force. Not like others. I don't feel it around me, I can't influence it. I know that some of what I can do is from the Force, how fast and strong I can be, but.. because this is all I can do, I've been really focused."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren . Ran was familiar with the name. She was a contemporary, but Ran had not had the pleasure of meeting her. Valery Noble Valery Noble , however, Ran was much more familiar with.

"Your parents are Jedi then? Where are they now?" Ran asked, even though she knew the reality could be much more twisted. The galaxy was a weird and dangerous place for all, especially force sensitive children whether they were gifted or not.

She wiped the final remnants of tears from her cheeks and stood back up. The face of a loved one faded in her mind again. She wished she could remember what had happened then, why her memories were so difficult. It was a wish to come true another time.

On her feet, head held high again, Ran ignited her lightsaber. "Come, Aris. Attack me. I will fend you off using the third form. Study my movements and turn them on me, if you can." Her lightsaber hummed softly but steadily. It was a reflection of her inner self.



"Master Valery is likely at the temple with Master Kahlil, handling the council."

His parents were the Sword and Shield after all. And, well, it was a good thing to focus on than the woman crying before him. He still had no idea how to handle this interaction, only that it was happening. She seemed to figure something out, though? Aris's gaze turned from warry concern of what he should do to focus. Pure focus. He lifted his blade, ignited the saber as he steadied his stance. If she wanted him to strike, did that mean he shouldn't use the form she was teaching? It was defensive.

No, offensive was best here. He lifted his blade overhead before taking a step forward. In the blink of an eye he was there, bringing the saber down in an overhead slash at a speed not even a trained Padawan should reasonably have. He was strong and fast, beyond what he should be.

Ran Serys Ran Serys

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