Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Technology expos

Look buddy, I'm an engineer...
I think it would be rather cool roleplay wise to set up various technology conventions as roleplaying events. Gives some cool roleplay to the various manufacturers, gets them all in the same place, and gives a chance for tech demos and presentations and the like to where they can show off their products to the rest of the player base in a manner that's more roleplay friendly and less opaque than the factory can be.

I could see it being done as an occasional omni-tech expo, or breaking them up into smaller expos off of catagory: A weapons expo, starship expo, consumer products technology. Ect.

What Ike said, I remember STaCLO a while ago attuned them with his Jawa Friend. The idea of conventions and expos in chaos is pretty cool and would love to see stuff like that again.

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