Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teachings of the Light (Looking for Master please)

Realising that her form reminded her master of his late mother, Rasu quickly changed her form to a Mirialan, holding up her hand to stop the man from arguing. "It's alright Master, I want you to feel comfortable around me and the same goes for the other. If this brings back sad memories then I will happily change." Marek seemed to make a strange face at her after this comment, maybe I've offended him after disobeying his request? she thought. Guilt flowed through her until she followed her Master's eyes down to the fruit he had just taken a bit into. Oh the fruit, she realised.

Rasu couldn't help but let out a laugh as Marek began to make more faces, pulling his lips into his mouth as the sourness of the fruit hit him. Quickly suppressing the laugh, she looked away from the man, her body lurching forward every so often as she fought back the laugh. "Sorry Master." she said grinning as she hid another laugh that had escaped, by coughing. "Are you alright?" she asked, grinning as the Jedi Knight still fought the sourness of the purple fruit.

@[member="Marek S'hadar"]
Marek didn't reply for a minute, simply taking a pause to look at @[member="Rasu Gan"] with a false scowl. Then he started laughing. A warm grin form across the scarred Jedi's face as he finally stopped laughing at sat himself back up and finished regaining his composure. "I'm fine Rasu, no need to apologize, it was a funny thing, it is okay to laugh." He assured her as he took another bite, this time prepared for what was to come, and able to handle the nearly overwhelming tart without making a scene.
Rasu continued to eat her shuura as she watched Marek take another bite out of his own fruit, this time he seemed prepared for the sour presence. Looking down at her lap, she tried to hide a smirk from her Master, but she knew he had noticed. Finishing off her own fruit, Rasu got out of her chair and walked over to the nearest trash chute, opening the hatch she tossed the core down the chute and returned to Marek.

"So Master you were talking before about training. I'm very eager to start learning form you, of course only if you're are willing to start." she said, excited to begin her training under the Jedi Knight. She could tell he had so much to show her, and the Shi'ido couldn't wait to start.

@[member="Marek S'hadar"]
"Whenever you a ready Rasu, we will begin." He responded, eating what remained of the fruit before tossing it into the trash chute from their seat. Standing up, he turned and left, if @[member="Rasu Gan"] was smart, she'd follow him out. He would walk to the training area and pick up a duo of training lightsabers before turning around and awaiting the arrival of his shape shifting padawan learner.
As Marek spoke, he stood up, out of his chair and began to leave the large hall. Does he mean to begin now? Rasu thought, as she stood up as well to quickly follow her human master out of the mess hall. As she followed Marek through the corridors of the temple, she began to wonder what sort of training the man would put her through. She had asked her Master if they could begin with learning the foundations of Jar'Kai, the art of lightsaber combat where a Jedi is able to incorporate two weapons into their fighting style, so the Shi'ido hoped they would be starting this first.

As they reached their destination, the training grounds, Marek made his way over to a weapon rack where he picked up two training sabers and turned to face the Shi'ido as she too walked inside.

Hesitant to pick up a pair of sabers like her master, she asked, "Shall I take two sabers Master or are we just sparring for now?"

@[member="Marek S'hadar"]
"I'd say so, that is what to learn after all, isn't it?" He questioned jokingly. Marek remembered what he'd been taught so many years ago, he'd been what? Fifteen? Yes, he'd been fifteen when a former Emperor had taught him the basics, his skill had only escalated from there, up until the attack on Coruscant and his duel with the man/woman fire shaper on the Senate floor. The man broke his second saber, and in return Marek broke his arm by crushing it.

He'd built another saber, but put his first out of commission, it had been with him a long time, it brought back memories. He waited for Rasu to get onto the mat with two training sabers so he could walk her through the steps of jar'kai.

@[member="Rasu Gan"]
Smiling sheepishly at the man, Rasu placed her hands over two of the cylindrical training sabers and began to slowly shift them in her palms. The Shi'ido wanted to make her weapons felt comfortable before she began to use them. The pair of sabers felt odd as she held them, each of her hands grasping a hilt. Rasu was used to folding both her hands over her single weapon to provide more support and strength in her blows, so doubt began to enter her head as to whether this style now would be as effective for her as her previous forms, Niman and Ataru, were. However she told herself that she was here to learn and at least by trying she could ultimately determine whether Jar'Kai was best suited for her.

With the twin sabers, grasped firmly in each of her sweaty palms, Rasu stepped onto the mat and faced her human Master. Nodding her head to show she was ready, the Shi'ido prepared herself to absorb all the information Marek, obviously a natural in this form, would provide.

@[member="Marek S'hadar"]
"First of all," He began walking behind her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "calm down." He finished, trying to reassure her of herself. Like with all things, Jedi needed some form of peace with themselves before they could do anything. "First step is stance, legs shoulder width, sink your knees" He began to instruct.

@[member="Rasu Gan"]
Taking in what the man was telling her, she focused first on slowing her breathing. Forcing herself to slowly take in air and then release it as her lungs expelled it from her body. When she felt calm enough she began absorbing her Master's instructions, making sure her opening stance was correct before moving on. Placing her feet so that they were an equal distance apart and in line with her shoulders, she began to bend her knees just as Marek had instructed her. The pair of blades still felt a bit uncomfortable and out of place in her hands but the Shi'ido was sure that over time she would get used to this. She was determined to master this technique so that one day she could rival anyone even her own Master. Only then would she accept that she had gotten a hang of Jar'Kai.

With her stance completed, she looked back up at the human, ready for the next step. "What now, Master?"

@[member="Marek S'hadar"]

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