Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Tastes Just Like Danger

Location: Adarlon - Glow Dome

The nightclub was alive with lights and pulsating music, a mix of operatic vocals and hard thumping bases that reverberated through the walls and speakers of the space. The massive dance floor gave way to plenty of patrons while the bar was lined with a variety of sentient species from all over the galaxy. Among them, a thin Enchani female sat flipping the drink menu on the corner of the bar. Her amethyst gaze assessing the details of the drinks offered by the establishment while her lips curled into an amused smile. The selection was all so...on theme it was kind of cute.

"Give me a Bright Lights, please."

Syri spoke her order to the bartender before sliding the menu back down onto the metallic bar top. She noticed the gaze of the other individual in the room, some men mainly. It wasn't often that the female went out alone, but this evening was the rare was her own little gift to herself after all. Golden threads shimmered in the holoprojection light against her silvery-white curls. Her dress was a soft cream color as she tapped her foot to the beat against the base of her barstool. She subconsciously ran a finger along the thin strip of blackened leather on her neck. The cool metal of the clasp felt nice against her fingertip.

"10 credits." The droid spoke before reaching for her card as she extended her hand.

"Allow me." A man's voice spoke from behind her as Syri turned to meet his gaze. A Corellian man in brown leather armor stood behind her. His pale strands brushed back our of his charming face. A pretty boy, well that was never much a good sign.

"I'm a big girl." She swiped her card quickly before turning to fully face the male. His hand casually moving to caress her back. "You're awfully bold, I would be careful about that in this part of the galaxy."

The man chuckled. "Well a lovely lady such as you shouldn't be at a place like this alone. Who knows what kind of trouble you'll find."

"Well, it takes- ow!"

Syri looked down to find a thin metallic syringe sticking out of her shoulder where the man's once was. A look of concern then crossed her features as she glanced around to find herself surrounded by the males that had been eying her previously.

"Like I never know the sort of trouble you'll find." He spoke with a smirk. "Good thing we caught you while we could."

Darragh Cearmada Darragh Cearmada
Somewhere in the Outer Rim...

Below him, the city burned. The smoke, illuminated by the fires, rose high into the air, dispersing long before they reached the destroyer that hovered overhead. Darragh looked down on the rubble with...nothing. Just another calculated strike, aimed at subjugating the peoples of this world. He'd attempted diplomacy. The Sith Empire would welcome them, and their resources, with open arms, he'd promised.

This was the the fruit of their labor. The vineyard needed taming before it could properly be tended.

"My lord," Korso's modulated voice came from behind Darragh. "Your apprentice. She's found something she said you would be interested in."
"What is it?"
Darragh replied, glancing over his shoulder at the trooper.
"She said 'a shadow of your past' is on Adarlon. That she's stepped out, beneath the lights."
Darragh jaw stiffened, and the Sith turned to look out the viewport again, at the burning city below.

"Sir. Is she talking about..."
"I can only assume so,"
Darragh replied. "Yes. It's her." Something spoke to Darragh. Across the stars, the lightyears. Something instinctual promised that his search was finally coming to an end. That what was his would return.

"Should I prep the men?"
"No. I will go myself. Lieutenant, chart a course to Adarlon."
the navigator looked up at Darragh from the data pits with confusion. "Our orders were to-" The lieutenant's words fell short as Darragh shot him a glare that threatened violence if he continued to question his lord's command. "Right away sir."

The war would still be here, and the planet was subjugated. Besides, what Darragh brought back, her value to his efforts, and that of the Empire, it was worth any punishment that was levied towards him.

"Entering hyperspace now."

Syri Corren Syri Corren
It wouldn't be long before the drug took control of her. Syri wasn't entirely sure of what substances were currently coarsing through her blood stream, but in a place like the Glow Dome no one really batted an eye at the situation either. The Corellian male placed his other hand on the side of her neck, his fingers brushing the leather there. Syri's expression said it all as she glared at the male while he pulled the syringe out of her flesh and tossed the metallic tool to his companion.

"Go find another girl to take. This one has a collar, so I'm gonna ta-"

Syri raised her hand as she watched as the man's expression changed. Both of his hands quickly flying to grab his throat to stop the invisible force blocking his airway. The panic in his face giving her a momentary sense of sadistic joy. A part of her certainly wanted the man to suffer for what he did as she started to raise his form from the ground.

Though she paused when she felt a cool metal barrel pressed to her back.

"Drop him. Do it if you want to keep your life."

Syri paused as the man spoke. Her amethyst gaze turning towards the man behind her. She yanked back her arm and sent the Corellian flying onto another table nearby. She then moved just a bit and the blaster went off. The hot red laser went flying through her collar and through the bar in front of her. Searing pain shot through her form as she teleported the weapon into her other hand and flipped around on the man only to shoot the blaster once, twice, thrice before his form fell to the ground.

After that step was taken all hell broke out within the club as several patrons whipped out their weapons and the fighting really began.

Though that did not stop the Corellian man as he tucked himself behind a booth and simply waited.

The drug would take effect soon enough.

~~~Small Time Skip~~~

"Those absolute-"

A growl of frustration left her throat as she tossed the blaster away. The weapon was now out of ammo as she kept herself hidden behind a pillar near the back of the dance floor. The entire building was in complete chaos as she sat on the ground. Her legs felt like jello whenever she tried to move and her entire core felt like it was on fire. Syri though lucid was quickly becoming consumed by whatever was in her system.

She let out a small groan as she moved. Her shoulder ached as she tried to keep herself down and hidden. A sith apprentice without her lightsaber, honestly how could she have been so stupid? It was laying in the drawer by her bed at the inn.

She pulled her legs up to her chest and closed her eyes. She needed a moment to try and focus, maybe then she would at least be able to teleport herself out of this building....not that she would get far.

The chaos around her was deafening, but when she felt a hand on her shoulder her eyes snapped back open. The hand quickly moved from her shoulder to her neck as the Corellian male choked her.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it you stupid girl? If you weren't so valuable I would kill you. Now that I know you're a force user? I can only imagine the kind of credits I can get for you."

Syri threw her head back hard as she struggled. Her head smacking directly into the man's mouth with enough force to throw them back as his grip loosened and she pulled herself to her feet on shaky legs. Her body barely had any strength as she felt the heat starting to grow within her.

"What the hell did you give me?!" Syri spoke with venom.

The man let out a laugh as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Something you'll be enjoying later....once I get done with teaching you a lesson."
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Minutes. It took only minutes for the Destroyer to travel between systems. And in those brief minutes, Darragh reviewed what little he could consume about the planet before they arrived. Adarlon, sitting in the Minos cluster along the Rimma Trade Route. A rotational period of twenty-one standard hours and an orbital period of three-hundred and eighty-one local days. Mountainous terrain with a breathable atmosphere and a standard gravity. Population, twenty-million, primarily humans. Non-native. Primary exports, entertainment and holomedia. Points of interest, Balderdash, Blerand, and the Glowing Dome.

She's stepped out. Beneath the lights.
Adilya's abilities were nothing if not foretelling.

There was little else for Darragh to glean from the dossier quickly assembled by an intelligence officer. She'd hid from him. Or perhaps defected to the Alliance, or some other galactic power. Darragh doubted the latter, but did not deny it was a possibility. Whatever the case was, she'd been discovered, and soon, back in Darragh's possession.

Darragh's shuttle slipped through Adarlon's atmosphere with little prelude. No heralding the spaceport, no request to dock. These were Sith ports, and room would be made for the lord even if another less important vessel had to be displaced. The shuttle was directed to docking bay fourteen, and soon enough, Darragh's lightly armored figure parted the crowds around him.

The doors to the Glowing Dome opened, and a blaster bolt pinged off the doorframe next to Darragh's head. The man did not flinch as amber eyes scanned the room, searching for the woman he'd been seeking these many years.

At first, he did not spot her, but her presence. It was undeniable. Diminished, but undoubtedly present. He reached out through the Force and touched her, a demanding, possessive pull on her being, before he saw her, just as she delivered a feisty little headbutt to a man who was choking her.

Anger flared for a moment, before dying down. It might be fun to watch the exchange. See if the woman had been up to more than hiding in the shadows. But something was amiss. It did not take a warrior's eye to see the wavering limbs. The effort it took for the woman to remain standing. Or the half-glazed look in her eyes.

The anger flared again, burst into rage, and did not die again. And the room stood still. Quite literally, at least for Darragh who strode through the room, ducking beneath a blaster bolt, until he stood before the woman. He did not pay the man who'd attacked her much mind. Not yet.

Amber eyes fixed to hers. A beautiful violet, glassy with the effects of whatever drugs had been injected into her system. Her lips were curled into a beautifully savage snarl. Darragh's gloved hand traced the line of her jaw, no more than the ghost of touch.

She was his once more, even if she did not know it.

Darragh turned, and looked upon the stilled chaos of the room. Were he prone to flights of fancy, he might have considered it a canvas. But he was no artist, and he could not hold back the currents of time for much longer. Best to get this over with quickly.

No lightsaber. Not this time. That was too clean for maggots like these. Darragh drew a Sith dagger from beneath his cloak, and one by one, slit the throats of the filth still held in place. All except one.

For him, Darragh was willing to make it a more intimate affair.

Darragh took a place standing between the man and the woman, and released his hold on time. Every being in the room except for the three collapsed to the ground in a bloody mess, choking on their own blood.

The man fell silent. Bewilderment. Shock. Fear. Some mix of all three perhaps crossed his face as the feel of the room itself changed. And when his eyes found those around him both dead and dying they grew wide.

"You should know better than to touch what is not yours," Darragh addressed the man, who whirled around, surely wondering when the man had snuck up behind him.

A hand thrust downward, and the man's body followed the movement, suddenly finding himself pressed to the ground by some unseen force. A force that continued to grew heavier, and heavier. Pleading. Scum like him always pleaded when they realized they were about to die. So carefully, so slowly, Darragh continued to press on the man with the Force. Like a bug beneath his heel. Cracking filled the air next, followed by cries of pain as bones began to break. And a wet splitting sound, and blood splattering over the Sith's boots. Darragh looked at the mess, still unsatisfied.

"How pitiful you've become."

Syri Corren Syri Corren
Vile, wretched, and disgusting were the words tracing her thoughts as the man looked at her with gloating expression. His smug smile even with the thin line of blood dripping from his nose spoke volumes. She shuttered at the strange sensation of emotions balling up in the pit of her stomach. A Sith Apprentice did not show fear. She'd been through hell and back with years of training and torment, but this she would not bend her will to satisfy this filthy impudent rat.


She paused though as a familiar grasp through the Force reached for her. It was powerful and terrifying, but a touch she'd languished in her youth, yet desired immensely. Her attention drew from the man and her breath hitched softly.


Following it within moments came a phantom-like touch to her jaw as a dark silhouette moved through the group of men surrounding her. Syri bit her lower lip as her expression darkened slightly. The men and their expressions shifted to pain, bewilderment, or fear. These expressions were perhaps the most familiar to her throughout her years of following the man. Perhaps it was the desire she was suppressing or the rage mixed with the heat of the drugs, but she had to confess there was a sick amusement at seeing their suffering since dealing with their torment.

Syri tucked her petite frame behind the pillar once more as the spray of blood flew through the air with stray bolts from some of the blasters. The heat in her stomach growing as she soon felt her knees give out enough to cause her to place the bulk of her body weight against the metallic pillar. She made a fist and purposefully dug her nails into the meat of her palm, enough to break the skin in an attempt at maintaining her mental awareness in this moment.

A shuttered breath left her lips as she watched the scene unfold before her. Lord Darragh Cearmada had not an inkling of hesitation when dealing the crushing blow to the Corellian male that dared to attack her, though it was merely a sample of whatever hell he intended for his long missing apprentice she feared. Were she in her right mind, the Enchani would've used the skills she possessed to try and escape this situation...though Syri did not have such good fortune at this time.

Though she did not hide the smile of amusement the traced her lips as the Corellian took his final gurgled breath of life. Slowly she slid her bloodied hand along the metal of the pillar and pulled herself to her feet with what little strength she could still keep at her disposal. Her bloodied fingertips moved from the pillar to the base of her own neck where she softly tugged on the leather strapped to her flesh. Her cheeks were flush with amusement and whatever burning effects of the drugs within her system encouraged.

"Pitiful, perhaps...I may not have long to maintain my senses...."

She traced the lines of his familiar back, though Syri would not dare to approach his side without permission. Her curls were sticking to her skin as she toyed with some of the silvery strands with her free hand.

The slurry of blood and gore continued to pool at Darragh's feet as he continued to look down upon what remained of the Corellian, little more than an unidentifiable mess now. But despite having meted out his 'justice', that filth's death did not ease the roiling of Darragh's blood. Neither did the woman's voice as it came from behind him. "Pitiful, perhaps...I may not have long to maintain my senses...." she said to him. Darragh did not need to look at her to know her eyes were upon him. He could feel her gaze as it meandered over his visage, clawing into him. "Master...."

Darragh's turned swiftly, and his gloved hand met the side of Syri's face as he delivered a fierce backhanded slap. "You dare address me?" the Sith snarled, displeasure written on his face as looked down at the woman. At the band of leather still tightly bound around her neck. The corners of Darragh's mouth twitched as he fought back the faint smile that tried to form. She hadn't found a way to remove it, or simply had chosen not to, either way Darragh found some satisfaction in the fact that she still wore his 'gift'.

The man lowered himself slightly, and gathered Syri's silken silvery hair in his fist and lifted, forcing her to rise, for her eyes to meet his and witness the subdued anger smoldering within them. "You will not speak unless spoken to, you will heed my every word, and obey every order to the letter." Darragh hissed, the threat of punishment left unsaid. "Tell me if you understand."

Syri Corren Syri Corren
Syri studied the man intrisinsically. The way he carried himself had not changed in the three years time since their separation though she was quite impressed and even a bit fearful of the level of brutality that lay on the ground before them. These were the bodies of men that just simply touched her, but Syri had actually done things far worse to the man before her...

Her breath hitched as she saw the slightest movement before a sharp slap echoed through the air. The Enchani female crashed to the ground like a rag doll as her brain recognised the pain running through her cheek. A vibrant red burn from the leather of his glove, a thin line of crimson from the corner of her mouth, and the metalic taste of blood radiated through her senses. She looked at the blood droplets which dripped onto the light silky fabric of her dress. The vision was only a few mere moments before she was yanked up into a sitting position, almost kneeling before the man.

Her amethyst gaze clashed with burning gold. Strands of silver were tightly wrapped within his grasp as a whimper left her lips. Syri struggled to catch her breath as the heat pulsated through her body and the assault from the drugs only amplified the intensity of this moment. Her entire body was on fire inside and her brain was only growing more foggy by the moment. She moved her legs and crossed her angles in an attempt to suppress the heat raging through her as she listened with clear focus on the words Darragh spoke.

The threat behind those words sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Syri's back arched ever so slightly as she took in a shallow breath and bit her cheek hard to encourage more blood to ooze from the wound inside her mouth. The shock of pain clearly keeping her senses engaged in the moment rather than drifting towards what she desired to have happen.

"I understand, Master."

Syri had no power to fight the man before her, though she could feel herself growing less adept at maintaining control of her body given the level of shock she'd endured in the short amount of time that she was within the Glow Dome. The wound on her shoulder, drugs in her system, and adrenaline from the battle were the only things keeping her somewhat upright beyond the grip holding her hair. She couldn't help herself as the heat grew and yet her body began to shiver.

It would not be long before she found herself blacking out....though she dared not speak without permission on the subject.

Darragh Cearmada Darragh Cearmada
"I understand, Master."

The three words were enough to satisfy Darragh. For the moment at least. The Sith looked into Syri's eyes for just a moment, the anger in his eyes dying down to smoldering embers before he released the woman's hair and let her drop to the floor. Darragh then stood to his full height, and observed the scene around them again. It'd be a shame to let such a fine establishment go to waste after just one unfortunate night. Darragh made a mental note to speak to the city's government and ensure the bar was quietly cleaned up that a deserving citizen was given ownership of the recently evicted property.

"Get up," he then said to Syri without a mere glance. "We're going home."

Syri had barely made it out of the door before Darragh heard the woman collapse, her body crumpling to the ground. Only then did he pause to look back at her, hard eyes promising help only when she could no longer manage the strength to even crawl towards him. To Syri's credit, the three meager steps she made were more than Darragh had expected.

The Sith Lord had carried the woman the rest of the way to the shuttle, and then to the medbay once they'd docked again with the destroyer. He'd left her in the care of the medical droids, and under-armed guard while he went to ensure her personal effects were collected from her home. Standing in the medbay now, Darragh watched as the droids went about their work, flushing her system of whatever drugs she'd been injected with, hands idling toying her lightsaber. It was his now. Just like she was.

Syri Corren Syri Corren
She felt the space around her swimming as she struggled to grasp the situation at hand. Her conciousness faded in an out between locations. Collapsing to the ground of the night club, a shuttle, and the blinding lights of the medbay. Droids hustled about her form as she lay in the bed barely able to fully gather the effects of the situation as a whole.

The Enchani female understood small fragments of information, like the lines running from her arm to whatever was currently being flushed through her system. The droids ordered her firmly to remain in the bed. Two Stormtroopers stood in the room with her.

"Medication administration to begin." The first droid, an older 2-1-B model glowered over her with vibrant golden eyes. The very sight of the metalic creature made her stomach churn. Even with the heat burning up her insides it was very clear that she was now in a state of absolute surrender to whatever the units and her master had in store.

Was she about to be tortured?

A panic set in as she felt the needle prick her skin.

What was this medicine?

Why was it-

A blood curdling scream resonated from her lungs. The medication felt like pure lava flowing into her veins as she fought against whatever was being administered into her flesh. A look of utter rage and fear crossed her features as she looked at the droid. With a whip of her head to the side the droid went flying against the wall and crashed upon the ground with a loud thunk.

Her long silvery strands stuck to her cheeks as sweat began to feel sweat on her brow. Syri pulled against the restraints that kept her securely placed with the bed.

"Settle down." The mechanical voice of one of the guards echoed through their helmet. The pair of them readied their weapons just in case.

Syri's gaze turned to her master however, forcefully she pulled against the restraints with a determination that was hell bend on escape or a least leaving some level of damage to herself or others. Quickly, she managed to wriggle her hand free of one of the cuffs, just enough to yank out the IV line to her elbow.

A warning shot from one of the blasters hit the wall behind her. The heat of whatever drugs were now flushed through her system kept her alert just enough to gather her situation with a bit more clarity as the other medical unit started to approach. A third assisted the droid she'd thrown against the wall back up.

["I can't...the heat is too insides are on fire..."

Syri looked towards Darragh with a look of pure pain and desperation.

"Master please....make it stop!"

Darragh Cearmada Darragh Cearmada
It wasn't quite silent in the medbay room as the medical droids went about their work. The near silent whirring of their mechanical insides filled the air, and other machinery beeped. But it was silent enough. The two stormtroopers at either end of the room hardly moved a muscle, eyes fixed straight ahead.

It wasn't until Syri had begun to come to that noise truly began to fill the space. Darragh had expected her to struggle. Waking up in an unknown space, surrounded by droids, men with weapons, and needles poking into your arm was enough to alarm anyone, hence the restraints. They made Syri's panic worse though, Darragh observed, as one droid went flying against a wall, and another ordered her to settle.

Not that the words of the droid had much effect. Somehow, the woman slipped an arm free, and violently yanked the IV from her arm, drops of blood already pooling at the puncture point. A blaster went off, and the bolt pinged on the other side of the room. With a certain air of calm, Darragh gestured for the stormtrooper to lower their weapons. Even if Syri was restrained, there was precious little blasters would do to help either of them.

Syri's head snapped towards Darragh, desperation written on her face as she pleaded with him to end whatever it was she thought he was doing to her. "Restrain yourself, Syri," Darragh said, his voice even and cool. "This is a med bay, not an interrogation room." The Echani could hardly hear him though, as she again pleaded with him to stop, and a wave of kinetic Force energy sent the droids and stormtrooper crashing into the walls again, this time with enough force that the droids sparked and troopers fell to the ground in crumpled heaps. Even Darragh was forced to root himself to ground, and shield himself from the full force of Syri's strength, before he did the only thing that might restrain the woman, and lunged towards her.

Syri Corren Syri Corren

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