Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Syri Corren

Daesyrin Syri Corren

Height5ft 7in/170cm
Force Sensitiveyes


There is something very delicate to Syri and the way she presents herself. She has a very slender and athletic build to her figure. She moves with the grace of a dancer in her step. Like many others of the Echani race, She has pale skin and long silvery-white hair. Though she inherited distinct violet-colored eyes from her father's blood. Her style of dress is always clean and orderly, though she often favors light flowy fabrics and light-weight armor for ease of movement.



- Melee Weapons
- Syri Corren's Lightsaber

Armor TBD

Droids TBD

Vehicles TBD


Beliefs - Syri is a strong believer in the power of the Darkside of the Force. The fact that it could bring anyone the power to change the world as they see fit is a fact to her, not a possibility. What she struggles with though is her understanding of the Force, primarily that it is not always as cut and dry as dark vs light. There are many levels of the Force in which someone could still follow their own set path and still be divided between the two sides equally.

Personality - As an individual, Syri is as curious as a lothcat when it comes to exploring the planets she visits. She loves to read and discover as much information as she can. The prospect of purchasing books is actually a very exciting thing to her. She is well versed in the history of various battle tactics and many diverse planetary cultures. She is a person with many passions and who is easily excitable when alone or in a safe environment.

Though she is selective about the information she shares with others and is often quite guarded. Syri presents herself with poise, grace, and confidence even in the most dire of situations. Though her actions may be impulsive that does not mean she will always reflect this in the way she carries herself. Though she is a highly creative individual who finds enjoyment in small hobbies like drawing when the resources are afforded to her, her main focus is on honing her skills as a warrior. Through which she has been taught to be as direct and swift as possible. Though she still comes across to others as approachable and even charismatic due to the rather confident way she approaches others.

Syri does have a very hot temper and is quick to anger when her nerves are struck however. This often leads her to act far more recklessly than she would normally choose. She also has a major phobias of drowning and being trapped in a confined space.


Clever and creative when she is in a pinch. Syri has been known to use a trick or two in order to escape a desperate situation when necessary. She enjoys catching her enemies off guard in order to find success in her pursuits.

Force sensitive to a level that some would deem a gift, Syri has been trained to use Force teleportation and flow walking during her years as an apprentice. While some may need to strike with a wide hammer to achieve the same skills that she can using a fine needle..

Charismatic and approachable are not the traditional traits one would associate with a Sith, yet Syri exudes these traits as someone with a more delicate exterior than most. It is a skill that not only draws in the attention of others, but it also leads them to be more willing to consider her words. Though her skills will often speak for her where her words do not.


Attachments to the past are one of the largest forms of weakness for Syri and it has hindered her growth as a Sith for many years. This undetermined longing to be with her mother and need for connection has been ultimately what drove her rage for so long, but also what stops her from achieving the ultimate goals she has sought to accomplish. Regardless of the challenges placed before her she still sought out the hope of one day finding the bonds of love and family again.

Lacking physical strength even as a skilled warrior leave area for growth. Syri is certainly physically weak in the manner of being able to comparably fight without the the assistance of her force training. Though she is still adept enough to get by with the use of finesse and speed.

Being highly emotional, reckless, and indecisive in her reactions and responses have been what ultimately led Syri to the position she is now in. She blindly leads with her heart rather than her head and this has left her in a position where she cannot seem to properly make a choice for her future and it has been this way for the past few years of her life. When partnered with the lack of understanding what has been offered before her are certainly among her weakest traits even now. She is lost and uncertain of what the next best steps for her are moving forward. What she once thought was her sole purpose in the world clearly was nothing more than an emotional need that needed to be fulfilled.


Hatred is what gives a Sith their strength. To walk among them and show weakness is very much a guarantee of your own destruction. Though the force is never quite as light and dark as it may seem, it will always be a path overshadowed by the violet hue of light and dark.

Syri was the daughter of an Echani refugee woman and a man of mixed blood. All she knew of him was the name her mother gifted her, Daesyrin Corren. Things were not easy for the two of them. They lived on the streets, surviving on scraps and occasional generosity from strangers. Her mother, a once mighty Echani warrior was now barely a shell of her former self as she raised her daughter, still Syri could always see the distinct beauty that her mother carried. It was a visage that she someday wished to replicate herself. Her mother took the time to teach Syri the ways of their culture, such as the intimacy and importance of reading your partner through combat. There was an important connection between their culture and the stories her mother told her. These stories were among the few precious memories she still carried with her, even after the woman died. Syri's greatest moment of devastation came that day and the seed of rage was planted.

Hatred for her situation was the first real emotion to grasp her. Syri despised the fact that she was forced to live on the streets. She was alone, unwanted, and felt that the world abandoned her. Though much of that anger only festered the more she struggled. How dare the world take away her mother and make her suffer in such a way. Violence was her reply to these emotions. She fought for food, necessary supplies, and for any reason she could think of. It was this rash and destructive rage that caught the eye of her future Master. Though she was not the only child to leave with him that day as an apprentice. The other being a boy she'd known and often fought with. Though it seemed the years of fighting would not end just yet.

As a student, her training was rigorous and swift. From the age of nine on her Master guided her to become a competent wielder of the Force. Though her capabilities and development were quite adept for her age. It did not take long for him to decide to take her down a more…non-traditional path of a future Sith. Her master tossed her into the tutelage of an Aing Tii monk known to her as Tang'yu. Her training centered around the use of Aing Tii abilities, primarily that of flow walking and Force teleportation. Much of what she mastered during her time training became tools in her arsenal. Flow walking allowed her to experience the past and present on a singular target.

The years of training that was required to master them under Tang'yu also came with wisdom and understanding. The girl who guided her hand with rage matured to understand that the world is not just made up of Dark or Light. Though she had come to respect the Aing Tii's concept of the spectrum of the Force, she still allowed herself to follow the Sith's belief system of hate being the path to ultimate power. Though now she question why it was that she desired such power.

She followed her master for more than a decade. Struggling, she never found herself fully succumbing to the power that could be afforded to her if she accepted the hatred in her heart. Though the skills of a Sith warrior were precise and nearly perfect she was still viewed as weak. The few moments that her rage did consume she would also succumb to the weakness of remorse. It became a goal for her Master to break this element of light within her. He did so through violent and cruel means, yet Syri's will would not fracture. Though before he could deem her an absolute failure, her master was killed by her fellow apprentice, Darragh. In the months that followed she blindly followed orders and continued her training. She was a doll used to pursue other individual's desires and beliefs without her own conviction. She felt nothing in the wake of her Master's death. Though she did periodically seek Tang'yu's guidance in the days following. No, she existed solely for the benefit of others and drifting without understanding what it was that she so desperately longed for and yet could not squash the hope of receiving.

Until she found it. On a routine trip to secure supplies, Syri visited her mother's home planet of Eshan. It was during the short few days there that she met the man who fathered her and the family that he'd built. A member of the aristocracy, Daesyrin Corren was a proud warrior, but soft for all of his children. It was through unarmed combat that Syri found herself effectively communicating with the man that she'd assumed to have abandoned her mother. She was able to channel her rage and brought their combat to a point where she would have killed him, were it not for the younger siblings that shared nearly identical faces to her own looking on in fear.

During her second visit to the family, she met and battled her step-mother. The woman was a proud General who was far more capable than she had initially assessed. Syri lost miserably to her during their first fight and many others as she visited Eshan. It was not until the fifth day that she finally found herself having a mildly civil conversation with her father and step-mother. It was through them that she understood her mother's true story…the fact that she ran away from her family out of shame. Her mother was a proud warrior, but she was weak and her father's family disapproved of the union between them. A sad story, but something that finally broke open all of Syri's deepest desires.

Confused by what the future would hold, Syri attempted to see her future. Trying to grasp at anything to keep her path moving towards becoming a mighty Sith Lord just as she'd dream about for so many years. Though nothing she saw in the flow of time gave her anything concrete beyond a life of servitude…until she saw the vision of herself with her family dining happily around the table. There was something about that sight which drove her to make a reckless decision next. Syri decided to walk away from her pursuit of life as a Sith. She's since been hopping from planet to planet as she has attempted to essentially find her purpose.


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