Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tarisian Meet-up (Salvor Arnex)

Keturah pondered that for a moment. "Maybe not, but I don't think that's the only reason. I think that you spared me not only because I was innocent, but because you didn't want my blood on your hands." She said, her gaze turning quizzical. "The way fought would suggest that you've killed before, and many more times than just once. The way you went on, it was like you were enjoying yourself. If you enjoy killing, then it should've been no trouble to end someone who obviously was too weak to fight back. But... Your mind won't work that way, will it? Because you would feel guilt for killing someone like that. And guilt effects you more strongly than you're willing to admit..."
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Keturah X"]

“There is no honor in killing someone who wouldn’t stand a chance.” She was probably closer to the truth than Salvor could see, but to him she was way off base. He had never felt guilt before and he didn’t plan to start now, not when he was so close to joining the sith and realizing his potential. No it was not guilt that stayed his hand it was honor. How they were different he did not know, he just knew that they were.
Keturah nodded once. "Yes, that's true. But what is honor, really? Many say that it's a code warriors live by in order to maintain their pride and dignity in battle. And yet, when you get right down to it, you find the truth. Honor was created to give warriors a reason not to kill innocents. Why? So that they wouldn't have to live with knowing that they had killed those who had no reason to die. In other words, so they wouldn't have to feel guilt. Don't you see? The two go hand-in-hand. Without honor, there is no guilt. Without guilt, there is no honor." She said.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
“Maybe.” He conceded, there was some truth to what she said. She seemed to be a smart girl, certainly she was knowledgeable. They had spent enough time in this alley talking of honor and guilt and Salvor had spent more than enough time in this girl’s personal space. He looked at her sheepishly. “I should go.” there was a tinge of apprehension when he spoke, a small part of him would to stay but he had a lot to meditate on, He turned to leave. “Good-bye Keturah.”

[member="Keturah X"]
Keturah's eyes grew wide with sadness for a moment. As Salvor turned to leave, she grabbed his wrist. Her hand was small, and not strong enough to actually hold him there, but she held on anyway. "Do you have to leave..... so soon?" Her voice was small and almost childlike. They hadn't met under the best of terms. She barely knew him at all. but she wanted him near. The reason was unknown, but she wanted him to be near her.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
Something shot through his body when she touched him, almost like a jolt of electricity, suddenly he was filled with nerves, anxiousness, and feelings that were new to him. He didn’t truly have to leave but nothing in his life prepared him for any interaction that lasted this long besides fighting, he wasn’t sure what to do next.

“No.” he answered her question in his typical straight foreword manner, and now again they stood in silence, he looked at her his body no longer turned away but not facing directly at her as it was before either.

[member="Keturah X"]
Keturah smiled, her face lighting up slightly. "Okay, then." She said softly. she walked up so that she was standing right next to him. "Why don't we go somewhere?" Her eyes were much brighter than before, making her appear all the more unusual.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Keturah X"]

Salvor had to admit, he liked to see her smile. She wanted to go somewhere, but where? Salvor would rather not take her back to the run down place he was renting.

“Lead the way.” he hoped she would have some where in mind.
Keturah beamed, a light blush forming on her cheeks. She walked down the street beside him in the direction of a park not too far away. She wondered why her face was stinging so much when she remembered that she'd been cut and slapped. She reached up, feeling the warmth of her blood as it trickled down her face. She touched the other side of her face, wincing a bit as she felt a small bruise there. Her stomach had been hit particularly hard as well. It was probably bruised, too, but it felt numb at the moment. As they continued walking, she reached into a pocket concealed in her skirt and pulled out a handkerchief, dabbing at the gash.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
They walked along together for a bit before Keturah reached into her pocket for something. Salvor eyed her sidelong seeing that she was tending to a wound on her face.

“Your hurt.” it wasn’t a question, just an observation. He stepped in front of her forcing her to stop and cupped her chin with his index finger and thumb, turning her face so he could see the cut better. He was much more gentle than one would imagine he could be. He checked the wound and in his judgment it was not so bad, it would heal with minimal scarring. He reached into a pocket on the inside of his tunic and pulled a small bottle of bacta spray and sprayed some on her cut.

“That will sting.” he maybe should of warned her before he sprayed, but she would thank him later when it was all healed up and she was scar free.

[member="Keturah X"]
Keturah looked at Salvor questioningly when he stepped in front of her. As he took her chin in his fingers, she blushed horribly, her eyes wide with surprise. Why was she blushing? He was just looking at her cut. But it still made her a little uneasy to have him so close to her face. She flinched ever so slightly as he administered the bacta spray, the eye facing him closing and her mouth opening slightly to let out a small breath. "Thanks," She said quietly. For a minute or so she just stood there with her chin still in his fingers, staring at him and saying nothing. Then she blushed again and looked away. She gently moved her chin away, and began walking again.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Keturah X"]

They stood look at each for a moment before she took off walking again her face as red as one of his light sabers. He followed a step or two behind her, still fighting an internal battle. Blood, fighting and death were all he knew, that is what he should stick to but on the other hand blood, fighting and death were all he knew, didn’t he deserve to know something else if even for a little while? He followed her wondering when they would get where they were going.
Finally, the small group of trees that marked the entrance to the park came into view. She strode into it thankfully, happy to see the green grass and the multicolored flower beds that dotted the ground. she found a bench a ways in, and sat down on it, motioning for Salvor to come and sit with her.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
Salvor took a seat next to Keturah not quite sure what they were doing here but glad all the same. The park was a beautiful place, covered in green grass and colorful flowers, Salvor closed his eyes and sort of tuned into the vibe of the park, trying to focus his mind and feel the living force around him.

[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Keturah X"]

He didn’t even open his eyes to reply, “Not, sleepy…”He thought for a moment trying to find the right words, should he try and explain what he was doing or just leave it be, chances were he would never see this girl again, why bother trying to explain something he hardly understood himself? “…Happy.”

“What brings you to Taris, Keturah?”
Keturah nodded. "Oh. Parks make me happy, too." She said, looking at the flower bed nearest to them. "I'm just visiting for a while. I never stay in one place for very long. It keeps things more interesting that way." That was only part of the truth, but nevertheless, it was true. "why are you hear, Salvor?" She asked.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Keturah X"]

She wasn’t being entirely truthful, he could not, not only because of his force affinity but from years of hearing lies and half truths through interrogation, but it made not matter, she was as entitled to her secrets as he was and force knew he wasn’t telling her the entire truth about anything either.

“I’m on my way to Coruscant, the transport I was taking stopped here for a couple days to refuel.”
"I see," Keturah said. She spotted a group of yellow flowers and gazed at them happily. "Look over there! You see those yellow flowers right there?" She asked, pointing to them. "I look for yellow ones wherever I go. My favorite color's yellow, after all. Whenever I see them, I instantly feel a bit better." She smiled. "Do you have a favorite color, Salvor?"
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Keturah X"]

He looked down at his arms when she told him her favorite color was yellow, taking in the almost gold hue of yellow that were on them and being surprisingly glad of that fact. She asked him his favorite color and by golly he was stumped, he had never really thought about it. He just never found it to be of any import what color anything was, he looked back at his arm, yellow seemed a fine color didn’t it?

“I don’t have one.” why lie if he didn’t have to?

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