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Character Tanssaa the Hutt

High Queen Tanssaa


---- Tanssaa the Hutt ----
Her Highness, Tanssaa Illip Anjja of Nar Shaddaa
Eminence of Krant, Kajidii of the Illip Clan, High Queen of the Spice Cartel


HOMEWORLD: Nar Shaddaa
FORCE: Not Force Sensitive
AGE: 440 Years Old
SEX: Female Currently
VOICE: ---
WEIGHT: 369lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: None
SKIN: Light Purple


Tanssaa the Hutt was born on the Moon of Nar Shaddaa, known as the Smuggler's Moon, to a prominent Hutt clan. From a young age, she showed exceptional cunning and ambition, quickly rising through the ranks of her family's criminal empire.
Despite her youth, Tanssaa displayed a natural talent for manipulation and deception, traits that would serve her well in the cutthroat world of intergalactic crime.
As Tanssaa reached adulthood, she grew restless on Nar Shaddaa and yearned for greater challenges and opportunities.
With the blessing of her family, she set out on her own to carve out her own criminal empire on the distant world of Krant.
Tanssaa quickly established herself as a formidable force to be reckoned with, using her intelligence and ruthlessness to expand her operations and crush any rivals who dared to challenge her.
On Krant, Tanssaa built a network of loyal followers and allies, ranging from skilled assassins to powerful crime syndicates.
She spared no expense in securing her dominance, orchestrating elaborate schemes and betrayals to eliminate anyone who stood in her way.
With her keen business acumen and strategic mind, Tanssaa's empire flourished, becoming a feared and respected force on the planet.
Throughout her criminal career, Tanssaa remained true to her Hutt roots, embracing her species' reputation for cunning and treachery. She surrounded herself with a cadre of loyal lieutenants and enforcers, each one as ruthless and ambitious as she was.
But for all her achievements, Tanssaa remained a creature of ambition and desire. As she gazed out at the stars from her opulent palace on Krant, she knew that her thirst for power would never be quenched.

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