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Approved Lore Tammuz Hoole's holocron

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  • Holocron Name: Tammuz Hoole’s holocron
  • Alignment: Light Side
  • Origin: Tammuz Hoole
  • Affiliation: Tom Kovack | Nimdok
  • Gatekeeper: "A holographic figure flickered into being, projected by the little blue pyramid. At first glance it looked to be an old man, with sagging jowls and long white hair hanging limply from his skull-like countenance. But at second glance his eyes seemed too blue, his fingers too long; the veins beneath his thinned skin were dark gray, filled with black blood. Tammuz Hoole, the Shi’ido Jedi Master, had imprinted his consciousness into the holocron sometime recently, and it bore his current preferred appearance. He resembled a statue sculpted from ash and clay; in contrast, the gold robe that reached past his toes was almost garishly vibrant, the stiff metallic fabric decorated with colorful scenes from the mythology of his race."
  • Description: The holocron shares the pyramid shape common among those of Sith make, but is blue in color with intricate glowing circuitry. Being relatively new (the creator of the holocron is still alive), it has no visible signs of age, wear, or damage. When activated, its surface becomes noticeably warmer to the touch.
  • Accessibility: The holocron will open easily. Simply press the flattened palm of your hand against the capstone of the pyramid until it begins to glow and grow warmer.
  • Security: Neither the holocron itself nor its Gatekeeper will attack anyone who tries to open it. The Gatekeeper, however, may choose to ignore individuals Tammuz Hoole himself would not recognize.



"You’ve always been so welcoming to the Force, Tammuz. For my other students, it was like a tempestuous sea they were afraid of. But you embrace it. Embrace it now.”

This holocron was created by the Shi’ido Jedi Master Tammuz Hoole to preserve his knowledge of the Force. Tammuz is currently still alive on his homeworld, Lao-mon; he imbued an imprint of his spirit/consciousness on the device in order to continue teaching Tom Kovack, his apprentice, while Tom was traveling the galaxy as a Padawan tied to various Jedi enclaves.

The majority of the lessons contained within were passed on to Tammuz by his master, Tobias Murdoch. Murdoch was a Human Jedi Master who lived at the time of the Gulag Plague. In its waning years, he and Tammuz traveled to the planet Atrisia to investigate rumors of a mysterious and violent Dark Side cult. Their ship crashed due to an engine malfunction, badly injuring their pilot. Tammuz and Murdoch carried the pilot away from the wreckage, but before they could reach civilization, they encountered Darth Phyre, the leader of the cult. Phyre subdued and tortured them, killing Murdoch. Tammuz was barely able to escape. He initially vowed revenge, but Phyre disappeared not long after the incident and was presumed dead. Tammuz eventually came to terms with his grief, realizing vengeance was not only against Jedi teachings, it would do him little good.

In essence, Tammuz's lessons cover the spheres of mental abilities such as telepathy and Force-enhanced persuasion techniques, and prophecy. The Force chooses to send visions to individuals, not the other way around; and what glimpses it gives often lack context and can be difficult to understand. Tammuz gets around the issue of interpretation by fully embracing the Force, letting it guide him and reveal the meaning of visions. Even then, he acknowledges that the Force may not be transparent enough, and understanding may come too late.
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