Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Talon Aldamar

Talon Aldamar

NAME: Talon Aldamar



AGE: 25

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.85m

WEIGHT: 80kg

EYES: Blue (green sometimes)

HAIR: Dark-blond

SKIN: Light



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ not limiting – is a gray jedi, and uses both the light and the dark side
+ quick learner
- jack-of-all-trades – as he uses both light and dark, he can't be a master of any of them
- stubborn – sometimes too stubborn for his own good

Talon is a young adult human. He has medium long, dark-blond hair, and often stubs of facial hair. His eyes are blue, but sometimes they seem green. His outfit consists of a brown, jedi looking tunic without sleeves. Underneatch that, he has a green sweater, with armoring on the arms. His bants are also brown. He is also wearing a brown, hooded cape sometimes.

Talon was taken to be trained by the jedi when he was very young. He recieved good training in the ways of the force, and in the lightsaber forms. When he was old enough, he began training under a master, and taking missions around the galaxy with him. The lightsaber he prefered to use was the double-bladed one, and he constricted one with turquise blades when he was fourteen.
But Talon always thought something lacked in the training of the jedi, and it seemed to him that the jedi were limiting themselves without reason. He never rejected his feelings, instead trying to use them. He was advised against this by the other jedi that knew about this, but he didn't stop.
When Talon was 22, he completed his test and became a jedi knight. But that wouldn't last, as the jedi masters learned of him using feelings, and experimenting with the dark side. They confronted him with this, and it ended with him willingly leaving the jedi order.
After he left, he looked for ways to learn more of the dark side, in harmony with the light. He decided to be a gray jedi






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