Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Taking Care of Business


Mike V’Trechen was a Ex-Sith. No one really taught him that much about the force or lightsabers. He had to rely on books and other Sith Lord’s teachings. But he was finally at The Red Dragon HQ platform, Mike walked into his nice and cozy office with a since of adventure.

Mike sat into his office chair. He was really exhausted. Mike looked around the room with interest, but just then a holocall came through. Mike picked it up and saw that it was the Bespin Police. He was mad about them wasting his time, but, apparently, they had found a thing that knew how to kill people.

Mike decided to ask the police to bring it to him. Maybe, this was a force user that wants to be his apprentice. No matter, Mike is going to see soon enough who that person is. Most likely, he was just going to through that person in jail and, then, go have a party.


Lord of Machines
Laziryth stood upon a platform surrounded by the Bespin Police. He examined each member trying to discover what they wanted with him ever so slowly. He eventually after a struggle decided to go along with the annoying Bespin Officers boarding a ship. Laziryth asked why they needed him and that it better be good or he would bring this whole ship down. They reassured the mad cyborg that they were going the leader of the Red Dragons. Laziryth sat questioning the police in his head trying to figure out why the Red Dragons wanted to meet him.

Soon after there departure from cloud city they land on a large Base. He exits the ship as the Bespin officers follow behind him. He stood examining the base awaiting further instructions from his escorts.
Mike V’Trechen walked into the hanger. He saw a man that he did not know. Mike wanted to say that the officers said it was Laziryth, Ludicrous, or something. He went over to the man.

“I am Mike V’Trechen,” said Mike. “I am the leader of The Red Dragon. I was told that you had some force powers. I want to see if this is true. I might save you from jail, depending if you cooperate nicely.”

Mike did not really care who this guy is. If this guy can do what he is told and have some time of potential, Mike decided that he was going to train this guy.

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
Laziryth stood standing face to face with this man. He could feel an energy from him, something powerful

" You are a powerful man." Laziryth said eyeing him up and down.

Laziryth did not not truly know the man in front of him and was cautious. How far could Mike really take him? These are all things Laziryth pondered. Laziryth suspected Sith ,but something was still different about him yet he could not figure out what exactly it was.

"I guess I may be a force sensitive..I don't quite remember." Laziryth said under his breath thinking hard on the matter.
Laziryth looked upon the Red Dragon and awaited his response.
Mike V’Trechen had never expected a young, talented person. He wondered why this cyborg was there. He decided to take the Cyborg onto his own hands.

“Officers, leave us,” said Mike. “Look. I can save your life and skin. I will keep you from jail, if you become my apprentice. I want to teach you the ways of the Sith. If you do not want to join me, then I will put you in jail. You will die in there.”

Mike used his force and grabbed two chairs one for him and one for this guy. Mike was going to show him how to show the cyborg the force.

Laziryth Laziryth


Lord of Machines
Laziryth took a seat, amazed by the power shown from the talented force wielder. He gazed around the room admiring the scenery and beautiful views.

"Then I guess I don't have much of a choice, however I am intrigued and honored to train under you." Laziryth said bowing his head.

Laziryth raised his head, his blue eyes gazing at his new master.

"So where do we go from here?" Laziryth asked curiously.
Mike looked at his new apprentice. He started to walk out of the hanger to get some work done. Mike did not turn around. He knew the conversation was over, till his new apprentice yelled at him.

“Settle down,” said Mike. “I am going to do some work. I want you to meet me back here in a couple of days. For now, just look around this platform. If you try to leave, I will find you”

Laziryth Laziryth

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