Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taffy Time on Kashyyyk

Time: 12:15​
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk​
Weather: Warm and Windy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"] I [member="Jerek Zenduu"]​
Sylas wandered around the silver rest. He had told his fathers [member="Tom Taff"] and [member="Mykes Taff"] he wanted to be a jedi and help save the galaxy like he saw his dad and his grandfather do on all the holovids they showed him. He had jumped up and down till they finally gave in. So it was that Tom had brought him to the silver rest.

He had met with great aunty [member="Rachel Taff"] in her labs where he rather bluntly put it that she should get out more. She had given him a cookie to keep him quiet and sent him off while her and his father discussed some of the new breakthroughs she was making. So it was he stumbled into some form of practice session by accident.

He stood waiting for the master to finish his practice eating his way through the cookie. When he finally did finish he would continue watching and parroting the masters moves. Not as gracefully but he seemed to be absorbing what the master was doing even though it's intention was not for him. It was a common trait it seemed with the Taff's that they could easily absorb information like a sponge. Whether or not he knew what it meant didn't matter. He would most likely understand it's wisdom one day.
Veiere Arenais had sensed the presence of another near towards the end of his practice, utilizing the holographic emitters to rehash the marks of contact, going back to the basics in order to fill in some free time on his hands. From what he could tell during the last of these Katas, was that the newcomer wasn't among the Knight or Master body of the Silver Jedi Order and thus, Veiere deactivated the holographic display with a mere wave of his left hand, his lightsaber also disengaging before he would step away from the center of the room and turn to look towards the young lad, [member="Sylas Taff"] inquisitively.

"Greetings.." He raised his voice a little to cover the distance between them, "Is there something I can do for you, young one?" He added in question. That was generally why a young student, especially the fresh ones to the temple, would greet a Knight of Master in the hope of learning something about the Force or the Lightsaber Arts. It wasn't often that Veiere had the opportunity to take to some practice in the absence of others, however he also enjoyed being of some use to the students, for they were most often ready and eager to learn, and Veiere enjoyed the knowledge that he was being put to work, of use to the Order and by extension, the Galaxy at large.
Time: 12:20​
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk​
Weather: Warm and Windy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Sylas was still following the pattern the master had been going through even after the master stopped. That was until they broke his concentration greeting him. Stumbling out of his next move he looked rather annoyed. "I almost had that." He said turning to face the master. Then Sylas thought for a bit. "You could teach me everything you know. That would be helpful." Sylas said rather bluntly.

"That's why I came here with my dad after I convinced him and my other dad that this would be good for me. To find someone to teach me everything. My great auntie couldn't as she not only is finishing her own apprenticeship but also running some of the labs in the absence of her master. Plus dad won't teach me. Reckons he'd be too soft on me." He would try again but failed to even get the first movement occurring again would get frustrated. "Why is it I can't remember things as easy as the rest of my family."
Veiere blinked a little, [member="Sylas Taff"] more or less demanding for a lesson in something relevant to the Silver Jedi Order. "I could, you're right" Veiere answered the young lad with the rather straight forward fact. "I could teach many students in this Temple, in many subjects" he added, his hands falling behind him to take his left wrist into his right, standing there with relaxed shoulders as he studied the youngling; "Usually for students like yourself, we begin with a lesson in manners".

As far as the young one was concerned, Veiere held no knowledge in what he had been taught thus far from the Order. He had mentioned his two fathers and his great aunt, family members who obviously knew and practiced the Force, relevant because it likely meant he had been given some form of training. Perhaps the basics, though sooner or later they'd find out through his time spent within the Silver Rest.

"When you greet a Jedi Knight or Master of the Order, it's customary to bow. This is done out of respect and good manners, and will help others to recognize that you're trying to behave as a Jedi should" Veiere spoke to Sylas firmly, though not harshly for the boy was young and still had much to learn.

"Tell me" Veiere gestured to the lad once more, "What lessons have you attended here, so far?".
Time: 12:20​
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk​
Weather: Warm and Windy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Sylas would stand nodding having decided he wasn't going to get any of the patterns right now while this master or knight stood talking to him. Sylas would raise his eyebrow at the suggestion he needed a lesson in manners. What had his father said a while back something about his manners getting him into trouble one day. Sylas mused to himself perhaps older people did know something. "Very well I shall learn that first then. So what is it I am meant to do?" That question was quickly answered. He had to bow. Very well.

Sylas would dip himself into a rather formal bow his father had taught him many years ago when he had started training him in basic hand to hand combat. He would then raise himself again. "Apologies master it is true I do require a multitude of lessons in manners among a plethora of other things." Then the next question Sylas would once again raise one of his eyebrows. "I have never been here before today. If you mean what I learnt at home from my fathers then it was a mix of different training's before I finally convinced them to allow me to find my own master."

He would begin counting off on his fingers as he said them to the master. "Hand to hand combat, Echani style combat, Ranged weaponry, Lightsabre bare bones, Force push and pull as well as telekensis, how to disassemble and reassemble droids, blasters and lightsabres." Then counting them all again he add "Piloting vehicles and space craft as well as basic orienteering." He would finish up counting his fingers again nodding. "Yep that is all."
Veiere studied the young lad as he realized his mistake and quickly sought to make up for the slight. The young students form could use some work though he produced a formal bow that, for his age, was acceptable and would give one of the other Mentors something to smile about were they to pass him and receive such a polite and respectful greeting.

Hand to hand combat, especially the echani style and forms of fighting surprised Veiere somewhat. The Echani were well known for their combatant prowess, though [member="Sylas Taff"] appeared to be so much younger than unprepared for that sort of environment; perhaps Veiere was assuming too much, though he never encouraged violence and even far less so when it came to Children being caught up in the scene. "Interesting. It sounds like you have rather more experience than I would've guessed" Veiere offered a smile, not wanting to appear to ignore the positives to the answer the lad had given him. "Did your family teach you why it's important not to use those skills, and how to avoid doing so as best as possible though?" Veiere's first thought had gone to the practical lessons he'd been taught, perhaps in the absence of the theoretical and ideological teachings that should have followed in their application.

"The use and knowledge around technology is essential" Veiere added, giving a confident nod of approval in the less confrontational subjects he had been taught in. "Being a Jedi means travelling all over the Galaxy, often on our own or as a small team for the sake of an assignment. It'll do you well to know how to get around things like datapads and computer terminals. It's going to be a little while yet however, before I hand you a fire-arm.." Veiere would have chuckled softly at the remark, were he not in the presence of one so impressionable.
Time: 12:25​
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk​
Weather: Warm and Windy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Sylas would study the master back noticing a small move of his facial features when he mentioned the hand to hand combat experience he had. Clearly the man was against violence or something of the sort. Sylas raised his eyebrow. "That makes me wonder how much experience you thought I had if I have more." Sylas nodded "Yeah dad said it's better not to fight than too. But he also said it was part of his culture when he grew up as well as his that of his natural race that I learn the necessary skills to defend myself and what I decide to stand for. He was raised a mandalorian or something I don't fully remember."

Sylas look over him again seeing a bit extra to the nod than the last one. Approves of non-confrontational abilities Sylas made note of that for later. Sylas would nod at his next comment. "Yeah that's why dad was hardly ever really home. Out helping the galaxy or so he said. Also said I wasn't allowed into the family vault yet. Too many dangerous things." Sylas would respond with however thinking on the group he would then ask "So why don't jedi keep a group then? I mean I could do a group of other padawans and we could do stuff that one of us alone wouldn't be able to do."
"Many younglings come into the Silver Jedi Order at a very young age, knowing nothing about what to expect in their learning" Veiere smiled to [member="Sylas Taff"] as he explained himself and his expectations being nil; "So I choose to have very low expectations and then proceed to teach what I can to help mold them into good Jedi one day" he chuckled softly, finding the lad's youth rather refreshing. "I've also known a good number of Mandalorian's and I've heard that Echani do often find their lifestyle rather...appealing", though it wasn't to Veiere's liking. Those he had met thus far had been more trouble than anything else. Indeed, there were very few Mandalorian's that he considered among his list of friends.

"Jedi will go out on group assignments, in the case of their studies taking them out of the Temple or off-world. In some cases, the Silver Assembly may even assign groups to high priority missions in which they head out into Galaxy to help others" he smiled as he explained, the lad's intrigue easily noted and a positive one at that. The boy's learning would require such a thirst for knowledge, though it did lead Veiere to wonder how much he knew about the Jedi Order of old and whether or not he had a reason to want to become a member of the Silver Order, himself.

"Tell me something...-What is it about being a Jedi, that makes you want to be here?" he asked, knowing now that his Father had sent him this far, and that the boy probably didn't understand much about the environment he had found himself in. Low expectations were usually key in someone his age, with plenty of room to be surprised and impressed by the lads efforts and attitude moving forward.
Time: 12:25​
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk​
Weather: Warm and Windy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
He listened intently as the master spoke. "Interesting. Shouldn't they all know at least one or two things though before they arrive like how to eat, breathe, sleep or drink? I mean isn't that innate knowledge that you should expect from a youngling or is that also taught by the jedi?" He would ask with a perplexed look on his face quite confused by all of this possibilities. "Interesting I would like to know of your cultural background from what I have heard..."

He goes silent thinking for a second. Then returns to what he was going to say. "Are you related to Lady Kay of commenor. I heard she was some great politician but went to jail or something for past sins crimes she committed in another life. I would have thought leading a planet through many prosperous times would have allowed one to be forgiven. I remember when dad heard about it he was nearly crying." He said sadly. "Said he couldn't believe that she would do something like that nor that she would throw herself into jail only to break out again."

Sylas would look off forlorn for a while thinking on it before returning to the boy he was. "Right but if a group trained together and stayed together we would get more done than one of us by ourselves. Thank you master." The boy had a lot to think about when a question rose him from his stupor. "Why do I want to be a Jedi....?" He thought for a while before responding. "I wanted to save people and a power like what I have is best used with the training and expertise of someone greater than myself. That's why I want to become a jedi to help others by finding the best path to do so."

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