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Character Syr Um-Ara, Jedi Temple Guardian

Syr Um-Ara, Geonosian Temple Guardian

Syr Um-Ara {Previously Um-Tára}

FACTION: Undecided

RANK: Brood Beta {Previously}, Temple Guardian {Previously}, Knight {Currently}

SPECIES: Geonosian

AGE: 43

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 178 Centimeters {Approximately 5 Feet, 10 inches, or 70 Inches}

WEIGHT: 41 Killograms {About 90 pounds}

EYES: Deep blue, closer to black

HAIR: None

SKIN: Deep, rusty orange.



-Between Light And Darkness {No, he's not a Bendu or a Celestial, Mods};
Syr possesses a strong connection to The Living Force, stronger than many before him. He has learned how to use several Dark Force techniques and even open Sith Holocrons {As well as Jedi Holocrons, obviously} without even beginning to affect his connection to the Light. This is because he's seen what the Darkness can do, and believes harnessing that Darkness in tandem with the Light, as the Je-Di Rangers once did, is the only way the Jedi as a group can grow to defeat the Darkness, for once and for all.

-Agility; Syr's wings and low body weight give him a major advantage in one-on-one combat, and even in fights against lots of slow adversaries {Such as Dark Troopers, though their ability of flight would certainly endanger him greatly}. He can't fly {Due to the Heavy Equipment weakness below}, but the ability to hover above an opponent's lightsaber or blaster bolt is a lifesaving advantage. He also relies on force-assisted agility, and commonly practices Lightsaber Combat Forms 3 and 5 {Both variants}, and little else.


-Geonosian Heritage;
As a Geonosian, Syr was essentially bred to be expendable, as the strength of the Geonosians comes from their Hive Mind and the strength they have in numbers. For this reason, Syr relies heavily on his Force Sensitivity and the Temple Guardian’s robes he wears to unnerve his opponents.

-Unfamiliar Territory; Geonosians are adapted very well to the arid heat of Geonosis. Syr no longer lives on Geonosis, and has had trouble adapting to the vastly different climates and environments around the Galaxy. Currently, he resides on Bellassa, where he has stayed the longest so far.

-Untrusted; Syr has been attacked before, sometimes verbally and sometimes physically {Sometimes even by other Temple Guardians}, because his Race has senselessly murdered so many innocents and prisoners of war in such brutal ways. He can rarely find someone who will help him when the need arises. Rather, that was the case before he ended up on Bellassa.

-Heavy Equipment; Though the Temple Guardian robes that Syr wears has protected him from death many times by unnerving the enemy, they weigh quite a bit. On a 200 pound human, the 17 pound weight of the heavy garments would be next to nothing, but since he weighs in at less than half that, it greatly impairs his flight, limiting him to short flights, hovering, or gliding.


Syr has the appearance of a standard Geonosian, being mere centimeters taller and less than three pounds heavier than a standard Brood Alpha. He is rarely seen without the garments he used to wear in service of the Jedi Order as a Temple Guardian, though he does also wear the chestplate and waist coverings of a Geonosian underneath, desiring to restrain himself from forsaking his heritage. He doesn't wear the mask of a Temple Guardian anymore, as it never fit him anyway {Despite being made specifically for him}, but he keeps it with him just in case he wishes to make himself known as a former Temple Guardian. He has never worn shoes or foot coverings, though he has recently considered fitting his foot claws with grips to help him walk. Around his waist, he wears the Lightsaber Lance of his former occupation, its crystals somehow even more yellowed than they were during his time as a Temple Guardian. He carries no other weapons.


Syr was a standard Geonosian Brood at first, maturing at age 6 like the thousands of brothers and {mostly} sisters he had been hatched alongside, though in his early adult years he never felt as if he fit in. By the age of 10, he had decided he had enough of the voice in his head constantly telling him what to do {Not to mention clashing with his own will}, and he was quickly banished as an outcast. He left {Or rather, escaped} in a Nantix-Class Territorial Defense Starfighter, the voice finally gone and replaced by a call, though to what he didn't know.

Syr ended up on Illum and found a pair of crystals that were cracked and distressed, emitting a sort of red glow. He was saddened by this, knowing through a sort of innate instinct that these crystals were beings of some sort, and began to try to calm them, to console them. It took him several days, but he managed to console the crystals, which turned yellow in response. As curious as he was as to why this was true, Syr didn’t get much time to try and figure it out, as he felt the approaching presence of two beings: a serious, unmoving one and a more childlike, eager one. The beings quickly found Syr who tried to explain himself, not knowing that the crystals he held in his hands were all the explanation the pair, a Jedi and her apprentice, needed.

They took him with them to their Jedi Temple, explaining to the other Jedi that he had been on Illum with two yellow crystals. The resident Master took Syr under his wing, first teaching him the ways of the Force, which he was found to be quite strong in, and afterwards the ways of Galactic Basic. Syr, as it turned out, was eager to learn the ways of this new ability, this new voice he could commune with instead of cower from. As he learned of the Sith, who wanted to control the new, nice voice, he desired to protect it in any way he could, learning the Ways of the Temple Guardians as easily as he had picked up the Kyber Crystals and calmed them.

For 30 years he protected the source of his newfound hope under the name Jedi Temple Guardian, but alas, it was not to last. The temple at Vogras Vas soon fell, and Syr was the only one left alive, having been trapped under a fallen statue during the battle {Otherwise, he later mused, the Temple would not have fallen}. He was in his mid fourties by now, and aside from a single, miraculously undamaged Holocron, Syr’s new life was in shambles. He had no desire for revenge, however, as that was not the Jedi Way he had been taught. Rather, he sought to find others, a new Temple. He never found it, but he did manage to make his way t the planet Bellassa by the age of 50, where he resides still, trying to find the Silver Jedi Council and join their ranks, though such a group, as he found, is not so easily found by a Geonosian Jedi.


Nantix-Class Territorial Defense Starfighter, unaltered from its factory form except that it has a Class 4.7 Hyperdrive, a modified power unit, and a deflector shield generator.


None, as of yet


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