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Synth Meat B

Lyssa Io

The Daughter of Blades
  • Intent: To create and updated form of Veg Meat

  • Classification: Synthetic Chicken Meat
  • Method of Consumption: Orally. Can be consumed numerous times a day
  • Average Life: 2 years unrefrigerated. 3 if refrigerated. Passes through regular bodies like normal
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: Composed of Nutrients which have immense nutritional value and helps the body resist disease and poison for 72 hours by a high degree afterward. No side effects. No side effects
  • Synthetic Meat which helps the body resist disease and poison for a few hours afterward
  • Cheaper to produce and field than actual meat
  • Lacks the unhealthy products in real meat
  • Can last for up to two years without refrigeration
  • Cheap: Due to taking months mastering the manufacture of a custom formula of Nutrient Paste and Enzymes, developed specifically for this product, it is only a quarter as expensive to transport as real chicken meat
  • Resistor: When consumed, it boosts the immune system, helping a body resist disease and poison to a high degree
  • Healthy: In general, consuming it cleanses the body's organs of harmful substances
  • Keeps well: Can last up to two years without refrigeration
  • Sonic: Sonic Weapons degrade the meat Heavily
  • Ion: Ion weapons can slightly poison the meat (albeit NEVER lethally)
  • Heavier: Denser than normal chicken meat
  • Unrefrigerated Taste: When cooked without refrigeration it has an extremely gamey taste

Synth Meat B is highly nutritious Synthetic Meat that keeps well, is cheaper to field and transport than real meat, and helps one stay resistant to poison and disease for a relatively short time after. Experimenting in the food market line, House Io plans to flood the Scar Worlds with a product that will surely win them allegiances and capital throughout it...
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